living in miami

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    Ok, here it goes. As I said on my comment above, it is what you make of it. MIA, NY, LA can't change the way you are/feel/think. I shouldn't say it cuz I know you're pretty smart person and all, but it sounds deep eh?

    Beach? Well, you can find anything there. From douches, to beautiful women, to any type of food you can imagine and a good eclectic mix of nationalities. I always believed this is a major plus. You learn lots of stuff, culture, etc...

    Traffic? It's a bit of a pain. Lots of people live here and you might encounter some major traffic jams, but like in every other city, if you know your way around or learn the shortcuts, you're fine. BTW, I lived up north for a few years and noticed that cities like Tampa for example have 2 or 3 main roads. If you have to take them, you're fucked. Not in Miami! There's always a way around and all streets and avenues seem to connect with each other, making it easy to drive, even if you get lost.

    Food? Incredible. Everything you can imagine.

    Art? Do I really have to go into this? It's everywhere and it keeps growing.

    Social life? Great. There's always something happening and your network increases tremendously. You meet interesting people all the time, and even a trip to the mall can get interesting.
    Nightlife? Again, you can find anything you want. From the ultra posh clubs, to underground joints or pretty good hotels/lounges or toned-down bars and restaurants. No matter where you go tho, you'll always find beautiful women and a good scene.

    Spanish? Always a plus, specially depending on your location. There are lots of different nationalities here and most of the people speak spanish. I have friends and family that don't speak a word of spanish and they survive perfectly fine!

    Location? Well, there's the beach. I think CALLES can tell you more about that. He's single and lives there. I have a family and moved towards a more burb-ish type of area which is very nice. It's a little expensive, but worth it if you have a fam and want some peace. If you want something fancier, check out Brickell ave. or even downtown area. There are tons of new condos and lofts with great location and beautiful views. Coral Gables is more residential and expensive, as a single guy I don't know if you'll find much there. Regarding the other hoods that were mentioned (little haiti, little Havana, etc..) I would stay away from them. There's nothing interesting there and are the type of hoods you avoid on every city.

    Hope this helps, if you still have questions or would like more in depth email me, I'll be glad to help although I just moved back after 4 years so I'm still catching up ;)

    You may want to also check with CALLES, he's a local celebrity and will give you some good advice.

    Now, in the meantime, make sure you change your sn to ALL CAPS!

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