Intern Workshop?

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • 20 Responses
  • pressplay0

    Hard times... you have to compete against 4 other guys in some weird roleplay not to get a proper job but an one year (!) internship, which basically means that you work as hard as everybody else in the company from day one but only getting paid a tenth...

    • Its within a sandwhcih course and you get 20k and working within a FTSE company, i wouldnt complain!grafisk
    • 20k for a placement is awesome. I was happy with 18k on mine in central London.orrinward
    • Could you not interview them, and then give one of them the bloody job.pillhead
    • this sounds ok grafisk, didn‘t know about your policies... a lot of shit going on with internships these days thoughpressplay
    • I'm with pillhead, this is an unprofessional move. What's wrong with a portfolio review and interview?Andrew_D
    • You probably have a good idea that one candidate is stronger than the rest, save the others some embarrassment.Andrew_D

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