Moving to New York

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • monospaced0

    With that budget you should be able to find a decent place in Manhattan. Anywhere on the east side should suit you well, really. No matter what, you're just a few subway stops from work, and always close to the action.

    Check out
    Find a broker, if you want to pay someone to do a lot of the work for you

    Also, how did you come up with that budget? I only ask because you might want to go lower or higher depending on your actual salary. I had to reassess my apt spend after a few months here.

    • I currrently live in Venice CA and thats abt my budget here, but of course my apt here is much bigger than I imagine I would get in NYdragonfruit
    • in NYdragonfruit
    • Interesting. You might want to drop your price range and spend more on food. But not having a car will help.monospaced
    • Keeping the same salary as in Venice?monospaced
    • im getting a slight raise in salary in NY & I just quit smoking so 200$ more in my pocket per month !dragonfruit

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