So... Election 2012

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • GeorgesII0

    please I know you all want to show your candidate is better,
    but I don't care, I just wanted to know if you actually went and voted,
    keep the rest for the politics thread

    • Why is important to you? You're not a citizen and you hate Amerikka. Just more George pot stirring?TheBlueOne
    • At least your a consistent gadflyTheBlueOne
    • will you shut the fuck up once in your life TBO, to be critical of the way a government act doesn't mean you hate the country, will you get it once for all in your knob head,GeorgesII
    • will you get it once for all in your knob head,GeorgesII
    • are you 10 years old? or do I have to explain to you what your government is doing around the world in your name?GeorgesII
    • *yawn*TheBlueOne
    • Yeah. You mean the government I vote for and have been protesting against since you were born?TheBlueOne
    • Yes, please educate me, knob.TheBlueOne
    • And Italy is a fucking fountain of functionality. Why not post something abou that dysfunction?TheBlueOne
    • why don't you? you seem to be knowledgeable in everything. I'll keep on criticising your gov until you stop bringing democracy around the world and start taking care of your own shitGeorgesII
    • around the world and start taking care of your own shit, the shit that pisses me off is that you seem to be politically active yet never criticizes what your government does, I've yet to see you utter a single critic of your foreign policy and if you didn't realize everytime someone farts in the white house, thousand dies in a 3rd world country, get your shit together manGeorgesII
    • to see you utter a single critic of your foreign policy and if you didn't realize everytime someone farts in the white house, thousand dies in a 3rd world country, get your shit together manGeorgesII
    • thousand dies in a 3rd world country, get your shit together man and stop military incursions around this planetsGeorgesII
    • Your former PM is going to do time, talk about that.DrBombay

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