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    I started juicing after seeing Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. Way better than the supersize me documentary by way of story telling and content. We got this DVD for free when we purchased our Breville and haven't regretted the purchase since.

    Things you should know going into it. Juicing is not the same as blending first and foremost. Juicing extracts micronutrients and gives them to you in usable form where as blended fruits and veggies still need to be broken down more. For every one apple or piece of kale juiced you would have to eat 5-8 more raw or blended to get the same input of nutrients.

    Second, it's time consuming. For every "batch" you make (4 kale leaves, 4 celery, 1 cucumber, 2 green apples, 1" ginger, 1/2 lemon) which yields only 24oz. requires a vegetable and device cleanup time of about 20 minutes not to mention the time for purchasing fresh vegetables.

    Finally, cost. Don't be fooled into thinking you need organic for juicing, not true. However, for every 24oz (3 Servings of 8oz per meal for me) runs about 6 bucks, which is not bad but I also add other ingredients like spinach etc.

    Benefits, I can tell you that the benefits are unreal. in a little over a week i lost 10lbs and had the energy to cycle 10 miles a day. Now, a lot of that was water weight, but my energy was through the roof and required less tired/crash feeling after meals because my body didn't have to break down other garbage and blood sugar spikes.

    If you are looking to feel better, lose weight, get off medication and just be healthier all around, juicing is a great option. I think we are all just used to prepackaged meals and convenience of fast food but if we are willing to unlearn those habits YOU will notice a huge difference in the way you feel, think and recover.

    • awesome film, that "hungry for change" and "forks over knives" completely changed the way i eatscarabin

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