We are heading into a wall

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • ETM0

    C'mon. All the people who keep preaching about oil and get on their high horses and are all "I don't own a car, I use public transportation" or "I bike", or "I drive a hybrid." That is excellent, and we ALL need to do more of that. But that doesn't eliminate your usage or carbon footprint. Gimme a break!! How much plastic shit, boated over from China do you have filling a closet? Do you know how far away your food is shipped? Your clothes? By boat then truck? How about food? 100 mile challenge?... virtually impossible. Most local ecologies can only grow a few types of fruits or vegetables, especially our northern one.

    So we ALL need to reduce, but get out of my bloody ear with how we're killing the world while you enjoy your coal generated electricity, natural gas generated heat and type to me on your computer made of plastics (petroleum product) and precious metals (gold, silver) shipped to a dock in China by truck, boated over, then driven to your store or delivered to you door by fuel. It's not realistic. Come up with something real and substantial for people to do. Most of these documentaries just fear monger, not help people change. If we hit a wall in petroleum generation and consumption, how much have you really ACTUALLY done? How much energy do you waste with your computer running while you fap to ScarJo pics? :)

    Preach to me by carrier pigeon when you are picking berries in the woods and snaring rabbits, wearing a loin cloth that wasn't made in Bangladesh and I will afford you all the credit and merit I can offer.

    Until then, lets all do realistic carbon reduction methods that actually help and not preach BS that achieves nothing. I am guilty of EVERYTHING I mention above, I recognize that. I work to reduce that. Drive less, buy less consumer goods, more local products. But in the end, you can;t live a modern lifestyle and not be a hyprocrit. Best recognize that.

    End rant.

    • you lost me at carbon footprint,
      now I'll go kill myself a dolphin

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