Online portfolio

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • rasp0

    i did try to give constructive critisism by saying you need more design pieces in there.

    its hard to say why the work looks dated if you honestly cant tell why we say that.

    its just all been done a long time ago. (the whole look and feel) and the work hasnt been strong enough to stand the test of time as the style looks, well outdated.

    To me it seems like if it had been around in 96 it would have been cool, but now.. well weve all seen it and gone past it.

    Your in the UK i take it? you should have a look to see what UK (and other) good designers are producing these days, if your wanting to work in the industry.

    get some design books, gather some research, take in whats good and work out whats not.

    seeing a peice of good design is like hearing a good idea. it makes you think "shit, i wish i'd thought of that"

    keep at it, im not saying im shit hot, im not saying you shit. all im doing is trying to be honest. I hardly ever look at these 'crit this' threads because usually I cant be arsed to type out long replies like these :)

    anyway, heres a link to a list of websites that are currently producing (what I consider to be) good graphic design.…

    sorry for bad spelling, grammer, puntuation but im sleepy and busy.

    I hope this helps somehow.

    if you think im a twat fair enough, but i was trying to help.


    ps: you said the site was temporary so i didnt comment on that. (like the other guy did( so hopefully this IS of use to you.

    check the links. there a re a lot of good companies/designers in there.

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