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  • 7point340

    have a few good memories from my vacation but one in particular that i can't shake was from the last day of the trip.

    we had packed up the car and went down to the lobby for breakfast. there was an english family staying in our hotel which we had seen a few times at breakfast and the like with a little boy about the age of my son, i would guess. (2.5 - 3 yrs old) they happened to be seated right behind my girlfriend and i happened to look over as the boy, for no reason, picks up his cup of juice and instead of drinking it pours it over his head. the mother grabs him as fast as she could to stop him but he had already managed to pour 95% of the juice all over himself. he had a look of shock like he didn't expect that reaction, and his mother just said, "why did you do that, you daft thing! you daft thing." she repeated it a few times. "now you'll be all sticky, you daft thing." the kid just sat there as she mopped him off, looking completely confused. i handed her some napkins.

    funny and cute and completely unexpected all around.

    i had no reason to share this other than it's burned into my brain for some reason. that and the use of the word "daft" over and over had me smiling.

    • HAHAHAHA Daft indeed. Nice one.SkyPoo
    • ahahhhhah
    • hahahJaline
    • I actually remember the last time I poured a liquid over my head to get a laugh.
    • Only 2 years ago actually... got a lot of laughs though.
    • hahah, greatjonatne
    • gosh you're so wacky and zany! it must be great to be around you!!!

      I bet you're not annoying as fuck at all
    • i bet you're not the slightest bit annoying as fuck
    • are you talking about me or flavorful?7point34
    • flavorful
    • I am wacky and zany! It is great to be around me!!
  • locustsloth0

    Welcome back 7.34, i can now unfold from my fetal position.

    Your story reminds me of when i was a kid and i'd be riding in the back seat of my parents car. i specifically remember going over this bridge one day and the window was open and i had a nearly uncontrollable urge to throw my stuffed animal out the window and over the bridge. i didn't, but because of my catholic upbringing, i thought the devil was making me want to do it. i wonder if the daft kid had the same impulse

    • locustsloth, i was worried about you. hahahaha about catholic upbringing. that shit will fuck a kid up.7point34
    • i should know. i used to be terrified of listening to music that might be considered "evil" because i thought it may possess my soul7point34
    • ... bring up demons from hell to torment me. i remember being scared of NIN and tool in middle school and highschool7point34
    • You're a tool.
  • 7point340

    at first though i read your story and laughed my ass off because i misunderstood and thought you said you wanted to throw your stuffed animal out the window but didn't because of your catholic upbringing.

  • ********

    fucking meta

    • get a room!7point34
    • that's Mette, not meta, ffs
    • quit your bragging, meta fucker!7point34
    • fuck this and fuck that
    • i like your style7point34
    • you're fucking a typeface?janne76
  • locustsloth0

    Well, i guess that was part of it, 7.34. Funny, cause as a teen, when my catechism teacher said that Hotel California was about the Church of Satan, i actually started liking the song, whereas i hadn't cared for it beforehand

    • hallelujah
    • has something to say about that
  • 7point340

    fucking don henley! i always knew the eagles were evil but i never suspected that they were actually promoting satanism.

    i remember watching a film in highschool which spoke about "Evil" music with subliminal messages and which bands were satan worshippers and how you could tell. a laugh fucking riot. this of course came at a time where i actually started realizing that the stuff i had been spoonfed and guilted into believing may not have been an absolute truth. i remember one part in film actually made me laugh out loud and had half the calss turn around and glare at me, including the teacher, because a) i was the only one that laughed and b) because it was apparently something that shouldn't be funny. (like a kid listening to a song and killing himself or something like that) for the record i was laughing at the interpretation and the poor correlation they had cooked up and not at the dead child.

    i remember this film discussing AC/DC and kiss as being evil because they had lightning bolts in their names and lightning was aparently a sign of satan. or some such other nonsense.

    sidenote: my animated supnado gif features LOL lightning. does this mean i am laughing at satan or with him? you decide.

    • meta
    • You are in leugue with Old Scratch, my friend, no denyng itlocustsloth
  • Nairn0

    K, so the remnants of the tomato juice that attacked my laptop that I've not been able to wipe out have obviously congealed into a syrupy mass of slightly-green smelling ick.Now I have to *slamdunk* every key on the front and left hand side of this keyboard.

    Great.Jussssst great.

    • Get yourself a little toffee hammer. Get two, and you type like a xylophonist!SkyPoo
    • i don't have hands, i type with hooks. that's how i always look.
    • rice?Jaline
    • Say what you crazy bitch?Nairn
    • Hmm. 'Bitch' sounded funnier in my head than it looks typed there in black and white.Nairn
    • mice?Jaline
  • emukid0

    i wonder if the october surprise thread has anything to do with chicks with dicks.

    • well i was wondering if it had anything to do with your autumn project.7point34
    • autumn is a tranny isn't she?7point34
    • that little man-bitch!emukid
    • if she gets out of line just he-bitch, man-slap her7point34
    • How can shim slap?!?
  • Fariska0

    Sulphuric acid, that will wipe away the problem

    • And toffee hammers.SkyPoo
    • < Listen to the expertFariska
    • I could tell you some stories about sulfuric acid, but they'd be made up and not that exciting.Jnr_Madison
    • GO ON! GO ON!
      Actually, don't.
    • shut your whore moth.

      *get it, wink wink, get!
    • OLOLOLOL!!!!
      Actually, if I'm honest, I don't get it.
    • Is it anything to do with the fact that it now transpires Moth isn't actually retarded in any classical sense?SkyPoo
  • ********

    Ugh ... my apartment doesn't have electricity, my work doesn't have electricity, I'm apparently in service recovery with a client ... but have no where to work and the people I work with don't seem to realize this. Oh, and I have a client who is on site that I'm blowing off as a result. The sheer lack of foresight in the decision making from the top is enough to give me an aneurysm.

    I'm finally at a place with electricity and wifi and to be honest I have absolutely no desire to do anything. There are 125+ e-mails to go through just from SAT/SUN/MON morning.

    However, yesterday was tits enough to overshadow the fact today is an absolute shit show.

    • oh yeah? what kind of tits was it? a perky b, ample c, fake, natural, male?7point34
    • that's why you weren't here!!!
    • A/B... haha? Yea, I was gone from the PVN all day Saturday too hanging out with JazX actually, haha.
    • I wonder if my apartment complex got their power back. Pittsburgh got pwned by Ike!
    • It was raining here a lot, but it stopped rather quickly. I still dislike rain though.Jaline
  • Jnr_Madison0

    emo, I was touched you had asked me and I tried to provide useful comments. When I found out I was not 'special' and you had, in fact, whored it out to everyone and their neighbour, I felt in competition, I felt let down, I felt... dirty. I haven't been the same since.

    • i feel nothing as i wasn't even asked7point34
    • is this about my web cam show?emukid
    • 734, on friday i posted in this thread asking for volunteers to help crit a shit logo. and they hated it as expected.emukid
  • locustsloth0

    So was killthefish actually 7.34 or not? Enquiring minds want to know

    • No, killthefish tries too hard to be off the wall.Jnr_Madison
    • who's killthefish? jamal jenkins?7point34
    • Don't think so. There's something different about him/it...Jaline
    • goddammit! and don't i try, Jnr? don't i try?7point34
    • Jnr, you have mortally wounded me.killthefish
  • Jaline0

    I'm in my Audio/Video class right now and we're going to edit video soon.

    I have two projects due next week. At least I'm not as swamped as some of my friends are. I guess we need 2-3 weeks to grasp the software first.

    • What software?locustsloth
    • pen and paper
    • Mainly Adobe Premiere Pro, but we discuss Final Cut Studio (which I've used before) and AVID.Jaline
  • emukid0

    jnr, i can't undo the past but i can offer you this song. it sums up how bad i feel about letting you down:…

    and if it's any consolation, i didn't share second and third round of comps with anyone else because i knew they wouldn't feel bad about telling me how shit the work was.

    • this isn't meta enough except the shit part
    • don't feel bad. i have been held up on completing my new portfolio for months now because i can't figure out what i want o do with the logo7point34
    • .. to do with the logo. it's kinda big deal though i want a proper logo this time. first time i would be ordering bussiness cards7point34
    • why don't you let us help you?
    • we do proper, what?
  • D_Dot0

    Have stopped looking for a house. We've decided to move back to Vancouver... I hope it works out.

  • ********

    CSI NY

    • CSI MeeuwenGreedo
    • far from it, I'm afraidhallelujah
    • we don't have a csi
  • hallelujah0

    who's gefiltefish?

    • eine rotte fische denk ich
    • I'll take jewish foods for $400, alex?Greedo
    • killthefish
    • add elastic. Please.killthefish
  • ********

    does anyone eat that stuff anymore outside the carpathian mountains?

    • i've only ever seen the bumper stickers, never the actual foodGreedo
  • janne760

    i wanted to start a thread but then i figured it does not quite belong here even though i am curious, anyway, i did not start it.

    • email me
    • It was design-related then?Nairn
    • almost..janne76
    • intelligent design, in some remote interpretational way..janne76
    • more like NSFW imhojanne76
  • 7point340

    i imagine i would be curious to read janne's imaginary thread

    • hi, how are you
    • hey tom, how's the website going?7point34
    • ah well, getting html coded
    • then I need to find some javascript/php guy
    • welcome back, sir. i hope you're sufficiently refreshed to bless us with more hilarious gifs...Greedo
    • i can't be bothered to read older posts to see if you've answered this question but how was your vacation?emukid
    • some british kid dumped juice on himself in 7.34's presence, this much i know. he has that effect on people.Greedo
    • it was nice... too short but fun.
      i don't have any current muses in the animated gif department, but we shall see
    • that much is true, in fact, spooky has confirmed that he does the same the second i sign on qbn in the morning.7point34
    • Kersplooooshk.SkyPoo