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  • Horp0

    Jesus Fucking Glorious H Christopher Ecclestone I think I am going to leave my wife.

    She's been in London all day Xmas shopping then she stops off at the DVD shop.. rents Mama Mia.

    For the fucking love of god I have endured 15 minutes and I hate, HATE womankind already. All this fucking bumptious fanny referencing, breaking spasmodically into a dreadful warble of part of an Abba song, then sighing and then FUCKING GIGGLING AT A REFERENCE TO SEX and all of them.. FUCKING ALL OF THEM SOUND LIKE FUCKING SMURFS ON HELIUM... AND ITS ALL FUCKING DIZZY LADYFUN AND FANNYTASTIC FROLICS AND I COULDN'T FUCKING STAND ANOTHER SECOND OF IT... and then I glanced up momentarily to see who was on the screen making the awful advertisement for all that is wrong with the contemporary female of the species AND ITS FUCKING MERYL STREEP FOR FUCKS SAKE. ONE OF THE FINEST ACTORS OF THE TIME, AND SHE'S MINCING ABOUT AND PUSHING HER ARSE OUT IN TIME TO THE MUSIC WITH JULIE WALTERS AND SOME OTHER MAJORFAIL.

    God, I just... God. I cannot fucking stand it. They are fucking murdering shit songs in the worst possible voices, hamming it and hoaring it with gay abandon as though they truly care more for sisterkind than their own careers AND I THINK I'M GOING TO SMASH SOME CARS UP NOW.

    • hahahahahaJaline
    • I do love Meryl Streep. Eh, I guess she's good and old enough to start acting in shite films.Jaline
    • You mean EcclestonJaline
    • Probably Jaline Probably. Now is not a good time to be a female correcting my speling. I am anti-women right now. = )Horp
    • HAHAHmoamoa
    • I ment the note nt the postmoamoa
    • You are male moamoa, so you do not need to explain yourself. Come, let us hunt wilderbeast together in the woods.Horp
    • I LIKE YOU SPOOKY.Jaline
    • Please post your complaints at… and I will reply asap.Jaline
    • Please do Jaline, I need someone right now. I think I am going to go gay if this DVD goes on much longer.Horp
    • MON then, let's have some real meenhood in the changing roomsFariska
    • this played on my flight back and my respect for meryl strep went down the toilet._salisae_
    • Just by one film? That sucks. I will not watch this film, thankfully.Jaline
    • Okay Salisae, you just bought yourself a ticket back into my favour. Its going to have to be like this now...Horp
    • ... one woman at a time, and only after significant screening and a questionnaire about Mamma Mia.Horp
    • And you have to denounce womankind and wear drag.Horp
    • And change your name of course.Horp
    • And also beat up a weakling to prove you have a mannish lack of sensitivity and compassion.Horp
    • You're in too Jaline for vowing never to watch this dribble. From now on you are Dave. Salisae is James.Horp
    • Dave? I want a unique name. Like sdkjsadhgsjdghdsgJaline
    • Sorry, being too womanly.Jaline
    • this is getting kinky_salisae_
    • Your Damn right it is James. I like your brogues and sock suspenders. Very Cool.Horp
    • Dave, please don't express any more desire for flamboyant names. Its not the male way.Horp
    • Horp really loves Mamma Mia
  • Horp0

    BTW Jaline, thaks for ffffounding my Citroen piece.

    = - ))

    Did you know that project is in the margin on the left, not just on the font cover? I only ask because I'm not sure its obvious that new projects are slowly getting stuck in there (then taken down again when I realise I still can't make nice layouts for projects on my website).

    But anyway, I digress. Pierce Brosnan is now debasing mandom by dancing a sort of healthy hands-on-hips look at my funny cock-pump dance while the females all push it out and warble gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight out of tune by so many octaves they're actually singing from a seperate hymn sheet sellotaped to the ceiling.

    • It's really nice. I didn't notice it anywhere else, actually. Will look now.Jaline
    • Found it! Cool, gives it more contextJaline
    • Oh there's no need. I just wondered. I think I need some red "NEW PROJECT"signifiers.Horp
    • That Bhutto piece is lovely.Jaline
    • I like the GQ pieces as well. Dirty!Jaline
    • Thanks!Horp
  • Horp0

    I swear it wont be long now before we have a TV show devoted to robust ruddy faced women using their vaginas to strip logs while they talk frankly about their disappointing experiences with men.

    • I still want to see another little Spooky with wild hair, headphones, and a drawing tool running around.Jaline
    • Not while this DVD still plays. No siree.Horp
    • IT WILL HAPPENJaline
    • On reflection, I don't know what this post means. I think it came from a misogynistic place and with hindsight...Horp
    • ... I regret it and would like to withdraw it. But not while the Mamma Mia DVD is still playing. I will withdraw it when the end credits roll.Horp
    • credits roll.Horp
  • omgitsacamera0

    PS3 + No HDMI cable = No bueno

    • Hello Hot stuff.Horp
    • hiomgitsacamera
    • Okay, I am not in unknown waters. I only just went gay a few minutes ago. Please advise next steps. Thx.Horp
    • not = now
      now in unknown waters.
    • Damn, my first date as a gay male and he snuck off.Horp
    • no homo
      not that there is anything wrong with that
    • Damn, my first date as a gay male and HE'S STRAIGHT.
      I suck at being gay.
  • chossy0

    can people please adhere to the rule that if loyd makes a post you do not under any circumstances type anything in the thread and if he types in someone else's thread then this is ignored also please.

    • Oh Sorry, I didn't know that was the plan. Will do Chossy, with pleasure.Horp
    • I like this rule. I have progressed to notes rather than posts. Now I will leave the notes too.Jaline
    • Its like a 12 step plan for Jaline. LOLHorp
    • Next you HAVE TO STOP CALLING HIM.Horp
    • Then, those text messages?

      Gotta go.
    • Eventually theday will come when you actually tell him you're leaving, and you pack a bag and YOU GO GIRL.Horp
    • I just threw up in my mouth a little.Jaline
    • I'm sorry Dave. I got a little carried away.Horp
    • Listen Jaline the picture I emailed you of me in the shower 'proud' doesn't normally make lassies beans up like :'(chossy
    • It did me Chossy to be honest, but only because there's sweetcorn stuck on the tip.Horp
    • chossy, you're quite lovely, don't worry about it.Jaline
  • chossy0

    I'm just chilling tonight working on a pals website, got a couple of beers and the site is looking fucking quality :D

    • I'm living in exile in the dining room while my wife has a degenerative sexual revolution in the lounge.Horp
    • she will be wanting 'organisms' when you next do some sexy love.chossy
    • No, I've already explained to her that for medical reasons she sadly just isn't capable of organisations.Horp
    • indeed.chossy
  • omgitsacamera0

    horp: move north to where i live
    you'll find someone in less than 2 min.

    • Thanks for the advice, but that date we just had on the last page was a disaster, so I'm going to remain heterosexual and will give...Horp
    • and I will give my wife one more chance.Horp
    • i feel badomgitsacamera
  • Horp0

    Okay, The DVD has finished so I'm going to re-enter the lounge now and squirt my musky scent everywhere, to reformat the chakras and purge the room of Wimmininity.

    Good Night the Blog.

  • chossy0

    I just had a lovely chat with my pal Craig from school :D good old craig he lives in Derby now with a lovely girl called helena but you have to say yellana I think.

    • Yeah, "Helenka" or "Helena" tend to be pronounced differently from how they are spelled. I knew a girl namedJaline
    • Helenka once and she was NUTS. She would randomly snap at me. I just ignored it.Jaline
    • oh dear me, you should have hit her on the lips with a judo chop or some shit like that yo!.chossy
    • Maybe. She was abnormally loud too. It was quite terrifying.Jaline
    • Loud women are appalling.chossy
  • hallelujah0

    but just so you know, Love Actually is still the worst movie of all time

    • i love that movieemukid
    • second only to garden state and crash. all of which are in my list of greatest movies ever made.emukid
    • Love Actually is so bad that I watch it whenever it's on tv so I can cringe with embarassmenthallelujah
    • but this is true of garden state as well. crash I still haven't seen, though I know I hate ithallelujah
    • There are worse movies. Like that one with Paris Hilton. Or that one with Britney Spears. But I see what you mean.Jaline
    • those are just trash movies. but there's a special place in hell for awful movies that think they're goodhallelujah
    • You mean if it has great actors and the audience loves it, hahaJaline
    • (I don't remember most of the film)Jaline
    • nothing can possible be worse than Meet Bill.
    • was that the prequel to kill bill?hallelujah
    • HEY NOWJaline
  • ********

    Looks like my job will be resurrected when I'm done with my parent leave in February or March.


  • ********

    Off to record the No Limit podcast. A full hour of music from the No Limit Record Label. It is one of the more ridiculous things we've done, if not thee, and I'm pretty excited.

    For those who don't know what type of music No Limit put out in the mid-late 90's I think this actual album cover says it all:

    Just utterly awful music, hahah.

    • hahaha, looks fantabulousJaline
    • good luck!Jaline
    • Fuck me, I'm only just evolving into this style of artwork now in 2008.Horp
  • locustsloth0

    Big Bear should do a country crossover album with these guys

  • Jaline0

    I'm going to make some simple banner ads for class. Sometimes I go overboard with the detail. It gets me higher marks, but also means that I spend almost double the time on my projects compared to other students. This could only mean something bad if I work for an actual company or client, right? Well...I guess I could work that out when the time comes.

    • flash banner ads, I mean.
      I guess, if I work for a client, I would have to bill extra, or pretend like I worked for less time than I did :/
    • time than I actually did :/
      Something tells me the industry doesn't work like that.
    • Better be over zealous at school. It gives you attitude to precision and detail.Fariska
    • And pushes you to find ways to achieve the same quality with less time.Fariska
    • It makes you a better designer overall :-)Fariska
    • OK, thanks. I never really knew much about clients and client work before this year.Jaline
  • locustsloth0

    Another Saturday night and blog ain't got nobody
    Krop got some money cause Adobe paid
    But how blog wished it had someone to talk to
    Blog's in an awful way

  • ********

    I was back at 4am. good music, nice girls.. but the atmosphere was not that great... and there where to much people.. you couldn't really move..
    I had to wait 30mins. to get a drink. didn't got drunk wich I think is good..
    and the dj slammed day 'n night like 10x in 2hours

  • Fariska0

    Friggin' cold here in London. This morning there was a white blanket over the garden and the road. Pity it already melted.

    • i'm still in your time zone but back in california where it is nice n warm. :p_salisae_
  • emukid0

    welcome back salisae. tell us about your trip.

    • cup a tea, love?_salisae_
    • i'm still uploading flickr. the photos will save me blathering for thousands of words apparently._salisae_
    • can never say no to tea. or cocaine. looking forward to the photos.emukid
  • chossy0

    I just met my ex in the shops there, :'( it sucked in every way possible, I loved her very much. Damned shame.

    • you are better off without her.emukid
    • it' was for the best. you know it.emukid
    • i don't know what the fuck i am talking about. please ignore me.emukid
    • It's alright, choss. QBN is here :)Jaline
    • oh God jaline, I doubt that helpskelpie
  • ********

    did she had her new one with her?

    • dumbasshallelujah
    • i was asking, because he said it sucked.. not to be .. an ass here...
    • I take it backhallelujah