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  • ********

    "dear stupids
    The point being addressed here is a body of work which is flagrantly derivative. A young person who is taking clichés and simply re-enforcing their ineffectiveness. It's the propagation of this fucked-up approach which will be the magnificent ruin of YOU all."

    • hahaahah a
    • this has been true since day one
    • we all do it
    • graphic design is about 99% bullshit
    • advertising 99.99
    • I had hoped to be worth more to the world than a graphic fucking designer.
    • hi Rand!
    • but fuck it, I'm lazy.
    • I still hold some hope! at least we can, um, communicate effectively. er.kelpie
    • I'm fat lazy and rich
    • maybe not rich
  • ********

    "dear stakeholders
    The point being addressed here is a body of work which is flagrantly brilliant. A young person who is taking clichés and simply re-enforcing their purpose. It's the propagation of this mashed-up 2.0 approach which will be the magnificent genius of all future sales."

    • painkillers talking
    • If you're pain kilers are talking, you might be on the wrong meds.Jorp
    • they assure me that I am normal
  • ********

    good day.

  • 7point340

    hahah Jorp?

    what did you do now?

  • Greedo0

    happy festivus

    • hahaha somehow that became a baltimore tradition. something to do with the ravens7point34
  • Nairn0

    'spose i'd better start my xmas shopping.


  • 7point340

    so tim how was brothers grimm?

    as stellar as you had hoped?

    *clings lovingly to 300

    • Brothers Grimm was SHEEEITE.Jorp
    • AH, we finally agree... *goes for a man-hug, pants accidentally drop7point34
  • Nairn0

    Resists urge to test multiple theories in one with deployment of

    Thread Title: Jesus
    Thread Content: Gay?

    • [insert *s where necessary]Nairn
    • ie. *Gay?*Nairn
    • http://www.distribut…7point34
    • hee hee, I actually hyuckled.Nairn
    • I think I might print that onto my Gran's xmas card...Nairn
    • haha i've also decided it should make the rounds to my family here the states as well.7point34
    • btw - i hate xmas, which is why i've not reciprocated seasonal greetings to you and all yet.. New Year, otoh..Nairn
    • 'otoh'.
      I might start saying that irl
    • ah well i meant no harm, you fucking scrooge. just an excuse to do something creative.7point34
    • haha i keed. that's why i wrote season's greetings. if you choose to celebrate new years instead then more power to you7point34
  • Jorp0

    I have an urge to buy something but there is nothing, nothing at all that seems worth buying.

    This year we decided Christmas was really about our kid, so we vowed to buy each other just one thing of some significance. In a panic, unable to think of anything at all, I saw a Mont Blanc leather wallet in a shop and said to my missus "Oh, Mont Blanc leatehr wallet".

    It was really expensive. It swallowed up the allowed amount perfectly. But... I just didn't really want a walllet. The one I've got is fine. So in the end I said "Don't bother, I don't want it" and since then I have wracked my branes for something, anything at all I might want, to replace it.


    I have asked everyone else to give the value of my present to a charity of their choice. Honestly, I did that becuase I just don't want a load of unwanted shit. But I do think I want one present from my missus... she has said "choose soemthing yourself".

    I've considered and itouch - WHY?
    A PSP - WHY?
    A PS3 - WHY?
    A Zoom H4 recorder - WHY?
    A Tascam digital 4-track - WHY?

    I just do not actually want for anything at all.

    = (

    • My advice - consider PS3 (it's a good bluray player, at least - avoid PSP (mine's sat unused for longer than I can imagine)Nairn
    • have her make a donation to a charity of your choice in the amount desired...Greedo
    • ...these days, it might actually do some goodGreedo
    • I test drove my PS2 earlier int he week and concluded I have no room in my life for TV games.Jorp
    • Plus, apart from one game, every game I ever bought for PS2 was utter shite. I fear that happening all over again. = (Jorp
    • tis the season, tim. no one needs anything. any gift will be superfluous. just pick one7point34
    • Sell me your PSP next year Nairn?Jorp
    • fo'sho, but some games are actually kind of worth it (Little Big Planet, World of Goo)Nairn
    • Gredo, I have done that with everyone else already. My entire Xmas is going to charity already. I just want to want one thing.Jorp
    • ... just want to want one thing.Jorp
    • This time next year I'll be a multi-billionaire, so I may deign to give it to you for free.Nairn
    • Howso Nairn?Jorp
    • erm..
      Raping your talent for application to designer- friendly goods?
    • Great!!!!!
      It'll cost you 20k though.
    • Mind you, you'd be a billionaire then too, so won't need my tech handmedownsNairn
    • (okay... I like you, so we'll agree on 6)Jorp
    • How's about, say, 6k?Nairn
    • damn!

    • blog regs:
      digdre: season one of Hogans Heroes
      janne76: a night out with Wes Anderson's tailor
      Snuggles: a Garrard turntable
      M_Ruin: 4 foot x 100 roll of 80 lb paper and sumi ink + brush
      _salisae_: Caran d'ache pencils
      Greedo: a dry floor or 500 diapers
      7.34: a snow shovel
      Chossy: a Winston 5 weight
      Jaline: an extra semester
      max_prophet: weekend in Brighton
      Jorp: a studio assistant who only makes good sammiches
      moamoa: a letterpress
      corvo2: Paul Valéry
      nairn: just whisky
      kelpie: more whisky
      francoisfido: DVD: Pierrot le Fou
      NotbyHand: alarm clock
      e-pill: a bell hop
      Calles: a twin
      omgitsacamera: wayfarers
      Jnr_madison: a canvas car cover
      locustloth: a freighter r/t to Panama
      Mronehundred: reissue of "those" greatest hits
      the rest of you: gfy

    • blog regs:

      Anderson's tailor
      Snuggles: a Garrard turntable
      M_Ruin: 4 foot x 100 roll of 80 lb paper and sumi ink + brush
      _salisae_: Caran d'ache pencils
      Greedo: a dry floor or 500 diapers
      7.34: a snow shovel
      Chossy: a Winston 5 weight
      Jaline: an extra semester
      max_prophet: weekend in Brighton
      Jorp: a studio assistant who only makes good sammiches
      moamoa: a letterpress
      corvo2: Paul Valéry
      nairn: just whisky
      kelpie: more whisky
      francoisfido: DVD: Pierrot le Fou
      NotbyHand: alarm clock
      e-pill: a bell hop
      Calles: a twin
      omgitsacamera: wayfarers
      Jnr_madison: a canvas car cover
      locustloth: a freighter r/t to Panama
      Mronehundred: reissue of "those" greatest hits
      the rest of you: gfy

    • blog regs:

      digdre: season one of Hogans Heroes
      M_Ruin: 4 foot x 100 roll of 80 lb paper and sumi ink + brush
      _salisae_: Caran d'ache pencils
      Greedo: a dry floor or 500 diapers
      7.34: a snow shovel
      Chossy: a Winston 5 weight
      Jaline: an extra semester
      max_prophet: weekend in Brighton
      Jorp: a studio assistant who only makes good sammiches
      moamoa: a letterpress
      corvo2: Paul Valéry
      nairn: just whisky
      kelpie: more whisky
      francoisfido: DVD: Pierrot le Fou
      NotbyHand: alarm clock
      e-pill: a bell hop
      Calles: a twin
      omgitsacamera: wayfarers
      Jnr_madison: a canvas car cover
      locustloth: a freighter r/t to Panama
      Mronehundred: reissue of "those" greatest hits
      the rest of you: gfy

    • seebelow
  • 7point340

    my ps2 has been sat at a friend's house for over a year.

    i had left a couple things there as my mother decided one day to kick me out of the house, and i never went back for them. last i checked they were still sitting neatly in the guest room, ps2 still plugged in to the tv.

    poor little guy

  • Jorp0

    I had no games console at all, then I was at a friend's house and he was playing a game called Black. A sort of sniper, shooter game. It was awesome. I was hooked completely. It was truly a free environment around which you could make your way in any direction you liked. It was just great.

    I went out and bought a PS2 and Black. Played it like crazy and finished it. So then I read on what were the great games to buy next. They were all miserable excuses for fun. You only really had one choice in anything... do exactly what the game requires you to do or nothing happens, go only where the games allows you to go and just forget about the 'expansive environment' your character seems to be in, you have a little chicken run to slide back and forth along, thats it.

    I wasted a fortune trying to buy just one other game that was any good. All of them were shit.

    PS2 rant over.

    • I am going out now so apoligies for walking out of any PS2 discussion that may ensue.Jorp
      > Mac Demo
    • i buy all the stupid little games. they're fairly easy but they are reasonably fun to play7point34
    • ratchet and clank, et al.7point34
    • those and square enix games that take hours of time that i don't have anymore7point34
  • ********

    I'm not usually around during the "holidays" but I think the few times I have been, I seem to remember the PVN going to shit more than usual. Which in itself is saying a lot, but this too will pass.

  • ********

    blog regs:

    digdre: season one of Hogans Heroes
    janne76: a night out with Wes Anderson's tailor
    Snuggles: a Garrard turntable
    M_Ruin: 4 foot x 100 roll of 80 lb paper and sumi ink + brush
    _salisae_: Caran d'ache pencils
    Greedo: a dry floor or 500 diapers
    7.34: a snow shovel
    Chossy: a Winston 5 weight
    Jaline: an extra semester
    max_prophet: weekend in Brighton
    Jorp: a studio assistant who only makes good sammiches
    moamoa: a letterpress
    corvo2: Paul Valéry
    nairn: just whisky
    kelpie: more whisky
    francoisfido: DVD: Pierrot le Fou
    NotbyHand: alarm clock
    e-pill: a bell hop
    Calles: a twin
    omgitsacamera: wayfarers
    Jnr_madison: a canvas car cover
    locustloth: a freighter r/t to Panama
    Mronehundred: reissue of "those" greatest hits
    the rest of you: gfy

    • pain talking
    • I love you too man, but I can't drink whisky without barfing. I'd rather have the cash to be honestkelpie
    • Who the hell is nilsnihil?
    • Oh yeah flavorful: you get a d90 for those moments we never see pics of

    • haha why did i get a snow shovel? can i trade for kelpie's whiskey?7point34
    • kelpie no whisky? well then, how about a sharwama?
    • thanks for making me nr1
    • is that really hot? I can't eat spicy food due to a congenital parasitic disorder. cash? really I'm not fussykelpie
    • Thanks!
    • * Smashes d90 against ground. *
    • i call a yankee swapGreedo
    • None of you fucks are ever getting your hands on pictures of me again, haha.
    • don't act like you didn't love the attention you whore. you probably jacked off to half of those pictures7point34
    • hahahahahahah
    • is that the Criterion edition??? :)))
    • bien sur
    • Ooh! Thanks. The surprise on Christmas morning will be "which" greatest hits.Fungal_Bum
  • Jaline0

    Wii = lots of fun. I almost think it's worth it just to have so that you can play with other people when they come over. In my case, I have lots of people living here already.

    PS3 = great graphics, Blu-ray player is useful; I don't play it much b/c I don't have time. My brother and sister play FIFA all the time though.

    iPod Touch = I love it. While there are certain games and apps not available for it (ie. Ocarina), the second generation does have mic capabilities and a speaker. You just have to buy the mic. But, obviously, for most games and apps, these things are not important. It's more like the iPhone now (you can even do voip stuff), but you don't pay phone bills. The only downside is that you can't use the internet everywhere, as you can only use it in places where they allow you to use it (ie. your own house, coffee place, school). But it's still good. It just means you can't randomly use the internet in your car.

    • Oh man do I love FIFA!
    • I want them to play NHL more, lolJaline
    • Haha, the only games I play are FIFA and NHL 09.
  • ********

    Jorp.. . what is it with all your usernames dude.

  • ********

    canuck: your father's Oldsmobile

  • Jaline0

    "Detroit may has been stealing Canadian water for 44 years.

    It seems the Motor City's drinking-water intake pipe extends about 100 yards across the international boundary in the Detroit River, and it's been siphoning as much as 32 billion gallons a year since 1964 without a water-taking permit.

    "The City of Detroit was unfamiliar with Ontario requirements for water takings and has never had a permit to take water," the Ontario Ministry of the Environment told the Hamilton Spectator.

    Alerted to the water grab when Detroit conducted a screening under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act for maintenance work on its southwest water treatment plant in 2006, the ministry now plans to exempt the city from provincial regulations.

    The public has until Jan. 31 to comment on a proposal to let Detroit continue to operate the intake without a permit "because of the historical nature and unique circumstances."

    It would also be exempt from fees "as administering the charge would be onerous and difficult to enforce."


    • < (P.S., they need a better editor, but the story is true)Jaline
  • Greedo0

    nilsnihil: andy warhol's & susan sontag's diaries

  • Jaline0

    Now that this is out, you'll have to get the PS3 for sure:

  • 7point340

    nilsnihil: presentation folders and the fucking font