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  • kalkal1

    High blood pressure medication, wegovy, stopped vaping.

    ☑ 40 y/o now

    • Still young. Relax. Eat well. Exercise. Cut alcohol. More sex. And test again next year. Stop the medication as soon as the pressure is lower. Good luck!OBBTKN
    • More sex is more important than the other mandatory ;)OBBTKN
    • Happy birthday!sted
    • thanks, not getting the sex and I don't drink already so this is a pretty low baseline but I appreciate the sentiment lolkalkal
  • hydro747

    So..Landed a 'contract' gig with EA, assisting Madden and NCAA. Dream gig... but the problem.. I just feel like the old guy at that company vs being someone who knows their shit..

    Won't lie, feels weird. Also feels weird when I make a joke they chomp it up as 'dad jokes', when I'm like.. uhh , no it wasn't...

    • Fuck them. If they had any brains in their empty heads they’d know how lucky they are to be working with such an immense talent._niko
    • Don’t try to fit in, be like zlatan, you’re the shit. Ok maybe that’s extreme lol but maybe be the chill mentor, the miagi to their snot nosed Daniel san_niko
    • do the work, take the money, and get out as quickly as possible. EA are a shit company to work for.face_melter
    • Nothing you can do about your age, so don't sweat it!stoplying
    • I smell a discrimination lawsuit...

    • Nah. It’s fun... just a bit twilight zone at timeshydro74
  • SimonFFM35

    I became a member here 20 years ago today. That's a damn long time ago (see my selfie from a time before smartphones)! Back then I was a programmer and web designer, with a fresh degree from the Academy of Visual Arts.

    Then I got interested in naked women and since 2012 I've been a Playboy photographer, published three books and am just starting a new chapter in my life, finding a new place to live (which is more difficult than I thought) and trying to express myself more artistically.

    Although I've only met Continuity in person so far, I'm a very regular on QBN. Sometimes I think, damn, there's too much complaining and ranting here, we're all losing focus completely, I need a break, but then the QBN community is always good for a surprise. I'm happy when one of you has created something. Whatever. These are my favorite posts when I see how many different disciplines we work in.

    • you only got interested in naked women at 2012? what was going on before then?pango
    • I mean in photographing them.SimonFFM
    • XD I jest!pango
    • Prior to 2012 Simon was passionate about all things Legos. He once considering dating a Lego, but that was one bridge too far, he's now just a Playboy ‎لاutopian
    • I made the switch from Playmobil to Playboy, fair enough.SimonFFM
    • :)utopian
    • flol, jesus christ, pango.
      Was great to have coffee with you, Simon, we need to do that again soon!
    • Happy 20 Simon ;)

      And nice to see your work too.
    • Wow, 20 Years. How do you know the exact day? What happened then?Longcopylover
    • I have no idea, how I know the day. I thought I read it somewhere here.SimonFFM
    • Nice! It would be cool to see more of your artistic projects.Chimp
    • Thanks, I will do my best to share them some day.SimonFFM
    • September 20, 2004 7:20 AM
      It's great to have you around.
    • You need to get drunk and listen to the SimonFFM verse in the QBN anthem right now:…jagara
    • (make it Champagne)jagara
    • "Then I got interested in naked women"

      We've all been there.
    • Take my/our +1’s you s**t!

      ; )
    • I love your thoughtful contributions today and everyday.misterhow
    • love the positive vibes :) and i totally agree with you :) i love seeing how all you folks are doing, and i LOOOOVE seeing new stuff in here...exador1
    • especially in the useful thead :)exador1
    • Are you famous anywhere besides QBN?bainbridge
    • give us an estimate of how many nudes you've seen through your lenses in these 20 years. and congratszaq
    • :)YakuZoku
    • Happy 20th :)mort_
    • Only famous here due to misunderstanding of my nickname.SimonFFM
    • "Then I got interested in naked women...."

      There you go, be the change you want to see in the world :)
    • Happy anniversary!
      Pango, LOL, that was brilliant.
    • I admire your artistic vision and the way you’ve discovered your passion and pursued it.Beeswax
  • jagara4

    Lost my temper with a college, who insists on doing things the most convoluted and rigid ways, while I'm trying to work smarter.

    But I'm the idiot, I lost my temper, I was out of line, I recognize this.

    However, now she calls me a misogynist. I criticized her work. I said nothing about her gender. For fucks sake.

    • You are fucked. It's an ego thing, surely.OBBTKN
    • Fucked as in trouble, or fucked as in fucked up person?jagara
    • A colleague pulled the gender card in a totally non-gendered dispute the other day, just to shut it down and not admit fault. Lost a lot of respect for them.BuddhaHat
    • In trouble. If she has brought up the subject of gender, it seems that she has no other arguments and whenever gender is discussed, things do not end well.OBBTKN
    • Or at least, the times that the same thing has happened to me. Good luck!OBBTKN
    • Well, this is Denmark and not the US, so I doubt I'm in real trouble. I'm sending her a sincere apology today, that' she'll see tuesday.jagara
    • @OBBTKN Oh, sorry, you're from Germany(?). Don't know how things work there.jagara
    • She probably can not define misogyny.
      Pulling out the gender cards mean that she knows she is the one in the wrong.
    • try and stay on topic in your apology, keep it simple and honest. Say what you mean, without being mean. Sorry you're having to deal with it thoughIanbolton
    • I had a similar thing a few years agio where i criticised the design of our companies website. She argued that I was questioning her design abilities...Ianbolton
    • in an already male dominated industry. I apologised, but i was so angry because the website was shit.Ianbolton
    • fuck that bitch!milfhunter
    • @jagara, I'm from and in the Basque Country... The Berlin thing was a joke with a friend, and that was many years ago ;)OBBTKN
    • And I was referring to "just another trouble", nothing serious. Hope it!OBBTKN
    • Ah, ok :)jagara
    • you should have Ben'd the shit out of herYakuZoku