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    I have one more week left on vacation, doing practically nothing; other than dragging my sandals, going to the pool, some barbecues... and sleeping!!

  • NBQ0021

    It's ok I'm gone. You can have your safe space now :)

    • lol byemonospaced
    • Liar.Continuity
    • Waiting for NBQ01.palimpsest
    • Before you go brother. I'm not gay or islamic. Now be gone. Elon is desperate for your posts.Ianbolton
    • BSYakuZoku
    • For NBQ. Hope he's still around, in the background.…Ianbolton
    • When people announce that they've left, it means they haven't. If anything, it means this place has left you.garbage
    • We Hardly Knew Ye.ideaist
    • He just needs to be alone for a while, he post's decent stuff sometimes, but mother fuckers been trolling at level 7/10 for a minuteYakuZoku
  • Nutter7

    Went on a date expecting the other person to also be single, rookie mistake on my part I guess.

    • haha wutNairn
    • the dreaded polygamypango
    • flol, how did they break it to you?garbage
    • "... well I'm actually seeing someone..."Nutter
    • Did the date go well otherwise?
      Not that it's any of my business, but then you did bring it up :)
    • otherwise good, shame as I thought there might have been chemistry, but no, guess it was just me misreading the room.Nutter
    • Oh, shit. "Open relationship", is it?Continuity
    • now I'm just gonna go try forget this day ever happened. Good night/day to you all.Nutter
    • username doesn't check outimbecile
    • flolNairn
    • Good on you, man. I doubt anyone has a good response to that kind of situation. What a strange girl.
      Did she pay her share?
    • Ouch! It doesn't have to be a negative thing either ;)OBBTKN
    • i was seeing someone years ago, when internet dating was just starting out. I signed up - curious - went on a date - and was like naahhh. Still feel shame todayIanbolton
    • Internet dating makes relationships feel disposable and I really didn't feel comfortable with that. Like it's a game. People get hurt so easily and sometimes...Ianbolton
    • carry that through to there next date, then their next one etc etc. Tough game until you figure out that's what your playing withIanbolton
    • my first hk girl had a boyfriend in italy while she lived in hong kong, she visited him once but then it was just me after that lol, but then we drifted apartephix
    • still friends though and it was an amazing time of my life 20 years ago. it's weird to think about it though because i prefer monoamoryephix
    • If I was on a blind date and wasn't into her I'd probably say I had a girlfriend, or I was gay.YakuZoku
    • @moldy Years back I was on a disaster date with this girl. She was so fucking boring and I just wanted to get out of there. Interest was a one way street.garbage
    • So I lied and told her I was gay, and "came out" to her. Two things I did not expect: Her spending the next few hours trying to console me..garbage
    • ..and apparently she knew a shit ton of my friends and was a massive gasbag and told them all. I will never outlive:garbage
    • "Remember the time you were so desperate to get away that you went full fairy?"garbage
    • LOLpango
    • Haha. Never go full fairy.mort_
    • FLOL @ garbage, this is the best thing I've read this week!Continuity
    • hahaha, FULL FAIRY. You definitely put it in the wrong hole there. One that's quite hard to get out of.Ianbolton
    • "put it in the wrong hole"
    • Oh it gets worse. I'm so stupid that I took a girl out to the same bar a week or so later.. and Girl One shows up, giving me daggers from across the room.garbage
    • Guess who had to reprise his role for Full Fairy 2, Electric Gaydaloo. It sucked because I was really into the girl I was with, but I had eyes on me.garbage
    • Dating in small cities is a horrowshow because it's all a spiderweb of "Oh yeah, I fucked them too".garbage
    • ^ Ugh, you're not wrong. I spent my late teenaged years/early 20s in a town with a sub-75k population, and boy, did that get awkward eventually.Continuity
    • lol, I know the term is not on, but Eskimo Bro conversations are always enlightening. I had a gf that liked to play naked tag, and only got off when she..garbage
    • ..was chased down. I drunkenly confessed this, and two of my friends were like "did you catch her on the stairs?" Immediate "who here hasn't fucked my ex?"garbage
    • Haha garbageephix
    • LOLYakuZoku
  • Ianbolton1

    I keep trying to post something and it's not working. (first world problems thread or whatever)

    • Poster of the Day thread... https://www.behance.…Ianbolton
    • behance is a bad word to post 'round these partsimbecile
    • Haha. Yeah, thought as much. Yet Daily Mail dogshit posts from NBQ are fine and dandy?!!Ianbolton
    • pretty muchimbecile
    • ^Loved the Fall. It's a shame that director never did more work.PhanLo
    • Me too Phan. A proper cinematic experience. Did you ever watch The Cell?Ianbolton
  • jagara9

    I would have never expected, that more bugs and mosquitos fllyng into my apartment would make me happy (they still annoy me, of course).

    But it means the trend of insect hotels and "rewilding" in Copenhagen, works. The last decade or so = almost no insects in my area.

    But they are back. Biodiversity, baby. The world is going slightly less to shit.

    • wut...
    • whaddayamean wut nope?jagara
    • I said slightly. Ever so slightly. And this isn't just observation, it's in the news.jagara
    • Yuck. Nope. I don't let bugs in my apartment.pango
    • BugBnB™microkorg
    • i had to trim my bush today (ooer) as there but made sure to leave the majority of the flowers for the beeshans_glib
    • delete "as there"...hans_glib
    • I am just happy about the biodiversity part. Not particularly about bugs in my apartment. Ffsjagara
    • lolpango
    • no more christiania = biodiversity for everyoneArchitectofFate
    • @ArchitectofFate uh, what?jagara
    • this as i'm plotting to murder the cricket in my wallimbecile
    • I have a couple of resident house spiders I feed. One has been in the kitchen for 2 years I reckon. It’s a proper fat bastard.thumb_screws
    • Seems your secretly promoting today's World Mosquito Day ;-)
    • + now you can buy bugasalt!milfhunter
    • @thumbs House spiders roaming wild are great, I keep them happy because they kill the yellow sacs. Currently have a monster named Laura.garbage
    • She's hiding behind a frame somewhere, but she's fat and happy, does her job.garbage
  • Ianbolton3

    Can anyone help? I'm trying to find a AI-based website that allows you upload an image and fundamentally change the lighting. Someone posted on here somewhere and I can't find it.

  • grafician-3

    Had beers tonight with an opera singer

    His favorite opera was not Carmina Burana or even Turandot

    It was Verdi's Aida!

    • Enjoy, Pavarotti doing a good job on this onegrafician
    • The amount of work going into these things, insane

      We guys with this design thing, very lucky
    • But for inspiration, talking to people in other fields instead of going on Pinterest or whatever is always so much bettergrafician
    • Yeah that’s a classic. One of my best friends is an opera singer and now producer. Super cool field.monospaced
  • Krassy7

    What the hell is going on with Corey Feldman?? LMAO

    • He's giving his all.PhanLo
    • delusions of grandeurutopian
    • I love that he's had decades to figure out that everyone is making fun of him, but he's too stupid to figure it.garbage
    • I thought I was watching Michael Jackson for a secondYakuZoku
    • who's gonna tell him he needs more work?pango
    • Outfit at 15:00 is firenb
    • @moldy He's been doing MJ cosplay for ages.garbage
    • It's almost as if Jacko infected him with some weird disease after he raped him. He also has no idea that everyone is mocking him.. in 1992.garbage
    • It's kinda cute that he needs to keep an eye on the chords he's playing (~20m - i fast forwaded through this twaddle)Nairn
    • Also, is his 'Diseased' not just a rip off of thirty year old RHCP? And his suit. I cut pieces for something like that for [famous person] a few years back.Nairn
    • Nairn, is it a chord? or is he just covering all 6 strings on a fret?!microkorg
  • doggydoggdog1

    Why does everyone suddenly have tattoos?

    • because it's less frowned upon at work now.pango
    • Suddenly?i_monk
    • It feels like a generational shift, and quite sudden in that regard. Not long ago a neck tattoo was not acceptable. Now you see it in corporate.monospaced
    • I’ve got lots of friends with tons of amazing tattoos. All I can think about is how they’ll look when they’re old, and smile to myself.monospaced
    • Because there was a sale on tattoos last weekend. BOGOnb
    • Because apparently every cunt has to have a personality now.Nairn
    • LOL @NaimKrassy
    • Because tiny toques…
    • Hasnt 'everyone has tattoos' been a thing for the past 20 years? where have you been?
      You're more unique if you HAVEN'T got one ;)
    • Is it really that weird? I thought that was normal ages ago. I think everyone I know has ink. Ironically, I don't. I have two tattoo machines..garbage
    • my home studio. You'd think I'd get bored enough to give myself one but never have.garbage
    • hmmmm do you tattoo other people? does anyone trust a tattoo artist who doesn't have any ink? why do you have it?pango
    • so many questions... lolpango
    • No, but I have enough requests from people that have seen my art that they've asked for quotes. I've practiced on oranges, I know that I'm good at it.garbage
    • But I have mine rigged up. One as a dot pen, and the other is a dot brush. There's something fun about drawing with something that requires a foot pedal.garbage
    • That's the closest I can find to my build. The other machine is.. very insane and it does dim the lights if the volts are too high.garbage
    • But I mostly just use them for low-volt sumi ink detail work. I secretly hope these details have piqued Phan's interest, lol.garbage
  • Gardener3

    I have been contributing to a thread on a forum about experiences with fortune tellers, so I thought I'd share one of my tales with you guys.
    OK, it's a bit rambling but bear with me. Back in the late 80's I was travelling around Australia with the intention of heading further afield. I had gone to Oz with a woman I had met in a bar in Amsterdam, we had got on really well and so planned a future of travelling S.E. Asia together. However, I split with her whilst we were staying together at her parents house when we arrived in Sydney, her dad was an incredible racist and was unbearable to be around so I moved out. I was on my own for about a month, managed to get a job and was starting to save for a solo jaunt but sad that I was left on my own. One afternoon I noticed an ad for a Tarot Reading fortune teller in a paper shop and thought why not? I'd never done that sort of thing before and I was curious as to what I might consider doing next.
    So I turn up at this card readers house and we sit down, all very friendly, she started a cassette tape recorder to give me a copy of the reading and she told me to choose the cards. As I was picking these there was an almighty CRASH sound outside her flat, we bot exclaimed WTF etc and she stopped the tape as we went to look out the window. Two cars had smashed into each other on the road and with folk all running about around the smash we went back to the reading. I only mention this because it was really weird hearing the sound of the crash so loud on the tape she gave me afterwards.
    She continued the reading and to cut it to the main points, she said I had split up with a girl, (I had) that I would get back together with her (I did) we'd go travelling all over Asia (we did) she would have a terrible time and get very sick (she did) but I'd be fine and have a great time (I did) and that we would eventually split up overseas (we did). OK so, it's possible all these "predictions" could be easily assumed, Englishman turns up in Aussie fortune tellers flat, he must be travelling, probably got a girlfriend, might go travelling etc but I am just telling the main points of her reading and there were other things which happened which came "true". So I am kinda biased towards there being something in the Tarot thing especially as I have never been to another since and still have the cassette complete with crash/full reading so hey, it might all still be bollocks but it's a tale.

    • haha, repeating myself (again) it's my age!Gardener
    • You and me both! So many times I start writing something on here and either check and realise i've already said it so delete, or just apologise and post anywayNairn
    • haha, yeah and I can see that at least I was sticking to the facts and not bullshitting*

      *not that I EVER do that
    • So weird, I had exactly the same thing happen to me in Sydney. She basically described my life. I’ll dig out her scribbles and post um!Ianbolton
    • "OK so, it's possible all these "predictions" could be easily assumed" Pretty much this. Car crash is spooky thoughinteliboy
    • My money's on a good cold read, but damn you've lived a wild life.garbage
  • Gardener2

    The best £1 that I spent this weekend

    • What did that get you, I’ve been trying to figure out the math, I’m assuming it’s a multiplier_niko
    • £11.58 according to chat gpt, man you should have bet £100_niko
    • yeah, it's about £12, as a Liverpool fan it was a great w/e with Man Utd losing, and we get to beat them at Old Trafford next Sunday haha!Gardener
    • I only ever bet £1, it's a sweetenerGardener
  • Krassy6

    Imagine being able to hear TOOL for the first time ever

    • there's tons of youtube channels doing this and many are just faking their reactions, for views & likesHAL9001
    • I've been following this woman in particular on YT for a few months and her reactions seem genuine to me.elahon
    • Watching infants see and or hear for the first time on these YouTube videos is always tearjerker.utopian
    • these are pretty annoying, always feels fake and contrived...hydro74
    • imagine being able to hear Tool for the last time evernb
    • I wish I never heard tool the first time. Worst opener for NIN evermonospaced
    • Don't get the appeal for Tool, A Perfect Circle, NIN and the like.Tool's best hit was when Maynard kept singing as he demolished that guy that rushed the stage.garbage
    • that's why u got banned mono.cherub
    • Her vid on Mike Patton is great.mort_
    • I know very little about music. I enjoy these videos of musicians discussing music on level I have no context for. Gives me a deeper appreciation for it.skinny_puppy
    •… like this oneskinny_puppy
    • lol, cherubmonospaced
  • Beeswax28

    In August, I started a company in the US, attended my first-ever trade show in New York, and moved my family from Turkey to Hawai'i. I also found a great school here and got my son started in first grade.

    I’m not going to say it was super stressful—because surprisingly, it wasn’t. I had a lot of fears that things might not work out and that we’d face setbacks, but everything magically fell into place, and we found ourselves starting a new chapter in Hawai'i.

    It wasn’t an easy journey, especially considering that last December, we had no idea where we were going to live, and we were even contemplating separating. But here we are now, chopping our own papayas and bananas.

    • Good luck with your new life!!OBBTKN
    • well done! which island?maikel
    • Love it. welcome to Americanb
    • Sounds amazing! All the best to you!SimonFFM
    • Awesome! congratulations!
      Just say when you've set a date for the QBN Hula Party and we'll all be there!
    • such a rare uplifting post. Congratszaq
    • Nice!YakuZoku
    • Nice, Beeswax. <3PonyBoy
    • Aloha, Mr. Hand!stoplying
    • Alohautopian
    • Mahalo for the Aloha vibe(s) @Beeswax.

      ; )
    • amazing man, takes giant canhones to uproot the family and move them across the world. Sending all the love and luck your way for your new endevour_niko
    • ... and your family's next chapter :)_niko
    • Grats!Akagiyama
    • Living the dream! Which island did you move to?instrmntl
    • Mahalo guys! We're on the big island.
    • That's fucking massive!garbage
    • All the best !d_gitale
  • SimonFFM2

    Someone from QBN lives in Portugal. Unfortunately I forgot the member name and wondered if I could ask a few questions about Portugal. Can anyone help me, please?

  • stewart14

    I just bought a bass guitar. Let's see if I can make up for the 10 years of violin drama in my childhood.


    Back to work, very slowly, most of my clients are still on vacation...

    But, the return to tension has brought an old friend to the studio: a terrible migraine.

    Honestly, I didn't miss you :(

  • bainbridge0

    A friend referred me to their friend for some really basic work.

    Turns out that friend is a multi-millionaire trust fund kid.

    I gave him a fair price for what was like an hour’s work just basic photoshop work.

    But now I feel bad that I could have charged double and he might not have flinched.

    Apparently this guys family owns a whole bunch of chains and real estate.

  • PonyBoy5

    I have lived on both the east and west coast AND the midwest of the USA (Missouri)... traveled to Alaska on many occasions (heading up there now actually) but somehow NEVER once in my life ever stepped foot in the state of Florida until about 2 hours ago... far the beer is good.

    • Punch some gatorsPhanLo
    • I've only hit their airport myself,
      enjoy brother!
    • mind u don't wander into the KKK part of floridacherub
    • Sorry for asking, but... Alaska via Florida??OBBTKN
    • Haha... don’t ask Felix <3PonyBoy
    • Miami is a first-world city inhabited by people who fled the wreckage of third-world socialism.hotroddy
    • ^ flol is there anything you're not scared of? Miami is awesome, and yes you'd get eaten alive there. Cierra la boca tumba eso.garbage
    • lol, wtf is 'tumba eso'? Is that some gibberish you copied off google translate?hotroddy
    • tell me what you trying to say and I'll teach you how to properly say it in spanish.hotroddy
    • yee do some weird shit.milfhunter
    • Florida is for Mangrove and gators onlymisterhow
    • I said "shut your mouth, knock it off"garbage
    • It's a mama phrase, you dimbulb.garbage
    • unless you want to sound retarded I wouldn't suggest you use that phrase.hotroddy
    • Unless you're living in Santo Domingohotroddy
    • It's actual Cuban slang, Nortes use it too. Lo siento, little lady.garbage
    • Well hotroddy is still an arse I seecanoe
  • YakuZoku3

    Are the fonts smaller on QBN now or is it just me?

    Since we're all old fucks here, shouldn't the fonts be getting bigger?

    • I'm referring to QBN on desktop, mobile looks the sameYakuZoku
    • no changested
    • Get new glasses yo ;)OBBTKN
    • Did you hit ⌘- ?i_monk
    • Fuck my eyesYakuZoku
    • its youmilfhunter
    • Command 0nb
    • I hit command 0 and I instantly regret itoey_oey
    • *fucks YakuZoku's eyes

      OK, I'm spent. Did that help?
    • Also, it's not just you, it's all of us old fogeys. I have most sites on 110% zoom AND wear fucking glasses for short haul seein'. ffffffffs.Nairn
    • Signs your getting old thread.utopian
    • eyes AND fonts
      how do they work
    • try ctrl +jagara
  • Ianbolton12

    I've moved in with my girlfriend this week. It's been great having a massive clear out, finding compromises with even the simplest of things, but overall, I really need to get my arse in gear and start to be more proactive with my design work.

    I'm 48 in October and can't believe it's taken me this long to realise sharing my responsibilities with someone i care for makes so much more sense.

    • Age is just a number. everyone goes at their own pace. Life isn’t a race. We all mature at different times.nb
    • That said, are you 48 and never even lived with a partner? That’s fucking crazy.nb
    • haha, i've gotten close a few times, but always bailed for various reasons. It's probably less crazy when you realise just how crazy i was!Ianbolton
    • Dude. Carpe diem. There’s like a 15% chance you’ll be gone in ten years. And it goes up fast from there.nb
    • here's a reminder to flip the toilet cover down. Just do it!pango
    • ^The better way to take a shitmort_
    • no... it's for after you've taken a shit.pango
    • i'm not yet allowed to shit in her toiletIanbolton
    • Lol. Never wondered how the other half live pango?mort_
    • it save you some arguments!pango
    • has anyone here got matching his and her toilets? Seems romantic.Ianbolton
    • Yes but mine is actually doubling as our bathtub and showernb
    • Haha. Awwwww.Ianbolton
    • Keep the toilet clean and the toilet paper full and she’ll love you long time. Buy her those wet wipes for that extra touch.futurefood
    • @nb…
      "waffle stomp is life"
    • LISTEN TO PANGO lol.

      Also install a slow close seat and a bidet. The world is yours, the world is hers.
    • Ultimate tip: each person must, from time to time, get out of the house so the other person can have the place to themselves for the night. Everyone needs this.nb
    • yes slow close seat is standardized at my place.pango
    • Dutch Oven 4 Lifeutopian
    • You have one [more] yeargrafician