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  • grafician2

    Today was one of the weirdest days I've seen in years...

    Between internal and external news, personal stuff, work and stories I've heard today, I guess we are living in very very different realities all together depending on location all over the world.

    A lot of people are at tipping point right now in their lives it seems...

    I will be 40 this week, I really hope we all get throught this year safely, it's getting crazier by the day

    • spoke and heard stories and povs from people living in Egypt, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Austria, Russia, England, Germanygrafician
    • All complaining, and not just about the weather, the world is really fucked up, ppl trying to bounce countries for a year or two to get better butgrafician
    • but to no avail, everywhere getting worse

      Imagine living for 20-30-40 more years in this climate

      Fucking hell...
    • i'm having the best year since 2018pango
    • Will work for foodYakuZoku
    • Yeah I agree, there's some weirdness in the air._niko
    • thats adorable... better doubt your pattern recognition... think about all the on the edge and beyond in the last century your whining seems pettyneverscared
    • it will never be easy ...neverscared
    • climate change will be bonkers... but food production will not go titts up.. and thats most important ...neverscared
    • i dont see humans eating rats in berlin in these century thirties...neverscared
    • thisneverscared
    • This year the harvests are going to be very bad here in the north, but exceptional in Catalonia, it all depends on who you ask and where...OBBTKN
    • In Girona for example, last year the fields were devastated by the heat and this year everything was green and bloomingOBBTKN
    • you see what you look for.pango
    • That's what you get for banning mono.palimpsest
    • By climate I was talking about the "vibe", not just weather
      Really strange times...
    • i think perspective is important, as well as your own outlook.

      this past year or so has been amazing for my family...
    • our son gradudated with honours from high=school, with an award for best writingexador1
    • he also won a provincial award for best play, writing and director... so we're pretty super proud of him lol...exador1
    • on top of that, my daughter is in 3rd year at Uni and getting top grades in Poli-Sci, and is starting to look at grad school for law etc..exador1
    • all this... and only a few years ago, we thought we were going to lose her to cancer...exador1
    • we're certainly not immune to whats going on in the world, and for sure the crazy shit with the trump rally was scary etc...exador1
    • but after going through what we went through, we have a different gauge now for 'what worries us' etc...exador1
    • @exa I am glad you are doing well.
      It it lucky I guess to live in a stable environment. But this is getting more and more the exception
    • Also don't think I'm being pessimistic, it was just what I observe, listen, hear, guess a lot of people just don't care that much, the individualistic pov...grafician
    • there are 8.1 billion of us. that's 8.1b pov. all experiencing different things.pango
    • I agree with grafician, from my pov and from what i hear around me, there's a feeling as if we're heading towards dark timesHAL9001
    • Another idea was that we are just contantly exposed to all kinds of bad crazy news and it's affecting our reasoning and expectationsgrafician
    • BUT also just ignoring and staying in own bubbles does the same - a vicious cycle any way we put it
      Getting harder to be open and optimistic
  • NBQ00-9

    Ridley Scott is almost 87 and still out there directing and making movies. Where's Spielberg, just sitting in his executive producer chair and counting monies all day? Haven't seen anything from Spielberg in like 20 years.

    • The Fabelmans 2022YakuZoku
    • Ridley made over 2000 commercials before becoming a film maker, he seems super drivenPhanLo
    • The Fabelmanns? That's it, Spielberg? I remember a time when you did Indiana Jones, ET, Jurassic Park, Schindlers List, etc.NBQ00
    • Maybe Ridley should take a leaf out of Spielbergs book. Napoleon was beautiful but flawed. Gladiator 2 looks like a repeat of Gladiator.Morning_star
    • NBQ00 needs to Google b4 he postsYakuZoku
    • Who is Ridley Scott again?utopian
    • Spielberg may have done some movies in the past 15 years that nobody is talking about. When his 80's & 90's movies came out everybody was talking about utNBQ00
    • He’s literally released a new movie every 2-3 years consistently for over 50 years. This on top of many other shows and projects he’s involved in.doublespaced
    • He created both Amblin Entertainment and Dreamworks, and is EP and more on dozens and dozens of movies again for longer than you’ve been alive.doublespaced
    • No doubt mono, but a memorable movie from past 15 years? Last one I liked was "Munich" which was in 2005.NBQ00
    • Save some downvotes for the rest of us man!YakuZoku
    • sorry about your memory lossdoublespaced
  • spot1316

    I can't believe I've been here 20 years. I know I don't contribute much, but that might be the secret to longevity. Cheers to you all.

    • You can't get banned if you don't post anything.
    • that one time you post and the gif is not working...milfhunter
    • ^flolgarbage
    • ohh, i just checked and I've been here 20 years too and also don't post much. Happy Anniversary.refunktion
    • lol, I know, 20 year fail :)

      Happy Anniversary refunktion!!
    • 22 years here! I only post about once a decade when I'm looking for a job.nuggler
    • In various guises I've been here since maybe 2001? Maybe? Can't recall. Was once an annoyingly regular shitposter. Now, I just read everybody else's content.Horp
  • ephix0

    Jagara, you asked what hurdles there are to dating an ex lesbian. well there are some big ones like trust, she used to hate men. But I got to meet her friends on sunday night so things are still going well. I think I'm falling for her.

    • Lesbians don't hate men, what kind of stupid shit is that?i_monk
    • i didn't say that. she did though.ephix
    • learn to fuckin' readephix
    • You attributed it to her lesbianity.i_monk
    • That’s what she told me and why was. Got any other questions?ephix
    • Why she was*. Thanks for calling her stupid though.ephix
    • Once you go full forget how to ride a bike...aight!utopian
    • I didn't know this before but dyke is derogatory.ephix
    • please guys, don't fight over lesbiansoey_oey
    • There are no ex lesbians, she's bi. Just sayin'jagara
    • And not all lesbians hate men ;)jagara
    • ^^OBBTKN
    • I didn't call her stupid, i said "lesbian = hates men" is stupid shit. And it is.i_monk
    • Everyone has a reason if they have trauma from something. It’s not stupid. And yes she’s bisexual now, not lesbian.ephix
    • Jesus some of you are closed minded as fuck.ephix
  • Akagiyama5

    Theresa's daughter is my daughter's mother.

    What is my relation to Theresa.

    • You're the daughter? I hate these things.garbage
    • she's your fucking cousin you fucking white trash piece of shitoey_oey
    • ^ just kiddingoey_oey
    • She’s the doctorGnash
    • son-in-lawimbecile
    • Marychain enters the chatPhanLo
    • you're Theresa and in the evening, you're a singer with the band_niko
    • Theresa does seem like a name that would've turned on Marychain. Nice deep cut Phan.garbage
    • Theresa is my mother-in-law.doublespaced
    • interesting that chat gpt 3.5 and 4o both got this wrong, even after giving it the answer, it insisted until I broke it down for it._niko
    • it seems like the most basic logic question, and yet we put so much trust in ai._niko
    • My brain hurtsYakuZoku
  • grafician1

    Too hot outside, it's time to watch Predator in LA

    • Heat would be a great watch right now toofuturefood
    • Heat 2 is in the works btwYakuZoku
    • 27°C, why movies? Better out taking beers with friendsOBBTKN
  • NBQ00-6

    Be grateful, be nice to each other, let go of your ego.

    • learn to respect womenimbecile
    • lolpango
    • learn to use GoogleYakuZoku
    • Coelho quote, a call to respect women, and a recommendation to learn how to use google.
      Is it 2004 again?
    • Yespango
    • Eggo waffles?nb
    • Yespango
    • My ego is great, it’s literally the best onenb
  • YakuZoku6

    some fool is trying to scam me,

    dude wants a logo for $600, it's low but i figured I'm jobless and not in a position to turn down work and I can knock out a few logo mocks for him in a day, but as soon as he said he can only pay by check my scam radar started beeping, then I just got this email:

    "I just got an update from my financial institution that your check was mailed out today after I forwarded your information to them. I have been very busy with the necessary arrangements on how to get my business fixed. I didn't check their email earlier.

    All your information was received and forwarded to my financial institution. You're going to receive the $1,989.87 check because both the graphic design and website amount were issued on a single check from my financial institution. The reason is that the website design is an obstacle blocking the path to his house right now because mail can't be delivered to him.

    I understand that the check will be cleared into your account first. After the funds are available, you deduct your full payment for the logo, and the rest will be sent to him directly through digital payment."

    mother fucker's be wasting my time n' shit.

    • Is he also a prince?grafician
    • Probably lolYakuZoku
    • Ah that sucks but at least his idiotic scam didn’t work._niko
    • You should deliver the logo anyway. If only to fuck with himnb
    • LolYakuZoku
    • ".. an obstacle blocking the path.." sounds like scam poetry.SimonFFM
    • Specially when that obstacle is a website.palimpsest
    • People still use cheques?? Haven’t used one since mid-90s I reckon. Don’t think any banks here take personal cheques still.sab
    • They hit me up through my website, just checked my analytics, fuckers were from BangladeshYakuZoku
    • As much as I want to wish him to die of AIDS, it must suck to have to stoop that low in life just to get by, I feel bad for those little cock suckersYakuZoku
  • PonyBoy9

  • NBQ00-3

    I would like to live in ancient Rome and eat some freshly baked bread with olive oil and cured meats.

    • You would be dead by now.sted
    • You think they had hand soap back then? I doubt itfuturefood
    • i'm cool with that, stedimbecile
    • We'd like you to have lived in ancient Rome, too.Continuity
    • enjoy all the led poisoningYakuZoku
    • share the public toilet with public anus brushpango
  • canoe0
  • sted0

    who is going the tool what would be like flash?

    • *who is going to build the tool that will be like flash?sted
    • ^OBBTKN
  • PonyBoy12

    aww... my wife bought me tickets to Beck w/ the Boston Pops tomorrow night... I haven't been to a live show in 10 years. <3

  • NBQ00-7

    What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone know goes away in the end.

    • < you even got that wrong, learn how to use google manYakuZoku
    • lolsted
  • NBQ00-12

    Welcome back, bitch. @mono


    At this time of year, cider is better than wine, but today, I had a fresh bottle of red in the fridge...

    Nothing cool for wine snobs, a red of the year, Syrah and Merlot, barely €2 a pop bottle.

    Well, with the chickpeas with chorizo ​​that I had to eat, it was luxurious!!

    A drink, rest and continue working :)

    • Amen.palimpsest
    • That’s some good livin’nb
    • fuck you with your delicious cheap portuguese wine.
      *stomps off to waste at least £5 on some shitty battery acid
    • It was not Portuguese, it was a Cariñena, Spanish...OBBTKN
    • If there is one QBNer here I am deeply envious of — just one — it's you, OBBTKN.
      This is seriously good living.
    • Don't we have a food thread?canoe
    • Sublime, OB.

      @canoe - are you just trying to be a dick today?
    • Just today?palimpsest
    • Trying?mort_
    • how is your head? :)sted
    • Red in the fridge????fooler
    • Red should generally be served slightly chilled, especially in hot climes,Nairn
    • @fooler - remember, wine was traditionally stored in cold-ish cellars.Nairn
  • canoe-4

    Kids are pretty confused these days -…

    • Right?!!!! the fact they sell a Yankees tshirt right next to an LA Dodgers shirt is blowing my mind!!! ...fuck the yankees / GO Dodgers!!PonyBoy
    • Did you mean to link to a page of graphic brand Ts?monospaced
    • That's the thing mono. Urban Outfitters used to have original work. Fun, witty, ideas. Now UO is mostly nods to brands, and it's all over the place.canoe
    • Just seems like a confusing time to be a kid... which brand to identify with rather than... what original ideas and whim represents my mentalitycanoe
    • Pony, it's the fact they sell brandy shit at all. I think it's funny, as a designer, you don't know the history of cool designers that sold their work at UO.canoe
    • I remember the history of UO stealing cool designer's work without permission, and how that got shut down.monospaced
    • *snort... and how do you know what "history" I know, my long skinny waterfaring friend?PonyBoy
    • So 90s.i_monk
  • PonyBoy2

    Just booked my flight(s) up to Alaska to go see Momma end of August / early Sept... fuck me it's not cheap to travel right now.

  • autoflavour3

    Mother in just law died. Unexpected mission to Germany imminent.
    Didnt have that on the 2024 bingo card

    • Condolences flav.thumb_screws
    • Sorry, auto <3PonyBoy
    • My condolences :(OBBTKN
    • a big hug <3Miesfan
    • sorry, sir. :(Akagiyama
    • Hold on, did we like our mother-in-law @autoflavour? IF yes, condolences... IF no, what a gift!ideaist
    • Sorry for your loss, auto.mort_
    • Sorry Auto : - (PhanLo
    • Jeez sorry bro :(_niko
    • sorry to hear.milfhunter
    • Lost my mother-in-law on May 30th. My wife is distraught, and we're doing our best. My deepest condolences.monospaced
    • I’d make dinner to send over if I could. Hang in there.monospaced
    • have you checked behind the sofa, most lost things wind up there.face_melter
    • condolences @autoflavour =\BuddhaHat
    • sorry to hear auto!futurefood
    • condolences, i have two groups of friends currently dealing with parental loss as well. I can only imagine.BabySnakes
    • thanks peeps.. warms my heart the QBN love.. MIL was difficult but lovely.. its a bit of a sudden loss also, everything fell apart in 2 weeks..autoflavour
    • flying out tomorrow.. still got a bit of whiplash at how fast this all happened, like my brain is still in last week and tomorrow we are on a plane.autoflavour
    • also being the family on the other side of the planet, there is a bit of animosity flying around, so there is a strong sense we are walking into a shit tsunamiautoflavour
    • long boring story, but yep, we are trying to remain neutral but due to circumstances we are essentially choosing a side by the fact of who offered accomodationautoflavour
    • just gotta stay strong for my wife and support her as much as I can .. the distance has so far lessened the loss, but we are about to walk right into the middleautoflavour
    • anyway, thank you internet friends.. you are cool ..autoflavour
  • monospaced15

    Two years ago, when I was on parental leave, my wife suggested I find something to do just by myself to get away. I was always playing this backgammon game on my phone — had been for many years — and so I figured I'd look for someone local to play against. A quick search revealed a local backgammon club holding a weekly tournament meetup at an Irish pub nearby, so I decided to drop in. I didn't realize at the time, but I had just stepped into the world of professional backgammon, which I knew nothing about.

    Fast forward to today ... I still play with the same group weekly, and the meetups have grown from 12 people to nearly 30, which is great. I have a custom hand made tournament board, and I've played in the New York Metropolitan Open twice.

    Anyone else play backgammon?

    • I bought the MoMa set for xmas a few years ago, but we only played a few times.i_monk
    • love a bit of gammon but never played it online only irlGardener
    • I play on Galaxy pretty regularly. Lots of international greats on that platform.monospaced
    • nocherub
    • Wanna chess? I'm sort of on vacationpango
    • Paging beeswax ;)_niko
    • yeah I play it online from time to time at at boardgamearenaNutter
    • Great stuff. How much have you improved in those two years?! Good to have you back Mono.Ianbolton
    • cool story, never played this game in my life.milfhunter
    • do young people play it as well?milfhunter
    • I’ve improved somewhat, and got more aggressive with blitzing and cubing. Lots of old people, but club has some fresh young blood now.monospaced
    • I learned that the 20 year I spent playing against AI during smoke breaks on my phone made me pretty damn good. I can hold my own against pros.monospaced
    • Backgammon would not be fun playing against mono. :)canoe