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  • capn_ron4

    Spotify Rant:

    I have a family Account and it's just my wife and I. We just got the email about price going up from $16.99 to $19.99. We both use it all the time, but we have 4 more open slots for our plan. It's not a lot of money, but everyone is asking for more money for everything these days and this may have been the straw to break my back. I'm getting old and cranky.

    • that's why i begrudgingly do amazon, their free music app is good enough, their movie selection is good enough, plus free shipping. 4 people benefit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯imbecile
    • besides, isn't spotify shit to artists?imbecile
    • fuck spotifysted
    • you guys got so addicted to these services its' bad to watch.sted
    • @imbecile I just realized how that u can use the prime to get free stuff like new AA games.sted
    • sorry sted, i'll go to rehab today. i apologize that my consumerism is hurting you.capn_ron
    • lol i was more worried about your mental health, and how these stupid things affect you.sted
    • hahaha, i said i'm just old and cranky, that is my mental health. Actually, that is my whole personality! hahaha, now get off my lawn.capn_ron
    • @Capn_ron if you only need account for wife and yourself, you should look into the “couples” accountfuturefood
    • Do you feel like you're being cheated because you're not using up all your slots?palimpsest
    • @futurefood, i never saw that before, that is exactly what we need. and @palimpsest that might be what is happening.capn_ron
    • @sted, i forgot all about prime gaming https://gaming.amazo…imbecile
    • @Capn, its called Premium Duofuturefood
    • 20 per month for ALL the music and people complain.mort_
    • sorry _mort. didn't mean to hurt your feelings. this is the blog section of QBN and i wrote something that offended you. They should kick me off for good.capn_ron
    • No feelings hurt. But do you remember spending 10 - 15 for one album / CD. That kind of puts it in perspective how cheap Spotify is,mort_
    • The deeper issue being that artists haven't got a chance now that the value of music it at this price level for most consumers.mort_
    • No blaming you or consumers for the problem. But for what you get, it's nothing!mort_
    • It's a great deal to have all that music for that price. I guess i'm just mad that it is a 15% increase. Much like everything else increasing at 15% or more.capn_ron
    • I hear ya. Apologies - didn't mean it to come across as it did.mort_
    • i share my family plan with 5 other friends.pango
  • sarahfailin0

    My VPN, Nord, is super effing slow with my Firefox browser (Windows 11). It worked better when I was on Chrome, but fuckkkk chrome and google and all their harvesting.

    Anyone know a good VPN that plays well with Firefox?

    • you can pay for only1week. also the real no log policy.…
    • How sure are you the VPN company isn’t harvesting your data? They certainly have a lot to spend on advertising...monNom
    • ^hey look he's back!sarahfailin
    • monNom? or you thinking of Mono? iVPN spent 0 on advertising. all word of mouth. you can pay them with out linking the money to the VPN account.pango
    • so far the closest to absolute anonymity any VPN has. or that i know of.pango
    • I mean nord. They are constantly in my YouTube’s.monNom
    • yup and i used that opportunity to mention iVPN uses 0.pango
    • the chrome extension is a proxy, not a VPN so it's faster and less secure all VPN extensions do this. plus chrome has some nasty ways to get around dns routessted
    • Mullvad. Mullvad. Mullvad. Miost of the other VPNs are just umbrealla'd brands for the same over-arching company that 's shit.Nairn
    • Thanks Nairn and Pango. Is monNom not Mono? I always just assumed it was another login of his.sarahfailin
    • Not mono.monNom
    • Use Brave or Arczaq
    • I like Surfshark. It's cheap and reliable.jagara
  • NBQ001

    Anyone know finally why mono was banned?

  • whatthefunk1

    So I just had my first call with an AI recruiter for a remote role and I have to say it was far better than speaking with a person. It was faster, fewer pauses, and far more streamlined. Was a bit odd, but I can't say I hated it...

    • whoa! that's a real thing? does AI evaluate how the interview went? is there a human at the end that makes the final call. This is fascinating. Also, good luck.capn_ron
  • ephix2

    Been dating a lesbian for several weeks. Well I guess she’s bi now. Pretty difficult to get around some hurdles but overall so far so good. Weird feeling.

  • i_monk4

    Can someone explain digital resolution to me? I used to understand it, but now when I look up "what image resolution should I use for <device, platform, etc>?" all I get are dimensions, no mention of ppi.

    • Believe me I feel dumb for even asking.i_monk
    • Usually just go with 144dpi?
      That's like 2x
      1x is the "old" 72dpi
    • I do 3x / 216dpi bro(s)!ideaist
    • Good refresher here. You prob only need the first section. https://sebastien-ga…mort_
    • +1 graficianmaquito
    • Device pixels are independent from 'css pixels'. Your browser still thinks in 72 dpi, but your screen can display all the extra pixel information (device px)Calderone2000
  • NBQ00-2

    Why is Ben Affleck always so sad and unhappy?

    • you'd be too if your bitch kept telling you about P-Diddys awesome orgies she attended_niko
    • You'd be too if you read the posts in the QBN World War 3 thread.utopian
  • maquito1

    Just done a custom"Guess Who", curated by my 6y/o, with cards that fit in another Guess Who game, with Pixar characters. Why?Who the fuck knows these things?

    • "Is it an 'I want another beer?', or.."maquito
    • "Bowser"... What the fuck happened with King Koopa?... Bowser?!!maquito
    • "POU", you serious? It's a fucking potato, dammit!maquito
    • Sorry... Necessary catharsis.maquito
    • Needs more Skibidi Toilet.palimpsest
  • pablo280

    Lately, Bandcamp is flooded with AI-generated music, mostly garbage.

    • ugh it beginsjagara
    • it was about time...OBBTKN
    • It's like spam, but it's creeping out of the inbox into realityPhanLo
  • jagara9

    My local thrift shop had an Xbox X series. "How much" i asked the lady. "Oh, that eggs box thing? Let's say 150 kroner (about 20 dollars)".

    Bought it. It works perfectly (so far). 1 TB storage. Here, they retail for around 650 dollars.


    • hotok_not_ok
    • NOT a ps5.

      ; )
    • Play Hellblade 2!kaiyohtee
    • did she even know what this box is? $20? lolNBQ00
    • She had no idea. She thought it played music.jagara
    • #norwegiansArchitectofFate
    • I'm #danish ;)jagara
    • that's a great find. i rinse our charity shops daily. so much good stuff out there for SO little.scruffics
    • i wouldn't spend 1 kroon on a xbox.
    • Wow, i really didnt think there were bargains to be had still at charity stores. I thought they were super turned on to ebay, discogs etc for pricing these daysmicrokorg
    • @milfhunter sell it, buy a Playstation?jagara
    • 'that big Bluetooth speaker? 20$ and it yours"HAL9001
    • < yup, basically :Djagara
    • that ekkbok is a 4k and blu-ray player toosted
    • Get GamePassmoogchild
    • I'd got back and donate a wee bit more, anoymously, if i could. That's an almost literal steal :)Nairn
    • annoymoistly?Nairn
    • X ellentstoplying
    • I would have offered more on the spot if the shop used profits for charity. But they don't, in that case, you snooze, you lose :)jagara
    • @jagara yes! And make sure your friends buy one as well.milfhunter
    • bought a featherweight 221 with the case for $25 - thought I was stealing something (it’s like a $500 sewing machine)timeless
  • canoe2

    Wait, what? mono was banned, and nobody is talking about it? Just when I thought we cared enough about each other to like and dislike one another, but this seems like the end The Truman Show when the cops say "what else is on" and switch the channel.

  • jagara4

    Ever felt obligated to hang out with someone you don't like, because you have social anxiety and can't bring yourself to ignore them because this triggers said anxiety?

    • We initially bonded talking about music, he then started to reveal som low key racist / misogynistic opinions. He likes Trump (a rarity in Denmark). >﹏<jagara
    • I see him every day at work, and he always sits down with me at lunch.jagara
    • Tell him you're pro Palestine, it worked for me.palimpsest
    • < not that severe :Djagara
    • wild not having the balls to call a MAGAt a MAGAtimbecile
    • I did tell him in no uncertain terms how much I dislike Trump.jagara
    • thank goodnessimbecile
    • I would also like to be able to read the rulers without a microscopesrhadden
    • flol, sausages, beat me to the punch. Pull the plug, it's not worth it.garbage
    • My best friend from childhood (20 years or so) went a bit nuts. For years he'd be the first person I had a meal with when I flew back to town.garbage
    • He then started spamming me with things like "abortion mill" and Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. I completely peaced.garbage
    • I know it's not the same thing, but you are under no obligation to be social with anybody you don't want to, period.garbage
    • weird flexmilfhunter
    • https://upload.wikim…pango
    • I think it’s you who is making this an issue. He might have good reason to like trump, and it might not be the reason you ascribe to it.monNom
    • The guy seems to be fine that you don’t like trump. Maybe you agree to disagree. Sounds a bit like methodists fighting with lutherans to me.monNom
    • I mean. Imagine if you changed his mind?monNom
    • Why do you think I continue to visit QBN?Nairn
    • I learnt something recently that I value highly. You don't need to be friends with everyone you meet. I don't mean that like you need to learn to love psychos,skinny_puppy
    • but more importantly some relationships are fine being distant. When you meet someone and you have a conversation doesn't mean you are on a rail of becoming bffskinny_puppy
    • Some relationships are 100% ok just being distant. I am probably a freak for saying this, but most of my life I did not realise this. Massive weight off of me.skinny_puppy
    • ^ My case was extreme. He was casually threatening to kill me, institutionalized several times, has since joined a cult. Distant wasn't an option, clean cut.garbage
    • @skinny I know, and I agree. But social anxiety makes me want to please people because I am terrified of confrontation. Working on it ;)jagara
    • Fucking social anxiety. Been working on it with a CBT therapist recently. It helps, but takes effort and time.skinny_puppy
    • you can call for help using this hand signal…
  • whatthefunk4

    Regarding the Mono ban - considering Mono commented the other day as doublespaced ( I'm curious as to why we haven't heard more from him about this ban, assuming that is an account of his.

    I'm confused as to why a stronger case for reinstatement hasn't been received - find it a bit curious to be honest...

    • "I have no idea why I was banned."sted
    • This response is luke warm, I'm aware of what he said, thanks. There's gotta be more to this story that isn't being shared, the silence is deafening...whatthefunk
    • What do you expect, me to go all caps like a maniac? I truly don’t understand but I have no control over it.doublespaced
    • One day my login didn’t work, so I tried this one and posted the screenshot. I am just as in the dark as anyone.doublespaced
    • Then I see so many people revel in my ban, even by some members I’ve grown to respect, and I feel a bit unwelcome to be honest.doublespaced
    • I only know of one mod, mg33, and he hasn’t said anything. I kinda expected him to explain at some point, if he knows anything.doublespaced
    • thanks, mono - sorry man. This is what I think most were looking for, a simple breakdown of the situation. Hopefully mg or other mods respond, wtf... c'mon now!whatthefunk
    • I have not reveled at all, and think mono should be reinstated. This is coming from the guy that mono hates the most.garbage
    • I'm annoyed that he was shitting up my feed, but he never hurt my feelings. I'm still confused about the ban.garbage
    • I find it so depressing.. this community is growing smaller and smaller .. one day we will come back and it will be goneautoflavour
    • It really is the last bastion of a golden time of design, and to see it fading and being picked apart, it’s sad.autoflavour
    • Like ban trolls, but I have never known mono to do anything too egregiousautoflavour
    • Maybe it’s because I use a lot of bad words and insult ultra conservatives. Do I not post enough design?doublespaced
    • +1000 autoYakuZoku
    • #FreeMonoYakuZoku
    • I just love that there's still drama here, even now as a forum full of 40+ year old meninteliboy
    • talking about making feeling unwelcome.... thats what monospaced did all the time with his unbalanced treatment as in constantly attacking graf.... it cameneverscared
    • full circle by the looks of it. C'est la vieneverscared
    • If graf really is a mod and he was the one who banned me, then that’s some pretty low life petty bitch shit.doublespaced
    • lol but you're not that importantgrafician
    • First time I found out people had several accounts on this website I knew "this place is not for serious people" and acting accordinglygrafician
    • I'm still baffled by the mono ban. Will we ever receive an explanation?utopian
    • I know you are a mod graf. I never said I was important, nor did I accuse you. But if you did, you know how pathetic it would be.doublespaced
    • Are you accusing me of doing something “unserious” with more than one account?doublespaced
    • I'll just say that mono only tried to be rude to me and got rancid when facts were shot his way.. but he's only little.garbage
    • He was the sensible dull blade we needed, I seriously doubt he hurt anybody's feelings.garbage
    • Make qbn great againautoflavour
  • canoe0

    Yeah, and you don't stop.
    'Cause it's .1875 on an undercover cop.

    Happy Friday!

  • cherub0

    I saw you guys explaining how to faux cancel your adobe subscription to make them offer you a deal, and I just tried it on my HBO Max subscription and it worked. They cut my monthly rate in half!

    You guys are geniuses! :)

  • thumb_screws8

    After 10 years freelancing, contracting & consulting. I'm going in house for a company that I really dig.

  • NBQ00-1

    Michael Jackson died with $500 million in debt. How did he manage to do that, Jesus.

    • He built his own theme park to lure in children to rape them, then probably a lot of out of court settlements. And I think a lot of exotic animals?garbage
    • Because he was super smartnb
    • Dying with $500M in debt is actually “I got $500M for free while I was alive” (minus interest)nb
    • He had a zoo where he treated the animals like shit, the theme park, his terrible art taste. Honestly fucking hate MJ, shittest musician ever.PhanLo
    • Didn’t he own the Beatles catalogue ?Gnash
    • Yup. Paul gave him the advice that ownership was everything, and MJ went "HEE HEE".garbage
    • But also: Fuck Michael Jackson. Hope those worms don't catch pedophilia.garbage
  • Gardener4

    I'm bidding on a ridiculous amount of record lots in this weeks local auction, I have bid quite low on several boxes so will be pleasantly surprised if I win any. Someone died and their family just put their whole collection in, coloured vinyl, sealed, box sets, bootlegs, just amazing really - will know if I've won any by Thursday so fingers x

    • Good luck !d_gitale
    • cheers, it's the most I've ever bidded in an auction in over 30 yearsGardener
    • £2,225 is a bit of change for someone else's vinyl. good luck, indeedimbecile
    • I would wager a pound that I won't win ANY of it, but Ladbrokes wouldn't take the betGardener
    • ^ Tell ‘em you’re a Tory and they’ll take itBluejam
    • any auctions i go to the vinyl has been fully priced out by a few dealers. very little chance of a surprise bargain. hopefully the quantity works in your favor.kingsteven
  • whatthefunk1

    Straight up question this week - Graf, did you ban Mono?

    You posted "this place is not for serious people" last week. May I ask a serious question, did you ban Mono and if so, why? If you didn't ban Mono do you know why Mono was banned, will anyone come forward to detail the reason why?

    I have no idea who is and isn't a mod, but I think a short sentence or two are in order considering the amount of behavior over the years that has gone unmoderated here, this one, I believe, deserves some sort of explanation, no?!?

    • the certainty in which stupidity speaks will never cease to amaze me.imbecile
    • #FREEMONOhans_glib
    • Not a mod. Just a case of "fuck around and find out"
      But why is this such an issue, it's not like monospaced contributed that much to this community
    • and him having - like a few others - several accounts when everybody else tries to play nice and own our stuff...maybe not cool?grafician
    • If I were mod, I won't ban people, I would just try to support and make people post more good stuffgrafician
    • Anyway, this is a public forum and it's also trivial to find out who is behind the accounts here, just try to play nice and let's all get along?grafician
    • So, did you call the police on him or not?palimpsest
    • Nope. I thought it was some kind of joke when I saw the RIP image, then I went to his profile and pooof! gone!
      Chuckles all around...
    • ok well that's the end of me attempting to make any sense of this nonsense drama, so it goes I guess...carrying right on I gowhatthefunk
    • Thought mono contributed well and was always one of the good ones not sure why the hate..._niko
    • I for one welcome Graf our new mod overlordYakuZoku
    • I’m pretty sure graf is a mod. I saw him make a double post, reloaded, and the double post was gone. He must’ve deleted his error post afterward.doublespaced
    • And AGAIN I don’t have several accounts. I had one account, mono, and used this one only if mono was not accessible, which was basically never.doublespaced
    • If you’re accusing me of something, graf, then come out and say it. If you are a mod and banned me, then admit it and explain. Thanks.doublespaced
    • LOL

      Bro chill damn

      And it was this post… and yes somebody deleted the previous one bc it had formating error
    • Stop victimizing yourself, nobody cares, just do your part in supporting the community by posting more and fucking comment less!grafician
    • I’m not victimizing myself lol. Someone cares, they made these posts. How about you post some of your work? You must’ve deleted your own bad formatted post.doublespaced
    • I’m pretty sure I’ve shared a ton more of I’m work here than you, no?doublespaced
    • Share anything interesting, not just your work, most of work is under NDAs usually anywaygrafician
    • Unless it has something to do with my ban, I see no reason why your opinion is relevant here, or why I should post more at all.doublespaced
    • You’re implying that you know why I got let go, but if you’re not a mod, then you know nothing at all about why.doublespaced
    • Does NDA stand for Not Design Anyway?palimpsest
    • I for one, love the ascending naming order of your usernames. Such possibilities!stoplying
  • mort_10

    This seemingly unprovoked attack happened shortly before mono was banned. I don’t usually pay attention to the politics around here but could it be related?…

    • Aha! THAT's the post I thought might've spurred this, but I couldn't remember where it was to check. Reading it back now, it doesn't seem at all serious enough?Nairn
    • i still wonder the mental gymnastics of a person creating trade show installations stating they're more qualified than a packaging designer...imbecile
    • regarding the addition of registration marks to someone else's PERSONAL art. i just can't comprehend the hubris involved.imbecile
    • to be fair, imbecile, you really steamed in there in response to a genuine question from mono. it really doesn't seem like a criticism to me....hans_glib
    • Weird that mon was the one that got banned, not Imbecile.mort_
    • more like a genuine questinehans_glib
    • genuine question? fuck ben wexlar. his opinion is worthless to me. he further shows his stupidity telling someone how to finish their artimbecile
    • "hey, that thing you're doing, that has nothing to do with me, this is how you should do it, oh and i'm better than you" fucking lolimbecile
    • You a mod imbecile?mort_
    • No further questions your honor.mort_
    • when i was, i reinstated mono's account, along with several others. I lost the job to MrDinkyimbecile
    • back when i was…imbecile
    • You What?! Dinky took your mod role?!
      I never knew that. Htf did THAT happen?
    • Jesus, You and Dinks both mods. Perhaps graf IS a mod then. I figured he'd be too contentious a choice, but clearly wtf do I know?Nairn
    • I am not a mod. But I can be.grafician
    • Frankly, it's criminal that I'm not a mod.Nairn
    • #nairn4modmort_
    • fucking mods
    • Lol@ trade show designerGnash
    • #naim4modpalimpsest
    • #naim4modContinuity
    • Just wanted to add that I took no offence to Mono's comment and didn't grass anyone or complain!microkorg
    • it was ~2012, not that he was a mod, but he was posting a business partner's info and i kept deleting his posts, so JK called and told me no moreimbecile
    • ^ lol nairn needs a new naimmort_
    • #naim4zodNairn
    • Behave gentlemen.sephil
    • OK, Chester.palimpsest
    • ^ flol!Continuity
    • It was a question, nothing else. I have done a ton of package design as well, and many days on press with registration marks lol.doublespaced
    • If we can’t talk about design here, then we are lost.doublespaced
    • I don’t just do trade shows. You think you know about me, you regularly try to dox me, and you insult and attack me constantly. I didn’t provoke a ban.doublespaced
    • f . . . mons not here? he's the only person that cared about great design, and he's gonetimeless
    • wtf - are you a bunch of kids or what?timeless
    • fragile ego'd fuckstimeless
    • ya the ban seems really petty.pango
    • It's the pettiest ban ever, and I absolutely do not agree with it. At all.Continuity