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  • BusterBoy11

    My in-laws are doing it a bit tough financially. Well into their 80's and after food and bills, pretty much nothing left over each fortnight.

    The FIL books his car for a service...doesn't really need to as they hardly drive is worth $5K so not much point. But he decides to take it anyway and they both make an outing of it.

    They drop the car off...and grab a coffee while the service takes place. After an hour, they return to pick up the car, and the cunt behind the counter says "thanks...that'll be $800".

    Sadly, they are extremely gullible people and just accept this...but don't have that much money on them. The mechanic cunt then points out the banks across the road.

    One of the banks is theirs, which they frequent every fortnight to get some cash out. They don't have a computer so everything is done and paid for either at the bank or the local post office.

    The MIL goes into the bank and tries to withdraw $800. Unfortunately, there's only $500 in their account, so she asks if there's anything they can do. Of course the bank teller can't help...the MIL says she'll have to find another way, but they'll have no money for food for 10 days.

    I'll preface by saying the family does help them a lot...but they kept this story quiet from us all for a good month. The FIL especially hates taking money from family.

    As she trudges out of the bank, a young bloke randomly goes up to her, taps her on the shoulder, and hands her 10 fifty dollar notes. "Just take this...I hope it helps" he says. some semblance of hope in the face of absolute cunts trying to rip them off.

    • aw man! that was an emotional rollercoaster of a readscruffics

    I know the topic is already boring... but it's July 2, it doesn't stop raining here and we have November temperatures!!

  • NBQ00-4

    Bring back smartass monospaced!

    • No justice, no peace.palimpsest
    • i bet Mono downvoted that even though he's banned.Ianbolton
    • Hey my therapist is back.NBQ00
    • Haha. i'm always here, but it's your choice to talkIanbolton
  • autoflavour4

    day 12 of having Human Metapneumo Virus..
    not as brutal as the Influenza A I had last month, but holy fuck I am over being sick.. worked out of the last 6 weeks, I have been not coughing 1 week.

    not even lingering cough, just constant congestion.

    is totally ass.. do not recommend

    • Fuck man!YakuZoku
    • Gosh, They should study your immune system, you catch all the viruses...

      Get well soon
    • its all super lame. working from home isn't helping, I get cabin feverautoflavour
    • I got the influenza A as well. Know that tingling in your nose right before a sneeze? I would get waves of that sensation so painful my eyes would water. BrutalBuddhaHat
    • the what? is this just the flue?milfhunter
    • Yeah what the hell is this? Day 12?!garbage
    • still going.. doctors have given up.. just finished double course of antibiotics.. still sick.. dr said basically just have to ride it outautoflavour
    • influenza A was solid 15-17 days sick with a further 10 coughing but no fever/ill feeling.. this was 9 days sick with now just ongoing coughing and run downautoflavour
    • and fucking endless muscular pain from coughing so muchautoflavour
  • Gardener7

    19 years since what turned out to be a very disappointing and incredibly long day. Although it was to be Pink Floyd's last gig I came away exhausted and a bit cross that it was all such a major faff. The food & drink were super expensive and the music on the day was meh, at best! The only thing I can't moan about though was that the tickets were free as I won them in the national raffle - the only way to get them at the time (unless you were friends with any of the bands) which I'm not.

    OR ELSE!

    The queue has a massive argument and splits up.

    The queue begins, hmmm... no touts?

    Thankfully the Stereophonics set is obscured by a tree.

    My view of Elton's set is obscured by a massive troll.

    The queue for the loo.

    Everyone claps the wrong way by mistake.

    The litter gathers as the day groans on.

  • garbage4

    I know there's some writers out there, and I'm curious if this is just me:

    Very proud of my handstyle when I get up. It's crafted, there are a few modes when I get going, ranging from incredibly meticulous to careless but precise.

    Filling out forms? It looks like a brain-damaged 5 year old just learned how to write. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm seriously starting a blackbook for "writing normal".

    • Yup. Don't even get me started on my signature - can i replicate it? Can I fuck. Have I ever been able to? Have I fuck,Nairn
    • Thank fuck I'm not the only one, flol.garbage
    • I draw a lot, and write like I draw, sometimes very sketchy and other times a-la-rococó... But forms filling?, like a 3 yo wrinting with his feet...OBBTKN
    • flol, forms are out to get us!garbage
    • I have misspelled my last fucking name before because I'm paying attention to how poorly I wrote my first.garbage
    • Back when I was under the delusion that I could be a comic book illustrator for a living, I was training myself to do lettering, too. Damn good looking, too ...Continuity
    • ... if I do say so myself. But form-filling? Yeah, forget it. It's like a doctor filled in a prescription form.Continuity
    • Again: Thank fuck, I'm not the only one. Little while back I was at the vet and delivered absolute chicken scratch.garbage
    • ALL CAPS is the way on forms, but not online :-)…
  • NBQ007

    mono darling, I miss you.

  • bainbridge1

    What's the longest you've stayed at one job, working for someone else?

    I'm feeling stuck at my current, pushing 4 years. I feel comfortable and can take time off and it's generally easy, but it gets repetitive and I should be making more money.

    Is it better to:
    1. move on and probably make money
    2. stay and accept it and coast and have time to do other things

    • https://www.zippia.c…imbecile
    • 4 years longest. Should’ve left at 3. Coasting is bad unless you’re 55+. Switch jobs and maximize salary until you’re in your 50snb
    • the job I just got laid-off from was 4 yearsYakuZoku
    • 8 years and going strong.utopian
    • 5 yrspango
    • Imagine you spoke to your boss. They agreed to pay you more and got you more varied work. Would you be happy to stay?skinny_puppy
    • This past May was 28 years.Akagiyama
    • 28 fucking years... jesus!pango
    • 13 years, after that, I'm going for 10 years in solo-mode next yearOBBTKN
    • The 13 years in that company were very good because of the stability we needed to raise our daughters...OBBTKN
    • Why this long?! What kind of work?
      Was in Advertising for like 8 years but different agencies, crazy that people can stay that long in one place (28 years?!)
    • 21 years...dmay
    • 11 years, now part-time. I'd like to be paid more but i've turned down full time job because they always seem like 4x the work for 2x the salary...kingsteven
    • any time i consider it, i have flashbacks to studio work and running my own shit, the stress and long hours is not worth it + clients are hell.kingsteven
    • 4.5 years. Coincidentally, 5 months before I would've become a vested partner :(bezoar
    • Currently 16 years. But I’ve evolved the job position drastically during that time ao it isn’t exactly the same anymore.doublespaced
    • 28 21 16 years how do you guys live with yourselves?!
      Have you ever considered side jobs?
    • For me I evolved the job scope and standards, so it keeps me and the team future focused. And it’s super stable, pay is great, and flexibility unmatched.doublespaced
    • I did side business for awhile to pay for our wedding, and had those clients stick around for years too. Glad that’s over.doublespaced
    • That's actually good, but still a long time. But if you're happy...grafician
  • Gardener2

    I kinda guessed I'd gone in with bids a bit too low as I ended up winning just 1 out of 12 record lots I was bidding on this week. Mind you, every other lot was topped by just £10 so someone else wanted them a wee bit more than me. There were some incredible singles, including a Musketeers promo on Philips, ah well...

  • NBQ000

    Italian prosecutors uncovered that Dior only pays $57 to produce bags retailing for $2780.

  • grafician0

    So all mods have the QBN symbol tattoed

    Ok fine I will do it

    Then ban doublemono

    Oh wait