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  • BattleAxe0

    why do i even show up, so we have the infrastructure and already have a custom built cms that can be expanded but they want people to learn google sites , then the boss comes by and says can you do a project for us that will be replaced in a few months by something better that we are out sourcing too !

  • Horp0

    Ponyboy... yes, I know how you feel. I had the same thing myself a number of years back. That's why I do what I do now... me and design had a fundamental divorce. There was no going back.

    It works out fine though as long as you have an inkling of what you want to happen next.

  • canuck0

    Horp it's your turn to post again.

    GO ...

    • ^ no need to tell you I guess.canuck
    • who gave you the captain's hat?7point34
    • I hold the conch 7.34.canuck
  • canuck0

    I think I might try my hand at making a book on lulu, or blurb or some such site.

    The book will be about llamas.

    • i, for one, have already pre-ordered7point34
    • Great, I can retire early now.canuck
    • always wanted to try blurb.D_Dot
    • Autographed + lipstick, please.Jaline
    • Sounds dramatic.
  • Horp0

    "I think I might try my hand at making a book on lulu"

    Where I come from, Lulu is another way of saying lady's front lovebottom.

    • We all love a ladylove's lovebottom though, don't we.Horp
    • Same here.canuck
    • Thanks for letting me post again BTW Canuck.Horp
    • You were due.canuck
    • But you';re from Brighton, I thought you guys called it "eeeuww!"
    • I'm from Hove actually max.

    • (NB: people from Hove always say "Hove, actually")Horp
    • then they should change it to "Brighton and Hove Actually"
  • PonyBoy0

    i'm lacking my... inkling

    • Take some time off. You need a goal to aim for however unrealistic it might seem now.Horp
    • steal someonesD_Dot
  • 7point340

    i'm licking my... ankles

    - PonyBoy
    Jan 6, 09, 9:46 a.m

  • PonyBoy0

    i spend more time grabbing them

  • Jaline0

    I need to leave the office asap so I can have cold water thrown on me.

    • no need for sugarJaline
    • flashdance?7point34
    • stawnnerchossy
    • lol
    • New employee is really getting to you, eh?locustsloth
    • Save your sugar for me, I'll save my sugar for you
      (Tony Joe White lyric)
    • polk salad
    • Nah, it's not really her. I've just been feeling weird all day.Jaline
    • Don't remind me of Jennifer beals, 7.34, you're making the whole thing worse! lolJaline
    • weren't she in that lesbian show?7point34
    • :)7point34
    • Yeah, goddammit, I watch that

  • emukid0

    after years of rejecting it, i've finally decided to believe in Pascal's Wager. from today onward i will live my life as a pious and god fearing individual.

    • me too
    • now can someone tell me where i can get some hookers and blow in this town?emukid
  • ********

    You may like these images.

    • maybe, but probably not
    • These images are called Image One and Image Twolocustsloth
    • i don't like these images. i love them.emukid
    • i like them so much i'm shaking7point34
    • me too
  • Jaline0

    oh my...the new employee is giving my other co-worker tips on how to improve the website. I would've said these things before, but the gov. has a common look and feel aspect that I didn't want to change, since I'm "the student". She knows about sans-serif fonts, readability, headers, etc! Awesome.

    (but I will have to do these updates, I just realized)

    • Punch her in the bum cheeks!Horp
    • Oh, and the newbie only suggested these things AFTER my co-worker asked her.Jaline
    • is it ALL women at your office? because that NEVER ends well.D_Dot
    • syncopated menstrual cycles
    • do they all have period sex?7point34
    • sorry.7point34
    • yes you arelocustsloth
    • lol
      In my department, there are 7 women and 2 men.
    • And we all get along (except for one woman), strangely enough.Jaline
    • I have a hard time believing you all get along. Women can never be that close to each other every day.D_Dot
    • always ends in back stabbing.D_Dot
    • Solid for 2 years now. We even have breakfast parties and lunch parties. It's very easy-going, yet busy.Jaline
    • I think my boss just knows who to hire.Jaline
    • well here's hoping it stays that way.D_Dot
    • I know what you mean, but it's not always the case, thankfully.Jaline
  • kelpie0

    fucking hell I hate stock photography

  • PonyBoy0

    //woah is me - begin

    I haven't had one folio piece in about 2 years now...

    ... I tried taking a job earlier this year in chicago - got screwed horribly (ankle-grabbing moment)...

    ... so i come back to phoenix... lots of work just handed to me from LA and Chicago... but all Flash production / dev work... nothing original to design... at least from these agencies...

    .. but then I do get a number of small projects that need complete a.d. work... so i become slightly overwhelmed...

    ... I've taken on a partner for some of this stuff - someone to help balance the biz cuz i'm losing my mind here...

    ... the partner can only a.d. / design... can't produce (outside of print)... so i've let him design pretty much all my sites and I've produced them... (my own fault.. i know... but i'd of failed w/out the help...)

    ... so again - no folio pieces for me... just co-design/a.d. sorta... but not to the point that - it's mine.

    I feel like i got nothing to show for my last... well... 2 years now... nothing.

    I haven't put a new piece in my folio in literally over 2 years... :(... and I make GREAT FUCKING MONEY...

    ... it's just all dev dev dev... because designers are a fucking dime a dozen these days... or perhaps i just 'blow' at that side of things...

    ... either way - it's become taxing... and I know my attitude shows it - i'm pretty fucking mean from time to time.

    //woah is me - end

    • the fact that designers are dime a dozen shows that what you are able to do requires a higher skill level. surely that is somewhat comforting?emukid
    • somewhat comforting? and designers really are dime a dozen. sometimes more than a dozen.emukid
    • it does 'bring comfort', saf... indeed - it's why i focused on flash for a while...PonyBoy
    • ... i'm eating, living... able to be mooched off of - so, financially I'm not hurting...PonyBoy
    • but... but....
    • ... many blessings to be counted - I just (like everyone else here) always wanted to be a badass A.D...PonyBoy
    • oh fuck i know i'm a dime a dozen. shit i'm a tarnished dime. i have no tricks only hacks7point34
    • ... not a 2nd rate developer.
    • wow i sound like big fucking baby!!!! lolzPonyBoy
    • come here you big ponyboy you! did cosmo ever give you the christmas present i gave him to give you?emukid
    • ummmm... i dunno?
      he's so damned giving - it's hard to tell who it's from.
    • the i hate bear t shirtemukid
    • :O
      no... i am without t-shirt or knowledge of said t-shirt...
      But Thanks, man!!! :D
    • cosmo is probably wearing it right now, thinking of you and touching himself.emukid
    • you should see what he's been with the pair of socks i left over therePonyBoy
    • *doing...
      ... what he's been 'doing' with..
      awww.. nevermind. :(
    • the blog's gone onto a new page anywayPonyBoy
    • but this page is still my favoriteemukid
  • Horp0

    "nothing original to design"

    "Original" is not a viable commodity in today's world. Who wants to invest the time and the money in an unproved end result? Who's going to explain that to the shareholders? Forget about original, its all in the past now.

    "I haven't put a new piece in my folio in literally over 2 years... :(... and I make GREAT FUCKING MONEY"

    Great fucking money always equals no fucking quality. basic fact of creative life. I worked for many years doing work that was admired and I earned hardly anything for it. Then I got sick of being poor and went to an ad agency who paid me a FUCKING FORTUNE and like you I didn't put one single thing in my portfolio for exactly two years.

    Can you not put a developer on the jobs as well, therby freeing yourself up totally, and just skimming the profit, and then use the free time to find your n ew direction?

    • first - i'm honored to be getting advice from you, spook. :)
      I have a meeting coming up w/a couple of dev/creative folks...
    • ... who are kind of dealing with what i'm dealing with - we're going to talk about pooling resources... maybe even hire...PonyBoy
    • ... some people.
      Okay... I just realized that I have good problems and just need to do something for myself here to remind myself why i got into this.
    • remind myself why i got into thisPonyBoy
  • emukid0

    i've never been to 4chan. often i've had thoughts of visiting the site but each time i've backed away thinking that i may see or read something there that will forever change my perception of life, reality and the universe. it is too much of a risk and i don't think i am ready to take such a drastic step just yet.

    • you know Jnr. Jnr is easily 7 or 8 chan7point34
    • it is mutant-forming
  • canuck0


    "Lindsay, 22, reportedly shouted at Samantha: "When I storm off, you are supposed to follow me!"

    The fight then moved to the couple's hotel - where things became so heated the pair exchanged blows in a corridor until security intervened. "

  • locustsloth0

    i feel like a child at the kiddie table at Thanksgiving, listening to the adults talk about stuff i couldn't hope to understand, but scares me anyway

    • vapor lock7point34
    • I'm still at the kiddie table.
  • Horp0

    Sorry to post again but this actually what I came to post and I'm abotu to leave for the day. I've been doing a huge piece on my easel since I was at my last studio. Its all in blue, and I've put many hours into it now. Its nearly complete. My two year old came in to the studio today for a little while. I sat her with some colouring pencils and a big piece of paper. We drew some stuff. I went out of the room to make my gwife a coffee and then shortly after they left.

    I just decided to do some more to my piece before I leave. The piece is blue. Blue droid, blue typography, blue background, blue everything.

    Except for the bottom right hand corner, which is now buried beneath orange and magenta pencil scribbles.

    I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry. The piece has many faults anyway, but as I always abandon these pieces before they're done I resolved to finish this one off regardless of the errors I have made. Now I have to write it off anyway. It really stops me getting too precious about my work when she adds her own layers to it!

    • She sounds good with colour, shame on you for not putting some orange in there beforehand.
    • :'(
    • hahaha why do you leave her alone with your work? is it a subconscious desire to see it ruined?7point34
    • That sucks, Spooky. But hey, you now have a cute story for her once she's a bit older. Keep that piece.Jaline
    • Sounds to me like the piece just became invaluable.
    • sorry though. it was looking really nice.7point34
    • It's worth keeping, trust me. My parents have my stuff from 1990, when I started kindergarten.Jaline
    • I don't Josh, the missus was sat here 'watching her', ffs!Horp
    • oh dearJaline
    • hahaha oh ouch.
      does the scribble at all look like it says "no hobbie car!"
    • all you need now is an alibi.
      And a shovel.
    • your wife let her do that?
    • (not) wifeJaline
    • Hahaha Max. Rand, she didn't let her... she's not really on top form at the moment so I don't blame her.Horp
  • canuck0

    Horp your time to post


    • ^ oh shit. sorry.canuck
    • LOLemukid
    • I took the initiative. Got myself a little Proactivia. I'm done now though, you can all finally have a go! =)Horp