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  • omgitsacamera0

  • canuck0

    Yes, it's high but to be fair my price is low and even you count on the total it's still competitive enough and I hope you can understand that ebay is charging the sellers a very unreasonable fee and I have no choice to set a high shipping so to lower the ebay fee a little bit, please understand :(

    • Pull the other one you cunt.canuck
    • Tell him to go fuck himself.Jnr_Madison
    • I would have but he put the sad face on the end of his email. Now I just feel sorry for him.canuck
  • omgitsacamera0

    damn css spacing:

  • Horp0

    So Paul, tell us who life is over there. Do you think you'll stick it out indefinitely or head back as soon as possible. What's the thing that really gets you on a daily basis... all the info mate please...

    • who = howHorp
    • Hear hearcanuck
    • will be back later this year. need a proper job. if i could get one in NYC, i would. i think that sums it up.
    • weather is nice though.
    • No really irritating moments though?Horp
    • nah. but i don't have all that much to do with the locals though.
    • oh, and finding nice bread is a nightmare.
    • I'd actually like to know who life is over somewhere.killthefish
  • Jnr_Madison0

    I always thought Josh (NO NAMES!!!) was killthefish, which is why I would insult KTF on a regular basis.

    • Hahahaha.Horp
    • he isn't?canuck
    • i believed that as well until i was urged to know betterlocustsloth
    • i still think this7point34
    • Is he Brett?canuck
    • I did too. Never stopped my insults though.
    • This is me in this song, isn't it?killthefish
    • I always thought that too.Jaline
  • 7point340

  • neue75_bold0


  • Horp0

    The flumps reminds me of Chossy, I hope he's doing okay at the moment. I thought about emailing him earlier to see if he was doing okay but I thought that might come across as a bit gay.

    • Where the fuck did you get flumps from 7:34?Horp
    • Thanks for mentioning you're gay for chossy. We'll make a note of itlocustsloth
    • flump rhymes with pump and bump. i though we were still rhyming. i'm always late7point34
  • 7point340

    i emailed chossy last week. haven't heard back. i too horp he's alright.

    i am, however, fully pure gay for him, yo.

    • turbo gay yo
    • it goes to 117point34
    • I can't say I've missed the self conscious use of 'stawner' and 'pure' this and that in every post, tbh.
  • omgitsacamera0

    always left out

    but what else is new

  • ********

    Where is the wee poof? Haven't seen him in a few. And he still owes me ten quid.

    • THOMPY!!
    • fucking hell, who the fuck is thompy?
    • Chossy's mate?canuck
    • i don't think it's "mate". i think they prefer "life partner"locustsloth
  • killthefish0

    I think I forgot to turn off my fog machine in 1987.

  • ********

    how are you guuys doing today.

    • +17point34
    • 2 x 2 - (144/12 - 9)locustsloth
    • Where the fuck have you been. Jnr has been worried sick.canuck
    • I was kinda .. fucked up
  • 7point340

    for the record,

    i had no idea who killthefish was when he first appeared. thought it was another of those 2012 trolls. i told him to off himself. he emailed me the next day with the explanation. it was a delightful misunderstanding.

    boy was my face red.

    i have, however, since signed on as him and posted in the blog.

    so some of you were correct, but only proactively

  • omgitsacamera0

    got the border problem solved
    now i have to fix the photobar...

  • Horp0

    Could people please stop doing anything that can be misconstrued as promoting the Blog thread in the Blogs thead?


  • ********

    not getting any bites for your party invites horp?

    • Hahaha, no. Fucking trolls never bite do they.Horp
    • LOLLing ova heah...
  • ********

    so ok.. yesterday i went to G-Star Raw for my weekly shopping. i went because the new Collection was released. this is the main collection and it is only found at the flagship store as its exclusiveness and price tag. i averagely spend close to $1000 every 2 weeks on the main collection and i have specific sales associates that i will only work with as many younger sales assistants arent professional enough to help and nor do they understand that this is not just a brand but its a lifestyle.

    so yesterday i pick up a new long trench coat and a new pair of denim. the denim is a cut i favor called elwood narrows. they are engineered to fit and to maximize comfort the seams are ergonomic meaning they start at your hips and end inside the ankle over just running down the side seams...

    the denims were $345. now i didnt try them on as every pair i have ever gotten were 32x36... now the guy that was helping was getting a new pair from the stock room for me and a new sales person [woman] approaches me. i immeadiately say i dont want her help, as she is a girl and wouldnt understand me as a guy... she insists on helping me find a new denim... so i ask for the main collection new arrivals... she shows it to me and i say give me 32x36 which she did... now this new cut denim is slightly over sized, yet she failed to mention that, she explain i need to try it on and i explain i own the entire collection for the last 14 years as i shop here every week. then i ask is this a new cut as it has a new finish.. she didnt know the answer and said they just arrived, which i know is complete bullshit so i tell her to please walk away from me as she is giving me false info that she knows nothing about...

    so she departs but then she is the one that got the credit for my sale and made the sale from me... welll

    this morning i try on the denim and even though its my size as i always purchase, due to new constructions there was more allowance towards the seams and cotton thus making the denim 4 sizes larger... upon noticing i had to go back my blood started to boil... i was fucking annoyed!!! beyond!! so i trek back to soho thru a massive blizzard and i ask to have my denim exchanged for a size that fits. the manager comes over and shakes my hands asking why i would be exchanging anything as in the last 14 years i never did...

    i explained how i was poorly handled by a woman who should never have been working in the mens dept to begin with, i explained that even after i told her to walk away she persisted in making the sale even though she didnt do anything as i know what i want...

    i then explain how this isnt Gap or Levis or Diesel where you can talk to the consumers the way she has and treated me in tthe lack of respect she did that i wanted her either fired on the spot or given a leave of absence on the spot as i do not stand for such lack of respect and commitment towards the brand and the consumers that put food on their tables... i fucking spend close to 40K every year on my denim purchases from G-Star.

    so as i am talking this over with the reginal manager, the woman that had helped me yesterday decides to not only interupt my conversation, she even decided to call me a fuck face...

    well she doesnt work there anymore... and i am a happier camper.

    i fucking hate stupid cunts!!!


    • you spend that much money on clothing? dude that's my fucking salary7point34
    • epill is that you?utopian
    • yes i do spend a lot! but the clothes fit and i love it.
      yes this is me.
    • there better not fucking be another epill on here!!!
      then they would be a fake!!!
    • * Blink. *
    • I do have to say, the prices intrigue me. A pair of jeans that are $400? I mean they have to be good rite, haha?
    • You should listen to yourself, you sound like a proper twat.
    • http://www.arcadiagr…
    • rasko i dont care what you say, this is who i am. and like or not..
      you can call me a twat..
    • like i fucking care who you are...
    • getting people sacked and for what.. because she didn't have 14 years of knowledge of some crappy jeans? LOL
    • you're out of your mind.
    • do yo swan around talking to people like shit all the time? Like you're some fucking little Lord Fauntleroy?
    • maybe i do maybe i dont.
    • i wonder if the perception of me has changed for all of you..
      maybe it should...
    • I spend 40k on the main exclusive elite deluxe collection every year, gaining me exclusivity points - BOW DOWN TO ME!
    • TO ME!
    • LOL
    • your funny!! you make me jokes on me... haha yay!!
    • perhaps you just need a reality check.
    • just for ref. the manager let her go. as she got loud in the store when we were not. also its in the
    • stores best interests to have the repeat customers who shop heavy to continue so over having
    • sales associates who are detering those customers.
      like i said its a lifestyle. i chose it.
    • the brand itself holds a certain level of luxury to me, and i am given a high respect by them
    • so in turn for me to be angered by something i had asked to not be apart of from the start to only
    • be put in a situation i didnt ask for makes me annoyed and i have that right.
    • you can call me what ever you like. you can type cast me into any genre of pics ever...
    • To be honest if I was that girl, or anyone in the situation that you put them in, a fuck face would be the nicest thing I would say/do to you, haha.
    • would say/do to you, haha.
    • it doesnt change anything.
      so go for it!! make threads, make posts keep on keeping on!! :)
    • LOV YAH!!!

    • perhaps if you had used a 'shoeing' gesture with your fingers that would have worked?
    • boy, you really swallowed the koolaid.
    • This has got to be some kind of perversely ingenious parodic elaboration, surely?Nairn
    • this does change my perception. my initial thought was right. you are a dick.dewilde
    • good luck buying $400 jeans on unemployment.dewilde
  • ********

    Whenever I hear "Wooly Bully" I can't help but think Adam Sandler got a lot of inspiration from Sam the Sham.

  • Horp0

    epill trollalert.

    • oh no you didnt!!!
    • Give it a rest.Horp
    • give what a rest?