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  • Horp0

    So, I have two places already filled for my printmaker's holiday here in the idyllic Sussex countryside in a beautiful 16th century cottage that hasn't been built yet but will be, very soon, out of fibreglass.

    Only 158 places left on the innaugural workshop week. Tell your employers its a valuable course for creatives!

    • I will review applications but please don't be disappointed if your money isn't good enough this time round.Horp
    • I am 159?Jaline
    • Oh, I see, OK. How about some organs as payment?Jaline
    • I'm coming over.NotByHand
    • Mouth organs are not accepted, church organs may be, depending on the quality of the pipes.Horp
    • < Somebody help Notby to a chair, he's coming over all peculiar.Horp
    • I got a couple of house organsFariska
    • I'll take them.Horp
    • Mouse organs? I've got mouse organs. Well, not me specifically, but I am in possession of said organs...
    • organs...MrOneHundred
  • Jaline0

    Yeah, the entire layout is messed up, Fariska. I can't believe I forgot to check it in IE before this. Funny thing is, I actually woke up once in the middle of the night and said to myself, "SHIT, I don't think I tested my site in IE". hahaha

    • Who uses IE these though eh?
      (^ I have no idea. I just wanted to sound knowledgeable)
    • No one important. But I don't want anything horrible related to my site :/Jaline
    • Uhm... quick advice.
      1) use a proper reset
      2) i usually avoid using float:right, i usually keep everything float-left and space it.
    • ..and space it
      3) display:inline for all the floating elements does great tricks on ie
    • thanks.Jaline
    • lots of business users still have ie unfortunately, surprising amountskelpie
    • The latest IE is a great browser, much prefer it to FirefoxKhurram
  • ********

    blurgh what a night.
    didn't get any sleep.
    fuck you superbowl.

    • Noodles with chilli?
      That can keep me up all night.
  • Horp0

    "Well if you don't like my taters baby, don't you tickle my vine"

    - Pope Bendict XV1

  • ********

    cardinals almost won.

    • Gah. CUNTS. Fuck em. I'm fucking done with Superbowl this season, I tell you. I am boycotting it from now on.Horp
    • superbowl is no season, its one game
    • i only watch american football when it's superbowl.. and I learned the rules from Madden NFL on ps
    • who is that Madden guy anyway? like the burnie ecklestone of the American Football?
    • Oh, so its only one game now eh? Is that due to the recent cutbacks?Horp
  • ********

    long after you've given up hope, you emerge into a new world, unrecognizable like Mickey Rourke

    • the freaky thing abou tmikey as that he IS still instantly recognisable, despite the whole "wtf" thingkelpie
    • "wtf is that mikey rourke?? wtf is up with his FACE???" etckelpie
    • I saw that scene (you know which one) from Wild Orchid the other day, and thought, hey! he was kind of handsomeJaline
    • Which really surprised me, as I didn't know who he was before I saw Sin City. Even then, he was an unknown.Jaline
    • And I thought he was hideous. It really worked for him in Sin City. But at the award shows... not so much.Jaline
    • By "unknown", I mean: to me. Obviously everyone else (slightly older than me) knows.Jaline
  • ********

    I knew salisae wouldn't leave that photo up

    • was that a jaline imposter in the recent work thread?
  • ********

    Good morning all.
    Pre-apologies for crabbiness. Jetlagged and back in the snow belt.
    Holy crap I can't stand the snow.

    • hiJaline
    • did you wave to canuck from your street yet?Jaline
    • Nope, not yet.
      *runs to the door and waves at canuck.
    • canuck is so rude!
      maybe he's hungover
    • How is that sun tan treating you.canuck
    • S'alright. I didn't get that much sun really, but I did think of you while eating lunch outside at a bistro the other day.
  • Horp0

    "I didn't know who he was before I saw Sin City. Even then, he was an unknown"

    But before that, he was a god. Check out Barfly, he plays Bukowski to a tee, and Angelheart... he is fucking brilliant in Angleheart. Johnny Handsome, Rumblefish and The Pope of Greenwich village are other notable movies.

    The whole thing about Mickey Rourke having a fallow period is largely a self-made marketing myth. He worked consistently from his first major movie to his latest. He never did walk away from movie making nor did he get ostracised by Hollywood. Its all spin. He's made at least one movie, sometime two or more every year since his first.

    It just so happens that a lot of them were howling stinkers that nobody was unfortunate enough to watch.

    • Thanks for clearing that up, Spooky!
    • add to "notes about english": howling stinkersFariska
    • OK...Jaline
    • I don't have an opinion about any of his acting stuff, since I don't know anything about it.Jaline
    • but interesting.Jaline
    • Hahaha, sorry Pylon, I get on a train of thought, and it doesn't stop til the end of the line.Horp
    • I like your posts.Jaline
    • They're sometimes rather deluded. I tend to forget that everyone is real on here, not just homunculii in a daydream.Horp
  • ********

    i walked by a travel agency when I went from school to busstation..
    I saw that sign with:
    540 EURO - 4 NIGHTS

    i wanted to go in and book. but I didn't.

    • Do it Tom. Just do it. One day you get too old to just hit NY for fun with no plan. I did it a few times at college...Horp
    • do you have quite a lot of cash to fling about digs? you seem to be at least considering buying expensive items quite a lot. As a student I had difficulty with the £15 needed to get to edinburgh ;)kelpie
    • student I had difficulty with the £15 needed to get to edinburgh ;)kelpie
    • ... always great, always worth it, always some crackpot who'll let you into their apartment party.Horp
    • he is independently wealthy
    • The thing is, at Tom's age its all spendable isn't it. Its all surplus cash. You should do it Tom. Fuck, I'm tempted toHorp
    • sponsor you to go so I can relive the dream vicariously. GO TOM. GO.Horp
    • Just do it if you can even nearly swing it in terms of cost... but wait till May when the weather don't suck so much.
  • ********

    I still don't get it, kelpie

  • canuck0

    Well good morning you ungrateful sacks of excrement.

  • Horp0

    Tom, when I was in college there was a recession on and various airlines were doing special deals to fill up flights. I was on my way home from college one afternoon and saw a sign that said LAST MINUTE DEALS ON FLIGHTS TO USA. I went in and asked what the cheapest return was to NY. The woman said "Well, the cheapest one is leaving in four hours from Heathrow but obviously that's no good" I took it, left the travel agent, ran home to get my passport, got straight back on the underground to Heathrow, got there with minutes to spare before check-in closed, got on the plane and landed at Newark in a thin cotton teeshirt, thin trousers and espadrils, no socks. NY was about four feet deep in snow. I had the best THE BEST EVER week of my life that week.

    If you can afford it, do it Tom. Take a camera, a sketchpad, and lots of chutzpah.

    • and some socks..neue75_bold
    • What the fuck were you doing wearing espadrils?ian
    • Epill gonna buy him some socks in G-Star. I'm emailing you epill's number Tom.
      = D
    • It was 1991 Ian, espadrills were all the rage in college.Horp
    • lolcanuck
    • bwahaha,
      nice shorts, Tom..
    • I say "all the rage"... that roughly translates as "I had a pair".Horp
    • hahaha, fair enough then!ian
    • I remember this story. gold!Jaline
  • ian0

    This is is not a good look for any man, except a 60 year old french winemaker perhaps.

    • Shhhh.Horp
    • I see that and immediately thing Gerrard Debardieux.
    • But they're cheap you see, and we were rocking a thrift store aesthetic. It was Grunge era.Horp
    • I was atcually just talking to my gf about footwear when we were kids. I had a pair of these I wore them so much the rope...ian
    • ... unravelled eventually. I was crushed. However, I was also crushed when Optimus Prime died and when I ran out of sweets.ian
    • ... sweetsian
    • everyone who went to Spain/Balearics as a kid had a pair of these. And probably a fake Fila shirt or five.
  • ********

    I know you're into the navel-gazing music. We went to see John Vanderslice backed by the magic*magic orchestra on Friday. It was a hipster navel-gaze-a-thon. Music was good too. Entertaining all around. Encore: Strangers by the kinks!

    • love that song
    • have never listened to John Vanderslice--will check it out
    • He's good. He's the guy who founded Tiny Telephone, the recording studio.
  • canuck0

    Pablo just book the trip already.

  • neverblink0
  • ********


    570 seems ok, no? I could do it, but then I also have to include expenses, cab, food, souves.. and whatever.
    I need to go to barcelona with school first, (end march) after that, i'll see. and I'll see who wants to go with me.. i don't see myself going to NY all by myself..
    maybe prices go down more after march.

    • I can only see the prices going up.canuck
    • Horp is paying, remember? :p
      lol.. maybe I'll do some freelance work untill then.. who knows!
    • 570 is a once in a lifetime price Tom. You don't get time or money to do this later on, trust me.Horp
    • it was 320 last year
  • canuck0

    Thinking about bumping the design crit thread.

    • don't do it, that thread was a mistake
    • all I get is shit for encouraging a superficial view of design
  • GeorgesII0

    my friend told me some major financial crashes are heading our way in february,
    he says some key player will pull out all of their cash before feb 4 and by feb 10 the world will have crashed,

    I just can't wait

    • JUMP!canuck
    • Your fried sounds like a fun bloke to hang with.NotByHand
    • who is he?
    • His friend, or the key playa?canuck
    • the friend