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  • fugged0

    So I got a bullshit parking ticket a bit ago. "Failure to display tags," or something like that. Car was fully registered and up to date. I just plain forgot to put my new tags on. It's in the fucking computer. Look it up Mr. Meter Maid Man.

    So I send off the $60 check a while ago, only to find out today they "lost" it and now I have to pay a $25 fee to cancel the check.

    Lessons learned:

    1. The city is in the fucking stone age and doesn't understand this information can be accessed on one of those "computar" machines.

    2. Don't write rude comments in the "For" box on your checks, when paying parking tickets.

    3. Don't be a dumb ass in the first place, and forget to put your new tags on your plates.

  • PonyBoy0

    *fluff's the blog's boobies

  • megE0

    Canada is good. I'm busy busy busy at work. The roommate situation has turned out amazingly good (for a craigslist find). I really can't complain about a damn thing right now. Company will probably be hiring more people in a couple months -- the projects just keep coming in!

    AND the cute clever witty guy from the going away party is visiting this weekend :) He's a computer engineer and two of his major clients are in Toronto. So he's going to be here for business on Friday anyways... but I'm telling myself he's coming to see me! ha

    • awesome i happy that your move was successful.. it was a long journey.. congrats!!e-pill
    • screw that dude. he's no good for you
    • iCanHaz.... don't see you making any moves...megE
  • scarabin0

    just had a meeting with timothy white. such amazing work!

  • e-pill0

    Just had 2dope interviews with nice offers
    I took a freelance to test the vibe of the one I liked. They accepted my rate without a second thought. Times like this I wish I asked for more. They said they have a lot of positions available. I'm surprised they aren't filled. Well I'm happy for this mini freelance. I have 1week to concept 3 different price point agressive sports endurNce bags each with 18 different bodies using 4 colourways. Woot!!! Exciting!!!

    • Yay... thrilled for you e-pill!
    • thanks gurl!!

    • sounds neat e :Dismith
    • rad!!!!PonyBoy
    • the best part was that i have a 4inch mohawk and everyone told me i needed to shave it..e-pill
    • don't shave it... do notPonyBoy
    • not going to..e-pill
    • already hired, mohawk comes with!megE
  • ismith0

    I swear to god if this isn't the most patronizing semester I've ever been in... what's worse my teacher just put some shitty easy listening station on Pandora for the whole fucking class... my head... ears... fuuuck... Just started this thingy though, I've got a ways to go still to get it to where my sketch is. Blargh, food! I need some!

    • Still haven't figured out what to do with the opening ceremony bit. I forgot I even left it in there...ismith
    • lookin' good!scarabin
    • teacher doesn't like the green because I also showed her one version w/plain background.ismith
    • i have a list of things to play with though... just don't fell like launching ID again tonight. mehismith
    • make the green, turqoise. if he doesn't like it, refer to the pantone site and being it the colour of the year
  • PonyBoy0



    "God is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?"

  • ********

    I dreamt I was a flight attendant

  • graham0

    I have three different bosses each demanded something from me today, all saying its urgent. FML.

  • scarabin0

    people fighting over me on FB

    • lucky boy....megE
    • thought it was funnyscarabin
    • haha very niceismith
    • so did you get it on with 2 girls and a cup of jello and that d00d?e-pill
    • no, but i did have a threesome with my girl and a friend of one of the girls who commentedscarabin
      *bangs gong
    • *with dongismith
    • hahascarabin
    • love how you insisted they stay on topic hahahaa!sea_sea
  • PonyBoy0

    Just got off the phone w/the Detective in charge of the case regarding the woman who's son shot her... resulting in her driving through my house...

    ... I'm pretty much getting screwed and shouldn't expect any restitution or help from the vehicle insurance company as the driver really wasn't at fault - it was her dumb fucking son and his trigger finger... long story short - he's young... no job... broke...dumb as fuck...

    ... I am however pressing charges for criminal damage - fucker shot his mother in the head... I mean... it's the least I can do.

    His Mom... she's alive and well and in a rehab center! She talks, takes and gives commands like any normal human... she doesn't quite recall the incident but does seem like she's going to fully recover...

    ... you gotta imagine the first conversation she'll have w/her son... I can't even begin to think of what she'll say to him.

    • amazing. so awesome she survived!scarabin
    • wow, that is pretty amazing. hope you get something out of this other than a pain in the butt.sea_sea
  • e-pill0

    pony.. did you own the house? or are you just renting/ leasing?
    it sounds like you have to pay for it, but i thought you were leasing it or something.. why should any of the cost fall on you??

    • i was renting... and there's no cost to me outside of the damage to my own stuff... of which would have been...PonyBoy
    • ... covered if not for my renter's insurance expiring in... FUCKING JANUARY.PonyBoy
    • When I was talking to the detective - he explained it's a big finger pointing game between the home owner...PonyBoy
    • ... the insurance Co. (of the vehicle) and me (the tenant)... but nothing can fall on the driver / owner of the vehicle...PonyBoy
    • ... as it was her son pulling the trigger that caused the accident...
      ... so - I'm fucked.
    • shit man, that sucks. how's your stuff? work stuff (i.e. computers) undamaged?ismith
    • good luck getting someone's insurance to pay for stuff... sounds like it's already a real painismith
    • all my gear for work etc was saved - I really just lost my bed, old TV and pretty much ALL my clothes... but not shoes. :)PonyBoy
    • It might sound even more depressing but you can often go to Goodwill/Salv.Army ad get discounts when you buy a bunch of stuffismith
    • bunch of stuff for reasons like this... of course it's really only necessary if you're naked right now. :Pismith
    • i'm naked right now... but only by choicePonyBoy
    • in that case you should still go to goodwill. they might even pay YOU :Dismith
    • But it's the drivers decision who they allow in the car and are they not responsible for their passengers?ali
  • ********

    eddie, i'm really happy for you, hope you get one of the jobs!

    Pony, sounds shit man. hope all goes well

  • omgitsacamera0

    Those Westboro Baptist Church fuckers are going to come to one of the other high schools in the district to protest their production of 'The Laramie Project'.

    Apparently we're 'fag enablers' and thus are going to hell.

    • burn the church. its easier than you think
    • tell them you're proud to enable fags and watch their faces glow red and inflateismith
    • rub your crotch at the same time.ismith
    • OR tell them that you are asexual and that their argument is invalid.ismith
    • but hey let them protest, they can believe whatever they want. you'll appreciate it when you can protest their BS later on...ismith
    • on...ismith
    • at the very least it forces an issue. around here i wish more people protested things, even stuff i don't agree with at allismith
    • because it's still activism, and it sets a stage for people to counter it.ismith
    • tell em you are also enabled to punch them in the face
    • or yell, 'YR SON IS GAY'
  • ismith0

    As of Wednesday I am now registered to vote... I am unaffiliated with any party. I'm not sure if I'll be living in/near Connecticut by the time election day comes around, and I'm sure I'll be completely dissatisfied with all of the candidates, but I did it anyway because it is definitely a privilege to be allowed to participate.

    • cool, now you can expect your first jury duty, yaay!sea_sea
    • sorry couldn't help myself.sea_sea
    • haha :P they might not be able to find me if I have no permanent place of residence thoughismith
    • i was going ot mention the jury duty thing too..e-pill
  • ismith0

    Also I have a book report due on Tuesday... I have 200 pages left in the book, Manufacturing Consent by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky. So somehow this weekend I'm going to need to finish it and write a few pages which shouldn't be too hard if I wake up at a reasonable time tomorrow.

    • how can two people write a book?
    • coauthoring. they both work on drafts together and compile chapter by chapter, each taking different responsibilities.ismith
  • ismith0

    I've actually had dreams lately too! Every night for the past month I've gone to sleep sitting up... no music, although one night I reaaally wanted to hear Lou Reed but I couldn't get the CD to burn... lots of stuff whether it's sexual desire, anxiety, or whatever. It's nice to feel human again.

  • ismith0

    ven though half the time they're just a bunch of bumbling idiots, I'm wondering if I should join the ACLU... it only takes a $20 donation to get the card. A lot of the people who represent them turn me off as does their demeanor but they are supportive of more than a couple causes that I am as well... I also wonder if it would help get represented the next time I get arrested, especially if they decide to charge me (hitchhiking, trespassing, whatever... it's bound to happen again, and worse if I'm flying high). Obviously there are more practical solutions but it would kinda be like having AAA, if I had the card and wasn't in deep enough shit I could talk my through in a "back the fuck up I have a lawyer so stop beating my ass" kinda way... lol damn I'm gonna sound stupid when I wake up tomorrow. Carry on people! This year's gonna be an interesting one for me, I hope the same for all of you (in only the most auspicious way possible, of course...)!

  • ephix0

    second week in a row that my window was egged by some teenage punks. need to think of a plan.

    • hire super ninjas to stalk outsidee-pill
    • put a dead kennedys banner on your window..sea_sea
    • a translucent barrier outside your window made of some sort of highly elastic substance, so it bounces back at themlocustsloth
    • leave your window open so they cant hit it.
  • sea_sea0

    ok so i'm feeling like crap with what seems to be a sinus infection/cough sucks.. i'm sleeping it's 4:30am and i get woken up by some noise outside in what seems to be the kitchen? not sure. i walk out and see that my bf is washing the dishes! for a moment i was about to say "keep it down!"... but in such a rare and special occasion i had to stop myself. lol, now i'm sitting here 5am can't sleep and he's sleeping on the couch...

    • go figure.sea_sea
    • did you even ask him why he's up so early?locustsloth
    • more like up so late! he was up all night finishing a project. the house was a mess, i'm feeling like crap, so he decides to help by cleaning the kitchen... can't say nothing to that! lolsea_sea
    • by cleaning the kitchen... can't say nothing to that! lol gotta love him.sea_sea
    • now i'm gonna try to go back to get some zzzz's.. ;) night!sea_sea
    • He's something special...ali