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  • BattleAxe0

    man, six months since I quit my cushy gov job to go out and "freelance" and study Programming , and I am broke as a joke but feel great and lost 15lbs , and been high since

  • ********

    Once you get started you can't sit down. Come join the fun, it's a merry-go-round. Everyone's dancing their troubles away.

    Come join our party, See how we play.

  • ********

    Jack Nicholsonbump

  • bigtrick0

  • ********

    I thought if I acted like someone else, I'd be more comfortable with myself. But my new persona didn't like the real me, and a schism opened up. I felt I had to make a choice. Either him, or me. I liked the new me, but I liked the old me too. I couldn't choose, and these two identities were tearing each other to pieces. So I imagined myself as some kind of arbitrator in an attempt to resolve the issue that had sprung up between them, in the hope that reconciliation might be followed by reunion and re-assimilation into one singular identity. But the arbitrator didn't seek reunion, he wanted to build a resolution where the two identities could peacefully co-exist in the same space, sharing the same resources, in a sort of timeshare situation. I told him that was not what I sought and he replied that with all due respect, I was not a position to be calling the shots, and furthermore he had been commissioned to bring his skill and expertise to bear on the situation, and it was not appropriate for him to show any bias toward one or the other, but to take a balanced middle ground point of view that encompasses the feelings of both parties.

    The other one said he wanted the timeshare. I said I didn't want that, I wanted a single identity. We were hog-tied.

    I felt the arbitrator might be the problem now, but I lacked any authority to remove him, so I called in the authorities. They placed all three of us under a form of marshall law, and began running things remotely along the guidelines laid out in their training manual.

    Everything ground to a halt, as any single decision had to be cross-checked and presented to their command centre, then ratified and sent back as a sequence of instructions to be followed by the book. There were legal people and strategy teams monitoring this very closely by now.

    I started to feel demoralised. I slipped out of the frame and let things roll along without me. I guess I was depressed. The arbitrator was depressed to. He had no authority under the authorities, and they were not interested in his Jungian analysis and his '5 steps to internal conflict resolution' program. The authorities pretty much forgot why they were there after a short while. They were the brainless invasion, occupying territory, holding it down, locking it up so that nothing came in or out, or even got moved or discussed without their knowledge and say-so.

    Occasionally I would ask them why they were here, just to see if they knew. They would eye me with distaste and say simply that they were here to keep the likes of me under control.

    I heard about others like me. Lurking in the peripheries, staying out of the system, off the radar, and with nothing better to do I decided to look for them. It was easy to sneak away. Nobody cared much about me. I just kept to myself, didn't get involved, didn't cause trouble, I didn't seem to have an agenda to push or a system to uphold.

    I found others. They were just like me, seduced, abandoned, and disillusioned by the long lost dream of a better future that had invited all this trouble in the first place.

    We decided to have our own little system. A simple bartering set up. We lived quietly and scarcely in the darkened edges, out of sight. Cooking in little tin pots. Nothing more than bugs and sticks. It was okay. We were happy in our own way. Grubby little drop-outs. No shoes and wobbling teeth. We'd get together, pair off, have little weddings, fuck and get pregnant, then slide off to couple up with someone else. It was a pack more than a society. It was quite feral. We went back to nature. It was all arseholes and lice at bed-time, hard-ons and fights in the morning.

    One day the authorities came down on us from out of nowehere. They were hard and shony and they didn't have a single care for us at all. They just wanted to smash the vermin as quickly and terribly as they could. It was appalling. I saw people getting broken up right in front of me. Collapsed and smashed and rubbed into the ground. It took seconds and it was done. There was nothing left. The authorities were immutable.

    I've been working in local government ever since, with no real hope of ever pursuing my artwork in any serious way. I've had some pieces on display on the local coffee shop. Just simple canvases really, nothing more than 6"x9" lime green paint with a purple swirl dead center and 2-3 shiny rocks glued to it on a wallgreens canvas that isnt even properly stretched... asking $175 for it. There's 30 of them up on the wall. I've never sold one, but one guy stops by regularly and just sits there nursing a coffee and staring at them.

    That fact alone gives me a small modicum of hope.

  • ********

    Katie Melua, Vaginas & Pencils, available 10th February as download and limited edition CD single and 7" vinyl.

    • sexy eyese-pill
    • odd chin though.
    • yes cleft chins on chicks are weird but she has star bursts on her eyes.. RAD!e-pill
    • ahahahahabigtrick
    • hey is that the loading icon, reflected in her eyes?bigtrick
  • CanHasQBN0

    how do you get up in the morning and face the day knowing that you're going to die anyway?

    • get a girlfriend and tell her to wake you with a morning bj.. done et done!!e-pill
    • by knowing that every day i live to the fullestscarabin
    • also i think even being dead would be pretty coolscarabin
    • i died once.. july 4th 1998.. overdose.. therefore i get to say you only live twice!!!e-pill
  • ali0

    Feeling worried today, my parents and bro are fighting off a bush fire nearing the house and my auntie and family are just about to get hit by a Cat 5 Cyclone probably the worst to ever hit Australia.

  • scarabin0

    i've become best friends with a host of chemicals termed "hallucinogens" including LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline, yet have never experienced what i understand to be a hallucination.

    i'm told stories by people claiming they saw fucking elves and gnomes, dancing skeletons, angels, insects, etc, and this shit is perpetuated by movies all the time. eat acid and cupcakes talk to you.

    i call bullshit on the whole thing.

    i've seen walls "breathe", objects "melt", but this is simply visual distortion, not an image of an object that isn't real. i've been half in and half out of dream states where i've seen dream objects while i felt like i was awake, but again, not the same thing.

    i think you've gotta be fucked in the head or lying if you're seeing shit that isn't real.

    • When I tried LSD for the first time everything was made of eyeballs and everyone's heads joined by laserbeams.ali
    • My friend had blue meanies once and claimed to cicurs animals chasing her, she ended up in hospital that night.ali
    • 'circus'ali
    • ...they affect everyone differently, I was affected quite visually the first time only, then not afterali
    • i think people who hallucinate are the same people who get drunk on non-alcoholic beer, no offensescarabin
    • you were probably just seeing light spots and decided eyeballs were a good name for itscarabin
    • laserbeams could have been tracersscarabin
    • now closing your eyes and seeing images, i've done that, especially when using strobesscarabin
    • scarabin.. if you focus on the walls melting bit and look away you will hallucinate..e-pill
    • thats how it works.. or if you want instant results.. get a girll with long wavvy hair..e-pill
    • get her to wet it, and then blow dry it,, there will be EXTREME TRACE effects,, that will then..e-pill
    • cause you to enter a rapid eye movement and laughing will happen.. but this is the start..e-pill
    • the hair will be constantly moving and stoping and your eyes will catch every detail..e-pill
    • once this occurs the hallucinations will begin.. at first you will think everything is..e-pill
    • normal like the calm b4 a storm, it will be peaceful and surreal, then you will notice things...e-pill
    • these "things" will happen all around you.. i suggest looking at a $5 bill and look at Lincoln..e-pill
    • he will start talking to you advising you where to look and how to open your eyes further..e-pill
    • this always works.. trust me.

    • that sounds like distortion to mescarabin
    • except for lincoln's voice, which is just insanescarabin
    • ali's 1st post sounds like she is describing my robots..e-pill
    • my favorite were shrooms they sometimes kicked my butt, but every time the lessons were amazing. especially the visuals. the best trips were when i closed my eyes and let myself travel. we should start a thread with stories. or not, we can just keep them here. ;)sea_sea
    • the best trips were when i closed my eyes and let myself travel. we should start a thread with stories. or not, we can just keep them here. ;)sea_sea
    • here. ;)sea_sea
    • never got much into hallucinogens, but the times I did trip, I didn't see shit. Was really disappointed.fugged
    • I hippie-flipped on the edge of a gorgeous cliff overlooking the ocean at sunset and, while alone, a face appeared and spoke to memonospaced
    • spoke to me. It wasn't god, it was the earth. It showed me beautiful things. Not bullshit. Hallucinations are real.monospaced
    • i dont drink, i dont smoke and have never taken anything like that. i have an addictive personality, so i avoid them!Hombre_Lobo
    • true that's why I stay away from them nowali
    • maybe what's happening is people are mistaking visual distortion for something else and they just go with itscarabin
    • their brain just fills in the blanksscarabin
    • jeez, 31 comments! record?
    • 33!!!!!!Hombre_Lobo
  • inteliboy0

    just saw a cut of an ad that worked on for a bit late last year--- FUCKING AMAZING. things gonna win awards.

  • fugged0

    tired, it's late, and my fucking video won't render.

    i'm going the fuck to bed.

  • ********

    despite retiring from illustration over a year ago, i still get the odd commission that i do in order to justify the restoration costs on my Bedford van.

    Today I am doing one such commission on my day off from work. Its actually quite nice, now that I have stepped away from identifying myself as an illustrator, to be paid for drawing a picture every now and then, without having to be ensuring you have something to draw every single day for the sake of running a business.

    • definitely a nice relaxing way of doing it, good stuff old chap
    • Sounds nicepinkfloyd
  • Hombre_Lobo0

    funny youtube comment -

    "Stine (lead singer of Alphabeat) is basically a functional retard. Alphabeat is the embodiment of mediocrity in music. Thanks for uploading this, we don't get 'Never Mind the Buzzcocks' in Denmark, sadly. We do, however, get a fuckload of Alphabeat." - Kagehelvede

    on this episode -

  • PonyBoy0

    How are you feeling, e-pill?

    • with two layers of plastic gloves and a haz-mat suit. Never can be too carefullocustsloth
    • im on my last day on Azithromycin for the bronchitis and its working as im coughing less and less and less pain..e-pill
    • im getting shots twice a week for the pneumonia and the hurt like crazy.. but its worth it to livee-pill
    • my sleep schedule is becoming erradic as im awake more and sleeping more.. for me..e-pill
    • im still really weak though as sometimes the pain in my lungs become heavy and crazy,,e-pill
    • at times it feels like my lungs have a belt surrounding them and each breath is a missione-pill
    • other times it feels normal and i can take in deep deep breaths of air that fills my lungs..e-pill
    • i just want to heal up and get back to work.. im losing my mind staying indoors..e-pill
    • as my only time to leave is to get shots and im not liking those painful shots too much..e-pill
    • it sucks because my concentration is gone as i focus so much on just breathing..e-pill
    • its been a few weeks this way but it felt like a lifetime already..e-pill
    • it all started the day after i interviewed for design director for that great brand..e-pill
    • i felt the chemistry between me and the owners were a good match and they felt the same..e-pill
    • only to be slapped with this pneumonia.. fuck!!!!e-pill
    • thats how im feeling..e-pill
    • thanks for asking kev.. how you feeling?? how is your brother??e-pill
    • I'm doing much better... about 85% now - my chest is still healing though - really sore. :(
      My brother has finally moved...
    • ... home from the assisted living facility - he's now living w/me again. Your plight sounds JUST LIKE him, ed. He had pneumonia...PonyBoy
    • pneumonia, valley fever AND a staph infection - the way you describe your breathing pain sounds just like him.PonyBoy
    • He ended up having a stint put in through his upper arm that ran all the way into his heart to administer antibiotics...PonyBoy
    • i also have bronchial asthma that i was born with which adds towards the pain..e-pill
    • ... he finally had that pulled after 2 months just about 2 weeks ago. The worst part about my brother was that he was on...PonyBoy
    • can you ask him to recommend anything for me? anything!!!! how long did it last for him??e-pill
    • methadone for his heroin problem while all this sickness occurred. He's so sick of drugs though now that is now at the end...PonyBoy
    • i feel i lost so much with this in life and not being able to work..e-pill
    • ... end of week 2 of going cold turkey off that crap - poor kid has been puking / cold / hurting for days. :(PonyBoy
    • I'll ask him, ed - in the end he's been nothing more than hopped up on pain-killers to get through it (Morphine to Percocet)PonyBoy
    • um heroin? sorry to hear.. thought he was just sick.. i missed the post on that..e-pill
    • yeah - he's had problems w/drugs for years - but I don't think the drugs are related to his pneum. / v fever / staphPonyBoy
  • Andrew_D0

    BOOM! GF bought tickets to The Found Footage Film Festival tomorrow night. So pumped! I've never been, but I've laughed my ass off to this for years:


    I just got a couple tees for free from a fellow QBNer. Feels good to know this community. I've made some friends on here. Thanks peeps.

    • you stole my line! we are now enemies. and how did you get free tees?capn_ron
    • lol... I'm kidding. i was hoping you would read this!CALLES
    • *shakes fist at CALLES from the other side of the country.capn_ron
    • i thought this was de ja vue-pill
    • i'll be giving away free stickers when they arrive, to any who want some…scarabin
    • Spike, i'll start that sign-up list right here.capn_ron
    • # two. ;)sea_sea
    • i'll start a thread when i get 'em. you'll be at the top of the list :)scarabin
    • your name is nathan corwin?
      fuck, thats a nice name.
    • thanks wolf manscarabin
  • pinkfloyd0

    I got free books recently from a QBNer. Also had someone spend at least $80 on me when we met up.

    • awe, thats how it should be.. come to nyc and ill do the same.. after i get better..e-pill
    • =)pinkfloyd
  • e-pill0

    last night i rented the new Predators movie.. i didnt listen or read any reviews on it but i wish i had as it was one of the worst movies i ever seen ever.. if i paid to see it in the theater i would have been pissed as i would have walked out.. ugh so bad!!! i think tonight ill rent the new resident evil movie that came out last year.. hopefully that isnt as bad.. or maybe inception as i never seen that or even a commercial for it.. i dont watch any tv what so ever, so im kinda pop culture blind especially when movies are concerned or the news around the world.. i care less for it.. ill see it when i see it is my motto.. you guys here talk so much or have talked so much about inception that i had no idea it was a movie for so long that now im intrigued.. maybe or maybe not ..

    • I only saw Inception a couple weeks ago, it's pretty good.Andrew_D
    • cool then ill rent it first b4 resident evile-pill
    • i'd watch anything with milla in it.bigtrick
  • ********


    • <
    • ... is my password.
    • Take notes.
  • PonyBoy0

    the same doctor who operated on /fixed my heart 2 months was the same doctor who just repaired the hole in Bret Michaels heart last week

    • 2 months *agoPonyBoy
    • fixed your heart, but not your grammar. :)capn_ron
    • yeah... that was a bad post... I could have kept that sentence going another 2 lines too :)PonyBoy
    • as long as the heart is kickin, we don't mind the grammar. It adds some spice to the site. Glad you're heart is good.capn_ron
    • haha... thx, cap'n :)PonyBoy
    • What, that fake surgeon who's just been arrested for having no medical training whatsoever?
    • (Okay relax relax, I made that up. Just testing your heart there Ponyboy)
      = )
    • haha! hear I come, 'lizabeth!!…
    • *here
      haha... more bad grammar :)
    • Lol pony! Grammar king :)
      glad you're well dude!!
    • ...glad it went well. needs moar
      ...'s though...