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  • pango0

    My friends and i took a Japanese girl who's visiting vancouver to a Japanese restaurant(not my idea). Face palm. I'm laughing on the inside. LOL

    • was it a real Japanese restaurant?yurimon
    • Nope lolpango
    • then okdrgs
    • where did you go? you gotta avoid sushi places. At the very least you should have taken her to gyuu, happa izakaya or zakkushi.VectorMasked
    • Wasn't my idea!
      Lol I'm just going with the group. Didn't want to embarrass my friends.
    • well at least did you bang?VectorMasked
    • I haven't banged every single thing or person in my sight for a long while I'm very disappointed at my self.pango
  • yurimon-5

    So, a puerto rican hippie was casing my restaurant, we all hid to pretend it was closed. that was a close call.

    • LOL! so good. yuri, sometimes you can be really funny man. I think the vacation did you some good.
    • what is this again?sted
    • lol
    • lolpinkfloyd
    • +1
    • +1
    • +1
  • maquito4

    Thank you all for the comments / advice. @bklyndroobeki, I was very mad when I wrote that lines. @gnash Absolutely. @shellie @sted, I know. This is pretty fucked up. You are all very gentle for support.

  • ********

    Poored a load of excess super glue on to some tissue. My eye burned really badly for a few seconds, then the tissue got super hot.

    I think I'd prefer not to go blind in this eye.

    • Poured..
    • Never knew super glue reacted with tissue like that. The heat freaked me out a bit
    • I don't get it. Story makes no sense.DRIFTMONKEY
    • fumez burn ze eye methinkzMrT
    • The super sticky action is done by chamical reaction. Cuz the element in super glue is some what unstable that's why it binds with other material quicker andpango
    • And stronger. When the reaction is happening it emits heat. That's why the reaction seems crazy with something so thin like paper tissue.pango
    • Bomb making 101. Unstable element always trying to look some another element to stabilize it self.pango
    • pango drops a science bomb.Gnash
    • Superglue reacts with the natural fibers in the tissue and creates heat. Sometimes even fire, apparently. The fumes burnt my eyes.
    • You'll all be over the moon to know that I can still see.
    • This really is not front page material
    • Come back when your farts burn your eyesrobthelad
    • lolMrT
  • MrT2

    I stopped taking my vitamins (zinc, Bs, magnesium and glucosamine) for a week due to moving house and being a div.

    By the end of the week I felt like I was dying. Back on the pills and the difference is astounding. I assumed a lot of it was placebo/psychosomatic but for me, couldn't be more wrong.

    • you'd be wrong :) your body is craving nourishment... I deal with the same thing when I go off my B, glucosamine etc.. I get mad-tired and my joints goto shitPonyBoy
    • what's the glucosamine for?Gnash
    • I sometimes (used to get) achy joints. Particularly mouse-arm stuff. Glucosamine and a Wacom has totally stopped it.MrT
    • Why not to include the glucosamine and the vitamins in your diet? It's easy and fun to cook with food which contains them...OBBTKN
    • That doesn't prove it wasn't a placebo in any way at all?
    • achy joints could also be hint of a build up of toxins from food. id check dairy consumption, wheat, etc. i would check on what causes inflammation in the bodyyurimon
    • based on consumption of food plus exercise type and emotional stressesyurimon
    • dairy toxins, wheat toxins, emotional stress ...monospaced
    • food consumption, exercise type!monospaced
    • Sex, sex and more sex!utopian
    • beermaquito
    • I just realised set's completely right of course. It's the magnitude of the difference that's got me.MrT
    • @yurimon yes I'm going to look into this. My diet also changed that week after moving back to warmer climes...MrT
    • check your toxin levels... you may also not have kidneys and a liver.dorf
    • I think I'm allergic to gold.MrT
  • GeorgesII4

    My life has become so boring since I don't have time to shitpost on qbn anymore :(

  • pinkfloyd17

    Hi downvoters!

    • LOLmoldero
    • lol
    • UP. VOTED.Continuity
    • front page!utopian
    • Cosmo bumputopian
    • Cosmo bumputopian
    • Also, LOL @ downvotes in the test thread. So edgy.DRIFTMONKEY
    • LOLmaquito
    • This is very accurate.pango
    • Cosmo for Prezutopian
    • so, this ois a portrait of the anti-yuri's?
    • Everyday man...pango
    • Nope. He gets down votes even when he says good morning.monospaced
    • haha... so this is what all you guys who DV george, yuri and anyone else you openly hate looks like... small dicks and all :)PonyBoy
    • Everyday!pango
    • I have no idea who downvotes yuri or Georges but I did notice it happens quite often and there is absolutely no conceivable reason whatsoever.monospaced
    • It was me. For shits and giggle :)
      Don't know who the others tho.
    • Anyway, I think this entire gif storyboard thing would work just as well in reverse, if it were about upvoting.monospaced
    • Yeah works exactly the same for upvoting things you agree with.
      Upvotes = Downvotes
  • utopian1

    I ate at iHop for breakfast...I just shat out a weeks worth of food in 1 hour.

  • pango1

    Woot! Another photo on the news paper!

  • pango2

    1. Explicit lesbian relationships in anime or manga
    2.To be the first to do something. Derived from Yuri Gagarin, first human in space.
    1. Makoto and Ami of Sailor Moon have long been suspected of being involved in a yuri subplot.
    2.Bob pulled a Yuri and leapt from the second story of the building to the first to save time. Nobody had ever done that before.

  • pango1


    (n) the mighty pango is a drink originating at Hertford College Oxford, known to be the downfall of many a strong man. The pango comes in three flavours: original, dark and green. Each consists of approximately 6-8 shots and some sort of mixer, served in a pint glass. The dark pango contains 2 shots of Bacardi, 2 shots of vodka, 2 shots of Archers, 1 shot of Jack Daniels, lime, blackcurrant, and lemonade.
    (v) one may also be "pangoed," which means to drink a pango and implies that a night of drunken debauchery and revelry followed.
    ex. We just finished exams- let's go get pangoed!

    ex. The green pango looks interesting, but I'm always a fan of the dark pango.

  • pango1

    the only one that can match my game, the only one that can proudly anounce that he is a sex machine and mean it. He will come to your town, stay for a while, and when he leaves there will be no virgins left. amazing person george is...
    "Omg, you slept with george too?!"

    • lol, wtf is going on here?GeorgesII
    • I wondered into the deep end of urbandictionary...pango
  • pango1

    A tough fourteen year old greaser... one ofthe most awsome people in the world:P

    Tough long hair is another lovely feature to ponyboy.

    an outsider
    Hey man, yall are just like ponyboy!

    • slow day in the office pango?
    • 12am. About to go to bed.pango
    • nah he just found the site where users attempt to mock and explain everyone and thing in life, under the guise of cynical quasi-intellectualis...sted
    • oh! I forgot that you live in the other side of the world pango.
    • I doubt urban dictionary is a site of intellectuals. Lolpango
    • LOL
    • stay gold, pango :PPonyBoy
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯sureshot
    • I enjoy the irony in sted's post
  • ********

    I note that our friend here Mr Benjamin De Cock strangely doesn't opt for the popular abbreviation "Ben"...…

  • i_monk0

    Somehow escaped the long weekend without a hang over.

  • ********

    My memory extends back about a day, other than real key events, and that's it. For example I genuinely have no fucking clue what I did on Sunday.

    • marijuana did thisHijoDMaite
    • I haven't smoked for months. But yes, probably.
  • Maaku1

    I pulled my lower back muscles on Saturday morning. I was working out and used too much weight. Spent the whole long weekend not being able to stand up straight, lay down flat or sit down for too long.

    • i have some Norcos you can have. they suck anyway I dont feel shit when I've taken them.HijoDMaite
    • I'm allergic to aspirin which makes it worse, lol :DMaaku
    • Ive been fucked to lower back pain for the past month, I can't sit anymore at all, been standing/working this whole month, fucking sucksmoldero
    • ^ hows your yurination? frequent? Fatigue?
    • Knee pain?yurimon
    • the pulling of such a muscle usually in my experience relates to other muscle weaknesses which causes a muscle to hypoextend.yurimon
    • it's degenerative disc disease from sitting like shit for 20 yearsmoldero
    • I thought ide be lucky because I'm active n shit,
      I thought wrong
    • sorry to hear that sux, only thing i can think of is supporting muscle structure reinforcement, if it was me depending on if its was structural or disc cushionyurimon
    • based. also i heard stem cell treatments. prob cutting edge stuffs going on in different parts of the world. you can improve or get over anything.yurimon
    • also lay off your backdoor being penetrated consistently till your back improves. :)yurimon
  • djhiro0

    Spent time with my uncle on a project and he farts like every 5 minutes, they're sort of loud and he doesn't ever seem embarrassed. I didn't make it known that I noticed, but it grossed me out.

    • Ugggh Old people and their weak bowel movementpango
  • bainbridge0

    Was carrying a wine bottle in a plastic bag to a friend's place last night and the bag broke and it shattered right in the middle of the street as I was crossing. It's not a busy street so I did my best to clean up all the shards I could find. I hope I don't give anyone a flat.

    • Once saw an old dude on the underground drop his bag of bottled beer. He just stared in disbelief as it washed away shouting 'Nej! Nej! Nej!"face_melter
    • I had to give him a few Kr because I felt to sorry for him. He was so distraught.face_melter
  • HijoDMaite1

    Client wants to hire me to photograph for six hours straight at different locations. He will pay all expenses, it's basically him and his girlfriend documentary style.

    1. Meet at boat docks and take harbor cruise

    2. Go horseback riding

    3. Dinner at restaurant

    4. Take a gondola trip

    The day will eventually lead to his wedding proposal.

    She is aware I will be tagging along but the whole thing seems awkward. How can you have a romantic evening with a stranger shooting next to you all day? Anyway, I was thinking I would bring several different lenses and do the best I can.

    Any ideas on price to quote him?

    • Meet at boat docks at midnight, and come alone!moldero
    • For what? How's he going to explain you to his GF?bainbridge
    • yea. kid is a bit weird but he is really in love and thinks this is a good idea. I ain't judging. But when he said restaurant is Olive Garden I thought, Oh Boy.HijoDMaite
    • jesus, creepy. And if she says 'no' at the end of this very obviously set-up day?detritus
    • do him a favor and suggest a better restaurant and charge plentymonospaced
    • Take my advice, Request payment in advance on this one.scruffics
    • I would charge hourly + expenses and give out certain amount of photos for free per day and he can buy more photos if he likes.pango
    • Pay before phooting starts.pango
    • Pro tip: Don't fill up on breadsticks.nb
    • I was at bridal shower once lol
      Me there the whole time while they play sexually suggestive games.
    • if he's thinking Olive Garden then I wouldn't be too optimistic on how much he'll be able payGnash
    • Sorry it didn't turn out as you hoped Pangojaylarson
    • Yup. Can't not unseen.
      Also I've never been to Olive Garden once in my life :/ ... Any good? Lol
    • Olive Garden is excellent value. You can easily eat over 2000 calories for under $20.nb
    • Nice!!!pango
    • Neat fact: the Ice-T song "O.G." was actually written about Olive Garden and how when he worked there it was run by the mafia. Crazy, hey? Hard to believe.nb
    • hahahahaha NBHijoDMaite
    • Day rate. What's so hard about that.Hayoth
    • i just started Hayoth don't really have one established yet.HijoDMaite
    • plus i think its going to be different depending on jobHijoDMaite
    • This will be such a romantic day for the three of you. *sings* "young hearts be free tonight ....."microkorg