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    gonna demo a bike monday and will probably buy it. so excited there's a lil pee pee in my boxer shorts

    • LOL!
    • Lil pee pee for a bike ???
    • he mean his peepee is small, thats why hes getting a bikedrgs
    • whut bike?mekk
    • Yes, less pee pee and more bike pics.ideaist
    • did you sprinkle some tinkle?stoplying
    • Sometimes you just have to wet your pants.CyBrainX
    • a yt capra cf
    • nice one! in green?mekk
    • matte black. i like the sleeper look. plus looks better on my black wrx
    • lil pee pee is my rapper namescarabin
    • good choice man, have fun!mekk
  • yurimon-12

    Good Morning, Happy Friday to all and to all a great day.

  • Maaku13

    Hey, bitches. Have a nice day, it's Friday! Enjoy your weekend, everyone :)

    • you too!monospaced
    • 40 mins till drinks!HAYZ1LLLA
    • ^ lol, damn, I'm guessing you're somewhere around Europe? Still 10:30 AM here :)Maaku
    • Hey - have a good one mate :)fadein11
    • best mateutopian
    • cheers mates. where the sheilas at
  • HijoDMaite0


  • autoflavour5

    ok im going to vent here..
    maybe good to stand back a few feet.

    so we have a washing machine.

    we want to sell the washing machine.

    washing machine works fine.

    list washing machine on sell your stuff berlin facebook group.

    woman wants to buy washing machine.

    paypals us the money.


    Wants it delivered, we put her in contact with a guy who has been picking up a lot of our stuff lately for other people.

    We do one last load of laundry.

    Guy comes to pick up machine, has to wait 10 minutes while it ends.

    Guy moves machine to van, delivers it to woman.

    30 minutes later, woman calls telling us it doesnt work and she wants her money back.

    After accusing us multiple times of scamming her and being generally bad people, she is demanding we pay her the money back.

    The washing machine was working when it left her and was taking into the custody of HER EMPLOYED DRIVER..

    He moved the item, he installed the item.

    Responsibility ends once it leaves our house..

    The issue is between her and the driver.. not us.

    We sold her a working machine, the drive picked up and can verify it was working as he had to wait for it to finish.

    In the end she didnt pay the driver, so he is pissed at us. but really, its nothing to do with us.

    she expects us to refund her and take the broken washing machine back.

    all this, and we are leaving berlin for good in under 96hours.

    yep, fuck off lady.

    i dont care.

    our part of the transaction is above board..

    • machine could have broke when moving. if vibrated to much, n not packet well to prevent drum vibration.yurimon
    • or it could be a scam of some kind. replacing a working machine, or trying to get money back thinking you will give up on the machine?yurimon
    • used stuff better to sell cash.yurimon
    • hope its not a return scam where they get merchandise complain want money back you say no. they file with paypal. if paypal refunds machine free machineyurimon
    • no paypal scam, they had the option to pay for buyer protection but opted to save the cash and just do friend transfer. This whole thing is between themautoflavour
    • needless to say, our stress levels are crazy high at the moment..autoflavour
    • if the machine broke when moving, then its an issue she has with the driver.. it was working when it left our place.autoflavour
    • generally washing machines need to be packed a certain way when moved to prevent the drum vibration. it can break the machine if the drum is loose in a truck.yurimon
    • only thing i can think of something ruff happening during the move. when you get a new machine they pack it for certain parts not to move in shipping.yurimon
    • In my experience (moving 3 machines, I'm so worldly) there are plastic bolts on the back that secure the drum for moving.MrT
    • yes, what MrT said. I had to move mine about 3 times in sao paulo, and you have to install the bolts before moving, if you forgot it, then it is your faultfeel
    • return the money or pay to fix the machine, i know it sucksfeel
    • fuck that, machine left our care, game over.
      and besides, woman calls today.. every is working. 6 hours of psycho bitch for no reason. . fucking nutjob
    • i didnt have to install anything, bolts or otherwise.. if her driver had to install bolts, then he should have.. fuck that. we didnt move it,autoflavour
    • in the end, there is a fuse or something that stops the machine turning on for a few hours after being moved if it tilted too much.autoflavour
    • but this fucking psycho was all nuts at usautoflavour
    • what did you sell it for?hotroddy
    • this is how democrats do business,, buyer beware.yurimon
    • what a stupid shit thing to saymonospaced
    • it was joke dont get your democrite fannies in bunch. report to your closest safe space for immediate decompression of snowflake feels.yurimon
    • so much stupid, and you won't stopmonospaced
    • is saturday your butt hurt day of week?yurimon
    • Look who's talking.monospaced
    • "Wants it delivered, we put her in contact with a guy" - If you recommended the guy and he fucked up by not using transit bolts, then she's right to be pissed!mort_
    • leaving to where?!
  • PonyBoy11


    ... which of you assholes just logged into your 12 different accounts and went on a downvoting spree?

  • yurimon-11

    See you guys later, have a good one.

    • lator gator
    • after while crocodilemugwart
    • Bye bye butterflyutopian
    • bye Feliciamonospaced
    • liarmonospaced
    • see you when you get back
    • ah the old facebook attention seeking technique... don't go yuri, QBN won't be the same without you!fadein11
    • so, is this a monthly occurrence then? Putting up the decorations is a pain in the ass, Im just gonna leave them out this time.sofakingback
    • Just more flat out, full of bullshit, pathetic and self conscious lies. Sounds like someone else ...monospaced
    • I said see you later, dumbass.yurimon
    • lol @ you calling me a dumbassmonospaced
    • Run Yuri run! You gotta go fast!pango
  • HijoDMaite0

  • i_monk2

    Roasting a duck for dinner.

    • Very nice. What kind of sauce and sides?monospaced
    • I want to get a duck as a pet. But they are also my favorite meat. :/shellie
  • shellie1

    Holy shit this is a terrible scene

    This boat ran up on a jetty at full speed at night in miami. I know live vests don't look cool and from the looks of it, they might not have helped anything but they are still looking for people. The marlins pitcher was killed. Boats are fun but be safe! Especially if your going fast, visibilty is low or there's a lot of other fuckwad traffic on the water. Knowing how to swim had nothing to do with it. It's not always your fault when you crash.

    • AI think they found everybody. Damn thishellie
    • did you move to NYC shellie?sarahfailin
    • @sarah A bit delayed but omw right now sippin dranks in the atlanta airport. Finally!shellie
    • cool! my brother lives there, so i visit about once a year. i'll hit you up :)sarahfailin
    • Rad. Yeah lmk.shellie
  • ben_-1

    Walk in to the studio this week to see our design director's desk being cleared off. Then a senior designer taken out of the studio to be let go, then another, and another and so on... All told about 80% of the studio gone over the course of a half hour. Objectively speaking, very good, collaborative and high-performing designers with a ton of client knowledge just walked out the door, and upon texting and talking with a few of them, no reason given.

    Of course, the CCO and his VP are hiring in their old teams under the guise of re-org. Clearly mine and the remaining designers' roles are to get this new team up to speed with the client work and then get bounced.

    Love love love this industry.

    • ugh. are the cco & vp new to the org?Gnash
    • damninteliboy
    • f'n blowsbezoar
    • @gnash, yeah... of course.ben_
    • if they are just replacing them then your colleagues have some recourse - the should see a lawyerGnash
    • *theyGnash
    • what a gross environment for you to be in now.Gnash
    • None of the titles are the same (technically) I hope they have recourse, but our gov't really dismantled workplace security.ben_
    • The kicker is that they all started today and neither the CCO or VP are here to onboard them. Anyone looking for an ACD-Designer? Time to skrrrt.ben_
  • pango3

    British royals was in my hood and just drove by me... So weird there are still royals in this time...

    • Bunch of armed guards with assault rifles...pango
    • Lee Harvey Pango?PonyBoy
    • They are walking in my town like they own the place!
    • Get'em! Take their money! Call out their white privilege!Hayoth
    • Hayoth. I think you are mistaken me with someone else. Or your mixed up issues are manifestIng.pango
    • Pango - they probably do own it in some strange secret way. As PonyBoy says - take the shot!mugwart
    • Ha @pango...drove past Gov Gen House on Saturday afternoon and saw tons of people outside wanting to catch a glimpse. Weird.see_thru
    • Ask where the disabled Latinx trans royals are.i_monk
    • Ya where r they?pango
  • HijoDMaite0

    Random question for those with kids. Do you have a kid that is uber sensitive about expiration dates on food? My 12 y/o wouldn't eat a TJ's greek yogurt this morning because it had an expiration of Sept 23rd. I am eating it now and it's perfectly fine. I've always known these are sell by dates, so I don't mind just grabbing it and smelling it first. Am I just too old school?

    • I personally don't eat expired food.pinkfloyd
    • Kids are extra fussy, apparently there is an evolutionary reason to itdrgs
    • You're not being old school. Expiration dates are mostly bogus.monospaced
    • I like that the grocery store give deals on some of these expiration date items. Just because it is a couple days from being "expired"capn_ron
    • In my experience, those dates matter more with meat than dairy.DRIFTMONKEY
    • The dates are sometimes just sell by dates, meaning the product is actually great for long after. The nose is the best decider in most situations.monospaced
    • @capn, I like that too. It's good because it moves the items out quick before the next shipment, and reduces waste. plan accordingly.monospaced
    • I'm pretty cautious of food because sometimes I get bad indigesion or maybe it's food poisoning once in a while. Not sure what to do when I get it other than supinkfloyd
    • sufferpinkfloyd
    • It's to cover themselves legally, nothing more. Educate your child! Don't die tomorrow and your point will be valid.
    • Before fresh n easy closed down they use to have a expired food fridge with super good deals. I always raided it.HijoDMaite
    • in UK it is either "use by" or "best before" but yes it's just protecting their asses in most cases. although I have eaten certain things one day after andfadein11
    • didn't seem right.fadein11
    • but that was shit meat stuff which I reckon wasn't stored correctly.fadein11
    • I find that in the US, milk turns pretty much exactly on the date marked.monospaced
    • nyc milk seems to expire fasterpinkfloyd
    • consider yourself lucky - mine refuses all English food (minus ginger bread men but you have a case that's not English!)mugwart
    • Kids are ass holes.pango
    • Your kid has assburgers. Time to enroll in new school without expired milk.cannonball1978
    • The food takes note of the date and goes off as soon as it's supposed to. Food is very obedient and considerate like that.
    • Stick a still valid date on some rotten food. Give it to the kid. Watch the kid lose all his faith in expiration dates.uan
    • http://www.landomoms…fooler
  • ********
  • fourth0

    I've been stressed out and hating life after a restructure and having to work with the parent company's "designers" (bunch of remote employees who can't design for shit).

    I also decided that I needed to relocate closer to mountains and trees and shit. Put together my resume, dusted off the linkedin and sent everything out. I have a final interview next week in CO and I'm looking at mountain bikes and shit on craigslist. I'm pretty psyched.

    If your life is going shitty then evaluate your surroundings and make a plan to get out. The second I started to carry out that plan it made me much happier and it seems to be working flawlessly.

    • Awesome! Mountains and trees and shit are the best.section_014
    • nice work on taking action. shit shifted quick for you.capn_ron
    • Congrats! I'd love to go to some design studio in ColoradoHayoth
    • Sounds good, most people don't think to make moves in that situation. Hey, don't fall to your death on that new bike. pro-tip.sofakingback
  • shellie0

    LITs on the atlanta airport TGI Fridays.

  • i_monk0

    The universe really doesn't want us to have hardwood floors.

    The contractor came by Sunday to check it out, said everything's good, could start Tuesday and be done Saturday at the latest. Today get a text: he has metal shards in his eye, one of them rusting. Docs can take them out Wednesday but he doesn't know what the recoup time might be like.

    • Getting shit in my eyes is one of my biggest fears. I would walk around in goggles if it was socially acceptable.DRIFTMONKEY
    • shades!scarabin
    • weren't you gonna give it a go yourself?Gnash
    • Gave up on that after it became obvious Rona sold us the wrong type of wood for a floating floor.i_monk
    • PPE is important.eryx
    • one day you will bask in the glory of nice shiny hard wood flooring under your feet, and all the blood spilt to get itIRNlun6
    • would you give up your hardwood floors for the safety of another human being?yurimon
    • offer to buy him new eyes after he installs the floors. Then don't buy him the new eyes when he's done. Thats business, you'll be smarter for doing it that way.sofakingback
  • Gnash2

    saw the buzzcocks last night. great show. Pete Shelley's voice sounds exactly the same as it 40 years ago.

    • (it *did)
      bennn, playing in Montreal tonight
  • Al_dizzle0

    anyone remember that site that had the CL missed connections ads being read with a computer voice?

  • PonyBoy1

    wow... just got a call from my wife that has me fuming... raging right now.

    She leashed the dog and took her for a walk... about 2 mins into the walk she's attacked by TWO bulldogs from out of nowhere.

    The owner of the bulldogs did next to nothing to get the dogs of my Wife and dog. Some good samaritan came running as my wife literally covered our dog (who is 14 and stands no chance in a fight like this at her age)... my wife is covered in scrapes and minor slashes from protecting our dog.

    The bystander managed to get the dogs off my wife w/out getting hurt himself. When it was all said and done the lady w/the dogs didn't even apologize... .

    I know the owner of those two fucking dogs... she's and her BF are actually nice folks on any given day... but the fact there was no apology and the lady didn't even come out to check on my wife really has me fuming. I'm stuck in a shitty hotel room in another State while my wife is tending to our limping dog and her own newly hacked-up skin.

    The next time you think that Bulldogs are just cute tough-looking remember they're also known for attacking w/out provocation... they have an inner evil streak... fucking watch yourself around them. :/

    My wife and pup are fine... but ffs what a scare. I'm not posting the pics here but my wife shared what her lower back and sides look like... fucking hell I'm ablaze over this and there's nothing I can do.

    • Sometimes life make you helpless, so you know how it feels.robthelad
    • Sorry for you man, astonished with woman reaction too... hope your wife recover fast and you're able to go back home soon to take care.OBBTKN
    • photos and police. Your wife and dog will heal but what if the next attack is a kid?mugwart
    • I grew up with loads of English Bull terriers. Amazing dogs, best pets but we had a rule if they ever drew blood they'd have to be put down.mugwart
    • Hope that wasn't harsh. It was a shock and traumatic event. Hope they heal fastmugwart
    • surely the need for such a rule makes them less than perfect pets.Fax_Benson
    • You could have those two dogs put down for attacking a person, make sure she knows that.i_monk
    • :-( similar thing happened near where I work. Some woman in heals, short dress and on her phone walking 3 bulldogs. They saw another dog...Ianbolton
    • think you can work out what happens next. Thankfully some guy got to the old lady and her little poodle before the bulldogs did. He rightly had a wordIanbolton
    • Woman on the phone cries, but surely the responsibility of having these dogs is far greater than she could handle. Common sense - DICK!!Ianbolton
    • yeah those dogs should be put down.Al_dizzle
    • got dog attack laws there? those dogs should likely be put downjaylarson
    • your wife did a good job thats for sure.sureshot
    • You should be getting in touch with the authorities and getting these dogs dealt with. They could be put down.
      Or kick the dogs next time you see them.
    • Bulldogs not pitbulls?HijoDMaite