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- 76,066 Responses
- utopian0
Mexican Coca Cola is da bestest.
- totally agree! made with cane sugar... no fucking corn syrup.PonyBoy
- William Gibson's favourite. Talks about it a lot and always searches for it when on book tours.face_melter
- yea it's slightly better********
- ********0
I saw this really, really buff older dude on the beach. he must be around 60-65. Well, the guy has very little mobility. He's very stiff.
This makes me wonder if it's really worth it to weight train and destroy your joints and whatnot.
What will happen to The Rock?
- drgs1
I've watched a series of videos about psychiatric patients and now I feel I have all their illnesses
- i_monk0
Picked up a white marble Saarinen table for the kitchen for a steal, now trying to find the cheapest chairs possible.
- these are nice for the price:
https://www.wirehome…Gnash - have those in my office_niko
- Those Eames chairs are literally everywhere now.i_monk
- these then:
http://www.plungepro…Gnash - We already have those for the dining table!i_monk
- lol shroom chair for dinning chair.pango
- Might get a set of these; cheap and cheerful: https://www.structub…i_monk
- those are nice. will go well with the tableGnash
- these are nice for the price:
- ********1
- he's stalking that tribble. little does he know it's right above himscarabin
- https://upload.wikim…********
- He looks more like Poseidonutopian
- and he's wearing jeans?PonyBoy
- Dotraki?Bennn
- Aqua drogo********
- You must have missed the comic design where he does actually have long hair, beard, and armour.face_melter
- nah. didnt miss that.********
- So you were posting for comedic effect.face_melter
- historical antedote********
- lol Aqua DrogoBennn
- pinkfloyd0
- Just fuck off pinkfloyd!utopian
- Probably just an MuriKKKan problem.utopian
- did the article hit a nerve ugly one?pinkfloyd
- people like utopian are what's wrong with 'murikka', cry baby pissbags who project their racist shittyness on everyone over the internet********
- so are you terry. so are you.pango
- there's nothing racist about saying that you look like william hung, it's an observable fact********
- Ugly people should be paid less********
- who said anything about racist? terry. LOL
hahahahaha insecurity manifesting.pango - Says the little dude pretending to have a laughing riot********
- Man you got mad quick. Do you have a lot of people calling you racist? Is that why it became a subconscious thing?pango
- I don't even have to call you anything yet. LOLpango
- no, because just like utopian, i'm only racist on the internet. i see that you have stepped up mental effort in your trolling, that's terrific little buddy, unf********
- -ortunately, you are a retard, can't fix that********
- I haven't event called you a racist. Why are you so fixed on people calling you racist? LOL you are literally mad at completely different thing.pango
- Whatevs. you are too easy. :Dpango
- go reread the side notes, you seem confused********
- Make me.pango
- http://ohn1.slauswor…********
- https://s-media-cach…pango
- http://image.shutter…********
- Chooo chooo~~~
http://cdn.c.photosh…pango - https://s-media-cach…********
- HijoDMaite1
A friend just left me a voicemail after I ignored his call because i am at work. wtf it's almost 2017 who does that? How annoying, now I have to stare at this stupid notification all day and THEN I have to check it later. FFS! FWP
- 17330 177330 170177moldero
- punches foreryx
- Leave a silent one back********
- Leave it silent for about 10 seconds then do a little peter griffin laugh at the end********
- The only people that leave me messages are my parents. They get a pass.DRIFTMONKEY
- lolbklyndroobeki
- GeorgesII0
should I OTA or not,
hmmm...,- Ontario Tennis Association?
(google didn't help me here)Gnash - Over The Air?i_monk
- Only Touch Asses?sarahfailin
- Ontario Tennis Association?
- sarahfailin0
At a beautiful beach in Mazunte, Mexico and have a cold sore on my lip. Stayed inside all afternoon catching up on QBN. Thanks for all the luls guys. I'll be out after the sun goes down.
- Put some hydrogen peroxide on it ;)sea_sea
- rup mitch hedberg********
- wise wordssarahfailin
- Bennn0
It's so cold right now over here! GEEEEZZUS CHRISSST
And tomorrow is supposed to be colder.- You guys snowing over there?pango
- lot's of snow in toronto today.Gnash
- yep we have snow already, -29 tomorrow fuck that!Bennn
- ^ lol. I would order everything online, too.Gnash
- phew. all the sudden -3 feels pretty warm.pango
- lol gnash********
- thats why i oder a lot online yes hahBennn
- Bennn0
I just noticed I'm buying 95% of my things online now.... And we're talking about ordering the grocery online too. Future = now
- ********-1
Woke up at 5am. Went to the loo and noticed a mysterious centimetre long paper cut on the tip of my finger. Naturally as soon as I noticed it's existence it started hurting like a raging arsehole. Really hurting. Now I can't get back to sleep because my finger is throbbing so badly.
Someone broke in to my house, crept in to my room, gave me a small paper cut in the tip of my finger, then crept back out leaving the place untouched. Must have.
To be fair by the time I've finished writing this, it's stopped hurting. Night.
- lotion man. use it!
at least you didn't get tickled.pango -…pango
- fuck! the exact same thing happened to me several weeks ago. twice! have no idea where the cuts came from. they ended up formin a condensed 'X" on my fingertip.Gnash
- lol weird********
- Fuckin' hurts to pay the guitar. Gutted********
- Play..********
- probably a crappy SG anywayGnash
- Haha********
- stop playing with your dick man!!!GeorgesII
- lotion man. use it!
- ********0
I finally get this song.
- Do you?
https://en.wikipedia…ETM - yep lol********
- i was confused********
- i thought it was about him having a meltdown********
- Lenny Kravitz is such a genius for writing this song.sarahfailin
- lol********
- Do you?
- ********1
Freshbooks, the accounts and billing app, has just had a total redesign and it's highlighted the fact that I have about a £1000 worth of hours from 2011 and 2014 that it never billed. For an agency I've been freelancing for since about 2010.
I'm pretty friendly with them but not sure how to approach the issue. The fault lies with freshbooks and myself for not billing it, but ultimately they still owe it to me.
Do you think I should suck it up and accept the loss due to my own negligence in not billing it at the time, or should I mention it and see what they say?
- U R FK'Dutopian
- How very insightful of you. You're a wordsmith.********
- what you have to lose? nothing.
on the other hand you can get an excuse, lie or both and a stroke at the end when you realize that you will never get that moneysted - if you still working for them, and they are a large-ish agency it worth a try...sted
- ya go and ask anyway. i think i have about $1000 i forgot to bill as well. and it was 8 months ago...pango
- sup set?sted
- HijoDMaite3
My AT&T/DirectTV package is just ridiculous now. They want to charge me $77 per month for internet alone now.
Looking for options in San Diego for strong internet alone. Ditching TV altogether fuck it.
We have Chrome Casts on every TV in the house and I pay for HBO Go and Netflix.
I'll miss the morn/evening news and my Lakers games but other than that fuck it, an extra $150 in my pocket per month can go to something else. like savings.
Kids only watch Netflix shows too they won't miss it.
- Cox is like 60+ for just internet up here. Not many options till Fiber is an option.DRIFTMONKEY
- The Good ol'American free market in glorious full effec... oh, hold on a minute. It doesn't apply to telephony, does it?detritus
- i pay $25 for 1k (lan)net+tv+phone
ye shall stone mested - My 10Mbit/sec internet-only service costs me 14.90€ per month ...
But I live in Germany, so that doesn't help you much.Continuity - Using Cox in SD. Got them to knock down the price for higher tier internet.studderine
- sted3…
reg closes within the next few hours.
- what is it?detritus
- candyshopsted
- Real cool, man. Thanks :Dface_melter
- ty********
- sureshot4
This is great. I fell asleep right away!
- check out napflix.comscarabin
- Oh! super nice @scarasureshot
- sted posted it a while backscarabin
- HijoDMaite8
this is kinda cool
- Wow son of Maite thank you!% :D it's amazingsted
- nice.Gnash
- nothing in greenlandGnash
- kewlutopian
- lol you're welcome, haven't messed with it too much yet. are they coming in in ((s t e r e o))?HijoDMaite
- yep, and they list local radios what don't have public online streaming service!%sted
- Pretty cool. Does anyone know if there is something similar for number stations?face_melter
- so fuckn great,
nice findGeorgesII - eheheh, so good…GeorgesII -…GeorgesII
- rotfl rassan poppsted
- Just lost an hour to this lolshellie
- this is great.********
- Amaaazingyuekit
- wow!uan
- @face. that would be difficult to do since Number stations broadcast on short-wave radio and don't have registered addressesGnash
- ... the only way track shortwave is to triangulate the transmissions.Gnash
- Yeah, I know how they work - I was just wondering if there was a more centralised collection. Sites are a maze of forums and radio geeks.face_melter
- lol, so true face.Gnash
- whatthefunk-2
Was in a Five guys burger joint tonight and noticed two dudes sitting with bright red baseball hats and I thought I was in the company of Trump supporters in BK!?!?! When they turned around I realized they worked there and then realized all 5 guys workers wear bright red hats the same red like Trump hats.
I thought it was some damn Trump supporter hive for a second and my heart started beating quickly.
- u scurred********
- not at all, had a few drinks and was prepared to get a bit mouthy as I often do...whatthefunk
- relax bro. it's over********
- so you were sorta hoping to confront a bunch of trump supporters just eating burgers, as if they were trolling you by wearing trump hats.monospaced
- Most giving and honest folks I've ever met were Trump supporters. They don't go looking for trouble. However they do love when trouble comes looking for them.********
- I'm NOT an instigator by any stretch but the hats look similar is all, wasn't scared and welcome spirited debate if needed...whatthefunk
- OMG, I've had opposite experience on the East coast over the last month. Racist comments/rhetoric I've confronted first hand....whatthefunk
- how'd you handle it?********
- Idiot.Hayoth
- Replace BK with SoCal in the 90s and I would of shit my pants too.HijoDMaite
- can people eat their food without sanctimonious yuppies getting all indignant about losing the election, just sit down and eat your food you prick********
- hawhatthefunk
- u scurred