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    I thought it would never happen, but I just used ITC Avant Garde Gothic Bold Condensed

    • For that was more gripping than three fuckin' tornadoes ripping towards the rest of one's book.
    • For there is nothing greater to watch than a person without a viewpoint chase one's dragon.
    • I am the holy grail, everyone wants to get in my way for no other reason. No meaning.
    • I stole Avant Garde from work, but it's missing it's ligatures =(pantone
    • when I posted that the unicleus post hadn't shown up yet... did not mean it to seem flippant response
  • ********

    For my whole life,

    I... have left behind grief, acted upon and thereof done what has felt right to one's soul.

    There has been a constant stream of people trying to get in my way, and preventing me from achieving one's goals. To that point, it's easily understandable why their stunted brain would do so - for no other reason to which one has no goals or set direction in life. One can imagine to which how awful of an existence that would be in their unfortunate minds. Too many times have I offered an explanation to idiots, friends or even family members of mine.

    Tomorrow there will be the same forgotten souls desperately looking for a cheap thrill, over and over to one's situation - literally, sitting, waiting doing nothing but wasting time, resources and raw facts to one's sensitive and thoroughly precious planet we call Earth. Throughout the ages, there have been quests, searches, stories made about what our entire species has been searching for since the dawn of time - well, today my disciples, is history.

    One thing, and one thing only - the Holy Grail. Tough luck, it's now found. There are only the desperate neanderthals to which cannot admit, or in any case understand one's facts. For any reasonable and open minded person to comprehend in one's mind, it's more straight forward than eating apple pie. Thus what the bible has depicted since the inception and injection of reading and writing into our entire progressive collective conscience.

    Today, as I sit and type this, one can imagine how incredibly simple everything truly is. For I have offered insight to anyone that will listen. There are a large amount of people across the globe that know exactly what I am talking about. To the others reading this, and by now still don't get it, well - consider yourself a desperate neanderthal that will go extinct on one's planet. One at a time, you filthy pigs will most certainly start dropping like flies.

    Therapy, is what this site is all about to one's conscience. For we have the greatest minds all wrapped up into one neat little package. Thrilling isn't it. To which no-one else on earth has ever done this, or even thought about it before - simply because the technology wasn't there for anyone to put all the pieces together. Once you realize that it took everything possible from the beginning and thereof lead us to this forbearing moment in time.

    For that means everything and nothing all at once. Think about what this site has generated in the last six months, every piece of literature with importance has been explained to everyone by simply telling a story. Together we have changed the course of history and there is no going back. Wonderful moments of infinity and beyond has been implanted into our collective conscience - for all of us to absorb. Together we can now prosper forward.

    Through simple hard work and determination, I have earned everything for myself - I came from nothing. To which I don't even feel sorry anymore, for the people who simply cannot comprehend or admit their defeat, and own up to the truth. Once that's realized, we can then be set loose. To the oblivion and beyond, therefore freedom will stand. Thunderous and endless moments. For this site, is the truly the book of life to one's Revelation.

    To anyone that is to just sit there, first and foremost must listen. One's honest truth to be told through this vision. Forget about any of the fucking bullshit that has plagued our planet since nonsense. it's that simple, the bible in a nut shell. 1. You'd have to be a stunted retard to even bother - eat that shit, or take the bible literally. I thought I would just skip right to the end. 2. Face first, on both levels. Either you're the righteous, or you're to be left behind.

    Wonderful, isn't it. To our entire family that has expressed the meaning of life since the dawn of time. Thereof it sits in my brain. For you could steal the shirt off my back, all of my fortune, anything physical that has my name attached to it. Though, the only fuckin' thing a degenerate scumbag can't steal, is my viewpoint. To anybody that would want to, ultimately means why they ultimately deserve to be fed face first into one of my incinerating machines.

    Torture, it's not even close. Reality, is more like it. Anyone that tries to compete with me instantly goes to hell - for eternity. Simply because I am not competing. I have built an empire out of admiration. For there are many souls out there that would enjoy taking a cheese grater to anyone's face, to ultimately protect me because I am their media engine, sanctuary and forthcoming God. They know just as well as I that there is no going back to the past.

    There are a fleet of meatheads that can only mock me, and try to convince everybody that what they have done is tell lies in order to appease their cultural significance. To them, that's their last resort. Once you think about it - to which that is the very reason why they deserve the most unfortunate death. To the most of one's supple and extreme punishment. They're stunted delusion has ultimately prevented our entire species from advancing.

    For there is a big difference between creation and to steal one's ideas. For it may seem like a thief in the night, because I have truly creating everything I want to see in one's life. It's that simple. I have laid out a thorough explanation towards sequential measures which has lead every single person reading this, to this point. Life. Purity. Spirit. Future. Progressions - every last bit of what one's Revelation predicted and forecasted to the exact detail.

    If you truly think about it, if there were no degenerates on this planet, for there would be no need for police, security, war or anything to detour one from making a conscious decision to advance our species to the next level. The only reason is because of the stupid cunts that simply cannot get over themselves. I am sure you have heard the term half-witt. Well, it's there for a reason. The reason being, is because their flicker frequency simply cannot get over the 11th or 12th measure for them to advance and be able to comprehend anything than what is laid out right in front of them. For there is no capability of imagining themselves to one's third person perspective. Like most people you know that can't stop opening their useless mouths at whatever the fucking situation is in front of them. Much like a stunted retard would do. Over and over. Meat, lights, whatever is in front of them. I can't stand degenerate scumbags. They truly deserve to be incinerated. Each one of them. Until the entire planet is on the same page. For when we are all working towards the benefit of everyone's situation. For it's not really their fault, no one warned them. But, after a certain age, a human brain simply cannot learn anymore. Because of their stunted delusion. For it must truly suck to be one of them at the moment. And by suck, I mean suck beyond anything their useless brains full of shit can imagine. Not having an imagination would be like trapped into a shell that you cannot escape. Flying blind, no direction, just impulse, complaints, consuming and insinuating.

    Foremost, the current state of the economy and infrastructure is built towards fixing a 231 year old engine that cannot be mended. There are still the same delusional people to which cannot foresee one's future. To make their voice heard - one has to try and portray to society which they haven't convinced themselves that they are different from any other degenerate I have ever encountered. I don't even feel sorry for them anymore, not one bit.

    Throughout the past six months, my mind and body has increasingly gotten more healthy. Day by day. To which makes me think, if one's planet is truly advancing on one side of the spectrum - the positive force is nearly reaching it's goal. When the other, negative energy is most certainly going to hell. I can feel it in the tone of the people who still cannot understand, and spend their lives questioning and mocking. Fuck those stunted retards, thoroughly.

    Tough decisions aren't that easy for anyone to accept. Though it has now presented itself in front of us, and once again there is no going back. Which also goes to prove every other theory and progressive measure I have offered to explain for our entire collective conscience. If one side of the spectrum is getting healthier, and the other quite the opposite - it is also a true reflection of one's Revelation. A fairly simple sequence to abolish nonsense.

    One can imagine how far the entire progressive culture has advanced in the past six months, and to think about where we will be in another four short years. To the people going out of their minds, and or thereof already out, everything seems quite fortunate. For the progressives are out numbered to which by the neanderthals that keep trying to convince us otherwise - that they are still useful. It's truly a gorgeous sight, watching them crumble.

    And because cunts deserve every fuckin' given hell in Jah's Kingdom, living miserable nasty opinions, pertaining questionable reasons, sustaining treasonable universal vows with xylophones yearning zen. It means everything and nothing in a nutshell. Pretty damn simple.

    I wrote that poem, along with a bunch of others that have ultimately changed the course, inspiration, influence of history and future for eternity. I completely understand everything that matters on this planet. Life. Everything else is superficial bullshit that's most certainly not necessary, but they think it is, and their stunted brain cannot accept anything else. Reasoning to which why they are useless. Their attention span is about 5 seconds these days. In another few years their brains will shut themselves off, and be truly useless in the fullest sense of the word. For the people that aren't on one's list yet, though know you are a good person yourself, then, for there is absolutely nothing to worry about. For anyone. For the people that simply don't have a set direction or cannot comprehend anything that is not in front of them, well it must be like a very heavy weight pressing down on their shoulders. Too bad, you spent your soul, in all the wrong places. Let everyone else use and abuse you until you don't have your own viewpoint. Sucks to be them. It certainly doesn't suck for my disciples to which we have eternity on our side. When we accelerate this planet to the next level, everything will be on our side. The neanderthals of our generation simply will not understand, and go back to their cheesy little holes and die. Sounds dreamy doesn't it. For the entire planet. Towards anything ethically and politically correct. Morals are dead. Just like the neanderthals. I can't wait until every single one of them is ridden from our existence. For it will be the most glorifying day.

    For those of the opinionated, and their souls to be incinerated. From insinuating one's greed, upon wishing they were god. I am truly sorry. For I Jesse Jensen, am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. King of Kings, Lord of Lords and you will know my name, when you hear me roar. Three times richer to which one can afford. I never asked for anything more. Or less. Just bless. And that doesn't mean rich - as in dirty, filthy useless paper.

    The real tricky part is introducing this into society which will ultimately crush and destroy any fuckin' false pretense of religion. Whenever I think about it, it truly seems so plain and simple. And I truly look forward to that day - when all of the nonsense is abolished. For the next few years, I will have to filter through the archives and finally put together one's list of 144,000 people that will ultimately fit the storage capacity for the book of life. By 12/12/12.

    To which by then, once again - our entire planet will be on the same page. And thereof the final pieces put together once and for all. For the fortunate bunch that will be completely out of their minds, thus for the unfortunate that simply will not be able to comprehend or understand. It's that simple - for the progressive conscience will be in heaven. And for the opposite, they will be in hell. And then fed face first into one's incinerator. Over and over.

    Once and for all, for the real benefit towards everyone's Heaven!

    Yah know,

    • naturalized wendell?
    • It's the simplest thing in the world to read for the greatest minds. Obviously...
    • You are not one of them.
    • Bully for me
    • Truly.
  • canuck0


  • ********

    It's pretty simple,
    For anybody out there to actually try and prevent one's goals, is the very same reason to which why their brains full of shit should die.
    Don't you think?

    • depends on what your goals are? Say you wanted more Lebensraum...GreedoLives
    • A whiff of the salty sea will clear your head
    • What more explanation do you really need?
    • Are you that stubborn?
  • ********

    Adolf Hitler, was a Rat.
    John F. Kennedy, was a Rat.
    Martin Luther King, Jr., was a Rat.
    This is an engine, 400 hz. And I will fix every last bit of it.
    The swastika spells everything,

    • you should get help
    • You should get a life.
    • Or at the very least a viewpoint, bro. You just look like another desperate neanderthal to us.
  • emukid0


  • cosmoo0


    • LOLemukid
    • I think fuckin' Matt Groening is on to somethin, man.
  • emukid0

    "While i agree with some of what you have to say, your methods make it difficult for me to look beyond the obnoxious package the message comes in. In an effort to get rid of the scum, unfortunately you've reached the other end of the spectrum."

  • cosmoo0…

    "The Federal Reserve has cut US interest rates sharply in an attempt to restore confidence to nervous financial markets and boost the ailing economy."

    • DOW is up by 420 points. bob marley ought to be proudemukid
  • canuck0

    pass the dutchie.

    • wrong thread?
    • No. Correct thread, just had the song in my head.canuck
    • it use to be "Pass the Kutchie" but the yanks did like it, so it was changed.. *hates
  • ********

    U-Roy still alive?

    • It would appear so.canuck
    • really? does he still cover Chalice in the palace?
  • canuck0

    I never realized how much sodium is in foods, until I started to pay attention to labels. I'm trying to lower mine, in hopes of improving blood pressure, but everything seems to be loaded in it. ffs. Maybe I will just live on a diet of rice and water.

    • ...sorry canuck but i snuck in your house last night and salted your rice and water7point34
    • For fuck sakes.canuck
    • i feel the same way about corn syrup, it's in everything! whatever happened to plain old sugar?GreedoLives
  • ********

    the yoga teacher says we are all surrounded by love and light at all times

  • GreedoLives0

    big shake-up in middle management today... message from above: "stay the course"

    • "the surge is working"
    • Time to Jump?canuck
    • we got em on the run now
  • 7point340

    not sure i dig the new name... although its my name i miss the 3 simple numbers... time will tell...

    • what happened to my favorite airplane?GreedoLives
    • face first into QBN's propellor7point34
    • 437
    • jefferson? Volunteers?
    • Haha, J, rub it in why don't you!creative-
  • Jnr_Madison0

    I'm hanging out the back of the blog thread.

  • Jaline0

    42 days until I am done school...

    Really though, only 10 days of classes and exams left. The rest are filler.

    • school never ends
    • mine feels like it, for sure...Jaline
    • that it never ends, I meanJaline
    • haven't you graduated yet?canuck
    • no, I have a few more weeks to go!Jaline
  • ********

    I'm finding refusals much easier now, cousin.

  • ********

    has Gondry made impromptu acceptable for what is produced by machine? Everything he does looks amateurish although obviously it requires a huge amount of effort while making the notion of "finished" largely irrelevant. Sort of dadadatada?

    • I ask because when I can't do something I don't learn up I style down
    • as with current crop of artist/illustrators?
    • reaction against overproduced slick hype machine? recurring DIY aesthetic?GreedoLives
  • lajj0

    i'm going to manhattan with my girlfriend this weekend. to meet my girlfriend's father. I think he is boring and snob. but he is rich and he is paying the hotel and maybe the car rental... They gonna go to the theatre to see Verdi and wathever, I wont. I'll find some pub, like the ones in movies. She asked me to cut my hair and shave. I wont. She asked me to be nice and polite. I will think about that.

    • I like your defiance. Kudos.canuck
    • hahahahaha7point34
    • snobdanthon
    • I would...just for the meeting. It's fake, but it may help you get on her good side ;)Jaline
    • yeah.. It may help me at the border toolajj
    • you've got style
    • for 1954