New car... which?

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    i hear ya but...

    i think it's pretty sad when people call you names and slam you or try to make you feel guilty because you have something nice.

    my message to them:

    work harder and stop bitching.

    i was not born rich, i still don't consider myself rich, and i have had to work hard for everything i own, including my bmw, which i traded my paid off 95 bmw 3 series in as a downpayment. prior to that, i had a 1970 VW Bug.

    i also think it's funny when people generalize that all BMW owners are assholes. Or Porsche owners are assholes. Generally, anyone with a nicer car than they can afford are assholes.

    work harder and stop bitching.

    or that it's a waste or you are egotistical to buy a $50K car, when a $20K car will do the job (except in the case of the Mini, which is a sweet car for $20K). The M3 is worth every penny and the cost is not just for the brand name, those cars are solid and you will not find the level of build quality in a Hyandai or Kia or what ever.

    Granted, there are assholes out there that just buy those cars for the brand name and do love to rub it in your face and don't really appreciate what they own.