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Yep Yellowstone is volatile in more ways than one from what I remember. discipler, sometimes you get massive bending of rock, fluids gushing out near fault zones, commonly Breccia is found near these zones. Massive Anticlinal and Synclinal structures form and get flipped if you can believe that one. crazy
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hey Jaz, thats pretty neat, sir.
My girl got me a lurrrvely trilobite for xmas, and was pleased I liked it, til I showed her that it was once a huge 4 inch bug-like thing, with horrible legs that scuttled around like a big crunchy roach on the seafloor.
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Didn't they find biological nodules on some Mars rocks at one point - I know it was inconclusive..but hey...panspermia baby!!!
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When I was in the cool gang in Geoclub we'd hypothesis what a Trilobyte would have tasted like. Probably nice delicate meat under that shell.
God I was a dork.. wait a second I'm still a dork
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Mmmmmm...trilobyte meat...
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well don't quote me on it, but I think Cassidy found that rock. But it was proven to be BS later I think..
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Was it proven to be BS or just totally inconclusive?
- discipler0
Totally inconclusive. They are now doubtful that it came from space.
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Hmmm... I lost touch with him, he retired but he had a lot of interesting things to say about meteorites and Antarctica and how they fall
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ahhh!! crytallography...now that is single the worst, dorkiest subject ever..
Triclinic...one bar,one bar, 0..111...oh god, I think I need to sit down..
Got a cool meteorite off ebay the other day, too, btw
- discipler0
Panspermia is fun idea. The problem is that, on the biochemical level, you still have the same obstacles with evolution. Unless, we speculate that it contained some sort of front-loaded "uber-cell" programmed by some "intelligent designer" to unfold into life as we know it.
- discipler0
You need to throw darts and drink a dark beer, mikotondria. That will get you back on the "cool" track. lol
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I HATED, LOATHED X'llography....
The worst, matrices this and that ehhhhh shuddap!
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haha, yeah, you konw that Margret Thatcher did her doctorate in Crystallography ???? Jeez..
I mean, with all your other topics in geo, you could kinda think 'yeah, thats cool, I could consider doing research into that, I can see where our knowledge stops, and where I could legitamtely explore the bounds of nature'...but crytallography ?? no way on earth..
I dug stratigraphy, paleogeology, paleoclimatology - isotope ratios etc, palaeontology was cool, even the more obscure aspects of mineralogy....but crystallography...no.
hey discipler - yeah, a nice slightly warm dark beer would be great right now, haha :)
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we're geo-bonding
lik chrysolite (olivine) converting to serpentine.
just add water
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Did you know Collin Powell has a BS in Geology.
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www.matter.org.uk/mats... [gif]
(Jan 5 06, 12:30)HAHAHHA
Not Safe EVER!@!!!shoot me