Fake war

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  • Balance0

    Narin I have never heard you complain about mrdobolina so it strikes me as very selective when it comes to anyone with a different opinion that rubs you wrong. Grow up man.

  • son0

    the only goodness is God


    as a whole


    no Group or Society or Label



  • garett_west0

    www.uiowa.edu/policult... [jpg]
    (Aug 15 06, 07:23)

    That wasn't a staged photo. If you know your history you'd know better. As the photographer put it, he was standing on the hilltop and out of the corner of his eye saw these men putting up the flag and snapped 1 quick photo. That's actually the cropped version of that photo, as the one he snapped without the crop had a much wider view of the hill.

    Seriously, I want to say Fuck You for posting that to say it's a staged photo, but you are obviously clueless as to the real history.

  • johndiggity0

    there is a right and wrong side to all of this. it's been made painfully obvious that both iran and syria are behind the rocket attacks, even going so far as to equip and train the hizbollah troops: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/… , and possible even inciteing the kidnapping that started this mess in the first place.

    that being said, look at iran's attitude toward a zionist state in the middle east, even the presidents refusal to accept that the holocaust even occurred. the motive becomes clearer and clearer as to the true motives at work here. it's not some imperial plot by israel and the us, it's iran and syria provoking israel into driving the middle east into full blown conflict, justifying a millitary reaction by the aformentioned duo.

    if you cannot see that this is about islamic facism vs western civilization, then you need to re-evaluate your news sources.

  • Nairn0

    Firstly - it's 'Nairn' you blind fool.

    Secondly - I said 'most people' - I do get drawn into these things occasionally (now, for instance), but that's only because you're monocultural perspective angers me.

    Apparantly, I am not as selective as some when it comes to media consumption.

  • vespa0

    They are fighting people who use civilians as shields
    (Aug 15 06, 07:18)

  • Balance0

    Bluejam and Narin hate anything American. They're from the UK and act like they care - when they have an entirely different objective. Anyone can see this by your posts. I couldn’t imagine hating a country nevertheless as much as these two but I guess when you have other agendas it makes it easy to play sides selectively to push your message along.

    It’s transparent.

  • Balance0

    Nairn that has to be one of the most bigoted and ignorant statements I have ever heard. The more I hear talk like that the more it makes me aware of the ignorance in this world. So blatantly bigoted based on stereotypes you know nothing about. You watch waaaay too much TV man. You haven't a clue about Americans and what we're about. Your stereotypes were drafted from the 1970’s and you still rely on them to paint pictures of America today. Get lost man. You’re agenda is too obvious.

  • pyeaton0

    hhmmmm anyone aware of the history of the middle east in the 20th century? it was a ghost town until the discovery of oil there. then western nations jumped on it, set up puppet govt's that walk to their mercedes on the backs of their own people. (see Shaw of Iran). Poverty therefore creates ignorance. These people there are desperate. I am in NO WAY defending the actions of Hezzbollah, Al Queda or any of those other religious (or so they say....see Arafat) nutcases. But, killing in the name of terror, or whatever has got to stop. How many Lebonese civilians have been killed? This is desperation growing/morphing into religious exctremeism. Everyone, including Israel, Iran, and the US have to stop.

    Who cares about the shit they peddle as news on TV. Especially in the states (yes, i am from the states). But, if you take one look at a history book, and look past 9/11, look past the iran hostage crisis, then put yourself in an Average Arab's shoes (i mean sandles), then you might see how ridiculus this really is. This whole pile of crap was started by the west being there.

  • Nairn0

    YOUR monoculture, you cretin - not your country's.

    You just said two minutes ago that I always sided with Dobs - how can you reconcile these two statements if you believe I am flat-out anti-American?!

  • Bluejam0

    Bluejam and Narin hate anything American.

    (Aug 15 06, 07:44)

    yes. i hated so much i decided to live there for 4 years.

  • Balance0

    pyeaton can you tell me what country most people want to live in? Do you think Iraq was ever in the top 20? Do you know what Iraq was like under Saddams rule? Do you know what Lebanon was like being taken over by Hezbollah with force? have you a clue man? Do you think the entire world revolves around America?

    War in the Middle East has been going on way before we ever got there. Way before Christ was alive and you have the audacity to consider it be about America? Wow.

    This is why the rest of the world thinks Americans think America is the center of the universe. Get your head out of your ass.

  • Balance0

    So is dobs.

  • Nairn0

    My good lord, you are so narrow-minded. Firstly - as a Scot, I fucking love the idea of America - it was our enlightenment that fed your ideals.

    Secondly - who is America's poodle? Who's your main military partner (bar Israel) That's right - us. So I'm hardly being fucking Anti-American.

    Thirdly - i, beyond most people i know, loathe the idea of islam - or indeed, any religion, developing theocratic societies. If it truly was 'Us vs. Them', in some darkly apocalyptic clash of civilisations, I'd die for 'Us'. Thankfully, the world isn't this moronic black and white tale fed by childish belief.

    Fourthly - after extensively reading up around the subject I feel I can only empathise with Middle Easterners. Sure. there are the nutjobs out there - the fundamentalists, but thankfully, that appears to have been 'balance'd on both sides - we have our right wing zealots too. However, the big thing I hope I've learned is that EXTREMISM in all forms is fed by injustice - and that is exactly what the West (America AND US - we were the Big Imperial Nation-Fuckers before you, remember?) have been feeding the rest of the world for the last century now. I've known enough middle easterners to know that they're not really that different from us - so I have to question - what's bugging the other ones?

    And God, don't think your country is that distinct - your Christian abortionists blow up clinics and kill doctors - where's the difference?

    Anyway, I care not for you or your bullshit, good bye.

  • woodyBatts0

    The middle east was not a ghost town previous to oil. It has a very long history in trade, and culture. The number 0 was conceptualized, modern medicine and sterilization techniques came from the arab world in the 1800 but was practiced long before. And don't forget coffee.

  • exador10

    hey man..
    with a name like balance, my guess is you watch fox news..the fair and balanced news source.....


    you and garret west are obviously right wing, and have a stake in the notion that the US is doing the right thing...
    nothing wrong with that...everyone deserves to have their own opinion.

    as no doubt both of you have noticed, the overwhelming consensus here is more on the leftwing side of things...
    nothing wrong with that either..very generally speaking, most artistic types have always leaned more to the left-side politically...

    as for faked pics, faked whatever...sure...no doubt lots of stuff is getting faked...by both sides...
    there was a little matter of fake evidence that lead to Iraq blown to smithereens....
    thats a pretty good example of how phony things in the news can lead to bad things happening...
    and did people believe it?
    you bet...get on enough news shows saying 'wmd's in Iraq...yellow cake uranium blah blah...they sold stuff to terrorists..we think they're connected to al quiada (sp) ..anyhow...fake news, fake evidence, fake photos...whatever...

    its the new black..
    if fake news was like design, it'd be arrows at 45 degrees....

  • exador10

    also, incase no one else says it..
    Nairn, well said lad!
    couldn't agree with ya more...

  • lowimpakt0

    scotland is a load of bollox.

  • KuzII0

    a tale told by an idiot

    full of sound and fury

    signifying nothing.

  • son0

    i fck w/ Castro.

    that dude counts every step he takes

    On one occasion, a former lover was recruited to kill him, according to Peter Moore, producer of the new film. The woman was given poison pills by the CIA, and she hid them in her cold cream jar. But the pills melted and she decided that, all things considered, putting cold cream in Castro's mouth while he slept was a bad idea. According to this woman, Castro had already guessed that she was aiming to kill him and he duly offered her his own pistol. "I can't do it, Fidel," she told him.


    more thaen immortal