Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
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- 130,585 Responses
- Danish3
- Avatar 2Gardener
- https://www.youramaz…Danish
- People are awesome
(ok, some are real pricks, but some are awesome.)Longcopylover - Fake news
https://img.location…Leigh - Thanks for destroying my last bit of faith in humanity.Longcopylover
- Bluejam22
- Tell me about it.Nairn
- Sadly today's 5pm solar flare didn't wipe out the debt record. Next one, maybe, Sun?Nairn
- 8pm and I turned on the lights...
keep smiling in the darkness fattyuan - The clockwork universe: is free will an illusion?
https://www.theguard…mort_ - free will IS an illusion. yes.sarahfailin
- there's a narrow bandwith in which we can chose though, we are not grasshoppers.uan
- agree with @uan. maybe the destination is set but we choose how to get there.Beeswax
- The thought to choose A or B has been shown to happen up to 11 seconds after our brain registers that choice. It’s nuts.mort_
- We don't choose the destination or how to get there. We only get to look out the window.palimpsest
- That can be incredibly confronting to hear. And even worse than that, there is no YOU inside doing the looking out the window.mort_
- Technically we are making the decisions, we're just not aware of it.
From my point of view there is a YOU as there is an I. Unless we're playing pronoun games.palimpsest - Once the decision has been made at the action is taking place. Who is observing the action if it's not yourself?palimpsest
- Not playing pronoun games. The whole concept of me / self is an illusion.mort_
- Now it's clear. Thanks.palimpsest
- scarabin21
- sted0
- utopian1
- A twin-engine plane crashed into a UPS truck killing the UPS driver immediately on impact.utopian
- We had a twin engine plane crash into our neighborhood. I hear every plane that goes by now. Four prided in the house it hit along with the pilot. Pilot...lemmy_k
- was shady. Had a police badge, wasn't a cop. Many faa violations. Not approved to fly in inclimate weather, maintenance violations, and so onlemmy_k
- Is this flora or fauna?scarabin
- wouldinteliboy
- Ifs those things from the Matrix.Akagiyama
- Scarabin Sand Boxutopian
- https://www.crystalw…Hayzilla
- A little less scary knowing they ate planktonscarabin
- Baby Cthuluscannonball1978
- Yes! The matrix ugly mofos!maquito
- drgs4
- drgs1
- drgs5
- Poogressivedbloc
- C Y B E R P R O C E S S E Dutopian
- A fine Irish establishmentstoplying
- They're probably the biggest property/real estate company in the world lol
Selling burgers is only for the showgrafician - That's fascinating. I figured the franchise owner owned the land, like in most franchises, but that's not the case.monospaced
- "Modern" is the word that is most used out of contextcanoe
- and "progressive"hans_glib
- I object to the word "burger" in this context.monospaced
- Akagiyama0
- Too soonGnash
- Too muchgrafician
- RIPPioneerDJ303
- too lazy to rotate 10 degrees?
-1sarahfailin - where's Set these days?Krassy
- too beaucoupGuyFawkes
- I can barely tie my shoes. Rotate 10 degr...wha?Akagiyama
- lol not the rotate, skewAQUTE
- Wasn't this set's final thread here?
https://www.qbn.com/…yuekit - yep - he got fried by 5ghans_glib
- also take an upvote fr the lazy ps-inghans_glib
- Oh Gosh, I hadn't realised that my response was directly referenced in Set's very last post, shit, haha. Oh well.Nairn
- That thread is a real tour de forceyuekit
- He’s still here, no?scarabin
- @scarabin set left a couple years agoKrassy