Cheney's tax - WTF

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  • Drno0

    stop sucking on success dick, per favore, please, stop licking the balls of success, please you sounds like sucess is tbagging you right now,

    but seriously, you obviously don't understand a single thing about economy don't you?
    soI was right you come from a rich background so you think you can shit on poorer less fortunate people,
    hmm you do need a stable governement to lick sucess's balls,
    do you think you could be enjoying a mouthfull of success if you lived in zimbabwe?
    Pony, leave the bottle of cristal because its cumm.. sorry, i'm meant blinding you
    sucess is a very personal thing, I consider myself successfull, maybe more than you're 40yo warmonging, success licking, goatsee loving rich friends

  • Drno0

    I forgot to add


    • lol... you calling me a 'cunt' cuz I care about 'rights' of an american... so be it. ;)PonyBoy
  • PonyBoy0

    lol @ me coming from a rich background...
    ... all I've ever know is 'poor' you moron.

    I've never had even a taste of what it's like to be 'rich'. I was that kid you made fun of during lunch who served you your food so I could eat you asshole.

    I've never been 'rich' in my life... but I've paid attention enough to understand the only way you get ahead in this country is by opening your eyes to the fact 'the world is yours' if you just be patient.

    I'm rather successful at what I do, mind you.. so I suppose I'm not exactly 'poor' given today's standards.

    Do you need a 'stable gov' to make sure I have a roof over my head and your health? Hell no.

    What do you have against looking out for yourself? Why should 'rich folks' who HAVE WORKED THEIR ASSES OFF... wipe yours and your family?

    ... They SHOULDN'T.

    So... why should Cheney OR THE LIKE have to pay and ASSLOAD OF MONEY just because they found a way to be successfull?...

    ... they SHOULDN'T. It's wrong and GREEDY AND WEAK of you to think they should.

    I'm no elitist... I'm just a simple graphic/web idiot who seems to think a person should wipe their own asses / lean upon their friends and family in times of need...


    Is that so wrong?

    I don't think so.

    I'm only talking about what you and I earn here...

    ... down the road... we may be those 'cheney' types who found a way to start 'raking it in'...

    ... but just because you and I found our own way of doing that ( i na capitalistic society mind you)... doesn't mean that we should start footing the bill for all those who didn't have our idea?

    ... right?

    I'm thinking of people like you and me here, Drno... I'm not trying to be greedy... I'm not trying to put the rich first...

    ... i'm thinking of the man who 'thinks for himself'...

    ... that may be 'survival of the fittest' in a sense... but no offense though... if I got mouths to feed... THEY COME FIRST.

    I'm just trying to 'think' fair here.


    .... but just because he's 'rich' ( and there are lots of GOOD PEOPLE LIKE HIM) doesn't mean we penalize him for being just that.

    We should reward such people.... REALLY. Reward those who found a way to completely... UTTERLY... TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES... ( THEY DON'T RELY ON YOU FOR SHITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)....
    ... YET... we're ready to yank their money right out from under them.

    Makes... abosuletly... NO SENSE.

  • mrdobolina0

    here's the deal, lower class folks need those tax breaks to do luxurious things like eat, have a home and have health care. rich people need money to buy a fifth home, bentleys and cristal. Those poor rich guys never catch a fucking break.

    Let them eat cake, hey ponyboy?

  • mrdobolina0

    that poor top one percent of the population.

  • TheBlueOne0

    If I may add some light to this discussion. Last week I was at a train stop in the NYC suburbs and a black man in dusty work clothes walked up to me and asked if I could help him use the ticket vending machine. I helped him out and we struck up a conversation on the train. He was from Kenya, living in Brooklyn, working here as a construction worker. ANd he said something to me that stuck with me, he said, "America is a great country. I come here, I can work no problem, I make enough to feed myself, to give me a roof over my head, and I send the extra money back to my family in Kenya to support my father, my brothers, and all their wives. There is no where else in the world I could go to do such a thing. Nowhere." And he was absoutely right as I thought about it. And I'm very into criticizing "Amerika" as much as the next guy out here in the so called "lefty wilderness", and there are serious things that need criticizing and correcting, but this guy WAS right about that. Over dinner last night my wife and I were with another couple, both doctors from India, and I related the above story to them. And they were like - "You know, I have relatives in London, Berlin and Paris - they're second, third generation and they are being forced out of jobs strictly because they are Indian or Paki and with the new EU they are opening space for the these Polish and Czech workers coming in...that would never happen here in the US. There is racism here,no doubt, but it isn't like that here, at least not here in NY.."

    And the more thought about it, the more I realized that America,despite all the crap that IS wrong with this country, still is pretty damn great - in terms of opportunity and individual freedom.

    I disagree with PonyBOy only in the sense that he, like most "lassaiz-fare corporate conservatives" assign no value to such things that good governments provide - infrastructure, legal & enforcement systems, public eductaion systems, general welfare and the common good. Things that actually provide the environment and were one CAN operate a successful business, where one can start a small business and have the environment to scale up as oportunity allows. Where one can not only generate wealth, but keep it. It only takes a quick look at failed nations to not see thriving business and "free markets" but oligarchies and medieval poverty structures. These "corporate conservatives" are also excellent at maximizing the profits and socializing the risks, and somehow make that seem NORMAL, when in fact such behavior in an individual is psychopathic. Good societies and good governments create the space in which "free markets" operate. Free markets do not create good government. Never have, never will. Especially since there is no such thing as Free Markets, such as there is no such thing as Free Individuals. Without the protective sphere of government, both free indiviuals (in terms of protection of Rights) and free markets (in terms of being open to fair competition) simply fall to and concentrate those that have the most coercive power, whether that is power or wealth, and most likely both.

    A wise tax policy creates that. The US system needs tweaking for sure, but that's a minor issue. It will get tweaked. More dangerous is continuing to foster this insane concept that government in and of itself is a bad thing and that such a thing as illusionary as a "free market" exists outside the power of a strong and fair liberal government ( that's liberal in the 18th century meaning and not the Rush Limbaugh meaning).

    • +1
      but its "laisser faire"
    • No, I think it's "Laissez-faire" least in American we're both wrong...TheBlueOne
  • mrdobolina0

    you do realize that every american family owes $17,000 for the war in iraq, alone, just for the war, whether you supported it or not. will this money just come out of thin air, grow on a tree? What pisses me off about most conservative tax talk is that they claim to be the responsible ones, then they don't want to pay for things. How exactly is that being responsible?

  • mrdobolina0

    also, ponyboy gets ranting drunk on 2 beers. cheap date.


    • HAHAHAHAHHAAAAA... the cheapest date you could of ever had... I'd buy too. ;)PonyBoy
  • utopian0

    Does anyone really think that Bush, Cheney, the Senate and or Congress really gives a fuck at all?

    They all have extensive and FREE retirement and pensions. They don't ever have to pay into social security it is taken care of for life. The do NOT have to ever pay for healthcare nor does any of their family members, the list just goes on, and on, and on!

    It does not matter if they are Republicans, Democrats or even part of any Independent or Green party!

    America is the most corrupt, greediest and fascist country in the world, no wonder that the rest of the world has lost all respect for us.

    Everyone needs to wake-up and get their head-out-of-their-ass!

  • ian000

    if you don't like it, you can just giiit out.

  • mrdobolina0

    it's like the conservative ideal of what america should be is a nation of investment bankers, no one to install the phone service, no one to dig the drainage culverts, no one to cook their meals, no one to do anything besides make capital gains. It's all your fault if you aren't an investment banker, loser. this nation offers you the opportunity to be an investment banker and if you don't take it, get fucked and btw Yes, I'd love cheese on that.

  • whut0

    i'd be more concerned with the taxes cheney is generating through operation kill brown people '08...

    and maybe the fact that goverment hacks from left and right use their positions to ensure they make millions when out of office...

    you've seen what the u.s. government has accomplished post ww2, buch a fuck-ups, all of 'em....

    it's obvisous these people lack talent, cheney is as lacking as it gets, but the millions still roll in.

  • whut0

    " America is the most corrupt, greediest and fascist country in the world, no wonder that the rest of the world has lost all respect for us "

    um, see africa, and eurasia . amd asia for that matter, there's south amreica too... oh shit, we forgot about russia...

    • yeah. exactly. We need work, but we're not that bad.TheBlueOne
    • America is by far worst!utopian
  • TheBlueOne0

    *assumes that PonyBoy is currently passed out on couch, Budweiser bottles litter floor, fading Bush/Cheney 2004 bumpersticker stuck to side of mini-fridge next to couch...

  • Drno0

    guys guys guys
    2008 is going to be a decisive year, so lets pull our keyboards away and see who will succeed.

    I say in 2008,
    we're going to know if the US can rise from the credit crunch they're in (better for the rest of us),
    we're going to experience the pleasure of another costly occupation (see petraeus/cheney/bush... on Iran) ,
    we're going to enjoy the power of draft (100 year occupation = draft which means more dead innocent civilians),
    we're going to see a $200 baril of crude oil (for those who didn't realize it, we just hit $112),
    we're going to run over tibet for an olympic medal,
    we're going to see if Italy gets kicked out of europe,
    we're going to have to support yet another justin timberlake's disc,
    we're going to open the door to a new understanding of our universe with the hardon collider,

    they're so many things that are going to make this year great, so lets pull the keyboard away and enjoy the end of an era

    smile :)

  • TheBlueOne0

    I'm knee deep in this book, "The Great Transformation" from Karl Polyani, which if such stuff like economics and poly sci interest you, is a great read:…

    Polyani wrote this back in the late 30's early 40''s his counter argument to both what was then current Keynsian economics AND the whole School of Chicago Hayek/Friedman "Free Market Uber Allies" thing we currently live under since going off the gold standard...It's a third way in a sense of thinking about political/economic's leftist without being in anyway marxist. It's pretty brilliant and commonsensically and hard to believe it was relegated to the backwaters of academia for 60 years.

    He disliked Keynsian economics, didn't see marxism as an answer and really hated the Chicago guys with their crazy Utopian Free Market's both anti-marxist and anti-neocon. Really well worth picking up.

  • TheBlueOne0


    "we're going to know if the US can rise from the credit crunch they're in (better for the rest of us)"

    Hmmm...probably, yeah, but not until late 2009.

    "we're going to experience the pleasure of another costly occupation (see petraeus/cheney/bush... on Iran) "

    Occupy Iran? Nah. Not going to happen. Bomb Iran? I give it 50-50 odds. It'll be the dumbest move yet by the Bush admin, but occupy it? Not gonna happen.

    "we're going to enjoy the power of draft (100 year occupation = draft which means more dead innocent civilians)"

    Don't think so unless there is a massive Iranian backed (real or fictionalized) attack on US home soil. And even then...there will be no draft because the war is unpopular, draft will only make it moreso.

    "we're going to see a $200 baril of crude oil (for those who didn't realize it, we just hit $112)"

    Very possible, and depending on how things shake out, you might be undercutting it.

    "we're going to run over tibet for an olympic medal"

    Probably. But I'm also betting that if there is more global economic instabilty Tibet isn't going to be the only Chinese province itching for freedom. China will prove to be a giant paper tiger with massive internal stress points.

    "we're going to see if Italy gets kicked out of europe"

    Probably. No one will care, except the italians who will probably be happy about it.

    "we're going to have to support yet another justin timberlake's disc"

    Better than a new Britney disc I suppose.

    "we're going to open the door to a new understanding of our universe with the hardon collider"

    +1 for science

  • joyride0

    Should I mention Warren Buffett payed 17.7% tax on his $46 million of taxable income in 2006?

    People making that much money know how to get their taxes down... most people use turbo tax or whatever and get screwed. Don't blame the people that make money for using the systems to their advantage. Blame yourself for not doing the same

    • people in that tax bracket can afford to take advantage of the system. like "poor" people don't try with their own abilityoozie
    • "not so rich" people i should sayoozie
  • dconstrukt0

    cheney = scumbag

  • TResudek0

    I think it is funny that people complain about a guy paying 600 Gs tax. The guy probably has a shit ton of charitable deductions and, obviously, every possible write-off within the law. Every American bends over backwards (or at least should) to find a way to pay less in taxes. I am no fan of Cheney but I can't hate him for trying to pay *only* 600Gs in tax.