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  • whatthefunk3

    Donald Trump speaking about the woman who accused him of inappropriate touching on a plane.

    “Yeah, I’m gonna go after her,” he said sarcastically at a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina. “Believe me, she would not be my first choice. That I can tell you. You don’t know. That would not be my first choice.”

    • Seems he is the sickness plaguing our politics, as well as HRC. We currently have two Republicans running for office.instrmntl
    • JackassBusterBoy
  • instrmntl3

    Citibank names cabinet members in 2008.

    The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton
    What John Podesta’s emails from 2008 reveal about the way power works in the Democratic Party.

    • This is pretty big. Likely why there's such a consorted effort to deny the presidency to an outsider.IRNlun6
    • That... yea man...yea... or he's a fucking lunatic racist who will probably grab your pussy. Tic-Tac?sofakingback
  • CygnusZero46

    Might have 20-30 women speaking out about trump by the time the election gets here. He should just drop out and disappear somewhere. Its impossible for him to get to 270, and this is just getting worse and worse for him by the day.

    Im not even sure anyone is going to want to do business with this guy ever again. All of us know he is REALLY regretting running for president. Im certain this is not what he expected. He probably thought at worst this was going to be excellent brand building for him, and the exact opposite happened. He's the white Bill Cosby.

    • Can you imagine how many women have been groped by him over the span of what, 40ish years?monkeyshine
    • Bill Clinton was at one point the most powerful man in the world, allegations followed him for his entire career. Trumps only started when running for presidentIRNlun6
    • not at all true, IRN ... Trump has been plagued with this kind of shit for years, and he's got an impressive record of out-of-court settlements to prove itmonospaced
    • not saying Bill doesn't, btw, but you're right on that, it's not really anything new for himmonospaced
    • Thought somebody said he started the campaign to make money. Cuz he's broke.pango
  • CygnusZero45

    If these were just women randomly saying this, it would be sort of easy to dismiss it. The thing thats killing him here is he is on tape saying himself that he does these things. I mean we didnt even have that with Bill Cosby lmao. So that legitimizes everything these women say and we have to take it seriously, just because of the fact that he admitted he does this on tape.

    • The tape does hurt him. It raises suspicion but it does not make him guilty of it.IRNlun6
    • Key word in the tape is "let", but irrelevant in court of public opinion.IRNlun6
    • These allegations would be more credible if they weren't made 3 weeks before an election. Which is why they should be vetted.IRNlun6
    • maybe they felt like they had to wait for the right time to tell their stories, for fear that they wouldn't be heard otherwiseFax_Benson
    • Hadn't some of these allegations been made previously?Fax_Benson
    • it all reeks of incredible accusations, from both sides, exactly because it's being used as political foddermonospaced
    • Maybe, but that seems coincidental that they all waited for the right time to tell their stories.IRNlun6
    • agreed monoIRNlun6
    • it's incredible how people are latching onto THIS kind of shit, of all things, as if it were somehow bigger than other shitmonospaced
    • and while trump is actually somewhat believable as the kind of asshole who is like this, going after bill seems so pettymonospaced
    • its just the icing on the cake - if people decide not to vote for him based on hearsay but happily vote for his non-existent policies / allround cuntishfadein11
    • behaviour that is strange... the issue is how he even became the rep candidate - how did that even happen? because a lot of people are sick of the currentfadein11
    • system... amazed a cunt like him didn't rise after the 2008 crash where the real downturn happened - things are getting better over there no? or perhaps not.fadein11
    • I think the hope that Obama represented and the ultimate let down is what helped propel Trump. His support does not come strictly from the right.IRNlun6
    • A few other things Obama represented also helped propel Trump, sadly, starting with the birther movement and going from there.monospaced
    • nope it doesn't, but the centre ground support are the ones who will likely ditch him if the shit storm continuesfadein11
    • One word sums up Trump:
    • They're coming out now because he was caught on tape and then said "locker room"...not who I am...I have never done that to women. He caused this.monkeyshine
    • I don't know why they didn't call it "pillow talk". Besides, what people do in their own RV is their own business.
    • If two people are naked, I'm sure grabbing pussy is fair game.
    • The fuck are you taking about? He was being recorded by microphones and cameras the whole time. It wasn't private at all. He was on tv.monospaced
    • He was on access Hollywood, micd and getting ready to meet the publicist. On camera. It wasn't a locker room.monospaced
    • http://usuncut.com/w…pango
    • http://usuncut.com/r…pango
  • ********


    Interesting read considering comments in the post before. And the title doesn't mean its pro trump.... despite the prevailing idea anything not pro clinton must be pro trump. Its more of a critique on the media and points out some biases and questions, where was the investigative journalism in the primaries, and questions what is the role a bit.

    Personally I think this topic could go deeper too and question narratives from previous years like campaign fiancing and how its hardly mentioned this year. And really dig into the narratives media paints.

    • I thought it was anything anti Trump is pro Clinton.fadein11
    • Or that too. People seem to hear whatever they want. I cant tell what people read into anymore
  • ********


    Well that's a kick in the teeth of common sense. Love how they got UNLV to also pay rent the stadium. Sandoval just spendin and taxin to puff up his resume... makes me wish a bush was running against clinton so sheldon andelson could have blew his load on him instead... so gay.

  • monospaced7

    • This is hilarious. He should be Trump's running mate.monkeyshine
    • His show is better than Trevor Noah.
    • Except Trevor Noah doesn't get any shout outs from president Obama. Why is that?
    • Wake Up White People!utopian
    • yuri-omg newsmoldero
    • Dry your eyes, Jones. Selling more tuppenny bug-out bags to hapless goofballs will get your erection back.face_melter
    • "Doesn't get shout out from obama"
    • Alex Jones is on Obama's hit list right now. He considers him someone of concern while campaigning for Hillary.
    • He's in bed with that sulfer smelling demon
    • lol oh omgmonospaced
    • Are you really trying to give credit to this rabid moron and the shit he says? Wow. You really love trump that much. Scary.monospaced
    • i guess anyone who holds a different opinion than you is a moron mono. maybe Hillary should stuff some money down his pant for more votes.
    • it's hard voting against corrupt evil when they hold a mask that tells otherwise.
    • it's hard voting against corrupt evil when they hold something tangible that you believe in.
    • it's even harder voting against corrupt evil when they have the entire mainstream media in their pocket.
    • So when I see a less than corporate funded opinion continuous in their efforts to portray another side without big advertisements.
    • it should better suggest who exactly is pulling his strings. he doesn't pull back his punches because it might offend his advertisers.
    • ... like other highly funded news papers and media outlets.
    • so he can easily speak the opposite side you may not get in the mainstream.
    • Obama should have said this. Not discredit opinion.
    • So yes, he deserves a lot more credit because others would rather ignore him to support their corrupt political values.
    • LOLpango
    • Did you have a synchronized weep with Alex when he was weeping on the screen?pango
    • haha, i've grown impervious to that mocking cry for idiots to atone to Hillary's evil
    • you're totally a crybaby who just can't accept the reality so blankets it as evil corruption because it's easier to fit into your little safe spacemonospaced
  • ********

    • What a fruit basket Uncle Ron is.utopian
    • Crazy people make this world go round
    • where will you go when /pol/ is shut down?face_melter
    • and then what?drgs
  • ********

    • She's famous but does nothing with politic. So.... you think her words should be of concideration because she's famous?pango
    • I wonder what Kanye thinks is the better candidate. Ohhhh shiet I think he said kanye should be president!pango
    • Rather than a celebrity, she risks her business, with a courage to speak out against someone she realizes is evil. The Clintons is a regrettable corrupt vote.
    • Evil. What is that, a biblical angle? I thought you said she was sick and dying and going to jail. Now she's just evil?monospaced
    • note to self, there is no evil, seems subject attributes the moral concept to anything bad as someone against hills.yurimon
    • Well that could be anyone @omg. Why Viviene Westwood? Because she is super smart? Has moral high ground? Saves and helps people?pango
    • This is not about Viviene Westwood. Her objective stance being British would be her positive points as a speaker.
    • However her influence as a fashion designer, business person can be somewhat useful as perspective.
    • Nah you're just using random celeb who just so happens to have the same opinion as you. How exactly is she a moral or political authority?pango
  • IRNlun6-10

    Absolutely wild if true. I've been reading wikileaks has some huge leaks coming out soon in regards to Hillary's missing emails...

    • You got a source for this?nb
    • Some alt news podcast who claims to have interviewed some Libyan warlord and agents on the ground. Just posted in the event this turns out to be real or not.IRNlun6
    • Look up that arms dealers name. Apparently there's a ton of info on him.IRNlun6
    • SOON I TELL YOU! sooooonmonospaced
    • apparently, allegedly, supposedly probably from sources who know someone knowledgable about the subjectmonospaced
    • yeah, I wouldn't claim to say its true without knowing for sureIRNlun6
    • although some of the details on this are individually true. it's just how it's pieced together that's in question.IRNlun6
    • This looks and reads like some random online train of thought analysis of a situation with limited facts and lots of assumptions.monospaced
    • It's obviously not a leaked email.monospaced
    • no not a leaked email. someone did piece this together with interviews.IRNlun6
    • Benghazi just won't go away and if there's anything more to it, then it's sure to come out in the next few weeksIRNlun6
    • Neither of them should be elected.pango
    • lol, hillbots on the defense.yurimon
    • Still hanging on to Assange as the last red hope eh? Any day now they say. . . Every few days.monospaced
    • haha, thats conspiracy theorist stuff, whats happened to you broh. you falling off https://www.youtube.…yurimon
    • I though you left the politics thread 2 days ago.monospaced
    • I thought you quick smoking.yurimon
    • I did a year ago and I haven't smoked since. What's your point?monospaced
    • you smokin dat hill cox.yurimon
    • n crackyurimon
    • wow, still insulting me for no reason. You seriously must have emotional damage if you are carrying around so much hate all the timemonospaced
    • oh gawd, relax mang. you going to deep off the logic from crap you are spewing in politics. just get you act your act together. stop the conspiracy theories.yurimon
    • I haven't even mentioned a conspiracy theory and you would never find a fault in my logic. And you are still insulting me for no reason. Plus you're a liar.monospaced
    • i didnt post for you in these notes. and 2 you respond to me after being triggered about hillbots. you assange comment is conspiracy theory.yurimon
    • You said I smoked hill cox for no reason and I wasn't even talking to you. And of course this is a bullshit conspiracy theory. I'm making fun of it.monospaced
    • Trump people just keep hanging on to it like there's something there. It's funny.monospaced
    • #ignoreyurimonnb
    • when you gain some ability to sell reflect on your fallacies, holla back.yurimon
    • This isn't about Trump.IRNlun6
  • nb4

    Can anyone keep a tally on how many women are accusing Trump of assaulting them? I think even the media has lost count. Dude is finished.

    • All hearsay so far but very effective dirty politics. He's not finished, definitely damaging though.IRNlun6
    • The two pump chump is done.utopian
    • I think he assaulted moldero with a TrumpBoner.
    • #trumpstinywandering...face_melter
    • oh mgmoldero
    • Omg lol that's a weak insult dude. It's not gonna get moldero mad. It's just stupid, that it's funny. Lolpango
  • nb4

    • Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.utopian
    • This is what happens when you bring Her husband's secret playmates to the f**ken debates thinks Hillary Clinton.
    • SOL is 10 years, so they're either looking to trade false accusations for case settlements, or to underhandedly bern Trump..
    • oh mgmoldero
    • It's ok to not like Hilary. No body likes her. For all I know she's a piece of shit too. But are you really defending trump?pango
    • Hillary is an evil monster. The biggest regret of a vote compared to trump. Jill stein is the most conscience left side decision
    • Are you really defending trump?pango
  • utopian7

  • utopian8

    The 2016 electoral map is collapsing around Donald Trump

    Forget Virginia. Or Colorado. Or lots of other traditional swing states. Right now, Donald Trump's campaign is in such bad free fall, states that haven't voted for a Democrat in generations are suddenly coming into play as the Republican nominee's path to 270 electoral votes collapses all around him.

    Over the past 72 hours, polls have come out in Alaska, Texas and Utah that show Trump narrowly ahead of Hillary Clinton. That comes on top of data that suggests Republican-friendly states likes Arizona and Georgia are already a jump ball between Clinton and Trump.

    That's absolutely remarkable when you consider the historic trends in those states. The last time a Democrat won Alaska was 1964, when Lyndon Johnson carried it over Barry Goldwater. Texas hasn't voted for a Democrat for president since Jimmy Carter eked out the state in 1976. In Utah, like Alaska, LBJ is the last Democrat to win.

    The possibility now exists for a historic election realignment along the lines of what we saw in 2008 when then-Sen. Barack Obama claimed victories in places like North Carolina, Virginia and Indiana — states where no Democrat since Carter or Johnson had won. Simply put: Trump is not just in danger of losing, he is in danger of causing a fundamental reorganization of the electoral map that could set back Republicans for a number of future elections.


    • Interesting.monospaced
    • greens and libs will choose who will win.
    • Hard to believe NH goes to Hillary. Been seeing Trump signs everywhere since earlier this year.IRNlun6
    • Inspired to search the same after watching Bernie on Bill Maher, spent time viewing past ones http://www.270towin.…whatthefunk
    • I dont see hill signs most anywhere i traveled.yurimon
    • lolmonospaced
  • ********

    Racist white powered Hillary supporters like ice cream too

  • face_melter6

    Mandrake! It's all a Mexican conspiracy!


    What an ultramaroon.

    • fucking loosermoldero
    • Trump is an embarrassment. Anyone who votes for him is deplorable trash.monospaced
    • Spoken like a true hill bot
    • lolmonospaced
  • ********

    Hillary Clinton Asked for Dick Pic from Lenny Kravitz

  • whatthefunk7

  • whatthefunk4

    “I suppose Old Man Trump knows just how much Racial Hate he stirred up.” Woody Guthrie

    Trump's father made an impression on Woody Guthrie in 1952, who was writing about his former landlord two years after he moved out of the Beach Haven housing project for veterans in Brooklyn, New York.

    Trump was investigated by a U.S. Senate committee in 1954 for profiteering from public contracts, including overstating the building charges on Beach Haven. Those hearings led to Beach Haven tenants suing Trump for inflating their rents.

    It wasn't until 1973 when the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division filed a lawsuit against the Trump organization for refusing to rent to black people. The lawsuit ended in 1975 with a consent decree ordering Trump to seek racial diversity among his tenants.


    • trumps pops was a klansman too https://www.washingt…moldero
    • Like father like sonutopian
    • haha 1927 times were a bit different. klansmen marched against Roman Catholic police of New York City. detained for refusing to disperse from a parade.
    • and a possible thought to keep in mind was did he not rent to blacks because it would hurt his business. the current white folk might not have wanted it.
    • it could purely have been business and not racial. blacks on welfare were perceived to have been more crime ridden. it would scare away tenants. just a thought
    • it was racismmonospaced
  • utopian3

    Take a close listen to this helmet back in 1994

    • making business deals with his own wife. women are just accessories to him.CygnusZero4
    • Even a date is some type of deal. She wants something and so do you.Dillinger
    • #magamonospaced