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  • ********

  • fadein1110

    • +
    • ^Jack Wagonteh
    • who's opinion is this?
    • it's not opinion, deathboy, and even if it were, it would be the opinion of the world of factsmonospaced
    • oh mono. of course its opinion that is a fact. im just wondering who's since they kept the quotes
    • please, when you say something's just an opinion, you're saying you don't believe it to be true, and you know it... thing is, this is all truemonospaced
    • not an opinion i would share nor could i not knowing either women or family. and i have a suspicion the person who wrote it is the same boat
    • but hey its a great inspirational pin for the types of people who need inspirational images with words, that may or may not be true, but they feel good to like
    • pretty bad you couldnt tell opinion from from fact or even question the source mono. maybe next time
    • yet, it's you who's not separating the two, blanketing this as mere opinion when it's actually full of factsmonospaced
  • nb3


    Toronto journalism prof backs up Stoynoff's sexual assault allegations against Trump

  • ********


    • your sarcasm is duly noted
    • ^^ I love the poorly educated!
    • trolls, yawn.
    • wow, people really do take the time to make up dumb handles and post! I'm almost impressedformed
    • I think it's hilariousmonospaced
    • haha
    • and they are probably not even in the usa so they dont even vote
  • ********

    Although Trump has an admirable talent at dominating a room, Hillary Clinton wins because she doesn't have a tendency of self- destructing or making herself look like an ass on the regular.

    This type of boring stability makes me feel safer about who is working with our alien overlords.

  • IRNlun6-4

    Remember when Bernie and his supporters complained that he wasn't getting media coverage, and how Debbie Wasserman Shultz and other DNC officials had to resign for conspiring to sabotage his campaign? Feels like ages ago...

  • ********

  • sted8

    Can't wait that this shit show what some people call United States presidential election 2016 ends and everyone here pulls their head out of their ass.

  • IRNlun6-9

    Oh look, the tolerant left is at it again...

    Report: GOP headquarters firebombed in Orange County


    • seems legit </sarcasm>moldero
    • Response from CNN and the left "IT'S TRUMPS FAULT!"IRNlun6
    • http://www.atlassadr…IRNlun6
    • these tactics work well for the dumb bible thumping rightmoldero
    • I love the undereducated!
    • Apparently so does calling Trump supporters dumb, nazis, stopping his rallies, assaulting people wearing Trump hats...IRNlun6
    • You can just feel the hope for the future from Hillary supporters.IRNlun6
    • Trump supporters threatened an armed revolution. It goes both ways with the fucking idiots.monospaced
    • steal their signs, get them fired, vandalize their property.. that'll teach them!!!IRNlun6
    • http://www.wcsh6.com…IRNlun6
    • if the right thinks the dems did this, then basically left their signature on the crime scene, then yes, trump voters are very very dumbmoldero
    • during an election too, so damn obviousmoldero
    • attacking Trump supporters has been happening all year moldero, and the same excuses keep getting parroted.IRNlun6
    • 3 words.... radical Islamic terrorism. hehe
    • ^ you said it, they're all dead now, way to go!moldero
    • sorry IRN, but trump voters are about as dumb as they come.moldero
    • so they deserve it is what you're saying?IRNlun6
    • trump prolly had a fire policy, and a fire lease exception. it's true. many people are saying thatBonSeff
    • There are people doing this on both sides
    • Making Trump supporters out to be uniquely persecuted is a little hard to buy.yuekit
    • moldero has some self hate he is failing to cope with
    • very yuri-esque response terry... must be self hate if you disagree with itmonospaced
    • you can't blame the entire world's issues everything on Trump. Hopefully they will catch the crooks who did this and put them in jail.
    • https://www.youtube.…utopian
    • lol mono, is there a reason you need to go around bringing up your boyfriend in every thread. you are lapsing back into sissy mode, get a grip on yourself
    • someone already mentioned that democrats have started a kick starter to fix this.
    • hey terry... I don't. This is a once and rare occurrence of that. It's actually the other way around 99% of the time. Sorry.monospaced
    • and yeah, you sound exactly like him when you say someone must have a mood disorder if they don't fit your expectationsmonospaced
    • I accept your apology
    • lolmonospaced
    • inside job by the republicans in a desperate attempt to make the opposition look bad. burn your own office and point fingers... ah,... classickona
    • they obviously stole the idea from the Brick scene in House of Cardskona
    • oh noes, all the lawn signs!monospaced
  • moldero9

    just listen to these bible thumping redneck idiots


    • Scared, don't trust their politicians, don't trust their own party... with continued abuse and insults these people endure shit will get bad.IRNlun6
    • lol, Trump campaign is going to hand the entire government over to Dems. Make America Great Againreanimate
    • lol, aren't you from texas moldero, hasn't your teenage rebellion gone on long enough, come home and stand with your people
    • https://www.youtube.…utopian
    • Redneck white folk love their Trumpyutopian
    • never been to Texasmoldero
    • such a lack of disrespect towards religion here. maybe if they were Muslim it would be a different story.
    • Next spot for me is Denmark, keep on with your education of the world from screens and enjoy your freedom up there Terry.moldero
    • at least i had the decency to phrase it as a question. lol, i live in Massachusetts, we are about as liberal as it gets but ok yea, speaking several languages a
    • -nd having nuclear family on every side of the globe ought to make me a liberal cuck by default right
    • by the way, your lazy dumbfuck us vs. them thinking makes you look like a lazy dumbfuck
    • there Terry goes, loosing his shit againmoldero
    • time to calm down, take a break.
    • speaking about "lazy dumbfuck" last i remember, you and i were arguing about a Trump speech you admitted you didn't even hear, you better check yourself boymoldero
    • boy huh, looks like i struck a nerve. so what happens if i don't 'check myself', are you going to direct your lazy dumbfuck comments at me, oh noes lol
    • keep chiming in on shit you know nothing about, just like that trump speech thread, i think it's quite clear who the lazy dumbfuck ismoldero
    • #touchedclothfadein11
    • So you have to go back two weeks to find an example of me being lazy and or a dumbfuck, here you the culprit of lazy dumbfuckery three times in one day
    • Clock out moldero, you may be getting high fives from the other lazy dumbfuckery like utopitard but on the whole you are making yourself look like an intolerant
    • And highly illiberal reactionary who has been swept away in the hatefull nature of this bogus election
    • Aaand my phone now knows the word dumbfuckery
    • calm down terry - you get so angry.fadein11
    • flipping out has always been Terry's M.O. now we can add thread skimming to it.moldero
    • Had to retort to your lazy dumbfuck shit post spree. Don't pretend you weren't being as provocative as possible. Add victim blamer to that list
    • you come to that shit like a worm on a hook dude, like clockwork, i'm trolling YOU when i say that bible thumper shit, too predictable, hilarious.
    • ah yes, you have such power over me, you are a master manipulator, follow me around shit talking and three weeks later announce that you were indeed trolling
  • moldero7


  • moldero9

    All bible thumpers know it's called 2nd Corinthians, but they're so fucking dumb that they still buy his bullshit.

    • moldero fears what he doesn't understand, so sad
    • please elaboratemonospaced
    • terrys but hurt because i messed with his mythical sky god, they hate that shitmoldero
    • Who Trump? I dislike Trump and posting critical things on a forum hardly constitutes messing with anyone. I'm just reacting to how intolerant and illiberal you
    • sound when you talk down on people you have never met and don't understand. You fear what you don't understand and white America scares the shit out of you
    • the bible ... what's to understand?monospaced
    • Middle America is under cultural attack, this deep dissatisfaction is misunderstood by people on the coasts who want to write off middle America's values as
    • Backwards and in doing so have further alienated them. The lunatics like westborogh Baptist are the cultural equivalent to the blm thugs
    • There are millions of honest god fearing people who have been caught in the middle of this culture war and are sick of lib cucks telling them that they have no
    • Moral prerogative to practice thier faith and lifestyle the same as some city slicker homosexual
    • but we can go into Afghanistan and say they cant beat and stone their women? why is their hate/ignorance not to be tolerated but Christians BS has to be.moldero
    • wake up cracker boy, unlike what you've been taught in Sunday school, the world doesn't revolve around youmoldero
    • nobody's saying they shouldn't practice their faith, just that they should keep it private like most adults, and not let it allow for discrimination in publicmonospaced
    • or to keep the faith based morals out of government, where it really doesn't have a place, as dictated by the importance of a separation of church and statemonospaced
    • fact is Bible thumping white America has always been on the wrong side of human rights, if you choose to side with them -moldero
    • you have to deal with the rest of us who give a shitmoldero
    • Lol did this fuckstick just call me a cracker, I think he has me confused with somebody. Anyways, typical libcuck veiled racism aside, I shall try to clear some
    • Things up for you. Firstly, we have enough problems here at home without worrying what people do in some backwards third world sand dune. What you are referring
    • To as Christian bs is the right to morally disagree with homosexuality, that doesn't hurt anyone accept maybe for thier hurt feelings, to that I say, grow the f
    • -ink up, if you need everyone to Pat you on the back for your lifestyle choices then you are in for a bumpy ride. I am not a Christian nor was I raised one so y
    • -our dumbfuckery while not in the least surprising, alas, doesn't apply to me
    • say what you want about yourself while being anonymous, but your words speak for themselvesmoldero
    • "hurt feelings" is the only problem you see when the bible thumping gets involved in politics, open your fucking eyes and get some kind of empathymoldero
    • Mono, if people have the right to talk about how homosexual they are in public then people also have the right to say they don't condone that lifestyle. Persona
    • -lly, I think we would all be better off if people kept thier religion and sexual preferences to themselves but in this special snowflake praising culture of ou
    • -rself, everybody feels the need to draw lines in the sand and parade around thier virtue
    • "we would all be better off if people kept thier religion to themselves" agreed, but they dont, hence the problem with bible thumpers in politicsmoldero
    • keep eating them words terrymoldero
    • Talk is one thing, terry, and once again, nobody is telling people they can't talk about religion. They just aren't allowed to use it to discriminate.monospaced
    • It's totally fine to flaunt one's religion in public and preach from a pedestal, or even have parades for it. That's not being questioned.monospaced
    • What we're seeing are people who are trying to change legislature that favors one lifestyle over another, and that crosses the church & state line drawn long agmonospaced
    • What I'm saying is, let people be people and as long as it doesn't actually affect your life negatively, leave it be.monospaced
    • A gay couple shouldn't have service refused on the grounds that the service provider simply doesn't approve of their lifestyle. Same with skin color.monospaced
    • and if there is a gay company that refuses service to a christian person just because of their religion, then shame on them toomonospaced
    • Empathy huh, why don't you try having empathy for middle America who's values are under attack from white hating libcucks like yourself, or are you to blinded b
    • -t your fear and hate to feel anything from them. Typical regressive double standarding
    • Agreed mono, discrimination is bad, cultural shaming is what is being done to middle America, hense thier having mobilized to fight back against the society tha
    • -t has shat all over them like trolldero has been doing here. Reactionaries beget more reactionaries and this dumbfuckery wants to talk to me about empathy lol
    • *dumbfuck lol, spell check fucking me up
    • I'm not a fan of cultural shaming in any form, unless they're using that culture to hate... hate is the only value that seems to be under attack.monospaced
    • And honestly, I think a lot of that stigma comes from the history behind a lot of those areas, like it or not (racism, etc). It's made christianity look a fool.monospaced
    • Which, to your point, is not right. I agree. I think you also agree those bible-thumping nuts need to calm their tits too, making the rest look bad with them.monospaced
    • What's surprising here is that Trump seems to be purposefully appealing, even if indirectly, to the worst of those people. Drawing them out. It's kinda scary.monospaced
    • I'm not saying Trump is racist, and I sincerely don't believe he is.monospaced
    • I think trump is racist, not "hang 'em" racist like some of the people Terry is defending, but definitely "don't let those people live in my buildings racist"moldero
    • meh ... I don't buy it ... I think he just looks like that based on how he appears sometimes to pander to them, and how some racists seem to love himmonospaced
    • he's about into racism as he is into sexual assault, which is to say, not at all, except for some stupid shit he said a long time agomonospaced
    • he's just a rich spoiled brat with a loud mouth, no self-censoring skills, and I don't think he really believes much of anything he says unless it's about moneymonospaced
    • Yup, agreed. As far as the shaming hate, things have been labeled hatespeech as a way of justifying the thought police antics of the regressive. For instance, o
    • -penly disapproving of homosexuality has been dubbed as hatefull, which constitutes a cultural attack on the beliefs of christians. Gay folks don't need people
    • 's congratulations and all this shouting down of people with traditional values has created this whole alt right Trump ferver
    • The same regressives like trolldero that preach tolerance and empathy are intolerant and unempathetic towards people who's beliefs contrast thier own, the irony
    • Is palpable when they get on thier soap boxes and try to shame people who's beliefs aren't hurting anyone
    • And the only retort they have to offer is either "past oppression" or "but my feels", like a bunch of baristas straight out of a lib arts degree
    • I get what you're saying, I do, but it hasn't been limited to just openly disapproving of homosexuality, it's acting on it, e.g. clerk denying marriagemonospaced
    • now, that was a case of openly disapproving homosexuality, but also one of hate and going against the actual country's laws and her job descriptionmonospaced
    • she has every right to hate gay people, which she does, vehemently ... she doesn't have the right to let her beliefs override the constitution or the lawmonospaced
    • Sadly, it's those folk that Trump is pandering to. He's giving them the false impression he will change laws in their favor, which he won't and can't do.monospaced
    • Does she hate gay people though, does she really, or does she just not condone homosexuality and is expressing it in the wrong way
    • I don't know, maybe she does hate gay people but if it's just an assumption based on her actions then that's the same type of regressive thought police labeling
    • Everything as hate that you dissagree with
    • fair enough ... wrong reasons it is: she thought she would go to hell if she helped gay couples get married ... I find it hateful, but I understand your pointmonospaced
    • also, thanks for not name callingmonospaced
    • No problem. Thanks for not twisting my words into some half baked strawman like the op. Anyways in summation, Trump supporters scare the hell out of people
    • ... and rightly so. I know you think it's just people being irrational, but there's a lot of things about him being pres that is legitimately scary.monospaced
    • Reacting to that fear with agression is a big factor in why Trump has so much traction, people are tired of being vilified and shamed for thier lifestyle and be
    • -liefs, if you want less extremism you have to bring people to the table not reject them from society
    • terry 100% homo after reading this, which is fine with me as I am a liberal snowflake. fancy a cuddle terrence?fadein11
    • am i supposed to be upset by that, spread your cheeks twink
    • damnit fadeinmonospaced
  • ********

    It's interesting to see the Green party has jumped from 2% to 12% switching places with Gary Johnson riding at 9%. It shows people are finally warming up to the 3rd party system.

    • really? is it for real interesting? are you captivated AF n shit?BonSeff
    • Back to reality...still at 2%
    • lol, both Fox AND CNN had Stein at 1% about 2 hours ago on live tvmoldero
    • Stein recently made the claim herself over the weekend. 10/15... are your polls up to date?
    • "live TV"moldero
    • Jill is at 40%, we should all vote for her!
    • Actually my overlapping information isn't what should really be of a concern. What is more interesting is what Jill is saying
    • so is Jill Stein lying or omg lying? hmmmoldero
    • I'm not sure why that little jump even has anyone that concerned or interested.
    • The little tick is nothing compared to Hillary or Trump.
    • If you've already made your decision, why would you bother worrying about the Green party?
    • http://thehill.com/b…yuekit
    • omg is constantly in a state of bedazzlement and befuddelry, eyes twinkling with thoughts of Gadaffi.face_melter
    • If she cared about 3rd party she'd have run for senate where she could build up the green party. Why hasn't she started with the attainable if she's so serious?monkeyshine
    • Haha monkeyshine thinks JS is not serious. I see you've drank Hillary's kook-aid
    • Facemelter believes that all criminals should be killed without a fair trial. So where does that leave Hillary? :BOOM BITCH: lol
    • Easy to pull out tired cliches but you didn't answer my question - which is a sincere one.monkeyshine
  • utopian10

    Why I left the Republican Party to become a Democrat


    • So strange that the photo with KKK members gets an uptick vote on QBN.
    • i wonder who is under those sheets because the red guy is definitely browned skinned.
    • the kkk is as much a threat as a motorcycle gang. yeah they're dangerous, but what is their impact on society when they offer nothing in return?
    • Trump's most enthusiastic supporters are white nationalists, he wants to completely ban Muslims and implement stop and frisk (aimed at blacks) nationwide.yuekit
    • It's funny that you cannot connect the dots.yuekit
    • The upvotes are for exposing trump for who he is, the exact opposite of what you are saying. It's funny that you cannot connect those dots either.monospaced
    • i've not read the article.
    • i'm sure its the same old issues you guys have been concerned about for the past months, so with that said...
    • but when i see a photo of the kkk pasted next to Trump, i just assumed it was an idiotic post
    • Have no idea why yahoo would do that.
    • However did Clinton never proposed a solution to dealing with terrorism? I kinda think she's playing turtle to avoid PC related issues.
    • I'm sure after these elections we can go back to politicians telling us what we want to hear because the gruesome reality is too much for the general public.
    • You really think Trump has proposed a solution to terrorism or that there is a simple solution?yuekit
    • getting a picture that people are worried terrorism and want to handle it without alienating religion.
    • though watching moldero bible thumping the scene didn't seem like that was at all a concern.
    • atheists damning the bible while at the same time supporting the Muslims for the greater good doesn't really create any dots to connect
    • Wait who is damning the bible and supporting Muslims? Tell us again how Trump is going to end terrorism.yuekit
    • There may be better ways than Trump's proposal.
    • And better ways than Obama handling of the issue as well.
    • Which would start by stopping the arms the US ships to Saudi Arabia
    • actually Obama can thank Hillary for that as she was the one who signed the secret memo to fund the terrorists groups as a "cleanup act"
    • yuekit, i was referring to moldero's "just listen to these bible thumping redneck idiots"
    • Trump's plan at least alienates people without killing them.
    • Hillary's plan is part of a proposed sale of $1.29b worth of bombs towards Saudi Arabia
    • Do you think Saudi Arabia is one person? It's a country of 30 million people, sending money to their military does not mean helping terrorism.yuekit
    • The problem is everyone reads internet conspiracy these days and thinks they are an expert on what is going on.yuekit
    • It's not a conspiracy yuekit. That's how the US sought to solve issues there. Have one side pound the other side.
    • and then gain control once the dust settles. but that leads too many deaths.
    • The idea that Hillary and Obama are the main cause of terrorism and you can shut it down by stopping funding is ridiculous. And yes conspiracy.yuekit
    • first do you agree with the continued funding to Saudi Arabia?
    • i'm not trying to blame anyone, I'm just telling you how it went down, and how it will continue.
    • If we stop the funding, then we stop the terrorists who use our own weapons against us.
    • Terrorism has been going on for years including the 60s and 70s. So obviously Hillary and Obama is not the cause of "terrorism" per se.
    • that secret memo signed by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was released by Wikileaks
    • The guys holding the cardboard signs was essentially telling you the truth the entire time.
    • It would nice if the world was really that simple, and I'm sure if you spend time listening to Trump speeches or reading conspiracy sites it appears that way.yuekit
    • Saudi Arabia is not the best country for many reasons, but the idea that U.S. aid to Saudi goes to terrorism is silly.yuekit
    • It's not that simple at all. If you haven't seen the elections. Trump is painted as a baffoon. Most folks are too scared to vote Green.
    • There are private individuals in Saudi Arabia that fund terrorism. That doesn't mean the government or ANY person in SA is automatically supporting terrorism.yuekit
    • Obama administration already proposed the sale of $1.29b of bombs to Saudi Arabia. Congress has a certain amount of time to reject it.
    • The U.S. has long supported Saudi Arabia, this isn't something new. But why do you think military aid has anything to do with terrorism?yuekit
    • They can get the funding, but then where do they get their weapons from?
    • we need to cut off funding from all angles
    • Well there is a huge illegal arms market worldwide. Did you not watch the Nicholas Cage movie God of War lolyuekit
    • I have been as critical of U.S. foreign policy as anyone, but it has been turned into this cartoonish view where the U.S. is the only thing creating terrorism.yuekit
    • Syria is a good example. The U.S. supported the rebels to some degree, people turned that into U.S. created the entire civil war and also ISIS.yuekit
    • No, there is actually a legitimate fight between different groups in Syria going back centuries. And U.S. hardly the only one meddling in the conflict.yuekit
    • How is sending anything over to SA helping anyone? Obviously they're using it for weapons and not bandaids.
    • At least stop the idea that we're punching ourselves in the face with our own weapons
    • a clear path to the enemy now will allow us to see the direction they move
    • so we can deal with the opposition while defending ourselves if necessary.
    • we would have much more room if we weren't tripping over our own feet and see who is funding terrorism
    • in order to stop it.
    • Probably just part of the longstanding security alliance with Saudi Arabia. Also U.S. might feel the need to to calm them after the deal with Iran.yuekit
    • I have not heard any reporting that arms to SA end up in terrorist hands, so it's kind of an irrelevant topic.yuekit
    • And yes easy to say cut all ties with SA, but what happens next? Who takes control in that country? Real world politics is not some simple good vs. evil story.yuekit
    • I'm not saying its easy. I also don't really think speculating any further is a good idea. Are you suggesting that we need to keep sending more money to SA?
    • We do have our own problems worth fixing.
    • We also go in a completely different direction with energy. We don't need SA's oil.
    • we have better issues to solve in our own country than to worry about SA.
    • if Obama doesn't end it in the next few months, I don't think we need to spend the next few years there.
    • make whatever they've got obsolete like the Zune.
    • If we're going to do anything in SA, it has to be with a much lower budget to avoid bigger catastrophes.
    • or it has to be done without using weapons.
  • yuekit1

    The White Flight of Derek Black

    Derek Black, 27, was following in his father’s footsteps as a white nationalist leader until he began to question the movement’s ideology.


    • Long article but interesting story. His father founded the white nationalist site Stormfront.yuekit
    • Best article I've read in...well, days. There have been a lot of interesting stories. But this is really fascinating, thanks.allthethings
  • robotron3k-10

    The fix is in for Hillary

    "How can a candidate that 70 percent of America thinks is neither honest nor trustworthy get away with these intentional deceptions now made public? Because the mainstream media simply refuses to report them. The fix is in."


    • Probably the only other embarrassing thing that could be if Dems do overkill on ballet stuffing, would be funny.robotron3k
    • haha
    • Theres a simple answer to that question: Trump is worse. They're both so bad they cancel each-other out on almost every level. She is more fit to be Prez tho.sofakingback
    • Her views are too old. We need new perspective with better values. If she wants to continue playing the game that she helps women and children, she can.
    • she can keep on helping BLM as senator.
    • However she's going to rack up more kill points for a cause we do not need.
    • We can create more jobs without her.
    • She's over qualified and that means nothing is going to change.
    • Trump meanwhile has ZERO experience at all. You want to make a reality TV host the leader of the country. Was the American Idol guy not available?yuekit
    • It's like a bad joke, and then Trumpfans whine that it's "rigged" because the majority doesn't agree with them.yuekit
    • there are other choices.
    • Trump has had lower ratings than Hillary for over a year now, and it's supposed to be a shock that he's losing?yuekit
    • How about next time, don't nominate a racist, tax-cheating reality show host with no experience in government who brags about groping women? lolyuekit
    • As far as I see, you have a better chance with a billionaire who brought to light many things you would normally not see with any other politician.
    • you can move about with much less ties to other corporations and banks needs.
    • Not even clear he is a billionaire since he refuses to release any financial info. Every candidate in past 50 years has released taxes except for Trump.yuekit
    • Unless you worry about getting "churched" and come to grips with his personality. He'll definitely make some changes in this country.
    • As far as media being biased, they are the only reason he is the nominee at all. They gave Trump something like 10x coverage vs. other candidates.yuekit
    • Otherwise the 3rd party candidates do look promising.
    • To be honest, I think Trump would be the type of person that would bounce around QBN
    • (t-i-cheek- joke)
    • Though JS is probably the better bet.
    • ide pay $ to see the look on hillarys face as she lost again, but putting a piece of shit like Trump into power, no fucking way.moldero
    • Watch her "man up" in office and start a war with Russia, thinking has to create a legacy.robotron3k
  • ********

    Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party - WikiLeaks

    (clinton is pissed)

    • https://www.rt.com/n…
    • Wow Obama/HIllary resort to desparate cyber attacks. Nothing will stop them controling the truth.robotron3k
    • Must be some serious bad newsrobotron3k
    • response from the left... http://www.atlassadr…IRNlun6
    • Is that the same RT who's accounts have been closed down and have constantly been accused of being a pro-Kremlin mouthpiece?face_melter
    • ^ not accused of being a pro-Kremlin mouthpiece - they are state owned and it's common knowledge they are.fadein11
  • ernexbcn2

  • ********

    • even though cnn announces a black out ondanney williams on cnn, he gets a nod on national tv
    • lol, still hanging onto that one eh?monospaced
    • ohhh omg ...Ramanisky2
  • drgs4

    Michelle Obama over Trump Or Clinton any time

    • John Stewart over Michelle Obama any day. ;)monospaced
    • yupmoldero
    • "Every single day I wake up in a house that was built by corporate slaves"
    • nice misquoting of the first lady theremonospaced
    • oh whoops
    • "Every single day, when I wake up in a house that was built by corporate slaves"
    • fixed :) thanks mono
    • ohhh omgRamanisky2
    • https://www.youtube.…