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- 33,624 Responses
- kelpie0
oh and, hi Jaz
- ********0
- ********0
- ********0
LOL at these past two pages of comments
- ukit0
I hate all of you
- Even me? We hardly ever talk!?! (maybe that's why you hate me)********
- Even me? We hardly ever talk!?! (maybe that's why you hate me)
- monkeyshine0
you two and your puppet toys should get a room. What happened to intelligent discourse? I guess it's asking too much. I would love to hear differing opinions but all either of you seem to have the capacity to contribute is inane waste. I think Sarah Palin is smarter than the two of you knuckle heads put together.
- c'mon Deanna, the guy is a jerk.DrBombay
- Eh, you're just being a girl. Literally.********
- Ramanisky20
- howard was a fucktard. costello was his nerdy muppet henchmenautoflavour
- Costello was OK...Howard was the ultimate slimey politician.BusterBoy
- ********0
For a good laugh (Part Two):
I'm voting Democrat because if my 14 year old daughter gets an abortion I don't want to pay for it or know about it.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe that if a baby survives an abortion attempt it should be left to die in a cold steel hospital pan rather than be given medical attention.
I'm voting Democrat because you should not have to provide a photo I.D. to vote, and you should not be prevented from voting on behalf of a dead neighbor.
I'm voting Democrat because I'd like to continue hiring quotas and school admission quotas; being a member of a minority should always count more than skill and experience.
I'm voting Democrat because I want taxpayers to pay for the college educations of illegal immigrants.
I'm voting Democrat because I think it's okay if Ken marries Jim, or Sue marries Mary, or Sue marries both Ken and Mary.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe the American Civil Liberties Union should continue to protect the North American Man Boy Love Association and its encouragement of sex between adult men and young boys.
I'm voting Democrat because tax money should continue to go to groups like AC0RN which somehow are able to register more people to vote than there are adult residents in the counties where they have registration drives.
I'm voting Democrat because I think convicted felons should be allowed to vote; I especially think convicted child molesters should be able to vote for judges who give the most lenient sentences.
I'm voting Democrat because I think if a union worker gets laid off and gets a lower-paying non-union job, the taxpayers should make up the difference so he doesn't lose a dime; it's okay if he does the same job as I do and he gets paid more.
I'm voting Democrat because I want to pay taxes for free day care and pre-school for all children, even if I don't have any small children of my own, and even though most workers at those places will be lesbian leftists determined to brainwash the children into Marxist doctrine.
I'm voting Democrat because I think public housing has turned out so well that we need a lot more of it.
I’m voting Democrat because the idea of giving mortgage money to people who can’t afford to pay it back turned out so well for the American economy.
I’m voting Democrat because they opposed every effort in the last 10 years to put tighter controls on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
I'm voting Democrat because I want to double foreign aid, even though most of the countries that get the aid hate America and then skim 50 per cent off the top.
I'm voting Democrat because I like the idea of punishing the oil companies with a windfall profits tax that would discourage much needed exploration and drilling in the United States.
I'm voting Democrat because I think our offshore oil should be extracted by Cuba, China, Venezuela, and other countries; I especially like the fact that other countries are much less careful about environmental safeguards than are Americans.
I'm voting Democrat because an incredibly expensive carbon energy tax would be great for the economy after businesses pass on those costs to everyone with higher prices on all goods and services.
I'm voting Democrat because I think we can probably encourage investment by doubling the capital gains tax, because people always want to invest heavily in things that cost them the most in taxes.
- but really, what can you say about the last 8 years, my friends, other than it has been a rout of all our values?********
- all for one idea:
"create wealth" my friends, we have just not for you or your children.******** - Those values were gone long before GWB.********
- hardly. habeas corpus, anyone?********
- Social Security, unemployment compensation, minimum wage, the TVA, the Wagner Act, the GI Bill of Rights, the FHA, Medicare, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, etc etc********
- all democratic initiatives.********
- Eh? Most of those are all in place. I don't read you.********
- Most of those initiatives were introduced by Dems that don't act behave like modern-day. Dems.********
- when you speak of values they come from somewhere to say they no longer exist seems, well, petulant.********
- as for current dems they've had little control in the past 8 years while most of the gutting has taken place. Should they have been defiant? yes.********
- been defiant? yes. We'll see what they do with power when they get it this time.********
- but really, what can you say about the last 8 years, my friends, other than it has been a rout of all our values?
- ********0
- tommyo0
Just poking my head in here.
I just love watching you guys froth over the 4 year partisan popularity pageant. Gettin all worked up over who's better, the democrats or the republicans. All it does is divide, and kezza is fucking spot-on. Meanwhile, while the tiny brains hurl insults at each other, no one realizes that our problems are systemic. They're from both sides of the aisle and you fools think that whoever is at the top is going to change anything about the actual problems. In times of 'economic crisis' have you heard our government talk about lay offs? I haven't, infact just yesterday I watched mini-Paulson on cspan beaming while talking about the 8 different government agencies hired/created to handle the 700 billion that they still aren't sure how to use, they know the amount they need, but have no idea what they're doing with it. Which company do you know of that hires during a 'crisis'? Our government gets larger and larger and more wasteful and greedy. But here we are, us little people, casting stereotypical stones like it's the fucking superbowl - and none of the discussion here actually talks about the issues, it's all about the talking points your respective party feeds you. Defending the bullshit your party does, but attacking the other party for doing the same thing. You democrats who don't give a fuck about ACORN. You republicans who use it against the democrats when your own party does the same bullshit - yet no one is grown up enough to just say, this is not a good thing for ANY of our politicians to engage in. Just keep up your partisan jousting game, it's good, it keeps you in biasmode while your politicians fuck us all in the ass sans lubrication.
- i cant believe Im saying this but I'm starting to agree with tommyofooler2
- two peas in a pod, we are tommyosputnik2
- yes, so things are fucked up. Brilliant, no what? Still have to deal with the problems and the question is who can mostly do better even in a muddle?********
- even in a muddle? Overall, since I do not what to live biblically I prefer the democrats even if they are
not even close to my own lights.******** - not even close to my own lights.********
- so yr righteousness is really misplaced. Systemic problems? duh.********
- I hope to God, you're not implying that I was hurling insults. I was fielding them, LOL!********
- LOL x********
- Hi Im Tommyo, everything sucks, but I have no solution! So I piss on it all.DrBombay
- < That's not it at all. It's just that you're too dumb to understand that this goes way deeper than Red Team vs Blue Team.tommyo
- You're basically the Dem version of the dumb hick redneck Republican.tommyo
- Tommyo, How's the house? How close did the fire get? It was bad up there!DCDesigns
- Baaaad. The backyard smelled like a damn campfire yesterday morning. Totally smokey. Thanks for asking though!!tommyo
- Haha I had no idea you were over the hill from me. We should grab drinks and make fun of the dorks at Candlelight!tommyo
- autoflavour0
this is so wrong, this is very very problematic. this level of hate before an election just means after the election it will be amplified if they loose.
it is a spell.. they are under a spell.
- autoflavour0
this is so wrong, this is very very problematic. this level of hate before an election just means after the election it will be amplified if they loose.
it is a spell.. they are under a spell.
- sorry, failed to load first time..autoflavour
- F-in scary. I am ashamed to live in the same country as these ignorant fucks.********
- calcium0
Ugh. Those kinds of videos completely bum me out. Our country is so intolerant. They don't know if they hate him because he's black or if they hate him because their email tells them he's an Arab. None of those people are going to vote on issues, which if you have ever been to these parts of PA, know that they would only benefit from a Dem president.
- tommyo0
yes, so things are fucked up. Brilliant, no what? Still have to deal with the problems and the question is who can mostly do better Overall, since I do not what to live biblically I prefer the democrats even if they are not even close to my own lights. so yr righteousness is really misplaced. Systemic problems? duh. - capsize
Not quite sure about the second thing you wrote. I don't live in a biblical way...doesn't mean you have to belong to one party or the other. As far as my righteousness ... well, I really don't know what to say to that. I want our politicians to be honest and engage in a little thing called public service. If that's being righteous then I'm guilty.
First you all should scratch a little bit of the crust off your partisan pie to see what the flavor actually is inside. Second, any of you who think that it's as black and white as Dem or Rep need to check your head - meaning, if you're a straight across partyline voter then you're really not seeing things objectively. Third, we need to change congress and as a wholly operating unit, as US Citizens, not Rep or Dems. We need to start chirping. Letting these people know that we expect them to hold up their end of the Constitution. The Constitution is the only contract we have between us and them and for the last 20 years it's been torn, tattered and raped. We, the American people need to let our government know that we've woken up from our nap. That means that we need to work on giving a large chunk of congress their walking papers. This bailout should have been the straw that broke the camels back in terms that 10 to 1 citizens did not want the bailout, the Congress passed it. This is not a slam on Democrats, Republicans are responsible as well. Thing is, our politicians are working for corporations now, not us, but we do have one tool left in the shed to change this - vote them out. We need to stop seeing in donkeys and elephants, it's only a distraction since really, honestly, both sides are working for their own interests and not ours. Both sides have been lobbied by the banks and mortgage companies who are benefiting from what's turning out to be about 17k per family for this bailout. Not that this is a direct charge to each family through taxes ... some of it will, the rest they're printing right now, devaluing our dollar. Besides the point, this bailout should be proof enough that our government is happy to keep doing business as usual. Neither presidential candidate talks about these things, both voted for it, both have received contributions in the millions of dollars from banks. Something is wrong here yeah? How does any of this benefit the people of the United States? If we can't get the corporations hands out of the pockets of our politicians, then we need to remove the politician from the position.
- So you are doing all of these things?DrBombay
- Unfortunately both of my congress women aren't up for election and I like my House Representative.tommyo
- But I am contributing $ and spreading the word of candidates in other districts that need a changin.tommyo
- Sorry, I mean neither of my congress women are up for 're-election' this term. 2010 one of them is going down though.tommyo
- I'll take the mistakes of tolerance over the crimes of greed. I prefer hope over fear, accountability over hypocrisy, and democrats over republicans.********
- There are initiatives that will make governing much more transparent especially interests swaying votes. We'll see if it makes a difference.********
- it makes a difference. Sunlight kills the bad.********
- tommyo0
You're right. Republicans = EVIL and Democrats = Saints because that's a solution right? You don't sit here and talk about solutions, you're a rah rah guy - and an immature one at that. Keep hurling insults, and yes JazX you're included. You're both so representative of the talking points bullshit, you're actually a couple of cute little bookends.
Okay okay, I'm blowing myself up again. Gone. Cheers, have fun with the jousting.
- Sorry to say it, I wasn't hurling insults. I documented that I still have my username. That's it. Holy sh*t dude.********
- Are you just ignorant then? Look at the last few pages. Rise above the party line talking points into a land called reality.tommyo
- The last few pages, I've been copying and pasting jokes on Democrats, because I knew it would cause a stir. Fun...********
- Sorry to say it, I wasn't hurling insults. I documented that I still have my username. That's it. Holy sh*t dude.
- DrBombay0
OK Tommyo, the democrats aren't perfect but what can I do today, right now? My getting pissed off is frustration at all of the fucking liying that the McCain campaign has been doing about the candidate I support. Then you get people like JazX who defend it then act as though they aren't defending it and take the "all politicians are corrupt" stance and nothing gets done except a bunch of pissed off people.
U always act as though you are above all of this and then prove yourself wrong when you bag on democrats, constantly. But somehow you are above partisan politics. I don't get it, nice rant though.
- Hey, don't bring me into your little feud. I was never talking to you in the first place. I never said McCain was great.********
- no but you fed the lie that he is a muslim, asshole. you deny it?DrBombay
- I posted a YouTube! video. You can interpret it as you see fit. Don't put words in my mouth.********
- read the comments on that post, you are a dishonest person, Alex.DrBombay
- And all the swearing, you should probably stop, you might lose that username too.********
- who gives a shit?DrBombay
- Hey, don't bring me into your little feud. I was never talking to you in the first place. I never said McCain was great.