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- fooler20
U.S. election star "Joe the Plumber" lacks license
it turns out Joe Wurzelbacher isn't a licensed plumber after all. Oh, and his real name is Sam
For their part, the plumbers at the Local 50 union hall said they would love to find a job that would give them the kind of income Wurzelbacher is worried about being taxed by Obama.
"If there's a plumber or pipefitter making more than $250,000, we want to know where he's working," Herrera said with a laugh. "We don't make that kind of money."
The plumber's union, like almost all labor groups in America, backs the Democratic Party.
- ukit0
A glimmer of hope for Republicans...
This whole thing began with a RedState diary by “David_Rasbold” this morning regarding what his boss told him was passed along to her over lunch with an Obama rep:
He asked my boss what her political leanings were and they did some chit chat around the issues and the impressions each had on the state of the race. What happened next was more than fascinating and should be a reminder to all of us to buck up and remain strong. All is not lost. In fact, we may be in a much better spot than we think - despite the national polls and what the daily media drumbeat to give up.
He asked my boss what she thought about Sarah Palin. While my boss is a republican she hasn’t been nearly as enamored with her as most of our base. She noted concern about Sarah’s experience, but said that she is still voting for McCain.
As she was explaining her perspective it dawned on her to ask why he (the Obama internal pollster) was interested in her view of Palin. He replied that Obama’s campaign is extremely nervous about the energized republican base and what he called the “unkown factor” (sic) regarding Palin’s draw as a candidate.
In the polls they’re conducting around the country, and my boss wasn’t able to relay specific numbers, the Obama campaign is very, very worried about how Palin appears to be energizing whole groups of people who don’t typically get energized about politics, precisely because she appeals so strongly to the middle class, as well as women and dissatisfied republicans that stayed home in 2006.
More than that, they don’t know how to guage (sic) and predict the support of people typically turned off by politics, but that are enamored with her “up from the bootstraps” appeal.
I say all of this because this pollster conveyed strong concern about their standing going into the homestretch. They are very concerned about winning the vote of the middle class and whole swaths of the electorate they consider the “unkowns.” (sic) In fact, and based on her conversation with this internal pollster for Obama, he’s not ahead in the polls as we’re being told. He’s at best tied.-(hmmm.....—KWN)
Jim Geraghty then stirs the pot with this update:
Another state-level GOP guy I talk to regularly says that what he is seeing in internal polling lines up with the commentary you see in this RedState post, purportedly from an Obama campaign internal pollster, indicating that they are “very worried about how Palin appears to be energizing whole groups of people who don’t typically get energized about politics, precisely because she appeals so strongly to the middle class, as well as women and dissatisfied republicans that stayed home in 2006.”
So what is truth and what is fiction when it comes to the state of this race? Is this race really up for grabs and not the forgone conclusion that the MSM seems to be pushing?
- From what I hear, she's not as popular with the ladies as I am. :)tommyo
- certainly not a done deal. Gore, if you'll recall was up by double digits in october too. crooked fucks find a way to winthreadpost
- disenfranchising voters, disqualifying the poor etc. very scary and very dishonest shitthreadpost
- _salisae_0
the republicans want the media to tout the obama poll results. the little subversive plan they think will cause their contender to think they are so ahead and relax a little. it also serves to tick off their rally attendees, making them more distressed and desperate.
‘we've got them where we want them’ – mccain said concerning the polls.
- but only obama is preparing steadily for his transition in the white house. mccain is saving that for later on._salisae_
- the reps don't understand their opponent worth a damn. mccain's look of surprise on his zero penalty economic policy. he's not studying his competition._salisae_
- he's not studying his competition._salisae_
- I doubt the Dems are going to relax at all. Keep in mind the have a half hour of primetime the Thursday before the election.DCDesigns
- election. That will be fun to watch.McCain is furious about it.DCDesigns
- fooler20
“I’m afraid if he wins, the blacks will take over."
- the kid in the green shirt reminds me of the minister kid from there will be blood. talks like him too!SteveJobs
- Fucking Hell!!! The ignorance is mind-bending!MrOneHundred
- SarahPalin0
- wtfSarahPalin
- agent smith: "it's the smmmell"...SteveJobs
- stretching his neck?_salisae_
- SteveJobs0
i wonder if all this hatred could prompt another civil war...
both sides are unwavering, opposed to compromise and passionate about their beliefs..
- One side is not opposed to compromise, you ignorant prick.MrOneHundred
- You mean the people vs the government right?tommyo
- annie get yer gun!!_salisae_
- ukit0
Obama's got jokes...
- this is great!_salisae_
- lol @ russian tea roomcolin_s
- McCain was actually really good tooukit
- I'm all for jokes at a time when we are hurting. But I prefer it come from comedians and not our possible presidents.calcium
- Joking about some of this stuff is just not cool.calcium
- it must be a really nice relief from all the combat though. it's important to strike a healthy balance._salisae_
- dude they have to be serious during campaigns constantly.. give em a breakakoni
- I agree! The need to blow off some steam right now.DCDesigns
- SteveJobs0
really? an ignorant prick?
i just see so many people on both sides displaying nothing but hatred toward one another. i'm not a fucking hippie pacifist, but jeez "can't we all get along?". i wonder.
overwhelmingly, the right side are seemingly politically-ignorant conservatives - standing staunchly behind their beliefs, and their fears. whereas on the left, the group i would associate myself with, many are quick to judge and display such vile hatred and loathing toward their opposition.
it's no wonder this country is in the state it's in.
- The loathing is generally in response to things like the videos on the previous page.MrOneHundred
- and apparently toward others on this forum. you're words cut deeper than your apathy.SteveJobs
- calm down, steve-o_salisae_
- thanks :)SteveJobs
- MrOneHundred0
OK, I take it back – I apologise. How do you propose we all get along? What are the points on which you can see compromise is possible, and from whom?
- SteveJobs0
first off, i should apologize as well. i did something that i myself can't stand others doing and that's generalizing.
but apart from my unqualified rhetoric, i'm not proposing a solution. i wish i had one, but i don't. my family is from the midwest and having a civil conversation about our beliefs and where we stand politically is an exercise in futility. and my personal experiences are not just my own. i see them everywhere and it's kinda fuckin' scary. my comments were just an observation of that experience at a larger extent.
- MrOneHundred0
All good. Apology humbly accepted.
My observations are that “generally” the left are broadly well-informed, though maybe not deeply, and therefore a little more idealistic. And the right are “generally” either;
a) Grossly ignorant – I think we all the kind of stuff I’m talking about.
b) So entrenched in knowing the system that they are able to manipulate it either directly by things like voter-registration tampering and Government-by-litigation, or indirectly with fear-mongering ad campaigns.It’s impossible to compromise when one side is so motivated by either greed or fear that they will simply not move from their positions. So perhaps we actually agree.
- In a sense, it becomes a question of “how low are the left prepared to go to make it a weight-for-weight fight”?MrOneHundred
- mg330
so I'm watching letterman and a new McCain ad came on, of him speaking directly to viewers. Anyone else see it? Is it me or did it lookblike a bizarre CGI McCain? Horrible lighting and poor synching of audio and his mouth moving. Really odd
- SarahPalin0
- he says alot to those who don't care to hear you meanakoni