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  • Gardener1

  • sofakingback2

    Hey guys, I got some killer news for you.

    If you're white and tired of being called an immigrant in your own country because of your european background, no worries. Today is a new day, because with ancestry.com you too can uncover that 5% Native American in your genes.

    Now you will find that belonging you so desired... and you know... you can tell moose-lambs and mexicans they don't belong here with that added spark you've been missing.


    • making ameXican great again.
  • utopian2

  • utopian3

    Rinat Akhmetshin, a former K.G.B. counterintelligence unit agent and Soviet army veteran who is now an American lobbyist, admitted to the Associated Press on Friday he was part of the meetings.


  • ********

    Trump Says He Is ‘Not Joking’ About Covering Border Wall with Solar Panels

    President Trump told reporters in remarks released late Thursday that he is “not joking” about a plan to cover the planned wall on the southern border with solar panels — a plan floated by the president as part of a way to pay for the infrastructure project.

    “I think it’s innovative,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told the Wall Street Journal.

    “There’s no place to grab. There are no holes. There’s no gap more than three millimeters,”

    Trump told reporters Thursday they were considering “some incredible designs,” what he called a “solar wall” was a very real possibility...


    • But they'd have to be south-facing, so how would that work out?

      *smash smash smash*
    • heat and light sensors combined with motors to capture the best sunlight.
    • "the best sunlight" - lol. you are a wizard of vocabulary.dorf
    • Breitbart link. But does Trunk know how much panels cost to manufacture and install? Especially the motorised tracking kind? I guess not. More horseshit.face_melter
    • seriously? somebody thinks this is actually doable? :)renderedred
    • "heat and light sensors" - you actually have no fucking idea what you're talking about, do you?face_melter
    • point is to improve solar cell efficiency.
    • I'd like to see that. They can't cover the whole border because of its' cost but some parts could work.Beeswax
    • Don't know why this is being discussed. There will never being stupid fucking wall. That was a lie and it's retarded anyway.monospaced
    • It exists, and only will exist, in the hearts and minds of ignorant scared backward thinking fuckstards. It's like alt right fantasy land.monospaced
    • Even if you take this idea seriously, it would be very difficult and expensive to transport the energy generated from the border to energy markets.yuekit
    • let him build it so its a total fucking disaster and he looks even more stupid than he does already.fadein11
    • lol @ "let him build it," as if there was actually a plan or a budget to pay for such a bigoted fantasy.monospaced
    • It'll do more good than bad, compared to the current border that less than self sufficient. Not everyone in Mexico can afford solar powered shingles.
    • still on that delusional and demented fantasy, now with power being provided to mexico? fuckin moronmonospaced
    • why do you think its such a dumb idea?
    • @omg - because the wall was a made up idea to win votes and was never meant to actually happen and the basic economics of this silly eco version offadein11
    • racism could never actually work. the fact you think its a good idea shows how little you know about solar power. But keep dreaming you stupid dumb fuck.fadein11
    • * bing bong - it's fadein11 * solar power is racism - an eco version. lol
    • The wall isn't even expensive. Building 1/4 of the wall should break even within 4-5 years.
    • Don't see how its racist to stop drug dealers and human trafficking from crossing the border.
    • It would help if the Mexican cartel was more multi-cultural drug dealers, but you'd have to take it up with them.
    • From the point of view of the left, it's actually a great thing that you and the other Trump supporters are so out of touch with reality. Because it means noneyuekit
    • of this shit is ever going to happen. A year from now you will still be babbling about solar panels and the wall still won't be built.yuekit
    • I'm pretty sure we're all getting a big beautiful wall hopefully by Christmas.
    • haha - you won't be getting a solar powered wall and the fact you think you will be makes me feel a little sorry for you. I will give you a virtual hug when youfadein11
    • eat your words :)fadein11
    • once again ... there will never be a wall, there is no money for said wall, there isn't even a plan for a wall, and nobody will ever start this dumbshit ideamonospaced
  • ********

    More than 100 undocumented immigrants rescued in Webb County


    • ok, people just looking for a better future.dorf
    • you think abandoning people in a locked trailer is a better future?
    • nobody in their right mind would condone such behavior but it's a risk these people are taking.dorf
    • I didn't know dorf likes to support crime. The prison cells are lined with many folks who were "looking for a better future".
    • classic omg and his strawman argument. embarass yourself and tell me more about these "folks"dorf
    • I'd love to know more about how you support criminals in plain english please. No special words are necessary to make yourself sound smart.
    • lol. asking for less "smart" words.I did say embarrass yourself but I didn't mean it literally.dorf
    • again with the special words. you must be a very special person today. literally.
    • sorry my big words scare you. writing for people on your level of stupidity is not easy.dorf
    • omg think desperate poor people = criminal. What a lovely human being he is.fadein11
    • besides condoning human trafficking, fadein thinks that being poor gives you a free pass to commit crime.
    • With his logic, he probably thinks a millennial with student debt and no job gives them the power to rape.
    • dorf's mom wouldn't like that one bit.
    • omg finks trump is gonna make america great again yet it never was that great and was always built on war and hardship of the less fortunate.fadein11
    • I suppose a mom insult is fitting considering it's coming from a troll with the education level of a 5 year old.dorf
    • when did I ever insult your mom? I can't imagine any mother condoning rape, especially yours since you're so intelligent.
    • oh whoops! word correction: i meant you're so "smart", not intelligent at all.
  • lowimpakt1

    • this lil limerick could be about any twat politicianPonyBoy
    • no it can't and it isn'tmonospaced
    • sure it can... groping leader... plays lots of golf... doesn't get charged...
      ... YEP!
      ...just about any politician.
    • chamomilePonyBoy
    • First word is Trump.monospaced
    • Obama didn't gripe.monospaced
    • gropemonospaced
    • FORE!!PonyBoy
    • kevin, ben is a cunt. sorry about thatimbecile
    • The first word is trump so obviously no way you could apply this to anyone rude. DERRRR. #monologic
    • Anyone else
    • just sayin, since it is what it is .. and imbecile, using real names is about a cunty piece of shit as it gets, congratsmonospaced
    • make fun of sound logic, or the guy who is trying to deflect this joke poem away from trump for no clear reason ...monospaced
    • I'm sorry pony if this poem making fun of the country's worst leader seems to upset you ... your conclusion that it apples to others is non derp logicmonospaced
    • You guys mind if I play through? Tea after the 9th anyone?PonyBoy
    • hehe :)
  • BonSeff2

    the entire point of this meeting was to find dirt on Hillary. So far I've not heard one single thing of interest.

    yet dude continues to rail on hillary. what a shmuck.

    • oh i thought you might actually have something useful to offer other than, boo hoo... he rallied on Hillary instead of Trump.
    • and when I say useful, that doesn't mean to be an auto-correction tool for a dictionary for everything i say.
    • Also I never railed on Hillary. I was emphasizing the issues the FBI and criminal lawyers were discussing at the time.
    • olympic gold in back-peddlingBonSeff
    • Except I didn't lie, and I had to put it into words that you could understand.
    • Nobody understands your words, homie.BonSeff
    • oh shit, BonSeff taking it to the streets with his backwards cap language. Gonna pull out your boombox next?
    • i only pull out for your moms.BonSeff
    • that was pretty street, ya?BonSeff
    • lol. you know a person so triggered stupid face when they have to run to mommy for a come back.
    • you probably rockin' your diapers low right now like a baby gangsta.
    • i think my initial post speaks volumes. looking forward to your next ben garrison cartoon.BonSeff
    • lolmonospaced
    • you called him "stupid face" bwaahahahaa!monospaced
  • moldero6

    so i came back from being at the beach all day started making some food, CNN had some sports shit on, BBC had some other boring shit on, so i put it on FOX and recognized this kid a popular youtuber troll on fox trolling fox, i couldn't stop laughing.

  • utopian3

    The White House unveils ‘Made in America’ week,
    though many Trump products are made overseas.


  • utopian3

    How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

    • Trump apparel (his entire line)
    • Trump home items
    • Trump hotel items
    • Trump beverages


  • utopian3

    Ivanka Trump's America First” Agenda


    • The really mind boggling fact is how his fanboys just look the other way. I really do question the integrity of 1/3 of America.formed
    • You won't catch me wearing any of her skirts or dresses.
    • You won't catch any Americans making them either.monospaced
  • utopian2

    • soonmoldero
    • I wouldn't be surprised that it involves an elephant trunkzaq
    • I hear in the White House they refer to him as Freddo.instrmntl
  • utopian3
    • #TheShitShowContinue...utopian
    • It would be great if one of these org's would sue Trump's circus. Certainly defamation, slander or something pertains to these lies.formed
  • dorf5

  • ********

    The really mind boggling fact is how her fanboys just look the other way. I really do question the integrity of 1/4 of America.

    Clinton Foundation Witness Found Dead
    Haitian official was to testify next week on misappropriation charge

    WASHINGTON — Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to testify against alleged Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week, has been found dead in Miami via gunshot wound to the head.

    • http://bit.ly/2uzkGG…
    • She ain't President...cunt.BusterBoy
    • Better watch omg, with all this gangbusting reporting Clinton's death squad will be after you next. Or not, because you're just fucking about.face_melter
    • I still can't pinpoint a single Hillary supporter on this site.fadein11
    • World Net Daily lolyuekit
    • https://www.scientif…dorf
    • I wouldn't be unhappy in the slightest if Clinton went to jail. Would give clean air to lock the giant orange turd and his clan up as well.BusterBoy
    • "Fanboys" suggests there is something to be a fanboy of, like wasting everyone's time posting irrelevant crap from a year ago.formed
    • This was the best picture of Hillary I could find. Even though this happened less than two days ago.
    • Oh, is she running for office? I must have missed that. Right.formed
    • oh yurirozalmoldero
    • I guess losing gives you a license to kill now? where are your tears for Seth Rich, Peter Smith and now Klaus Eberwein?
    • you stupid dumb fuckfadein11
  • Bluejam4

    Excerpts From Trump’s Conversation With Journalists on Air Force One

    • I don't use this word lightly, but his verbage and speech patterns are retarded.garbage
    • love that he's concerned by 60 kg bags of drugs being thrown over walls and killing people. tremendously sad.Bluejam
    • @garbage, but that's exactly how he relates to his support base ... in the words of Idiocracy, speaking like a smart adult is "faggy."monospaced
    • i'm still laughing at the thought of 60kg (132lbs) being thrown over a 40 foot wall. Who the fuck... how the fuck... what the fuck can throw 132lbs lol! idiot!kona
    • lol ... he's saying we need a literal transparent wall so drug dealers don't get hurt when hurtling drugs over to the other side? jesus fucking christ ...monospaced
    • Lolfadein11
    • I'm just waiting for someone to call these actual spoken words of the US President "fake news" and ignore the fact he's a blathering idiot ... again.monospaced
    • That was a hard scary read. Really scary, the best scary.fadein11
    • "A rollercoaster ride of three & four letter words"Bluejam
    • just so we're keeping track. 40 feet high. 15 feet deep. solar panels. transparent (see through). must be beautiful. anti-ladder technology...kona
    • This sounds like it should be an entry into the Clients From Hell database.kona
    • @kona nailed it.garbage
    • Maybe we can reach across the aisle to Trumpers by speaking their language. @omg: When people say Trump is incompetent, they just mean he's a faggy retard.garbage
    • lol kona, bluejam and garbagefadein11
  • chukkaphob-2

  • Bluejam4

    Trump Supporters Enraged by 18th-Century Custard Recipe

    • It's almost as if they have a guilty conscience.garbage
    • snowflakesmonospaced
    • by associating orange fool with trump and getting upset about it aren't they indirectly agreeing with that association.dorf
  • fadein113


    US ranked worst healthcare system, while the NHS is the best


    • Major improvements post ACA though, all about to be wiped out. If a nation can't look after it's sick what sort of nation is it?fadein11