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- 33,624 Responses
- BonSeff5
- Vic Berger is the best.Ramanisky2
- that airhorn ...
every fucking timeBluejam
- Ramanisky23
- has he achieved anything yet?fadein11
- It's hard to keep up with all this winning.Continuity
- winning at sucking, maybeRamanisky2
- BonSeff1
Trump says Republicans should `let Obamacare fail,' says, `I'm not going to own it'
The buck stops .. wait there is no buck. FAKE BUCK!
- https://pbs.twimg.co…BonSeff
- the prick. he doesn't care about people's healthcare. he wants a win for his rotten egolowimpakt
- Obama can't own it, he's no longer the president. Dems can't own it, they're not the president. GOP and Trump own it - majority and current president.dorf
- lol @ "let it fail," which is basically like saying, "let it succeed."monospaced
- Continuity4
'Trump and Putin had undisclosed second meeting, White House confirms'
'There was no one else with earshot, Bremmer added, and it is not known what the men discussed. Trump was not joined in the conversation by his own translator, which is thought to be a breach of national security protocol.
Bremmer added: “It’s very clear that Trump’s best single relationship in the G20 is with Putin. US allies were surprised, flummoxed, disheartened. You’ve got Trump in the room with all these allies and who’s the one he spends time with?”'
- Don't worry. Nothing to see here. You can trust Trump.BusterBoy
- robotron3k-8
- do you think russia didn't deserve sanctions for their actions in the ukraine and crimea?dorf
- and for murdering journalistslowimpakt
- robodumbmoldero
- I don't know the details, but is that similar to the US backed Syrian rebels, or the deposing of Ghaddafi by the previous administration?!?robotron3k
- Murder journalist? Like Seth Rich??robotron3k
- Oh moldy....robotron3k
- this is a power game. russia only cares for itself. are you naive enough to believe that russia is going to act in their and america's interests?no fucking way.dorf
- ********-8
- utopian3
- CNN? Srsly.robotron3k
- are you implying this is untruthful, robo?monospaced
- the white house confirmed it lmao. so yeah... they were clearly hoping no one would find out about this. thank the lawd for the media! wouldnt know without themCygnusZero4
- it doesn't have to be untruthful to be declared "fake" by the Trumpsters. Everything 'bad' is 'fake', who cares if it's real or not? No room for logic there.formed
- turns out cnn has been right about nearly everything. thats why trump calls them fake. its just an excuseCygnusZero4
- theyve been talking about collusion for months. trump called it fake, and what happens? his own son justified everything cnn and others have been saying. oopsCygnusZero4
- yep. CNN are not at fault here. If anything they have upped their game. as you say anything bad is fake in Trumpland, dictator behaviour again.fadein11
- robo needs to embrace non-Breitbart media morefadein11
- I notice robo disappears, only to turn up elsewhere and say more stupid shit.allthethings
- Yeah, he's one of QBN's resident upper-deckers, ready to deuce in the tank at a moment's notice.Continuity
- ********-14
- Trump is so awful that you console yourself with meme videos.dorf
- omg... I don't normally downvote you... but when I do... I use the downvote buttonPonyBoy
- hhaha********
- this is the $20k meme********
- count the downvotesfadein11
- omg makes 10 cents per every downvoteRamanisky2
- Wow, that's awfulscruffics
- PonyBoy0
Kid Rock begins outlining platform for Senate run
Singer Kid Rock may be laying out a platform for a Senate run in Michigan.
The “I Am the Bulldog” singer fueled speculation that he may seek higher office when he posted a “Kid Rock for US Senate” campaign sign on his Twitter account last week.
- Wow. It's pretty clear the lift doesn't go all the way up to the penthouse, with this one.Continuity
- but somehow he'll likely make it there. #mericajaylarson
- Bluejam6
"Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible."
8 Nov 2013-------------------------
“Let Obamacare fail. It will be a lot easier,” he said. “...We’re not going to own it. I’m not going to own it. I can tell you, the Republicans are not going to own it.”
18 July 2017- https://twitter.com/…Bluejam
- love these postsfadein11
- still not sure why they're so confident the ACA is bound to fail ... their entire hissy fit hinges on this presumption, which is not a guaranteemonospaced
- His utter incompetence still amazes me. Wait until there's a severe natural disaster, hurricane perhaps, he'll fall apart.face_melter
- It will fail because they've cut so much already. Why would insurance participate with so much uncertainty? The GOP owns it already.formed
- All the GOP is doing now is causing uncertainty, which is the worst enemy of any market. They are ensuring our costs will skyrocketformed
- and giving insurance 1000 reasons to raise rates.formed
- true :(monospaced
- @face_melter - yep will make Bush response to Katrina look positively fabulous in comparison.fadein11
- It takes time to see results, 1-2 yrs, 50k fewer illegals each month, more jobs will appear, cheaper housing, safe neighborhoods, it will happen.robotron3k
- Are you suggesting economic migrants are responsible for all of Americas woes robo?monoboy
- https://www.bloomber…monoboy
- Brexit will be a good test case for your theory. My guess is it'll have the opposite affect and crash our economy and public services.monoboy
- Interestingly though, we will have to increase immigration for non EU (brown people) countries as part of new trade deals. Wonder how the racists will take it?monoboy
- Ironic that vote based on 'foreigners stealing our jobs' will result in foreigners stealing your jobs.monoboy
- Monoboy, economic migrants take social services, jobs, education from the lower income, less educated Americans. So they affect the less fortunate more.robotron3k
- ^ either the word "illegal" must not be in the Antifarian dictionary or sixth grade level of education was not reached.********
- sorry, robo, but what jobs are the illegals taking exactly?monospaced
- So while even the poor, retired, who pay taxes but don't receive the benefits.robotron3k
- Anyone who pays taxes receives the benefits of them.monospaced
- Did read the Bloomberg article? Immigrants create wealth. The issues you raise are the direct result of an unfair tax system.monoboy
- Not only do they take jobs but they lower wages. A good example, Crider Inc, meat processing plant, 75% of it's workforce economic migrants.robotron3k
- It's true, they may make more, but pay way less into to system. This affects the disadvantaged. Wharton has a paper on this.robotron3k
- Wrong. https://www.bloomber…monoboy
- The case you state says more about employers than workers. With correct legislation and unionisation. Exploitation would stop.monoboy
- You could even lower corporate taxes.monoboy
- Ummmm an op-ed piece monoboyrobotron3k
- You're putting the blame in the wrong place. It's not the average Joe or Jose that's the issue. But lawmakers, legislators and land owners fucking you over.monoboy
- More like a study http://www.budgetmod…robotron3k
- I'm expecting fadein11 to be here any second throwing acid on me...robotron3k
- Flag waving working class republicans are turkeys voting for Christmas.monoboy
- robo, what jobs are they taking exactly?monospaced
- and who in the current administration is even remotely interested in raising wages? those corporate swamp monsters are trying to destroy the minimum wage, ffsmonospaced
- Based on empirical evidence.monoboy
- I think robo, you are very confused. Many illegal immigrants take the jobs most Americans wouldn't, and they work their asses off for the opportunity.monospaced
- Unlike your opinion it appears.monoboy
- That article you posted concludes that immigration is a net positive.monoboy
- oh omg and robotard - you really do not have a clue about the benefits of immigration like you don'r have a clue about solar power. Stop believing whatfadein11
- you are told by suspect sources and start thinking for yourselves. And travel more. Get out of those bubbles you live in. Fools. Dangerous fools.fadein11
- Correct I know doodley squat about solar power.robotron3k
- byeeeeefadein11
- but seriously ... what jobs do the illegals "take" that are so desireable? f'realmonospaced
- the irony of the #maga BS is amusing. this admin is prob the final nail in the coffin of the US as the dominant superpower.fadein11
- damnit robo, which jobs will be returning to the market now that hundreds of thousands of illegals are being deported or denied entry?monospaced
- Is there some line of tax-paying Americans just waiting to get their crop picking jobs back? Are farmers just itching to pay $30/hr to seasonal day laborers?monospaced
- what US industry have the hard-working, undocumented Mexicans disrupted so much that it's hurt the economy or any employer?monospaced
- To believe that immigrant take different from native population is naive. Maids, janitors, construction, taxi drivers, chauffeurs, grounds keepers, etc.robotron3k
- None of those positions has wages depressed bc of immigrants. They're low-paying jobs that the native-born don't want.allthethings
- you think if all the illegal mexicans were gone, that people would be okay with taking those low-paying, low-skill jobs at lower than living wages?monospaced
- If there's a person who's out of a job as a janitor, or maid, or groundskeeper, it's by choice, not because of Mexicansmonospaced
- Ramanisky24
- No, no. Drudge Report is best news. Ever. Believe me, I know best news.Continuity
- Thank fucking goodness, get the government out of my liferobotron3k
- Ladies & gents robo will be here all week with his unique brand of comedy.
Stop by and catch a show.Ramanisky2 - lolfadein11
- ********-10
- https://www.youtube.…Bluejam
- awesome, your country's imploding and you're posting steak memes._niko
- worst ps ever.uan
- lol@nikoBluejam
- downvoted .. another 10 cents for omgRamanisky2
- Trump only eats his steak well done, with ketchup.monospaced
- worst OMG post everfadein11
- hope those are office trump steaks!, stay brand loyal god damn it.plash
- Naaaaaaah. They're over-cooked enough to be Trump steaks. Also note the absence of ketchup.Continuity
- *not over-cookedContinuity
- Ramanisky24
- you did?Fax_Benson
- no no .. I wish :)Ramanisky2
- I'm sick of trump stuff now but it is very good.Fax_Benson
- nicemoldero