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- zaq1
We should rename this thread the Trumps.
Pentagon study declares American empire is ‘collapsing’
Report demands massive expansion of military-industrial complex to maintain global ‘access to resources’. https://medium.com/insurge-intel…- Thank goodness Trump is here to clear up the mess Obama made over 8 years #magarobotron3k
- BTW, while people are poking fun at him he's letting the general's quietly do their thing.robotron3k
- ladies & gents robo will be here all week with his unique brand of comedy.
Stop by and catch a show.Ramanisky2 - robo still clinging on to that /pol/ shit while omg's material slides further into mediocrity.face_melter
- what mess exactly? the general's are doing what obama was doing before. there's no difference.dorf
- quietly, with less oversight this timemonospaced
- R_Kercz0
"The previous administration went about this the wrong way by imposing rules on ISPs through the FCC's Title II rulemaking power," White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters yesterday. "We support the FCC chair's efforts to review and consider rolling back these rules and believe that the best way to get fair rules for everyone is for Congress to take action and create regulatory and economic certainty."
Anyone have any interesting ideas for dealing with the effects of this?
- ********-11
Look at how fake Obama is... The future of Fake News
- he's not the President anymoremonospaced
- I like Trumps better. Maybe if they use this they can make him sound intelligent?
https://youtu.be/ohm…kona - Nah, on second thought I doubt they could make Trump sound intelligent. This technology isn't that good.kona
- https://www.youtube.…monospaced
- maybe you should synthesize how you have the house, senate and presidency and cant get shit done.BonSeff
- omg is deep on obama's dick. he can never get off him.dorf
- omg finally jumped the shark!!! Fake News Obama? You're a comedic genius!capn_ron
- its raining downvotesRamanisky2
- colin_s-9
While I can't stand the Trump administration, I'm really looking for people who would defend the Obama years at this point.
The dude's only legacy was ACA which is, at best, a mediocre band-aid in the future of America's health care industry disaster economics.
He was elected an idealist but quickly compromised bascially everything, and was broadly ineffective for his last 5 years in office... not to mention his inability to close Gitmo or the fact we are still in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I'm not saying I'd rather have had McCain or Romney, I'm just wondering what democrats can possibly see in a future in the party. It's the failures of the Obama administration to constrict executive powers and move the country to the left that have left Trump with all this breathing room to fuck us over in so many ways.
- you have heard of the "party of 'NO"", right? Getting things done requires cooperation, the GOP took an unprecedented stance to stop anything and everything.formed
- ^ exactly what formed saidRamanisky2
- let's see ... stock market tripled under him, job market improved every year, year after year, he pushed us into an alternative energy future ... and moremonospaced
- Can you qualify your last sentence please?BonSeff
- apparently colin_s has been living on a different planet.Ramanisky2
- To be fair, we're never leaving Iraq or Afghanistan. We're there for life, it's our only stronghold in that region.sofakingback
- didn't he compromise a lot because he couldn't get anything past the repubs? I agree he made some terrible foreign policy decisions but any other presidentfadein11
- would have struggled with the growth of ISIS and taken the same advice from the military/intelligenc... that he did. I don't follow the line that ISIS werefadein11
- created by Obama, deep state possibly but Obama highly unlikely. Too much weight is put on the puppet leaders shoulders. They cannot actually change the realfadein11
- agenda that much and Trump is a perfect example of words vs reality.fadein11
- How is Trump fucking anyone over - nothing is happening?fadein11
- should have read other comments 1st :)fadein11
- perpetual war and rebuilding warzones are all part of the game colin - it's what makes the real money.fadein11
- Obama deported a shit ton of people and didn't make a big deal about it?BonSeff
- Obama droned a shit ton of people and didn't make a big deal about it?BonSeff
- any president would have droned the fuck out of the middle east - it's what you do. and a slightly better alternative to carpet bombing it has to be said.fadein11
- https://tericarter.w…BusterBoy
- I don't think Obama compromised as much as a) Repubs blocked him at every turn, and b) the guy was always a centrist and pragmatistallthethings
- The "Hope" thing got people projecting stuff onto him, but that's not who he was at all. The funny thing is if he was an R, the right would be renamingallthethings
- Reagan National for Obama. But you know, he's half black, and they couldn't abide that.allthethings
- CygnusZero48
Obama was an excellent president. Rated 12th by historians and scholars recently. Came in office in an epic recession... 8 years later every single market much healthier than it was. And he had 75 straight months of job growth. I would not call that a band aid. It's lasting improvements that have continued into the trump administration, which of course trump is trying to take credit for even though hes literally done next to nothing as president.
Obama didnt have the greatest job growth ever, but that was because the economy was on the mend. The fact remains that the job market and economy improved year after year during his time. He gets credit for dealing with a mess few presidents have had to deal with on that level, and made progress. It didnt get worse, it didnt stay stagnant, it was legit improving. Thats his legacy that cant be erased. Its in the history books permanently, the president that brought up back from the great recession.
- And he had no drama at all during 2 terms. No Drama Obama, unlike Trump who has been nothing but drama.CygnusZero4
- So this means that under great pressure and racism, Obama kept his cool, as good presidents should. He never complained.CygnusZero4
- To say nothing of what Obama had personally endure during his presidency. Racism, personal insults, the sort of discourse that has no place in civil society.Continuity
- Much of that virtiol, of course, coming from your current so-called 'president'.Continuity
- At the very least he was a respectable representative for this country and an example of how act when you're a leader. Something Trump can't ever do.sofakingback
- https://tericarter.w…BusterBoy
- yupmonospaced
- That was a nice moment. Looking back to remember the positive things. The "No-drama-Obama" years when racism didn't exist, when life had meaning.********
- omfgmonospaced
- When personal insults had no place in society, a landscape of American beauty, an era we can call.... The double rainbow********
- I weep a tear and blink at the epic recession that does not exist. But alas, there is no band-aid for the one that pumps the red, white, and blue.********
- You are fucking hopeless. You disagree with everything said there, all those irrefutable facts?allthethings
- Why so angry omg? What has you so insulted personally? Long gone are the days when you claimed to be a libertarian, now you're just an angry Trumpet.sofakingback
- utopian0
The White House and Mitch McConnell’s office tell very different stories about the failure of the health care bill
- Ramanisky20
John McCain diagnosed with brain cancer
https://www.washingtonpost.com/p…- God speedBonSeff
- "I like people who weren't captured"moldero
- That explains his rambling on during the Comey hearing.instrmntl
- damnmonospaced
- i was gonna write the same instrmntl but then who knows if it's related? well probably it is.********
- :(sofakingback
- @ moldero: who weren't captured by cancer? fucking trump********
- :(PonyBoy
- Trumps fake sympathy cracked me up, after saying he wasnt a hero specifically because he was captured. lmao get outta here with this idiotCygnusZero4
- err3
- utopian1
- #Winningutopian
- #Make Russia Great Againutopian
- #Best negotiator in the history of this worldutopian
- He said we would get tired of winning. Well, I aint tired yet! Im still waiting for the winning to start lmaoCygnusZero4
- he's keeping dying Twitter alive for sure so that's one small victory.fadein11
- Continuity4
'Trump is now attacking his own administration, including Jeff Sessions'
'The US president described Sessions’ actions [recusal from the Russia investigation] as “extremely unfair – and that’s a mild word – to the president”.'
Translation: 'Waaaaaaaaah! He should have protected me! Now everyone one's going to find out what I did! It's so unfair! Waaaaaaaaaaah!'
- Zzzzz no one likes him, he doesnt like anyone else, nothing to see here really. All pretty much inevitable and expected.CygnusZero4
- Continuity4
'Citing Recusal, Trump Says He Wouldn’t Have Hired Sessions'
'Mr. Trump [...] warned investigators against delving into matters too far afield from Russia.
Asked if Mr. Mueller’s investigation would cross a red line if it expanded to look at his family’s finances beyond any relationship to Russia, Mr. Trump said, “I would say yes.” He would not say what he would do about it. “I think that’s a violation. Look, this is about Russia.”'
Afraid of what Mueller will turn up, Donnie? Got something to hide?
- Bluejam4
Trump supporters still fixate on Clinton as mood darkens
a very good read
- I got the impression it's all about NOT talking about essential things in politics. clinton, fakenews, russia, thewall, obama, winning, losing...uan
- instead of focusing on a real debate on what you want as people, what is good for your country and how you can achive it.uan
- meanwhile who knows what kind of deals are being made behind this smoke screen. you should care more about real issues. (and hope democracy still works)uan
- at least we agree on something we do not wantzaq
- Bluejam3
President Trump Repeats Unfounded Voter Fraud Claims at Election Integrity Meeting
- God damn, I would pay a shitload of money to punch Trump in his piss-drinking mouth.Continuity
- @Continuity this would be satisfying
http://imgur.com/qFR…Bluejam - lol bluejamfadein11
- LOL!Continuity
- @bluejam Unexpected Bill Plimpton appearsgarbage
- @conty I'm sure loads of people share your sentiment, but nobody has done it for fear of getting their fist lodged in all that fat.garbage
- I'd be more worried about getting something communicable off him.Continuity
- Ramanisky23
- "you, me, jack each other off tonight"moldero
- "melania will suck us both off"moldero
- HahaRamanisky2
- He's the best at handy'sRamanisky2
- "you know omg right?"fadein11
- FAKE!monospaced
- ALL CG.Ramanisky2
- So fake, even the the suggestion that Trump denied the meeting is false.monospaced
- crap you already posted this :Dsted
- Is this for real or fake? Can't even tell anymore.johnny_wobble
- oh ... its realRamanisky2
- 100% real, he's just telling the esteemed delegates he's gonna get a BJ off a prostitute right after he polishes off his well done steak and ketchup.fadein11
- BonSeff3
- hahaRamanisky2
- Hehe, it doesn't matter, none of the witch hunt matters. The only thing that matters is that Hillary will never become President.robotron3k
- And while when she woke take the bait, Trump has unleashed the military on the quagmire of Obama's legacy.robotron3k
- Not she woke, *sheeplerobotron3k
- but Hillary!!! but Hillary!! come on guys, what about Hillary? She is bad! Hillary!capn_ron
- Ladies & gents robo will be here all week with his unique brand of comedy.
Stop by and catch a show.Ramanisky2 - Benghazi...BonSeff
- lolmoldero
- lol @ ramfadein11
- reanimate1
Trump warns Mueller against looking into his family finances
Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions
- BonSeff3
- Fake News. Even if it is factual. It doesn't fit into what robos and omg believe. Also, Hillary's emails!capn_ron
- Capn_ron I'm not going to invite you to my parties anymore and you'll no longer be able to get wasted and hit on the Asian chicks!robotron3k
- robo, another golden shower party?zaq
- robo! you know you're still inviting me. don't try to act cool here. cause i bring good vibes! hahahacapn_ron
- sted4