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- allthethings1
Willard father says goodbye to wife and four children in deportation crackdown (photos)
His family and about a dozen supporters were at the airport this morning to say farewell to a man who was never charged with a crime in America and had spent the past 16 years working, worshiping and raising a family. His children were born Americans.
#MAGA #omg #robo
"But why couldn't he come here legally?"
"Amnesty is wrong!"
"Amurrica is a nation of laws!" except where Trump is concerned...
"But her emails!"
"As Christians, we believe..."- It's just another day being a Mexican national brah, caucasians act like it's the end of the world. They've been preparing for this day since he came over.robotron3k
- BTW, he's from Chiapas, so he'll set up a little tienda in Oaxaca and sell to illegal Americans who live in the area.robotron3k
- He should be made an American citizen. There's no decent reason he shouldn't be.monospaced
- Deporting him is ridiculous. The path to citizenship shouldn't be this unattainable, especially for a hard-working family man.monospaced
- I agree monospace, wonder why he didn't apply for citizenship? His "wife" is a citizenrobotron3k
- It's not as simple as just applying and receiving citizenship, unfortunately.monospaced
- Under the current system, an undocumented worker in the United States has no options to become legal.monospaced
- The system needs to be revised, or else he has to leave the country and apply that way, and even then there's no guarantee.monospaced
- This is Mexico's problem. US immigration office has a long list of members waiting to get in. Line skipping isn't a qualification that's even dignified.********
- Ladies & gents omg will be here all week with his unique brand of comedy.
Stop by and catch a show.Ramanisky2 - Folks want to turn the border into American Gladiators and contest to see who can cross the border and drop as many kids as possible. Sorry no points awarded.********
- i don't think that's what anyone wants omgfadein11
- Of course not, they want to support the meth, opioids, crack cocaine in flow from one way ticket mules.********
- Otherwise they're looking for cheap labor to exploit. Yet is slowly nibbles as the current workforce economy, and then zips out to send money back to Mexico gov********
- * Slowly nibbles at the economy, before zipping out to send money back to Mexico gov't.********
- Right, they came here to drop as many kids as possible. Not that they were hoping for a better life, like every other fucking immigrant that came here, everallthethings
- I don't remember where you are from, but if you're an American you're revolting. Somehow your ancestors landing on fucking Plymouth Rock were AOKallthethings
- Where are your papers??!! That's my new comment to the fucking omgs of this world.allthethings
- @allthethings - How is that any different from every other drug dealer who also hopes for a better life.********
- Economic opportunity starts at the front door of immigration. Not underground tunnels hauling drugs to pay your way into the US.********
- @allthethings, sounds like you want to blame people for landing in this country legally. You think the native Indians were passive to outsiders?********
- Where are your brains, in your ass??!! That's my new comment to the fucking allthethings of this world.********
- How many Native Indians offered welfare, healthcare, free room and board to criminals, or transportation for illegals?********
- lol, omg, you will never be able to find a single instance of an immigrant sending money back to the mexican government, which they fledmonospaced
- mono, are you talking about tax evaders?
Mexicans In The U.S. Are Sending Home More Money Than Ever
http://n.pr/2uE8dRG******** - About 40 percent of the money goes to just one country — Mexico — practically all of it sent by migrants in the United States.********
- they don't send it to the governmentmonospaced
- omg you cunt, the guy in question wasn't hauling drugs. And you're right, the Native Americans didn't offer welfare. They just had their lands stolen from themallthethings
- and were killed for their trouble.allthethings
- Government involvement persists though out any financial transaction especially when going from dollar to peso to abide by Mexican regulations.********
- You cannot deny the government involvement as each $20 peso note has a picture of Benito Juárez, 26th President of Mexico.********
- @allthethings, fact is 1. he's here illegally, 2. he ran from his homeland to US which usually involves criminal involvement in order to make it to US.********
- people have to perform crude jobs in order to get smuggled into the US. either drugs or human trafficking.********
- 3. you may be aiding and abetting a criminal escaping persecution in his town, reason for running to US illegally.********
- 4. what part of "illegal" do you not understand?********
- 5. Last I checked, skipping the line and having babies is not a skill set that qualifies you for instant US citizenship.********
- and if you think for one second that the indigenous people of America had anything to do with Jesus Lara Lopez you are out of your mind.********
- so triggered, and so wrongmonospaced
- omg ... what a person looks and sounds like when they remove all morality and blindly follow party lines of fear and ignorancemonospaced
- and please ... don't waste your time using my own line against me ... it just makes you sound like a moron. as if you won't do it anyway, you're so predictablemonospaced
- the problem started when folks started thinking that they could break the law and get away with it, and folks like you supporting law breakers.********
- if people just followed the rules, these wouldn't be parental issues the father would have to deal with.********
- you're telling me that following the law, and accepting parental responsibility lacks moral value? Where are yours by supporting criminality?********
- omg's alternative universe of untruths and bigotryfadein11
- you dont know what the word bigotry means do you?********
- the man isn't a criminal, he came here to find a new, better life, and has lived it for almost 2 full decades, with a home, family and workmonospaced
- You're focused on his undocumented status as if that were some heinous crime, which it is NOT. Morals would dictate finding a good way to make him a citizen.monospaced
- Melania came here illegally too.allthethings
- mono, you do not know his background. besides breaking the law for monetary reasons, we have an immigration department for a reason.********
- What's so hard for him to go through the citizenship process like everyone else so he can get back to his children?********
- Theres your moral solution. If its true the US is a country of immigrants. It's a country of law abiding ones.********
- To the immigrants who waited in line, coming in for the first time, they have to compete with border jumpers. I don't see that as fair.********
- New immigrants were promised a good life, and you want to screw them over, and allow exploitation and border jumpers to rule.********
- There are also many eligible ways to apply for Green cards, available through family members.********
- zaq1
- hmmm ... I think the problem was that there wasn't much work put into it at allmonospaced
- those were empty sheets, same as empty promiseszaq
- yep was a Trump rebrand with most of the good stuff removed.fadein11
- ********1
"Melania and I send our thoughts and prayers to Senator McCain, Cindy, and their entire family. Get well soon."
What does it mean "get well soon" when one has brain cancer?
- Well Trump did call him "Crusty" a few days ago.fooler
- for tRump these are terms of endearmentRamanisky2
- Glio does have slim survival rate for younger people 30%, but could be deadly for 80yo.robotron3k
- "get well soon" = "please don't die I need your vote"kona
- "you crusty old fart"Ramanisky2
- McCain is looney like Pelosi, and even in the hospital he won't do the right thing and retire.robotron3k
- http://blogs.reuters…jaylarson
- Ramanisky23
Orange Piss-Stain is on LIVE.
- BonSeff2
"MAGAnomics" ..the fuck
- BonSeff4
- Meanwhile OJ Simpson was "With Her" desperate for Hillary Clinton to win.
http://bit.ly/2tuA8U…******** - Steve Perry on the left?aslip
- Whats the over/under for the # of days before OJ is golfing with Trump.
I say 21.kona - This weekend konaRamanisky2
- Meanwhile OJ Simpson was "With Her" desperate for Hillary Clinton to win.
- allthethings4
You got conned again
- 6 months and he's still butt hurt. so sad.********
- why you aren't butt hurt that your dumbfuck and savior is all impotent as a leader is the mysterymonospaced
- haha********
- yeah, exactly, hahahamonospaced
- oh yurirozalmoldero
- yup you guys are correct you got conned again, meaning you were conned before, meaning last time you voted. so true.yurimon
- yurigeorgeomgizal has spokenfadein11
- 6 months and he's still butt hurt. so sad.
- utopian3
- #Make Russia Great Againutopian
- I member when Obama prosecuted just one person (Madoff) for the entire financial scandal and meltdown... member? then bailed out banks 14.4 trillion! member?robotron3k
- We have Session now who will get them, right hobo?zaq
- I don't remember robo. You wanna know why?? Because that's not what happened you hilljack!dorf
- Oh it's going to be s lovely 7.5 more years with Trump, you girls need to pace yourself... #magarobotron3k
- ^ you've got a little cum on your chin, bruh.dorf
- Did someone leave the front door open?? because it looks like the Anti-Fa just walked in..!!robotron3k
- robo and omg's efforts have really been lacking lately: the half-hearted # here, some pish about CNN there. Really poor, boys. Weak, actually.face_melter
- So far, every single defence of this idiotic shot show has been... What a about...monoboy
- You can't justify these actions. He's a fucking crook caught red handed. Putting money in the pockets of Russian oligarchs for personal gain.monoboy
- If a dem had done this you'd be outside the Whitehouse waving a rifle.monoboy
- dorf1
Trump just nominated a climate change skeptic to USDA’s top science post
President Trump on Wednesday nominated Sam Clovis, a former college professor and talk radio host who has challenged the scientific consensus that human activity has been the primary driver of climate change, to serve in the Agriculture Department’s top scientific post.
- http://www.behindthe…Bluejam
- https://www.youtube.…monoboy
- alternative expertsfadein11
- It's the nutty professor. That shit will wear off in 24 hours.monoboy
- he clearly doesn't understand the science feeding oneself.fadein11
- offadein11
- ********-7
- Not politics. Not related to trump.monospaced
- It received government approval********
- under trump's watch********
- thats all that will be confirmed for snowflakes********
- 'verbal approval' only and no details on who gave said 'verbal' approval
http://www.telegraph…Bluejam - In fact, the cities say they haven't approved shit:
http://fortune.com/2…monospaced - Fuck, even Musk tweeted that there's a lot of work to do to get approval still. Cities hadn't even heard of it. Fucking omg.monospaced
- At best we can assume Trump simply said, "cool."monospaced
- trump probably thought a 'hyperloop' was a pole dancing moveBluejam
- oh yurirozalmoldero
- lol @ bluejamfadein11
- Continuity5
Mm. Swampy.
'Report that Trump considering pardons for family and aides is "disturbing" - Democrats'
'Trump was consulting with advisers “about his power to pardon aides, family members and even himself” in connection to the probe led by special counsel and former FBI director Robert Mueller.'
- you smell that?? *sniff* *sniff*dorf
- what does continuity's ass smell like?********
- ^ awwww... someone's getting real feelings lately. Don't get mad dude. You chose to put that dick in your mouth, it's not our fault you don't like the taste.sofakingback
- ..the only time dick is mentioned around here is when its coming out of your mouth. its a joke, not a dick, stop taking it so hard.********
- omg is projecting his weird fantasies. it must be difficult to be closeted and support trump.dorf
- I walk into a closet to pick out my clothes, you go into the closet and have adventures in Narnia. don't let the door smack you in the face on the way out.********
- you my friend are dressed by someone else.fadein11
- His mum dresses him every morning, and cuts his hair, too.Continuity
- Gnash-3
- 8. Hillary's emailsfadein11
- so thinking communism is naughty automatically makes one a trump supporter? Simple world you inhabitGnash
- oh shut up you silly man. It was a joke.fadein11
- 9. But gender issues...fadein11
- count the downvotes (I haven't voted)fadein11
- so was the post, geniusGnash
- (snowflake)Gnash
- says "It's political correctness gone mad" man.fadein11
- this has nothing to do with PC, oh triggered one. it's fine if you like communism, all the power to you, comrade.Gnash
- it just doesn't make one a MAGA nut to think it a bad system. simple thinking / simple connectionsGnash
- Eh? I didn't say or think any of that. You are creating random narratives again. But I bow down to your superior self Sir Butthurt of Triggeredshire :)fadein11