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- Continuity5
Interesting examination of the latest on Steve Bannon, who's playing 'Where's Wally?' around the White House in order to not get the sack.
But here's thing: if a big shake-up does happen, and he — along with others — are shown the door, I think he's got it in him to really turn on Trump, and do it in a big way. He could go right back to Breitbart, and sink Trump utterly in revenge, causing his own base to turn on the Great Orange Turd like the rabid animals they are.
In the end, it might not actually be investigation that send Trump packing, but it might just be people he's really, really pissed off (Bannon, Sessions & Co).
- I can't wait when his own children will turn on himzaq
- I don't think they will, they drank way too much of that particular Kool-Aid.Continuity
- The man is so disdainful, his own body is trying to kill him.face_melter
- fadein113
Sean Spicer quits... no surprises there. You can't polish a turd after all.
- Spicey Resigns ?!?
Shocker.Ramanisky2 - He probably knows somethingzaq
- Nah. He'll deny he's resigned at the next press briefing, then the Whitehouse will then confirm it. Trump will then tweet 'fake news' and then he'll go.monoboy
- His replacement will deny it happened.monoboy
- omg and Robo will blame Hillary or Obama.monoboy
- It'd make a great Ealing comedy.monoboy
- I feel sorry for him. In a way. I mean, what a shit job, having to be the mouthpiece for THAT turd.Continuity
- I'd cut the bit about hiding in the bushes though.monoboy
- He basically had to be the public arsehole that Trump talks out of.Continuity
- He took the job. Only resigned because he doesn't like the new guy. He's in it for the money and intern blowjobs.monoboy
- Spicey Resigns ?!?
- Morning_star-2
A different perspective.
The most recent podcast from Sam Harris is a conversation with Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert cartoon). It's illuminating and gives (perhaps) some rationalisation for the Orange Goblins behaviour.
I've asked on here before about the justification and support for Trump and his seemingly ludicrous behaviour with little insight other 'he's a fucking mad fucker'. This podcast delivers a perspective that goes some way to explaining and justifying the way Trump behaves.
If you get the chance, it's worth a listen.
- i don't know. so people are following him because he is a great persuasive person, but can't see who he really is?capn_ron
- I'm not inclined to agree with Scott Adams but it's the first time I've heard a supporter rationalise his behaviour. I found it interesting and a different...Morning_star
- I can appreciate his comments and agree with you. he actually explained it well how Trump gets people to listen even if he isn't telling any truth at times.capn_ron
- ... perspective. It's gets dull experiencing the same unqualified opinion in an echo chamber like this thread.Morning_star
- agreed.capn_ron
- I cant tell if Adams really supports trump or just sees him as a golden goose of book material and marketing controversy.R_Kercz
- shellie0
Maybe this is normal and it's not been covered like this in the past, but it seems like a bad sign that there's so much turnover of top staff this early on into trumps term. If he's really going to run this country like a buiness, I'd say all the shifts in the org chart at this point will undoubtedly shake the confidence of staff and you expose customers and competitors how unstable your organization is.
This has lead me to believe that he probably doesn't run anything and people run around undoing anything he touches when he does do something. it's not so easy to hide and fix Trump's messes now that he's president.
- Yep - but Spicer was a nobody anyone - a paid mouthpiece and turd polisher. Had no influence on policy etc. Just a fixer when the senile piss stain tweetedfadein11
- something retarded again. Only so long you can be in that role with someone like Trump.fadein11
- Spicer's (limited) memoirs and diaries could make interesting reading. I mean, he's seen more shit in 6 months than most PresSec's see in a full term.face_melter
- I'd read itfadein11
- Continuity4
Mueller is coming. Place your bets on whether material mysteriously 'disappears' or 'never existed'.
'Exclusive: Mueller asks WH staff to preserve all documents relating to June 2016 meeting'
- utopian2
Dem senator to reintroduce ‘buy American’ legislation
A Democratic senator is renewing a push to advance “buy America” legislation after House GOP leadership killed a similar effort last year.
Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) plans to unveil a measure on Friday that would require American iron and steel products to be used in certain drinking-water projects. She will make the announcement at Neenah Foundry, a Wisconsin manufacturer.
“We must rebuild our country’s infrastructure with American labor and American products,” Baldwin is expected to say, according to prepared remarks.
“The choice for the Republican establishment in Washington is clear: Do you stand with American manufacturers and workers or do you support spending taxpayer dollars on Chinese and Russian steel for American water infrastructure projects?”
The same language was included in a waterways bill last year, but was stripped from the final version by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).
Critics say the language is unfair because it blocks some companies from receiving federal dollars.The fight against "buy America" provisions was also fortified by a lobbying effort by foreign steel companies that recruited Squire Patton Boggs, which employees former Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), to pressure lawmakers to ditch the language.
NLMK Inc., a major Russian steel company with some facilities in the U.S., and California Steel Industries, which is jointly owned by a Japanese steel company and a Brazilian mining company, both hired the firm to lobby on the waterways bill in 2016, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
But supporters like Baldwin believe they have a new opportunity with President Trump in the White House.
Trump has repeatedly promised to follow “two simple rules” with his infrastructure policies: buy American products and hire employees in the U.S.
Most federal transportation programs are already governed by some sort of "buy America" statute, but the government can grant a waiver if it’s in the public interest, the materials aren’t available in the U.S. or if it would increase a project’s cost by more than 25 percent.
Baldwin’s bill would require 100 percent American-made iron and steel to be used in any projects funded by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, which acts as an infrastructure bank to help improve drinking water around the country.
“Now is the time for President Trump to decide if he will keep his promises by supporting this legislation, or will he go along to get along with congressional Republicans who have embraced the status quo and blocked this legislation that puts in place a strong Buy America standard,” Baldwin will say.
- utopian4
Donald Trump's Latest Approval Ratings Could Jeopardize His Entire Presidency
- Trump set a new record low 38.8% for a 2nd quarter presidential job approval rating in the history of modern polling.utopian
- But still leads in popularity against you know who...robotron3k
- The pole was prob taken in new york and LAyurimon
- ^ follow the links in the article Yuri, the info is there if you bother to look. That's how respectable reporting is done btw.brandonp
- but something tells me you won't, so here you go. http://www.gallup.co…brandonp
- utopian6
- #WINNINGutopian
- I posted on prev page. He posted on Inauguration Day, and then again six months later.allthethings
- By saying "conned again" He must mean that you were conned by the last president.yurimon
- thus you were conned again. lol hope n change yallyurimon
- yuri! your back! witty banter may continue again.capn_ron
- I dont know. I've been stalked and hacked by a blonde germanic looking psycho.yurimon
- Oh good, QBN's top-decker primo is back.Continuity
- yurilogic strikes againmonospaced
- a true veteran of the top-deckerRamanisky2
- MONO! my Best Friend!yurimon
- hey! blackass!monospaced
- yurimon-6
I've been listening to scarabin nets
I feel like this is his kin sort of.
- yurimon-11
- t, no pun intendedyurimon
- it's a jpgmonospaced
- yuri, you are back at failing?zaq
- it's pouring downvotesRamanisky2
- Go fuck yourself.Continuity
- "woke up white peepole"robotron3k
- yuriomgrobozalcapn_ron
- Is anyone over the 2 party system yet? Seems like humanzee evolution is just another creationist story.yurimon
- your pun was intentional toomonospaced
- there he is!moldero
- yurimon = omg. both have the same pattern of stupid.dorf
- oh yurimorazalmoldero
- this is funny even if not accurate.********
- BonSeff2
This is amazing
- ********-13
- omg, can you explain this to me please? I really don't understand it. Layman's Terms.capn_ron
- It's a flashback.********
- AAAAARRRRRR... I want to lower your deductibles so you aren:t duped into buying a predatory policyBonSeff
- AAAAARRRRR a pre-existing condition shouldn:t be a death sentence.BonSeff
- AAAAARRRRR there is no law preventing insurance companies from selling insurance across state linesBonSeff
- AAAAARRRR god gave everyone free will but available birth control could be tempting to go rawdog - ...must..be..destroy...BonSeff
- Did obamacare die? When did that happen? It's more like repeal that has come back from the dead multiple timessarahfailin
- So many downvotes. Just beautiful.Ramanisky2
- Every down vote just makes me stronger.********
- Sure thing little buddyscruffics
- 1st rule of political satire - be clever enough to not have to use labels/captions for every single point you are making.fadein11
- ********-10
- ok, so no abortions. let the state take care of your unwanted babies.dorf
- Ever heard of birth control?********
- Birth control is murder! You murderer!!sarahfailin
- I personally love how Republicans and omg only care about unborn children. When they're born, who cares... it's on the parents.kona
- if you want people to use birth control then why defund the clinics - planned parenthood - where they can get it? why choose "abstinence" instead of sex ed?dorf
- How do you think you'll get sex educated where they serve human sloppy joe? Maybe try using contraceptives instead of barebacking.********
- Not that there's anything wrong with barebacking, as long as you take parental responsibilities if one gets past the goalie.********
- why are you posting this? It's not a real issue and abortions will always be legal.monospaced
- this may or may not concern you dorf, but still diseases...********
- mono, i just thought i'd share a tickle as i giggled while reading it.********
- Uh, here's the new angle - moral outrage! Even as a joke, you can get fucked with your prolife shit.face_melter
- what are you babbling about face_melter?********
- what do you have against life?********
- what moral outrage are you wanting to ride on, and who do you want to fuck because human life survives?********
- omg, the most downvoted in QBN history. and he wears it with pride.Ramanisky2
- It's like being the smartest kid with down syndrome.********
- you said it omg.fadein11
- I wonder sometimes if these fanboys actually believe this crap or are so brain dead they can only regurgitate fed tag linesformed
- Many smart and intelligent people realize abortion is killing.********
- The majority of them think it's one of your business actually.monospaced
- ^?********
- Majority of intelligent, educated people think abortions are necessary and should be available as prescribed by law. That your opinion is meaningless.monospaced
- Delusional opinion polls vs. facts concluding of 3,000 women in US, 59 percent increased risk for suicidal thoughts. 61 percent increased risk for...********
- mood disorders. 61 percent increased risk for social anxiety disorders. 261 percent increased risk for alcohol abuse. 280 percent increased risk for any...********
- substance use disorder. Abortion is clearly so bad for women’s mental health.********
- Question being, do your "feelings" still embrace this reality to support baby killing just because a majority of "so called" smart people think it feels right.********
- once again, not sure why you're talking about this, it's not political and BECAUSE most smart people alive are in favor of it, it will never, ever be abolishedmonospaced
- I don't know why you keep using the word smart. Based on the facts, it would be dumb people who support abortion, and dumb people who get them.********
- Aside from rare cases where rape or health may be involved. It would be the not so smart and irresponsible neglect of contraceptives that needs abortion.********
- I'm using the word smart correctly.monospaced
- lol.********
- utopian2
- six months into a god damn presidency. fuck.BonSeff
- "Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER." - Varney & Co.********
- straight bullshitBonSeff
- how much of that 4 trillion landed in your pocket omg?capn_ron
- if you want a preview of trump's economic policy just look at Kansas and the miserable state it's in.dorf
- capn_ron... i'm not sure. I got a good bit of trickle while back. I could definitely use a little more. How about you?********
- omg's "trickle back" not something you want to read before lunch.fadein11
- how can he pardon himself? seems impossible. wouldn't have nixon done that if he could? he waited for ford to do it (i think).renderedred
- nixon was above that, and he's on record stating as muchmonospaced
- so, trump is going to be even worse than nixon if he already isn't.renderedred
- If you want to listen to a bunch of teachers who couldn't hack it in the real world of law. If Nixon's name going to be the arrow of retardation, he did....********
- ...support Planned Parenthood.********
- Also if looking at the historical involvement of America in elections, when will that extend itself to its involvement in other elections worldwide?********
- nothing wrong with Planned Parenthoodmonospaced
- ... acting like they forgot about Seth Rich.********
- glad to see your support for Nixon mono.********
- ...means you do have some intelligence and moral values.********
- just kidding, it doesn't mean that.********
- lol, did you really just say I support a dead president because I feel like Planned Parenthood is a benefit to society? derpmonospaced
- BusterBoy2
Hookers, Ritz-Carlton, urinating on the bed.