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- 33,624 Responses
- Ramanisky22
Trump signs bill imposing new sanctions on Russia, but issues a statement with concerns
PEE PEE tape ... coming up.
- Ramanisky23
- mah yass ka chung kawah wookiee!wagshaft
- http://www.galerie-a…fooler
- Massive Helmet®utopian
- Continuity1
Wow. It's relatively quiet today, on the Trump Front.
- Maybe a PEE PEE Tape will come out later today.Ramanisky2
- That would make my fucking week!Continuity
- and its only Wednesday.Ramanisky2
- They're all hard at work with new jobs left open by all the Mexicans who've been deported, working for the minimum wage they voted not to increase.monospaced
- fooler1
Donald Trump Knows Nothing About Health Care, Taxes, or Trade.
It’s like watching a middle-schooler trying to bluff his way through a book report on a book he hasn’t read.
- zaq8
- < BINGOkona
- Intelligent, educated people.monospaced
- whodathunk (duh emoji)capn_ron
- looks like his deathbed has a clean slate, and all sexual assaults were dropped, and cases handled. and none of his kids are complaining.********
- of course ignore over 50 years of experience handling lots of money and high end properties with many employees to focus on TV cameos.********
- LOL omg that's one your best jokes yetRamanisky2
- except the joke when he was bornzaq
- so far his "impeccable" real estate acumen has not translated well to his current position. why is that???dorf
- obstructionists, butt hurt crybabies, corrupt politicians, and fake media trying to control the world.********
- #Winning!utopian
- LOL^Ramanisky2
- oh omg.capn_ron
- Trump is the biggest obstructionist, butt hurt crybaby, corrupt politician and fake news monger of all, pretending like he's in control of the world.monospaced
- also, fucking LOL @ referring to settling a class action fraud case as "handled" as if that was a good thingmonospaced
- it's weird to use obstructionist when gop has a majority in senate and house. where's his "deal making" prowess?dorf
- that's because his deal making is SHITRamanisky2
- @mono - Justice was served. Someone lost a dollar, and got a dollar back in return. What more do you want?********
- for you to recognize that he's a scumbag fraud, and that there's nothing actually "clean slate" about him at allmonospaced
- @dorf - Dems had 8 years to prove their worthlessness. Rehab and making America great isn't going to happen with just a few months.********
- I want you to justify your support of a man with that kind of shitbag record as president. So far you haven't, you've just made concessions and excuses.monospaced
- of course you never will, the very idea of you doing that goes against the very fiber of your weak will and mindless following of this farce of a leadermonospaced
- I'm not even sure if you are capable of responding without a reference to Hillary or Obama though, that's how predictable and petty you are.monospaced
- @mono - I will not recognize such blasphemy and if you're asking which President to support. News flash, there's only one still standing.********
- ok, so it's going to take time. so you disagree that trump has been "very busy" during his first months in office?dorf
- exactly, you still can't do it without resorting to a Hillary reference ... absolutely predictable and petty as I guessedmonospaced
- you LITERALLY just justified your support of Trump with "well, he won and there's no other choice" as if that was valid ... omfgmonospaced
- @dorf - Why ask such a question? I'm pretty sure he has a lot on his plate right now.********
- yes busy playing golfRamanisky2
- what plate ?? the plate of KFC & mashed potatoes ??Ramanisky2
- @mono - Don't act like you didn't have a choice, we all live with the choices that we make. Trump is doing what is best for the country.********
oh god stop, I cant breathe.Ramanisky2 - So maybe that's something to consider. I wasn't aware that something that simple needed to be spelt out.********
- he has so much stuff that he finds time to visit his golf courses, watch tv, and complain on twitter.dorf
- and eat buckets of KFC .. the fat fuckRamanisky2
- @dorf - The need for downtime and personal happiness is important for any working individual to produce better results.********
oh god stop, I cant breathe.Ramanisky2 - if that were true then I'd imagine he'd be more productive. alas, you'll say anything to justify Trump's lack of leadership and work ethic.dorf
- @dorf - at no point have I ever said anything that was not truthful.********
- Ramanisky20
- Stephen uses a disgusting debate tactic that's a favorite of omg... false dichotomy. Stephen saw the opportunity to twist Jim's statement intokona
- "Jim, are you really saying only people from X and X speak English? I am so disgusted blah blah" then attacks the arguer and not the argument.kona
- Another omg favorite and disgusting debate tactic that Stephen knows the Fox news ingesting Trump supporters will latch onto.kona
- omg's BFFRamanisky2
- Except that Stephen Miller is representing an important aspect in assuring that incoming immigrants have a better chance of making it in America.********
- Jim was trying to spin a racial focal point that limits and undermines US immigration process to select individuals that are needed in America.********
oh god stop, I cant breathe.Ramanisky2 - Gaslighting cunt...just like his leader.BusterBoy
- "National Park Revisionism"nb
- "THIS IS AN AMAZING MOMENT" What a complete cuntnb
- "I apologize if things got heated, but _________ (insert blaming)."nb
- imbecile3
Trump says Boy Scouts called to tell him his speech was the ‘greatest.’ He appears to have imagined this.
- LOL ...
these are fucking spectacularRamanisky2 - LOL! These are brilliant and I must see more!kona
- These continue to crack me up!mg33
- LOL ...
- utopian0
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard
- imbecile1
- you mother fucker i am laughing so hard people around me have started to gather around my computer and i can't show them what i'm laughing at sokona
- i have to lie and say i'm laughing at something i remembered from this morning omg they think i'm crazy this is not working here come the handcuffafsdjfdakona
- haha same hereRamanisky2