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- 33,624 Responses
- kona3
The ones that are like... could be true are fall down funny. You post this in your Facebook feed with some positive spin about Trump like "I dunno guyz, the new Russian sanctions (GO WOLVERINES) could be good fur the US" with this photo of Trump..
...his fuckin supporters would start to believe he has a mullet.
- The Golden MulletRamanisky2
- Brushed back in place on the sides with hooker piss.Continuity
- lol @ golden mulletGuyFawkes
- Ramanisky21
- Fucking FaceBook, eh?Continuity
- The evils of Facebook and YouTube are going to continue to get worse as they expand their censorship and destroy free speech based on their own political bias.********
- ^ LOL!!!Continuity
- What exactly is so offensive that this would get a ban? You LOL, ram (I do too)... but it's a scary fucking precedence to ban shit this 'weak'...PonyBoy
- FB is a private company—they can ban the
Pope if they like—It's just strange to ban opinions cuz you don't agree... quite a cowardly act actually.PonyBoy - YT and FB are not 'evil' cuz they censor... however I'd agree that they're cowards, omg. They're private co's though... so ban who like I suppose (wimps!)PonyBoy
- kinda like that sign at a restaurant "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason"capn_ron
- I would expect the use of the derogatory 'trannies' had a lot to do with it.Continuity
- Clearly omg still had a misunderstand or non comprehension of what free speech entailsmonospaced
- ^except when it comes to anything that might go against the religious beliefs of said restaurant/shop—like baking a wedding cake for a gay couple...PonyBoy
- ... Good luck refusing that client. :)PonyBoy
- But to imply there's even a point of view here to disagree with is a stretch. This is just a tasteless cartoon and disrespectful to McCain.monospaced
- btw I also don't think it's ban worthy, just really stupidmonospaced
- (I was replying to capn!)PonyBoy
- Well, like all of Garrison's cartoons, really.Continuity
- I don't own a restaurant, so i never have to battle it on that side, but i see the signs at a lot of them as well as bars.capn_ron
- The any reason has to be a decent one. It can't be just because they don't like you because of your natural traits. Being gay isn't disruptive.monospaced
- The signs restaurants post are there so they can refugee service to assholes and people who are disruptive. Not so they can discriminate on bigoted beliefs.monospaced
- refuse service.monospaced
- I'm sure it can't be minimal. And I'm sure that sign doesn't hold up in court for just anything if at all.capn_ron
- Yes, mono... thank you for elaborating on / furthering my point. :)PonyBoy
- I'm not sure I did :)
Discrimination is not really a protected religious "belief" when it comes to a business, private or public.monospaced - Who said it was? All I said is 'good luck' dismissing a gay client cuz of your religious beliefs... you're reading too deep, mono.PonyBoy
- Meanwhile being gay has no bearing in the cartoon's conversation as transforming genders which is an unneeded expense in military whose purpose is to protect.********
- They are not being discriminated upon. They are free to live out who they are in this country.********
- The idea that FB censoring disagreeable voices can result into unmeasurable evil.********
- once FB becomes an implanted microchip. Imagine the many punishments censorship will deliver as it listens in on everything you say.********
- ^LOLRamanisky2
- I was just following up on my previous comment, which was partly directed at capn and his restaurant sign thing. Anyway, I'm not "reading too deep."monospaced
- better put on your tin foil hat, omg, that FB chip is gonna get ya! only trump can save you! (he's twitter's bitch, btw)monospaced
- I wouldn't worry omg, your mindless prattle is of little consequence.face_melter
- zaq2
- awww... Little baby cannot bear to hear the words of Hillary Clinton and Obama?********
- awww... Little baby cannot bear to hear the words of Hillary Clinton and Obama?
- monospaced0
The depth of field on this is one
- ********-11
- careful omg, don't want you getting a hernia laughing so hard at a totally useless Garrison cartoon. We need you around for comedy.capn_ron
- ^Now that's funnyRamanisky2
- lol at the downvotespinkfloyd
- I don't get it. omg, why is this funny?sofakingback
- Since when did CNN make hairdryers?face_melter
- Shatner was never that muscular in the '60s. He was already packing on the belly fat.Continuity
- https://68.media.tum…monospaced
- nb2
- He also took credit for the predicted, quarter-on-quarter, economic growth. A prediction published in 2016 before the election.face_melter
- Which is truly amazing for an administration who have yet to implement any kind of economic legislation whatsoever.face_melter
- utopian2
White House confirms that Boy Scouts leader "did not call" Trump to praise him.
- utopian1
New Poll Reveals the First Word That Comes to Mind When Americans Think of Trump
The No. 1 answer: “idiot.”
- utopian2
Trump, frustrated by Afghan war, suggests firing U.S. commander: officials!
- This is serious and should get more attention. The man is so out of his depth to the point of it being dangerous.face_melter
- utopian2
Trump hits lowest approval, highest disapproval yet on FiveThirtyEight poll tracker
- ********-11
- C'mon man, you can do better than this.face_melter
- lolRamanisky2
- omg, you are going slightly downhill. these aren't even good. keep trying, i know you have it in you to be great again!capn_ron
- ********-6