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- CygnusZero45
Damn a lot of shit coming down on Trump right before his vacation! Intercepts with Paul Manafort about trying to contact Russia about dirt on Hillary, Trump begging Mexico to put up a front about the wall, and Mueller following the money. Oh boy.
Sleep well motherfucker.
- and stock market is down after the Mueller news.
#WINNNNINGRamanisky2 - #TrumpShitShow!utopian
- This is impossible as Ben Garrison's latest comic clearly shows Tranny hacker Clinton bots are to blame for this.
(pre-posting omgs comment)kona - And Comey has signed a $2m book deal, detailing the 'important' events of his career.face_melter
- and stock market is down after the Mueller news.
- Ramanisky24
The nothingburger crowd is awfully quiet today
I'm sure they'll come around- the data scientists on team trump are busy trying to justify trump's ineffectiveness. all while convincing themselves that mexico will pay for the wall.dorf
- utopian2
Donald Trump tells Senator Lindsey Graham he is 'prepared to go to war' with North Korea
- utopian4
McCain fires back at Trump: 'You can thank Putin' for poor relations with Russia
- Oh, I see some downvotes. The QBN Trumptards woke up.Continuity
- ^LOLRamanisky2
- yupGuyFawkes
- utopian3
Kushner subpoenaed for issuing green cards while the administration takes them away
Just another day at the TrumpShitShow office...do as I say and not as I do.
- capn_ron3
Watched the WV rally. Didn't see one person that wasn't white in the crowd. Rallying to the people I see!
- West Virginia is 95% White.********
- i'd say more than that by the rally.capn_ron
- There was a lady wearing a tie dye shirt though********
- http://i.imgur.com/H…********
- nailed it! there is the one non-white guy. There was another non-white, but he was a secret service person.capn_ron
- I just read that guy was paid to be there in that shot. :)capn_ron
- :) He must be a Black Russian.********
- Nice to see Trump focusing his campaign (WTF, really?) on a 95% white state. Priorities, bitches.monospaced
- The state is going through rehab with double-digit unemployment rates thanks to Obama who crushed 83,000 Coal Jobs.********
- Imagine if 83,000 Design Jobs were crushed because they were to blame for Global Warming caused by plastic bottle and paper waste.********
- well, we are kicking out ms13 homeboys so there is that.BonSeff
- coal! It's the new internet! Jobs everywhere!capn_ron
- omg, you should go get a coal job if they are so lucrative and it is the hot new industry. start a CBN (Coal Balloon Network) of your very own.capn_ron
- the decline of coal is not due to political reasons but simple economics - cheaper energy sources are more freely available.dorf
- Savings from coal leading in costs can still run till 2035, once you start considering those additional costs for back up storage when the sun is away.********
- no idea what you just said. cheap natural gas is behind the decline in labor intensive coal. renewables are a small part of total energy output.dorf
- nothing about Trump campaigning in WV helps the coal industry, but troll hard motherfucker, troll hardmonospaced
- West Virginia is 95% White.
- BonSeff3
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses
i swear if congress doesnt refute this.. i never want to hear another story in a campaign speech about their elders coming to america with five bucks in their pocket..
- utopian3
- i want to buy a hooker for his sidekickBonSeff
- This guys like the Alex Jones of the left, it's amazing how different they are but yet one and the same, loco.robotron3k
- This guy is shit, yes, but he's not the same as Alex Jones. Alex Jones is often screaming, crying, beating his chest. Jones is a real piece of work.nb
- He's making $6500/month on Patreon at the moment. Not a bad salary, I guess.nb
- Jones is a bloated, paranoid, butterball who employs balloon-headed mental midgets like Paul Watson to spread his horseshit.face_melter
- utopian4
Trump's Taken More Vacation Days To Date
Than Obama During PresidencyTrump's Taken More Vacation Days To Date
Than Obama During PresidencyTrump's Taken More Vacation Days To Date
Than Obama During Presidency
- utopian1
Trump Says Mueller Just Called Him and Said
He’s the Most Innocent Person Ever....ROFL!!!