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- 33,624 Responses
- utopian4
- He's totally working and not playing golf at his golf course chicken-in-a-basket caravan resort. Rotund oaf.face_melter
- Not a vacation...do people actually believe this shit? It's staggering.BusterBoy
- sadly his supporters don't care - it's all part of the lies, the fun and the trolling. it's the underlying message that matters:inteliboy
- obama is a muslim, hillary is corrupt, Mexicans are criminals, immigrants are terrorirsts etc etc.inteliboy
- But the Whitehouse only has a couple of rooms, so he has to move out. It's basically a Portacabin - the photos make it look big.face_melter
- trumptards will always find a way to justify his behavior. even in the face of contradictory or hypocritical standards.dorf
- he actually wrote think like a billionaire? ew.CygnusZero4
- lol phone calls and meetings. sounds exhausting.CygnusZero4
- BusterBoy2
^^ And yet still no statement re the 3 Marines presumed killed during trials in Australia. Must be REALLY busy with those phone calls and meetings.
- utopian2
Trump attacks 'con artist' Democratic senator, saying he 'begged for forgiveness like a child' after lying about Vietnam
- wow. can you believe trump would sign a message like that and hold it up for the camera?
bad, bad judgement.sarahfailin - ^hahaPonyBoy
- sarahfailin comment of the monthkona
- wow. can you believe trump would sign a message like that and hold it up for the camera?
- ********-9
- toll-lol-lol-lol-lol... lolololololcapn_ron
- what is this even supposed to mean?renderedred
- I interpret this as Trump is a cold person whose real self (the mass of him) is hidden from reality and always focused on Fake News... kinda accurate!PonyBoy
- You guys are getting too metaphorical. Obviously this means that DT is actually a giant frozen severed head that looks up ship's skirts somewhere in the ocean.garbage
- This is really lame, even for your standards omg.face_melter
- shouldn't the water be yellow?PonyBoy
- Also the artist loses points for not writing "Donald Trump" on Donald Trump. Probably confused some of the target audience.garbage
- Yeah, it pretty much fails all round, this one.Continuity
- Continuity2
Censorship of science at the US Dept of Agriculture
'US federal department is censoring use of term 'climate change', emails reveal'
'A missive from Bianca Moebius-Clune, director of soil health, lists terms that should be avoided by staff and those that should replace them. “Climate change” is in the “avoid” category, to be replaced by “weather extremes”. Instead of “climate change adaption”, staff are asked to use “resilience to weather extremes”.
The primary cause of human-driven climate change is also targeted, with the term “reduce greenhouse gases” blacklisted in favor of “build soil organic matter, increase nutrient use efficiency”. Meanwhile, “sequester carbon” is ruled out and replaced by “build soil organic matter”.'
- utopian4
Are you guises sick and tired of all the winning yet?
In a blow to the GOP, a federal judge orders the government to pay Molina Health $52 million in Obamacare funds.
- zaq0
- nb3
Has anyone noticed or pointed out that Obama got WAY more Retweets and Twitter likes than Trump does?
It's not even close! Obama was way more popular on Twitter than Trump is. hahahaha
- http://www.azquotes.…nb
- I bet that would infuriate him.bulletfactory
- utopian0
Trump Doesn’t Want To Tell You If He’s Playing Golf.
(Spoiler: He Is.)- Trump has spent nearly one of every four days of his presidency thus far at his clubs in Florida, Virginia and New Jersey.inteliboy
- But...Hillary Emailsutopian
- how gullible must you be to believe that he's at a golf club and not golfing?dorf
- Mr Poopy Pantsnb
- Lol @ dorf commenting on a golf article. Also private properties with no guest list are a great place for shenanigansgarbage
- For all his exercise he's still a lardy motherfucker.face_melter
- Soiler Alert:sarahfailin
- "It's ok Donnie... everyone shits themselves once in a while. You're a big boy Donnie. A big boy..."kona
- "A Yuge boy?"
"STFU Donnie"kona - ^LOLRamanisky2
- sted10
- https://twitter.com/…sted
- hahaha, NYC fucking HATES don the conmonospaced
- when the lights go out, both the rats and libtards go out at night in NYC to spread their disease of hate and anger.********
- triggered much omg? trollcapn_ron
- lol, omg, he barely got 30% of NYC, so those "libtards" run the city all day long, like they have for a very long timemonospaced
- Most of the other 70% were looking for a welfare check.********
- that's probably the stupidest thing you've ever writtenmonospaced
- He's probably trying to project his brother-father's employment problems on others.Continuity
- yuekit4
This has to be a milestone of sorts...Trump thanks one of his followers on Twitter, who turns out to be a bot
- https://www.youtube.…Bluejam
- hmmm interesting
http://www.thedailyb…Ramanisky2 - #botlivesmatteryuekit
- monoboy4
You shouldn't really mock a politicians appearance but if you live by the sword...
- Camel Jowels.detritus
- just the right size for one of his nano-digitsFax_Benson
- sweet baby neck vaginaRamanisky2