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- Continuity3
Know what we need? Distraction from the distraction. And a good helping of referring to one's self in the third person.
'Trump says he won't rule out military option in Venezuela'
'"You know what I can say, hopefully it will all work out," Trump said. "Nobody loves a peaceful solution better than President Trump, that I can tell you. But this has been going on for many years, would have been a lot easier to solve this years ago before they were in the position they are in. But we will see what happens."'
- ********-8
- you support an idiot presidentmonospaced
- Oh, a Paul Watson video. More Infowars horseshit for mongs and bubble-headed fuckwits. Carry on omg, or fuck off and stay on /pol/face_melter
- No, really. Fuck off.face_melter
- trollcapn_ron
- Ramanisky21
- if it wasn't clear that they don't expect any real war with north korea now here is some proof of that.sted
- this entire shit is a diversion.sted
- Constantly mind boggling. They way he talks and writes is so childish and moronic. You couldn't make this shit up.inteliboy
- But her emails guiseRamanisky2
- someone buy a ticket for omgfadein11
- omg ignores all this embarrassing shit.inteliboy
- Of course. He is embarrassed to support an idiot as president. That's why he trolls here. He can't say that in public without being shamed in real life.monospaced
- sofas1
- yuekit2
One thing that is funny...I very specifically remember one of the Trump supporters here (too lazy to look through this thread, but pretty sure it was GeorgesIV) saying during the election, "the biggest shock won't be that Trump wins, but what an amazing job he does in office."
Well I guess they were half right :/
Like they legitimately believed that the only problem with the world was that incompetent people were running things, and that Trump with his amazing made for TV business and management knowledge would come in and straighten everything out. Fucken lol.
- lol indeedfadein11
- to be fair on Georges I don't think he was a Trump supporter it was more how he liked to tell 'liberals' that they were responsible for Trump.fadein11
- It was fair enough the 1st time but after repeating it every day for 6months it got a little tiresome. And incorrect.fadein11
- I hate to say it, but Georges was partly right, in that liberals do have some responsibility to bear for Trump being president.Continuity
- Had they not fronted Clinton — who was, basically, unelectable — and fronted Bernie Sanders instead, we'd not be where we are with this.Continuity
- I'm pretty convinced Sanders would have won, hands-down.Continuity
- No fan of Clinton, but it's very typical in the U.S. for the opposing party to win after two terms of one party. What wasn't standard or typical was havingyuekit
- Trump as the candidate. That is entirely on Republicans.yuekit
- That's absolutely true, about Trump the candidate being on the GOP. They knew what they would get with him, and let it happen anyway.Continuity
- 100% on brainwashed trumptardsmonospaced
- yep yuekitfadein11
- @continuity - yep I agree but that's the Dem's fault not liberals.fadein11
- GeorgesIV is embarrassed to show his face herezaq
- Fuck! I almost forgot Georges...the King of QBN********
- I really like Georges except for his Political views and anti-Feminism.********
- Yeah nothing against Georges personally, but I do remember him saying that lolyuekit
- lowimpakt2
- It turned violent, too, from what I read this morning.Continuity
- lol at the tiki torches from the Home Depotmonospaced
- the tiki torches are a nice touchGnash
- They stole them from their parents' garden. The only time they'll ever leave the parents' basement.Continuity
- these aren't nazis just a bunch of stupid cunts. here are some nazis: http://betyarsereg.h…sted
- http://www.dystopian…********
- That seems to be a 'Make America Great Again' cap in the left background. Anyone shocked?Continuity
- These people all support a bitch ass idiot as president. Unbelievable.monospaced
- I was referring to the latest masterpiece omg posted in the notes.Continuity
- haha... tiki shit... lolPonyBoy
- lowimpakt0
- who are these lovely happy people? are they waiting for the nuke?sted
- ^ https://www.youtube.…Gnash
- < https://www.screenus…********
- omg sup with that hillbilly telegraph?sted
- lightning struck that clock tower, and the clock hasn't run since. We at the Hill Valley Preservation Society think it should be preserved exactly the way it is********
- .... as a part of our history and heritage!"********
- thanks i can read... but what has that article to do with these basement fugitives?sted
- history repeats itself********
- but you support an idiot for presidentmonospaced
- Oh, I see. He's trying to distract with the newspaper from Back to the Future.Continuity
- Because he thinks a mob of redneck Nazis is somehow funny.Continuity
- One irony here, these white nationalists are always talking about 'white genocide.'yuekit
- Who actually committed white genocide? One example would be the Confederacy. which sent hundreds of thousands of poor whites to their death in order to preserveyuekit
- the privilege of rich whites to own slaves.yuekit
- sted0
- nb5
- This is why they need to remove all the provisions that supposedly protect snowflakes.********
- Soon, every private corner is going to have authoritarian rule of censorship thanks to them.********
- You have no idea what you're talking about anymore, do you?nb
- I'm still trying to figure out what value omg actually brings to QBN. I've concluded: none to speak of.Continuity
- He supports an idiot president. He adds that.monospaced
- I also support the current US president. So if we look at their net worth... that's $40million + $2.9Billion********
- Net worth doesn't equate to intelligence. Trump is an idiot and you support him. End of story.monospaced
- omg is a fucking waste of space.face_melter
- This is why they need to remove all the provisions that supposedly protect snowflakes.
- Ramanisky20
- that's fucked upernexbcn
- insanefadein11
- Oh, dear.Continuity
- fucking monster..Gnash
- story?Krassy
- ernexbcn0
Another angle
- Salarrue1
How America Lost Its Mindhttps://www.theatlantic.com/maga…
The nation’s current post-truth moment is the ultimate expression of mind-sets that have made America exceptional throughout its history.
- ernexbcn1
- of course it's a chargerGnash
- What's that thing they call someone that uses predetermined tactics to instill fear or purposely intend to harm members of the populace?face_melter
- Like driving a vehicle into a crowd of people, for example.face_melter
- @Gnash: Challenger. And what is that supposed to mean, I own one.ArmandoEstrada
- yep face - Trump needs to frame it in that context as wellfadein11
- But he won't.Continuity
- of course notfadein11
- 'twas a reference to General Lee :
https://en.wikipedia…)Gnash - oops
- colin_s0
It's strange to me how people are putting obvious cases of domestic terrorism into the politics thread
It's a reasonable example of how each side is viewing the linguistics of this time - none of it accurate, none of it good, everything falling apart
this, and trump's response, could be the next big step in unraveling, but this wasn't political any more than isis, the KKK or any other fascist based ideology spurting violence at fear