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  • renderedred0

    so, china is in on it too...


    • this can turn into a serious clusterfuck.renderedred
    • Ostensibly to show NK that China is willing to put them down. But are they really, is the question.Continuity
    • good question. and putin ain't waiting for his popcorn for sure...renderedred
    • Putin is going to stay out of this. It's in his interest.Continuity
    • logically yes, but it's on his doorstep. he can't just ignore it.renderedred
    • for russia that would be the best, just stay out of it.renderedred
    • He knows China probably wouldn't let it get into his country. He's just going to sit back and relax, whilst watching the US tie itself up in knots over this.Continuity
  • utopian1

    • half of republicans is about 14% percent of the population. still sad though.sarahfailin
    • People scoff at the suggestion of a republican uprising and mini civil war. But they're armed to the teeth and have the brains of a squab.monoboy
    • After George Dubwa crashed your economy and set fire to the middle east, they blame Obama for everything. Who actually turned things around for them.monoboy
    • They simply can't process the fact that a highly educated black man and Democrat could take high office and succeed. (To some extent, I must add).monoboy
    • I love the US, been many a time. Family ties. But the levels of utter stupidity and bigotry baffles me.monoboy
    • It's the same on the other side of the pond. Blind nationalism.monoboy
  • Ramanisky20

  • Ramanisky23

    • Same shaped and size helmets, along with their vagina neck sacks.utopian
    • NeckginaRamanisky2
  • utopian4

    • In poker terms, he's had his bluff called twice now. He's going to talk himself into a corner and we're going to nuke somebody to save facekona
    • i sure hope not kona, but i think you are right. Unless NK sends something to Guam like they say before he hits the button.capn_ron
    • Big military exercise by US and South Korea taking place. Goading away. If they are stupid enough to fire rockets into the sea off Guam, better hope they...monoboy
    • are accurate, and don't hit anything by mistake.monoboy
    • Surely you're all aware that Mr Trump doesn't really have final say on launching nuclear weapons. Thank the lord.
    • I was under the impression that the US President not only has the final say, he pretty much has the only say and nobody has the authority to override.monospaced
    • So you think if he made a ridiculous decision to fire nukes as someone, the army generals and are just going to say YES MR PRESIDENT... RIGHT AWAY... ?
    • army generals and bureaucrats**
    • .. and surely you're not still under the illusion that the president isn't given orders by the real hidden hand behind the US's actions. Come on now.
    • Yes, while the Sec of Defense must verify the President, who is the only one who can order a strike, given Trumps past, oh, 8 months in officekona
    • throwing everyone under the bus, what's to say Trump won't just come out and say "well i ordered a strike but SofD denied it" to be strong to hiskona
    • imbecile following.kona
    • @set, the scary thing is, yes, they would say "yes mr president, right away." That's their job, and he is the commander in chief. Orders are orders. Period.monospaced
    • for the record, I'm not voicing my opinion on the subject, I'm just trying to share what I believe is the truth of the mattermonospaced
    • He would need approval from Congress, but even that's a gray area, apparently. set, I really am on your side here, and I hope he is checked if it comes to that.monospaced
    • Orders are not orders. People have brains and free will, thank god, you really think if he on a whim decided to nuke someone they'd just oblige. Fuck no
    • https://en.wikipedia…monospaced
    • I have faith in humanity, I guess.
    • I'm with you on this.monospaced
    • :)
    • @set - you clearly do not understand how the military works - it's all based on orders and orders are obeyed, the entire power structure crumbles when ordersfadein11
    • are disobeyed. And at least 2 generals have already said in public they will follow Trump's orders no matter what. That's how it works fella.fadein11
    • 'commander in chief' means just that unfortunately. Unless a coup of course which is hugely unlikely in America given the track record of warmongering.fadein11
    • A coup is far less likely than a tactical nuclear strike imho. And let's not forget that's what is would be - tactical battlefield nukes not instant armageddon.fadein11
    • Containment of the situation and the precedent set by using any form of nukes is what is scary.fadein11
    • Post boozy lunch rant over :)fadein11
    • imagine all those infrastructure contracts if NK flattened :)fadein11
    • Infrastructure contracts and a Trump hotel on every blockkona
    • :)fadein11
    • Shat ap fadein like you have any idea what you're talking about, as ever
    • I'm not getting in to another tiff with you, I'm so over arguing on the internet, I just can't help myself because everything you say is retarded
    • Synchronicity often blesses me and today is no exception. This just came up in my FB feed https://www.google.c…
    • https://www.theguard…
    • oh so you lied about not being on facebook. wtf are you on about - im not picking a fight and everything i said was true. its you who thought US generals defyfadein11
    • orders - when did that ever happen? but keep on overreacting when someone points out you are not always correct. have a great wknd.fadein11
    • Tactical battlefield weapons does not equal armageddon dimwit. And there will be plenty of generals eager to try them out I'm sure.fadein11
    • and your example has little to do with what we are talking about. we are talking about top rank generals at presidents side.fadein11
  • Ramanisky23

  • sarahfailin7

    • flipped through the channels today and fox was still on about her god damned emailsGuyFawkes
    • emails don't just disappear simply by hitting the delete button.
    • ^ hahahahahaRamanisky2
    • Not unless you acid wash your emails...BusterBoy
    • ...aaand as if like clockwork.face_melter
  • dorf0

    • oops!dorf
    • why'd you post that?
    • childish like trump.dorf
    • Not good manyuekit
    • what was it?fadein11
    • trump double dared kim jong-un to launch another missile on twitter..dorf
  • ********

    College Student Gets 100 Days In Slammer For Registering Dead Voters For Dems


    • Wow. After 10 minutes of Fox News and your posts I'm 100% sure Hillary is about to be impeached.kona
    • You mewling quimkona
    • lol, both sides were guiltymonospaced
    • 'mewling quim' bwahaha ..
      I don't know what this means
      but it cant be good.
    • aaaaaaaand i googled it ... lolRamanisky2
    • keep focussing on the trivial fake news.fadein11
    • omg watches the
      Nothing Burger News 24/7
  • yuekit1

  • monospaced0


    Donald just tweeted this. WHY!?

    "Military solutions are now fully in place,locked and loaded,should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!"

    • sounds like a quote from Call of DutyBluejam
    • pretty sure there's something more important we should be aware of #tweetdiversionBluejam
    • I can't believe we live in a day and age where a world leader uses Twitter to reveal sensitive military status to the public and the whole world, with typos.monospaced
    • Sad thing is the ones that support him seem to like to live with heads in the sand (or more specifically, up each other's asses)formed
    • Fucking hell. I'm not even sure what to say anymore.Continuity
    • He tweeted that at 4:29AM. Go back to sleep, you had a nightmare!Maaku
    • lol @ downvotesmonospaced
    • sounds great in SW emperor voice.fadein11
  • Continuity3

    They can't even get their fucking messaging straight on NK. The Great Orange Turd says he's ready to pull the trigger, but his Defence Secretary says diplomacy is doing its thing. Well, fucking which is it, you incompetent imbeciles?

    (from the CNN site)

    • Given that being the POTUS is a short term job (max 8 years) compared to a lifetime of serving in the US military. I'd like to think that when it comes ...Bluejam
    • ... to that moment of truth - the generals will know what to do. Even if it means disobeying a direct order of the POTUS.Bluejam
    • Given that the current POTUS is fucking clearly out of his depth, mentally, emotionally, physically ...Bluejam
    • God damn, I don't know. For every military member in command who resigns in protest, there's likely another one behind him ready to obey.Continuity
    • Really, though, the only silver lining in the cloud, is the fact Trump is the reigning king of empty threats. From what I'm ready, he rarely makes good on them.Continuity
    • The ones in place will obey without hesitation. Thing is, the military is ALWAYS "in place, locked and loaded." If they weren't, they would be useless.monospaced
    • Yeah. Also watch that stupid fat fuck invoke NATO Article 5 (after slagging it off for months), to drag everyone else into the shit, if NK strikes first.Continuity
    • the scariest thing about this admin is its lack of policy and/or consistency across it's messages. Bizarre levels peaking again.fadein11
    • inconsistency*fadein11
  • CygnusZero44

    This is ALL on trumps inbred hillbilly war mongering supporters. We can't EVER let them forget it, because this is not going to be some 1 week nonsense like iraq. It would likely go on for months, cost lord knows how many of our soldiers lives, and probably sink the global economy. This is on THEM for not having better judgement when selecting a president. They chose an unhinged senile game show host who has literally 0 experience with any of this, and now look what's happened. This is on them. It's their fault.

    Doesnt matter if you didnt agree with Hillary on all her policies, she still would have been a far greater president, and this would have never happened. She is too smart and too level headed to allow something like this to get this far. The country fucked up royally and now we are going to pay dearly for it.

    And when the economy nose dives over this war, whos going to pay the most for it? Trumps supporters who dont have anything over vocational school jobs not making much money. They are going to suffer the most, and they deserve it in the worst way. Liberals are the ones that are educated working great jobs and making good money. Many of them can weather the storm. Not broke trump supporters living check to check.

    • You're forgetting untold numbers of civilian lives, there. No offense, but that's more important than military lives.Continuity
    • And also, if this DOES go nuclear, there's the severe environmental damage, and that absolutely would affect the rest of world, to varying degrees.Continuity
    • to fair, he should have never ended up the republican candidate for POTUS. Blame all those rich white old men of the republican party for this messBluejam
    • ... and hillary!
    • Its not the GOPs fault. They never wanted him. Many of them didnt even go to the RNC out of protest for him. He forced himself on them.CygnusZero4
    • I saw his supporters just today say they want him to be 100% untethered .. so he can get more done.
      fucking what???
    • Iraq was 1-week nonsense? it's still going on...Gnash
    • I think he was referring to the first gulf war in 1991Ramanisky2
    • No, I was referring to bush jr's war. Took the whole country over in just 1 week.CygnusZero4
    • Their own bullshit is still going on, but the initial war itself was over before it even began seemed like. Iraq had almost no military. Not the case with NOKOCygnusZero4
    • bush jrs war wasn't over before it began - the insurgency was a clusterfuck to deal with (if it ever was).fadein11
    • Yes that came after the initial war/removal of saddam from power.CygnusZero4
  • Ramanisky23

  • Bluejam1
    • #NostraDumAssBluejam
    • Yeah, well ... yeah. Another little gem.Continuity
    • its beyond comedic at this point.
      so many tweets that didn't age well.
    • no fucking waymonospaced
    • For everything that happens to trump or anything he says these days, he has a tweet completely contradicting it.CygnusZero4
    • notice omg never replies to all this embarresign shit?inteliboy
    • he prefers to shit the bed on the lowest hanging fruit, especially if I'm involvedmonospaced
    • was this going on about when people were worried Obama was going to pull a Bush move?
  • Ramanisky22

    'smaller payroll' ?!? LOL .. These people are still employed.
    Either he is really fucking dumb or dementia or maybe both.
    i'll go with both

    • imagine working in dangerous situations and then be treated like this?lowimpakt
    • If Trump really wanted 750 employees removed from posts, he could have done it himself and not wait for Putin to exile them out of pure spite.monospaced
    • @lowimpakt - yep - hideous.fadein11
    • how is the "job creating" going so far?zaq
    • 1 million new jobs created by Obama he thinks are down to him pmsl.fadein11
    • This is really weird, it's like he's incapable of saying anything bad about Putin.yuekit
    • he's a game show host. how the hell would he know anything about any of this?CygnusZero4
    • And yet he wonders why there are so many leaks from diff. sources - civil service and Intelligence are now treated like shit.face_melter
    • But what is even more galling is the US' public non-action on the matter. Any other country and there would be a fire so large you would see it from Canada.face_melter
  • antimotion1

    In regard to the economy crashing comment... one of the only reasons for this dudes existence in office is to help his "business partners" out.

    As the old saying goes: "buy low, sell high."

    Every major war is an evolutional shift in economics... it's a business plan written with bombs and fire. This new version (war upgrade, 3.0) that will inevitably take place sometime in the near future is no different in regard to proof we're still just territorial animals pissing on one another's tree - but now we get to witness it unfolding before our eyes through the guise of technology: internet/social media/posting...

    And while we sit and complain because we actually do have emotion, the cold hearted business magicians waving shiny things in one hand and writing their shopping lists in the other.

    - D. Trump

    • this is what steve bannon has wanted all along - a hard reset.dorf
  • dorf0

    Crowdfunded anti-refugee ship is adrift—literally

    A spokesman for [European Naval Forces Mediterranean] Operation Sophia informed the chairman of Sea-Eye on Friday morning the chairman of Sea-Eye Michael Busch Heuer on Friday morning that the Nazi ship was disabled [due to mechanical failure] and needed help.


    • is this the ship that a refugee boat is helping now?capn_ron
    • wow, nazi's been roaming the med since the 40s without getting caught. impressive.Gnash
    • capn_ron, yes. ironically, it was an ngo refugee boat that had to help them.dorf
    • I thought so. Interesting and very human for them to help out.capn_ron
    • two sides of humanity working together. a+
    • working together? one is helping the other because despite their ideological differences we're all humans and we don't abandon those in distress.dorf
    • both sides are helping the other despite their ideological differences. except one side has the moral duty to take care of its citizens who are also in distress
    • and what are you doing to help those citizens - online trolling, being a keyboard patriot?dorf
    • it's funny how you believe you're the moral high ground, adopting criminality as a basis for your support.
    • stop trying to use big words - you have no idea how to use them. i'll ask again, what are you doing to help those in need?dorf
    • Everyday there's always someone in need of my help. It's my job and duty to help them, and that is what I do. My talents is their treasure.
    • what a great non answer.dorf
    • You act like I should be wearing a "Save the Whales" badge so I could show you the blow holes I've saved.
    • looks like the media exaggerated a bit:
    • you're on here arguing that citizens need help and yet you do nothing to help them. you're the definition of hypocrisy. so sad!dorf
    • I can only give my supportive advice. I and or we have our own issues to deal with here. However there is a gofundmepage if you want to help yourself.
    • Your advice and input is worthless omg because you support an idiot as president. That alone disqualifies you from real insight.monospaced
  • Ramanisky20



    NRA TV host openly roots for North Korea to nuke California instead of Guam

    • Haha, wow.
      Remind me, what's keeping your country from slipping into another civil war?
    • lol .. Most of us are fat & lazyRamanisky2
    • this pos is a local radio host here in dallas tx. complete attention whore.BonSeff
  • Ramanisky22