- Started
- Last post
- 33,624 Responses
- yuekit2
- Senator's arguments are literally based on the idea that two charts can show constant growth********
- the audacity of the senator's pretentious of facts is quite the show.********
- Here I can show how the rapid rise of the internet, correlates to GHG. https://i.imgur.com/…
Should we stop the internet for Climate Change?******** - it's called the superposition principle. why do you think you know better than the people who put someone on the moon?dorf
- This senator did not put man on the moon. How stupid are you?********
- source is NASA.dorf
- Also by your meaning Nazis help put man on the moon, so we should refer to Nazis on Climate Change?********
- sometimes I forget that you're actually very stupid omg. so again, to be clear, why do you think you know better than NASA? hint: it's a rhetorical question.dorf
- How you think they should know better is ridiculously stupid. They send man to moon, therefore they know about Climate Change.********
- LOL!!!dorf
- ... hint: You might as well go to someone who bakes birthday cakes for information about how to cook a good sirloin steak.********
- pathetic.dorf
- Not meaning to chime in on this but the Nazi's were involved in putting people on the moon.mugwart
- Senator's arguments are literally based on the idea that two charts can show constant growth
- allthethings0
Truly heartwarming...I hope others follow this woman's lead.
NFL Coach Resigns After Woman Posts Cocaine Video Because Team Owner Reversed On Anthem Protests
- severian4
I found omg. NRA hat and all.
- ********-2
- dickmonospaced
- The Americans are comingjaylarson
- The Wall saves more lives than offends them.********
- lol @ 'majestic'...lol.. dick LOLPonyBoy
- Truly a wondrous creation, omg! But. Don't you think those wretched Mexican fellows will just walk round it to get into the USA?face_melter
- It seems apparent to me that planning and forethought isn't the strongest with you swivel-eyed pinhead types, no?face_melter
- there's this highway where deer and other road critters would cross and get run over. they put up a fence so those animals wouldn't become road kill********
- @facemelter, obviously the wall is going to be much wider than this you meat mongrel!********
- you lot still haven't figured out he is deliberately trolling the shit out of you... have you...********
- people know thatmonospaced
- people********
- "you lot"monospaced
- "that"********
- ********-2
Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
http://www.latimes.com/politics/…- whut********
- you know it's not a gas, right?Fax_Benson
- #winning********
- their argument is actually very interesting but will go over the head of many people.lowimpakt
- @fax lolfadein11
- what's with this visual?sarahfailin
- whut
- ********0
what is power of the pen?
- 6.5x the power of the sword********
- ah! thanks set.********
- Ability to veto legislationallthethings
- 6.5x the power of the sword
- Bluejam2
Trump challenges Tillerson to 'compare IQ tests' after reported 'moron' dig
- Dear god, what a fucking farce this is turning into.
Next up: penis contests.Continuity - https://www.youtube.…zaq
- nice distraction, innit?jaylarson
- just another distraction from his failed presidency. there will be something new in 2 days, completely made up by him to change the focusCygnusZero4
- Dear god, what a fucking farce this is turning into.
- imbecile1
- downvote the original but upvote teh photoshop? makes sense.
- downvote the original but upvote teh photoshop? makes sense.
- robotron3k-3
I was wondering why the Political thread was cranking today with grade school nonsense. I said to myself, "the Dems (aka, anti-Trumpers) must be in the news again..." so I did a little digging and found:
Harvey Weinstein has donated over $1 million to Democrats since 2000
DNC takes heat for giving Weinstein money to political groups
The deafening silence of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on Harvey Weinstein
This plus Nancy Pelosi will give the Dems have little chance until maybe 2028... But by that time we'll have a robot President.
- and? im pretty certain there are many crooked people involved with repubs. dont know what your point is here. no one cares about this guy.CygnusZero4
- There are only 9 posts in the last 24 hours here. your idea of cranking is different than mine.capn_ron
- robotard3KKK, you're a messRamanisky2
- The only job this notorious millionaire sex pest will be able to get now is president of the United States.monoboy
- That aside. This guy's a prick as well.monoboy
- "Grab em by the Pussy"
never forgetRamanisky2 - Also. Again.
https://en.wikipedia…monoboy - And on that vein. The NRA and Russia funded your guy.monoboy
- How can Hillary disavow Weinstein, when she still hasn't disavowed Bill?********
- ^haha the troll is here everyone lookRamanisky2
- the Whataboutism TrollRamanisky2
- Thoughts & Prayers.BonSeff
- I've said it before. Both OMG and Robo are a lesbian couple from SF that troll this site for kicks whilst stoned. And they're really good at it.monoboy
- Every time there's an Antifa march or rally, they stop posting. Mark my words people. Mark my words. (OMG's the fem, Robo's the bull with undercut blue hair).monoboy
- I thought this prick would be your idol, robo, he seems to have as much immature and pathetic disdain for women as you do.face_melter
- Monoboy can't find anymore anti-trump links to post, starts getting desperate, begins the classic "sexuality" cutdowns on public forum in attempt to embarrass.robotron3k
- Prepare for Godwin's law to take place at any moment.robotron3k
- Touched a nerve?monoboy
- It was also a joke, ya fanny.monoboy
- Snowflake.monoboy
- Salarrue2
- I bet robotron wishes QBN had a delete post feature right about now...kona
- oh hey! looks like someone likes hollywood money too. go figure. lotta pussy grabbing going on that night.capn_ron
- shhhh, if you are real quiet you can almost hear omg googling the next ben garrison cartoon to post after thiscapn_ron
- and looky looky right up there omg comes through againRamanisky2
- called it. the troll is getting very predictable.capn_ron
- robo and omg wont respond to this lolzzzCygnusZero4
- Oh geez so embarrassing to the Democratic party...robotron3k
- ahhh there he is ....
the always lovable robotard3KKKRamanisky2 - I don't see Trump's hands all over Weinstein? That's because he's a decent human being.********
- ahhh there he is ....
the always retarded Troll King of QBNRamanisky2
- ********-8
- Google Dennis HastertBonSeff
- Where's Bill O'reillyBonSeff
- You going to get a better fitting suit the next time you and your Nazi pals go a-wandering? You all looked an absolute mess the other night.face_melter
- Like your mothers had dressed you. You proud little soldiers, you.face_melter
- thanks omg. i knew you would come through just like i predicted with good ol' ben.capn_ron
- Considering neither man made any comment to this effect, it's safe to say garrison is not only an awful political cartoonist, but also a fake news spreader.monospaced
- You thinking women should have equal status and treatment, yet have the moral audacity to defend Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby.********
- Remove Clinton and replace with Trump. Text bubble would be "When you're famous you can grab them by the pussy."
This cartoon is beyond stupidkona - omg, the Clintons did absolutely nothing to infringe on gender equality, and I never supported Cosby in his pedophilia ... so what'cha got? you're patheticmonospaced
- they didn't speak out in support of Weinstein ... so congrats on supporting more bullshit fake news, as expected from a piece of shit troll like yourselfmonospaced
- Donna Karan defends pal Weinstein, says harassed women ‘may be asking for it’
http://pge.sx/2yFr8y…******** - oh look, omg found a fellow imbecile he can relate tokona
- Donna isn't a politician, she isn't a former president, she isn't Bill Clinton or Cosby. This cartoon is still fake, and you're still a despicable piece of shitmonospaced
- Donna Karan is a political activist having endorsed Hillary Clinton for Pres., therefore deserves to take the pounding as a POS with folks like you.********
- She's a fashion designer, actually. Also, that doesn't make this cartoon true, nor does it make you less of a shit hate troll spreading fake news.monospaced
- And if you think she's endorsing sexual misconduct, or knew about it, then you've gone full retard, as you always do.monospaced
- yes even football players and actors can endorse politicians. that's how celebrities use their image for political activism.********
- in the end, Donna Karan felt like a piece of shit and apologized for being one. Too bad she didn't apologize for you too.********
- But this cartoon is still false, and you're still behind it, and you're still a despicable piece of shit troll for refusing to stay on topic.monospaced
- And I have nothing to do with Donna Karan you fucking moron.monospaced
- robotron3k-2
- don't forget Dead Roger Ailes.kingregis
- This makes no sense at all. Not even based in reality. Please explain.monospaced
- robotron3k-3
- again, michael moore is a movie guy. this is the politics thread bro. stop spamming this shitCygnusZero4
- https://upload.wikim….robotron3k
- Dead Roger Ailes fucked America. How's that for a comparison?kingregis
- robotron3k-5
- she probably got it because someone asked if they would giver an internship. do you not know how these things work?lowimpakt
- LOL!********
- here's how: in general, reptilians will promote each other's offspring so that they can remain in power and influence people.dorf
- Doh! Come on guyz...
Q: How did Malia get that internship??
A: She took a kneerobotron3k - who even cares? yeah, im sure malia knew what this guy was doing in his bedroom lmao. youre stupid as hellCygnusZero4
- look at robo being a misogynistic, bigoted, conspiracy theory believing asshole againmonospaced
- She may have had to take more than a knee. gulp!********
- ahhh there he is ....
the always retarded Troll King of QBNRamanisky2 - don't mind robo and omg, they're just projecting their insecurities.dorf
- don't mind dorf. he's wants to hide the creeps and let them get away with sexual harassment.********
- dorf has done nothing to indicate anything you just said is true, so really you're just a lying piece of shit with no actual responsemonospaced
- Salarrue4
- I can see people are starting to appreciate me more, my downvotes are much less these days...robotron3k
- robo, you're going to have to battle omg for King Troll around here bud. It isn't just gonna fall in your lap.capn_ron
- CygnusZero40
Is this the movie thread? This guy is not a politician. Why does it keep getting posted here? Do we post news about every single crooked scumbag that is friends with republicans? Lol no. Who cares about these people. Post about real politics here bro, not some fucking movie guy.
- Sorry, understand. I'll try and dig up more cartoons and funny photos of only Trump to post, because that's real politics.robotron3k
- Please robo tell us how the US president being a dumbfuck asshole has nothing to do with politics. Please.monospaced
- CygnusZero4 worried that his political scumbag friends in Hollywood are getting exposed.********
- omg can't comprehend that most democrats hadn't heard of the man before this, or that he kept it a secretmonospaced
- I mean. These idiots seem to think that all democratic voters somehow have been secretly supporting sexual deviance and are going to defend it here. Delusional.monospaced
- Don't worry, you're a true feminist and you're with her... 1, 2, 3... Go!********
- You insulting me because I think women should have equal status and treatment?monospaced
- you thought i was trying to insult you? wow. what a snowflake.********
- If you weren't trying to insult me, what were you doing? Just a classic "but Hillary" trump supporter retard comeback then?monospaced
- Beeswax0
Does this mean it's over?
No EU support, no Financial support plus half of their society is pro-union. I assume it would be another disaster similar to Brexit or even worse if they've become independent.
We don't need more borders.