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  • ********

    So disgusted. Where's the outrage?

    • Hey Troll, already posted in news of the day thread.Ramanisky2
    • fat old rich man begs for sex... one becomes president, one gets fired from his own company.fooler
    • Yeah omg but go ahead and keep supporting your Sexual Predator in Chief you fucking retarded trollRamanisky2
    • So you posted this video and you're the one calling me a troll for posting the same video. Hypocrite peanut head
    • Good point Troll
    • this isnt politics related. post it somewhere else. he makes movies for a living.CygnusZero4
    • but im sure to you, its ok for trump to get caught saying this, but not weinstein. got it!CygnusZero4
    • comparing reality tv to reality must confuse you. but go ahead and defend the guy who masturbates to potential employees. the tears on those girls you sick pos
    • Is he a politician?severian
    • no but he & Trumpie both donated money to Killary's campaign ..
      right, retarded Troll??
    • He's secretly funneled millions to the Democratic party. Funded Hillary and Obama, while being poster boy for Planned Parenthood and women's rights.
    • So that pretty much makes him a political activist.
    • He's a monster.instrmntl
    • he is sick. no doubt. snivelling, out of control ego. gack.
    • omg logic, when trump does it = he's an alpha male. weinstein = sexual deviant belongs in jail.dorf
    • No comparison to Trump's locker room talk on a TV show. Weinstein forces young girls hoping to land roles, to watch him jerk off at restaurants in reality.
    • But go ahead dorf, and tell us how being a cum bucket is acceptable in your world.
    • i was pointing out your hypocrisy but since you're too stupid, it went way over your head.dorf
    • I know what you were “trying to do”, but there’s Trump’s reality TV, then there’s Weinstein’s satanic reality of girls who get his cum bucket.
    • satanic? girls who get his cum bucket? reality? you're delusionalmonospaced
    • Just came to say omg is indeed an idiottwentyfive
    • "locker room talk" lol lap up those spoon fed talking points much?inteliboy
    • Scott Baio Hammer
  • ********

    "The Wall is looking more and more beautiful everyday."

    • my dog can dig 6 feet down.Gnash
    • There is no wall though.monospaced
    • wow, looks very similar to the current wall that is at the border.capn_ron
    • maybe you should ask for additional features.
    • is there wi-fi?Beeswax
    • He's going to paint it gold, right?formed
    • this is all for show. they'll build a mile and post pictures for the trump stupid to jack off to. for all the talk and hype this is wildly underwhelmingkona
    • Bees is right. there should be wifi, and free netflix so mexico can screen movies on the wall. worlds longest drive-inGnash
    • where are the solar panels going to go? this isn't 'beautiful' at all. 'could be 30ft, or it could be 18ft' lots of fucking laughs. this is all for showkona
    • it's going to be 10ft chain link fence with tin cans suspended from fishing wire in a few weeks.kona
    • ^ lol.Gnash
    • there won't be any wallmonospaced
    • meanwhile, sales of 40' ladders soar. fucking morons.kona
    • hahaGnash
    • lol, 6ft foundation... because the technology to dig any deeper is hundreds of years away. :\dorf
  • zaq7

    Trump Knocked Out in First Round of White House I.Q.-Test Tournament After Losing to Betsy DeVos!!


  • CygnusZero42

    Well Em certainly didnt hold back.

    • nicemonospaced
    • eminem looks like a shook bitch just like you.
    • yeah omg, probably time for you to throw out all your cds of his you purchased cause he no longer fits your dumbass viewskona
    • eminem has never made a listing in my itunes in the entire history of hip hop. his lyrics are weaks, he flips rhymes with wack beats. bitch entertainment
    • I could eat a whole bowl of alphabet soup, shit it out, and have something better than what u just said.kona
    • doesn't matter, omg, your opinion changes nothing about this message or its reach, or the fact that the majority of humans agree with himmonospaced
    • Its no surprise that mono is what comes out after kona eats a bowl of alphabet soup. All he did was split his fans to make one side dense and ignorant.
    • well, this is what it looks like when a dumbass troll is out of material and forced to rely on his own cluster of neurons to communicatemonospaced
    • cluster of neurons? omg is using his last neuron for stupiditykona
    • omg is like an evil twin peaks character. I'm waiting for him to blow up
    • someones feeling got hurt. Really omg?? Eminem got you all heated? lol. you are the biggest vagina ever dude. go change your tampon pussy.sofakingback
    • he grew up. This is prob EM'S best work.
    • lol. if you like big vaginas, why don't you rub the beef curtains between your legs and ask Eminem to visit your meat pocket?
    • sorry is that supposed to mean something or have you gone full retard?monospaced
    • This is not a subject you would be interested in. Run along.
    • ha! The only experience you have with vagina is when your mom shat you out and even that was dumb luck. That, and when you look in the mirror of course.sofakingback
    • lol I loved the lyrics.Beeswax
  • yuekit3

    Donald Trump has state visit to UK downgraded 'and will not be guest of the Queen'


  • Ramanisky25

    GOP: We are not sexist.
    Trump: Grab em by the pussy.

    GOP: We are not racist.
    Trump: NFL players stop kneeling.

    GOP: We are not anti-LGBTQ.
    Trump: Transgender military ban.

    GOP: We are not white supremacists.
    Trump: Nazis and KKK are fine people.

  • utopian1

    Trump attacks NBC News over report he wanted massive increase in nuclear arsenal


  • utopian1

    We have a pretty good idea of when humans will go extinct


  • R_Kercz1
  • ********

    look at this disgrace to hip hop, and his offensive costume wear. he ain't gangsta.

    • Are you triggered because he attacked your fatman? It's ok honey. You are special.severian
    • If you're trying to improve the world, you should start with yourself. Nothing needs more help than you dokona
    • I see another Ben Garrison cartoon with Eminem coming in the next couple posts. omg, trolling into this Wednesday at his normal pace.capn_ron
    • ^ Hahah yup
    • omg, you're a disgrace to humanitymonospaced
    • mono, you're a disgrace to your country therefore the gates of humanity are not even open for you.
    • KiNG TROLL trying out new zingersRamanisky2
    • No I'm not.monospaced
    • lol @ gates to humanity. You are one retarded, morally fucked trollmonospaced
    • he's off his meds dude, just let him ride it out till he gets his fix.sofakingback
  • ********

    Even as a proponent of limited socialism in America, I can see the possible evil in a hardcore leftist or communist America.
    There is a dark side to socialism when mixed with the business interests of corporate America.
    Imagine a world that would push biotech business interests into our bodies as law. Sure, mandating architecture is one thing but our own bodies?
    I would rather have no health care than have health care that forces things into my body as a business interest.
    Our system here needs an overhaul but communism is not the answer.
    Nordic countries have the luxury of being smaller and less susceptible to bureaucratic corruption but are interesting social models nevertheless.

    • I still find it hilarious when people equate healthcare for all with communism/socialism. some serious brainwashing going down over that pond.fadein11
    • it's a theoretical middle ground in the the binary capitalist/socialist ideological war
    • I'd say enforced consumption of healthcare drugs by the state is utterly theoreticalallthethings
    • Socialism and communism are not the same and never will be. Nor does one lead to the other. Social democracy on the other hand is a 'safer' ideology.monoboy
    • But nothing will work in the US.monoboy
    • https://www.thenatio…monoboy
    • im on board with denmarkl but then again it doesnt have to deal with the bloated, corrupt bureaucracy
    • i mean norway lol
    • I don't think we have the same perspective or understanding of socialism at all. communism worked great...in my parents home.
    • There's a long walk from where America is/has always been to "hardcore leftist or communist" - I don't understand how people perpetuate the idea that it's...ben_
    • ...either what you have now in America or some soviet-era commie nightmare as the only possible options. It's like you're thinking literally in two colours onlyben_
    • Because, apparently, they eat each other.
  • ********

    • hi KING TROLLRamanisky2
    • This is relevant to someone's intereststeh
    • Even if so, it doesn't make anything he said about your precious moron president less true.monospaced
    • Except that every moronic spit that comes out of Eminem's lips is exactly the same moronic butt hurt you tend to cry about.
    • Stop trying to pretend you know what you’re talking about, fuckboy. You only make yourself look more pathetic - if entirely possible.face_melter
    • And your playground-level retorts are hilarious. Keep it up, poopy-pants. I’m sure someone on pol will post more Blacked videos to keep you entertained.face_melter
    • News flash omg: the majority of all people on the planet agree with him.monospaced
    • love em. especially when he roasts this fat ass fake presidentCygnusZero4
    • fuck the IQ test - we wanna see a Trump vs Eminem rap battle.fadein11
  • colin_s4

    to the above comment re: evils of a potential leftist America - the big tech industry doesn't want socialism, either. Neoliberalism - what was wrought of Reagan's concept for trickle-down economics - is what is ruining the hopes for any future in America.

    Yes there is a potential that any system could create a tyrannical regime, but the idea of any system of government should be an ability to modulate power.

    I could see things like a once-a-century debate to revise and reform the bill of rights or constitutional amendments to align with the times. An absolute for term limits and a ban on soft money.

    Capitalism isn't necessarily the evil, money is - and socialism would invite an exchange of capital as well. It's about moderating systems and finding the right balance between economic influence and direct oversight of policy / social programs

    • agreed.
    • This is to say, socialism / communism can go bad with greed and imbalanced systems. But any move to the left will help those who need it in the UScolin_s
    • +1fadein11
    • which was the point i was trying to make
    • Yeah - it came off a little though like "we shouldn't move to the left because of risks of overdoing it" ... I see that business state coming either waycolin_s
    • The business state may be more oppressive under the guuse of socialism though. That was my point.
    • Governments are somewhat powerless in the face of large global corporations. They dictate policy, slash corp taxes and workers rights or they won't invest.monoboy
    • If they don't invest, no jobs or prosperity. But that prosperity is being increasingly squeezed by a capitalist system that always wants faster, cheaper, more.monoboy
    • Neoliberal thinkers say this will cause a correction as the free market always fixes itself though demand.monoboy
    • We genuinely need state intervention, of a kind that's international in cooperation. Unlikely, given we're all trying to shaft each other for profit.monoboy
    • I remember when 'corporate responsibility' was the tagline used most in annual reports. That went out window as soon as the dot.com boomed and busted.monoboy
  • ********


  • allthethings0



    Trolls, Scammers, and Verified Facebook Pages Made This Combat-Wounded Vet an Anti-Kneeling Meme. His Real Story Is Much Better.

    On Etsy, Facebook, and elsewhere, veterans’ sites are raking it in by selling a doctored image of Earl Granville—even after he’s asked them to stop.

    • Add it to the list of things those little cunts try to get away with.face_melter
    • Despicable.kona
  • ********

    Which Border Wall prototype do you vote for?

    • defnitely #1. I like how they rigged high-tension power lines onto the top to electrify the panels which I would imagine generates 1.21 gigawatts of power.kona
    • which one did you cum the most over omg?kona
    • http://i.imgur.com/3…Ramanisky2
    • sure one can just walk around any one of them, no?scruffics
    • LOL@Ram and scruffics!kona
    • #3 is great too. I'm sure no one would ever even think to hand small bags of drugs through the slots. Very clever USA!kona
    • The first three have numeric decals - not a fan. The last two have some kind of anti gravity number levitation device. Add some lasers to the 4th one and bingo!Morning_star
    • Hmm, I reckon you could still get a plane over that omg. Not high enough.monoboy
    • https://www.youtube.…monoboy
    • this wall is the most trump thing ever i.e. a thick as horshit idea that does nothing but appeals to morons.lowimpakt
    • will there be a moat?
      will it have sharks with laser beams?
    • This one's a doozy as well... https://www.youtube.…monoboy
    • Funny thing is they're building this shit prototypes near a population center, not in the middle of F'ing nowhere that makes up most of the border.mg33
    • Beginning to think we should build a wall around the entire USA. And put a fucking lid on it.monoboy
    • I want to know what the Berlin wall prototypes looked like first.monospaced
    • The Berlin wall went up in the middle of the night because they were serious. These 'prototypes' are just smoke and mirror bullshit to stoke his basekona
    • Whichever one prevents you from going anywhere near an active internet connection, omg.Continuity
    • They surely to Allah aren't going to spend $20bn+ on this mad folly because China won't lend your broke ass the money for it.monoboy
    • You forget that Mexico is paying for it, momoboyGnash
    • oh yeah, right... mexico ... lolmonospaced
  • ApeRobot0

  • twentyfive3

    I'm just here to bait omg

  • ********

    Eminem’s hatred of Trump makes a bit more sense now.

    • sure does
    • LOL ... red circle wasn't enough so he added a red arrow pointing to the red circle
      bwahahaha what a funny fucker
    • lol omg, did you not know that Weinstein runs a massive company that sponsors events and has logos on step-and-repeats that thousands of people stand beside?monospaced
    • chances are your cunt and savior trump, the idiotic president you support and defend, has a photo in front of this logo toomonospaced
    • the circle isn't even centered. fucking amateurkona
    • no mono. trump just attends sex premiers.
    • It goes deeper.
    • lol dorkKn1ght! Fucking Zing! I can hear omg hitting refresh on Ben Garrison's site praying for a new cartoonkona
    • https://pics.awwmeme…Ramanisky2
    • I get it now - omg likes Trump because he's a sex pest - they can smell their own.face_melter
  • Ramanisky25

    "I got a goo gooo goood brain" - omg