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- Tark0
he is too busy blinking his reptilian eyes at the chilled out moderator. Obama is waaaay cool.
- colin_s0
the north koreans are SO BRUTAL that the south koreans grow 3 inches more in their life!!!!
this is insanity
- khan0
- Tark0
who is mccain talking to?
- matt310
obama needs to be less diplomatic - go after him already.
- BattleAxe0
stop saying mccain is right!
- mg330
Obama's intelligence is so enjoyable to watch. McCain... really getting tired of him with his "you know, a good man once told me..."
- BattleAxe0
- Tark0
yeah, don't kiss his ass just because he can pronounce Naivité
Respect Obama's authorité!!!!!!!!
- mg330
Wow! Barack with the "You know, I've got a bracelet too!"
- colin_s0
i'd rather have a president that looks into someone's eyes and sees pupils and not letters. i mean, really, that could be a medical issue.
- Tark0
We need someone with confidence and knowledge and Obama is convincing me of that by the minute. it would suck to have to be President at a time like this and OB is just the man to do it.
- khan0
...awkward pause...
- DrBombay0
here we go with the POW talk
- locustsloth0
Nothing they said tonight makes me trust either of them any more than i did before hand. It's almost like you have to take them both at their word or completely distrust everything each of them say.
- TheBlueOne0
I am definitely using "festooned like a christmas tree" for the next week...
- DrBombay0
300 billion in additional tax breaks...
I would hate to see that fuckers VISA bill.
- locustsloth0
Obama characterizing the recent fiscal policy as a "spending orgy" makes it slightly less terrible by virtue of the word "orgy"
- a spending orgy and all the rich people are comingflashbender
- Tark0
TheBlueOne's cock was so large that i festooned like christmas tree
- hey now....TheBlueOne
- oooooops.... i meant to say that IT festooned like a christmas tree.Tark