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- TheBlueOne0
My quick thoughts:
I think neither really connected with the economic issues up front..too many "billions" and "votes" flying around...Although Obama is right on Iraq, McCain I think connected emotionally better on that portion, probably because it's the only thing he understands..McCain seemed confused at one point in the middle...his answer on Russia was idiotic...Obama finished well, but he could have really nailed McCain more...
Finally...anyone who is an "undecided voter" at this point, my personal message to you - "You are a fucking idiot..."
- TheBlueOne0
"I too looked into Putin's eyes and I saw three letters - K.G.B. But we're not going back to the Cold War..."
Oooooooookay John.
- mg330
If McCain's wiener is as long as his long long record that he's spending a long time referencing, I can see why his wife has that smile plastered to her face all the time.
- Greedo0
I love how mccain refused to look at obama, like a petulant child hoping that the problem will just disappear if he ignores it long enough.
- matt310
boring, where's the fireworks and one-liners
- mg330
McCain really needs to stop talking so highly of Reagan, because alot of this economic crisis begins with Reagan.
- Greedo0
makes me miss ross perot screaming "CAN I FINISH? CAN I FINISH?"
- mg330
WHAT THE FUCK. This was released while McCain was still on stage at the debate, by his campaign.
- no goodsofakingbanned
- Now, how could McCain approve that message while he was on stage?duckofrubber
- Tark0
fuck those sellout video editors
if i had to make one of those i would make an accordion out of his wife.
- ukit0
Best moment from Obama:
- sadly I think it was Obama's best and really, only shot.robotron3k
- Tark0
this might be a good time to take a break and go to:
select 'work'
then 'Trojan Vault'
then think of mrs mccain
- mg330
The thing I really want to know the truth on, and I hope FactCheck.org will report on this, is if McCain has been involved in every foreign military crisis or involvement in the last 20+ years.
Has he been involved in terms of being an advisor to a president, or has he been involved inasmuch as average senators and congressmen that get to vote or simply comment on things?
Something tells me that McCain really might be stretching the truth a bit in terms of his individual importance on that particular subject.
- robotron3k0
I like his closing statement, "When I got home from prison...."
so when did he serve time, and for what, child molestation??
- ukit0
My take:
I thought they both did pretty well. Obama was confident and showed an aggressiveness he didn't show during the primary debates, and he probably reassured a lot of people tonight who were worried whether he could be a plausible commander in chief. I thought he thrashed McCain during the first half hour or so on domestic issues but then McCain did better when it moved on to issues where Obama is in a rhetorically weak position (the surge, meeting with Iran etc). Overall, McCain held his own given the tough week he had. His tactic of saying Obama doesn't get it was effective because it allowed him to attack without being angry. At the same time, he's got to be worried about the final debate which will be solely on domestic policy. Maybe it is just me but I don't think most people care about earmarks or freezing spending, they are much more in line with a Dem agenda, and McCain's ability to speak out domestic issues was not encouraging.
So, putting aside my obvious agreement with Obama on nearly everything, I say it's a draw, but I am pretty bad at gaming these things in terms of what the media will say.
- ukit0
CBS Poll of uncommitted voters, FWIW:
40% Obama won
22% McCain won
38% Draw.
- ukit0
Hmmm...maybe I am not giving Obam enough credit
CNN/Opinion Research telephone poll
51 Obama
38 McCain
- colin_s0
i think that this was a debate for the being the president, and that obama acted presidential. mccain wouldn't acknowledge obama on the stage, sidestepped questions much more and seemed to me to be like the post-grad frat boy interviewing for his first job at the law firm his fraternity brother's father works at. he almost seemed entitled as opposed to truly believing in the position.
obama was postured, conceded to the moderator when time was up and agreed when mutual points were made. mccain displayed the ugliest of modern america's society pitfalls; self-righteousness, arrogance, and an obliviousness to the world as it sees our country.
- So, what you're saying is that McCain was festooned like a Christmas tree with self-righteousness.TheBlueOne
- it was an orgy of self grandiosityDrBombay
- TheBlueOne0
Obama has this except for two big issues: How the bailout falls out and where Obama and McCain are on it and how it gets sold to the public and, secondly, if all the white people who say they'd vote for Obama really do so when they walk into a voting booth alone with no one to see what lever they pull...