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October 2nd is going to be fun!
- ukit0
- ********0
and at the end, no matter how many debates obama is going to 'win'...
he will lose at the election day.to many stupids over there in US if you ask me.
and to much old fashioned people- Maybe Obama should run for President of Belgium insteadukit
- we may surprise you yethallelujah
- maybe********
- robotron3k0
Mccain = Troll
- McCain = hedge?!?!locustsloth
- wtf with the isreal flagKwesiJ
- hallelujah0
"Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg ran a dial-group with 45 undecided voters in St. Louis during the debate, polling them before and after to judge how the event changed their reactions to Obama and McCain. The group was mostly middle-aged, split evenly among education and class lines, and was heavily comprised of Bush 2004 voters [...]
Both candidates saw their net favorability ratings rise over the course of the evening. McCain started off with a 22-point net and gained 9 points. But Obama went from a 6-point net favorability to plus-45, a shift of 39 points that placed him higher than McCain at the end of the debate (69% versus 62%).
McCain was seen as the more negative of the two—by 7 points before the debate and by 26 points after. The audience did not like it when he went after Obama for being "naïve" or used his oft-repeated "what Senator Obama doesn't understand" line. When the two clashed directly in the second half of the debate, with Obama repeatedly protesting McCain's characterization of his statements or positions, the voter dials went down. Voters appear to have judged McCain too negative in those encounters and Obama more favorably.
John Cole notes the negative reviews of McCain's performance as being too angry, too contemptuous of Obama to even look him in the eye, then continues:
SNL will probably drive the point home in a skit that will become the dominant narrative tonight, and McCain will become boxed in regarding his behavior in the second debate, much as Gore was unable to be as aggressive as he wanted in the second debate (I remember the running joke was that Gore had been medicated for the second debate). And if McCain does not tone down the contempt, it will simply feed the narrative. or, if we are really lucky, as someone suggested in another thread, McCain will overcompensate and spend the entire time comically and creepily attempting to make eye contact with Obama (think Al Gore walking across the stage to stand next to Bush, and Bush looking at him as if to think "WTF are you doing?").
This should be terrifying for the McCain campaign for two reasons. First, the base will not understand it. To them, a sneering, contemptuous jerk is a feature, not a bug. When they try to tone down McCain, it will turn off the diehards. Look at the reaction of the base to Palin’s RNC speech- they LOVED that she was, for all intents and purposes, nothing but an asshole the entire speech. They loved the "zingers" that were written for her. The rest of the country recoiled in horror, and Obama raised ten million the next 48 hours.
Second, they have spent the last few months angrily lashing out at the media, and these were the folks who used to love McCain. The campaign no longer allows McCain to talk to the media, and the Straight Talk Express is the "No Talk" Express these days. So for the bobbleheads that will be pushing the new narrative of the mean old McCain, the contrast is real. It wasn’t just the snarling you and I saw on tv. It was the contrast from the nice, friendly, have some BBQ here are your donuts McCain to the new one. "
- ukit0
n a Saturday conference call with reporters, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe called Gov. Sarah Palin "a terrific debater" who has "performed very, very well" in previous debates with opponents in her state.
Politico's Mike Allen writes:
"We've looked at tapes of Gov. Palin's debates, and she's a terrific debater," Plouffe told reporters on a conference call. "She has performed very, very well. She's obviously a skilled speaker. We expect she'll give a great performance next Thursday." [...]
"She's obviously prepping this weekend in Pennsylvania," Plouffe continued. "Anyone who watches any of her previous debates would be impressed by her debating skills."
Obama national press secretary Bill Burton added: "What's missing is knowing where she stands on a lot of the important issues that will come up at the debate. Preparing to debate against someone who is really largely unknown, who's spent so much time preparing for the debate, will be a real challenge.
"She's not out there on the stump that much. She's not doing a whole lot of interviews. So she's spending a whole lot of time -- hours and hours a day, apparently -- preparing for this debate. And we suspect that she'll come in fighting form."
- ukit0
- janne760
- dutchies and belgians are now feeling the true devastation of the crisis. THANKS USA! really..janne76
- Happy to do it.SarahPalin
- SarahPalin0
You can thank Clinton. In 1995 he passed a policy to give a (well intentioned) fighting chance to lower income families by intervening with the free market and forcing them to pass and offer loans down to families that normally wouldn't have gotten the loans because of the high risk. Now those risky loans are surfacing and banks are biting. Government interference once again.
- **** My response gets 4 starsSarahPalin
- how much do you love yourself? in other words, how sad are you?janne76
- So when does your Junior SS uniform show up in the mail?TheBlueOne
- So in 8 YEARS you guys couldn't fix it???????DCDesigns
- ukit0
While Bloomberg this morning is reporting that Washington Mutual's holding company has filed for bankruptcy, one clear winner emerged from the financial giant's meltdown.
Meet Alan Fishman, Washington Mutual's CEO, who's been on the job less than three weeks:
As should be no surprise, he signed a juicy contract: a $7.5 million signing bonus and a lump-sum payment for severance that comes to $6.15 million. In other words, if he leaves the company, he'll walk away with $13.65 million.
That's a pretty good deal in light of the fact that WaMu is the biggest bank collapse ever.
And Wall Street wonders why the peasants are getting a tad restless.
- Are you in 5th grade? Seriously. Are you?SarahPalin
- HAHA...WTF?ukit
- janne760
SarahPalin, i kindly ask you to leave. please.
You are childish in a way that doesn't entertain anyone here.- Oh, I am highly entertained by the monkey poo throwing....TheBlueOne
- titjanne76
- ukit0
I am going on the assumption that he/she/it is acting out a clever parody of a troll. The irony runs deep on this site, you know.
- that's what all trolls are. they are still just as boring, thoughhallelujah
- hallelujah0
"The audience did not like it when he went after Obama for being "naïve" or used his oft-repeated "what Senator Obama doesn't understand" line. When the two clashed directly in the second half of the debate, with Obama repeatedly protesting McCain's characterization of his statements or positions, the voter dials went down. Voters appear to have judged McCain too negative in those encounters and Obama more favorably."
- johndiggity0
i'm writing in ron paul.
- KwesiJ0
this election is absurd
- ********0
- ukit0
Yo are absurd