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- robotron3k0
Looks like the citizens are starting to get riled up here in the US.
There's a "die in" by codepink at the House of Representatives as on the sidewalk that they walk on the way to the 1pm vote.
The entire House is up for reelection this year, a basically they will be voted out of office if they vote yes for this measure. They are fighting it tooth and nail, from the early reports I saw, most of them were against the bailout.
you can track your congress persons vote right here at megavote, that way you know if you should vote for the incumbent in your area this Nov:
There is another protest on Wall Street at noon today and the nationwide protest is on Weds, October 1st.
- nationwide ey! looks like Im going to get docked some pay cause I wont be going to work!BattleAxe
- since I work for gov anyway its like giving some money back to the people no?BattleAxe
- working for the government is like paid unemployment.robotron3k
- tis true!BattleAxe
- BattleAxe0
this lady makes me want to puke
"People have to know that this isn't about a bailout of Wall Street. It's a buy-in so we can turn our economy around," Pelosi said.
- mikotondria30
No, Ms Pelosi - it's the greatest heist ever conceived. It is the defining event of the 21st century, eclipsing 911 and official alien contact - when our grandchildrens' grandchildren look through their family trunks and find pictures of us they will say 'wow, they lived through the great robbery', and they'll STILL be paying the robbers even then.
It's no accident that the army have been recalled to be put on a new form of active duty at home, using new non-lethal weapons and crowd control training - the sky really IS falling - we are being held up, and if we protest or refuse then the resulting rapid decline of the financial system, stock market and law and order will result in martial law.
And we nearly got a nearly black president, aw shucks.
They can have all my money, I don't give a fuck anymore, take it - take it all. Lock me up and throw away the key, I'm done even trying to pretend there was a chance it wouldn't end in this, so luckily I've spent the last 10 years doing what I always wanted to before getting jammed in the sole of your jackboot.
A big Fuck You, from all of us.
- BattleAxe0
The amount of brazen corruption and conflicts of interest swirling around this deal is odious, even by Washington's standards - and polls suggest the public inherently understands that. Consider these choice nuggets:
* Warren Buffett is simultaneously advising Obama to support the deal, while he himself is investing in the company that stands to make the most off the deal.
* McCain's campaign is run by lobbyists from the companies that stand to make a killing off a no-strings government bailout.
* The New York Times reports that the person advising Paulson and Bernanke on the AIG bailout was the CEO of Goldman Sachs - a company with a $20 billion stake in AIG.
* The Obama campaign's top spokesman pushing this deal is none other than Roger Altman, who Bloomberg News reports is simultaneously "advising a group of investors who are trying to prevent their shares from being diluted in the U.S. takeover of American International Group Inc." - that is, who have a direct financial interest in the current iteration of the bailout.
Add to this the fact that the negotiations over this bill have been largely conducted in secret, and you have one of the most sleazy heists in American history.
- BattleAxe0
In all it's glory
- TheBlueOne0
It's so funny that some of us have been saying for nearly seven years now what a bunch of crooks and bullshit artists have usurped the White House, only to have to defend ourselves as being at best "not serious" to at worst being called a "traitor". All of a sudden when it hits their pocketbooks dumbshit America wakes up - far too late to punish the guilty. It's really no fun to say "I told you so....."
- rylamar0
Mark Cuban giving his analysis of it.
"Remember this. The 1.25 Trillion Dollars plus lost in this crisis is more than has ever been made in the history of banking. Worse yet, its not the first time they have lost everything they have made in the history of banking."
- ukit0
Bailout may have failed to pass the House...developing...
- ukit0
Legislation to bail out the U.S. financial system appears near defeat on the floor of the House. More than enough members of the House had cast votes to defeat the bill, and the vote was being held open, apparently as efforts were under way to persuade people to change their vote. The Dow reacted sharply, plummeting more than 700 points.
- smart. Now's the time for them to stick to their "free market" principles.********
- smart. Now's the time for them to stick to their "free market" principles.
- amongthemasses0
let's get some things straight.
- Complete horse shite********
- you obviously know nothing about the financial market. Propaganda yes, but true.amongthemasses
- So the repubs. couldn't fix it even thought they controlled congress and the White House???DCDesigns
- Complete horse shite
- TheBlueOne0
Holy fuck...
- lowimpakt0
- TheBlueOne0
Welcome to a historic day people.
- Unthanks, tbo. : /
To all the schoolkids researching today for a school project: "AAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"mikotondria3 - //MUST APPEASE WALLSTREET!Mimio
- Unthanks, tbo. : /
- fooler20
Politics 1234 (wish it was that easy)
- lowimpakt0
i pity the next president.... whoever she may be.
- ukit0
Should I be happy/sad/angry/terrified? I wish hedge was around to explain all of this...
- TheBlueOne0
So, should McCain suspend his campaign again? You guys discuss, I'm on lookout for the giant Putin head which could be flying over anytime...